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Love Empowerment

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July 7, 2001, morning session

Teaching Mission conference,

Snowbird resort new Salt Lake City.


Good morning. I am Tarkas.

My emotion runs deep as I look about and see many dear friends and brothers and sisters from this great  adventure.  How far we have come together. How far we will go together.

My beloved colleague, Welmek, has spoken of true leadership, which can be translated to mean service. As we conclude to our way of perception, a few brief years of organizing upon your world, I must perhaps advance your perspective somewhat as we retrace this history.

It seems so brief and while it may seem to you that after these few short years you need to somehow organize, may I remind you that the organization of the correcting time of the many planets of this rebellion has required an infinite amount of organization over a long, long period of time, and your vanguard, the wonderful Abraham, only a short time ago made contact with a carefully selected small gathering of humans on a small island country, people carefully chosen for their humility and their grace.

From this very small beginning has come years of phenomenal organization, not human organization, for it did not exist, but the organization of the Melchizedeks, the organization of Christ Michael, the organization of the multitudes and legions of those who will work co-creatively with many personalities to reclaim and deliver to glorious light and life these many planets, yours among them.

And as these few years have progressed, we have utilized our own organization to inspire each of you to positions in which you can all be leaders. As needs have arisen, they have been filled. Great progress has been made in building an environment in which you can be truly open and loving, non-judgmental and non-fearing of judgment from your fellows. It delights our hearts no end to see your camaraderie, your hugs, your laughter, your smiles, your joy at being together

With you all working together and no matter any appointed office, we all continue to work with your individually through your own heart, through your own mind, through your own spirit to help do this great work. You will be individuals to us no matter what structure you build around you. , coming to be re-fortified to go out in the world.

With you all working together and no matter any appointed office, we all continue to work with your individually through your own heart, through your own mind, through your own spirit to help do this great work. You will be individuals to us no matter what structure you build around you.

This is, of course, your prerogative, and as you build organizations come great challenges to work together and grow. But truly in this case, you might consider returning to the very essences, the very basic truths, the very basic simplicity where we all should begin. This is where the reclamation of your planets begins. This is where the reclamation of your soul, the building of your soul, the shining deliverance and ultimate glory of your fully built soul will come to fruition. So consider your organization to be a soul-full thing if your essence is your soul.

The building block is simple as well. It is Love. Love will build your soul. And in the very beginning, Abraham told this first small group that God is the ultimate simplicity, that he and the teachers come to reveal the simplicity of God, that humankind complicates even as you see your organization complicate and build conflict where truly none exists, only misunderstanding.

And so, if God is simple, if the great and glorious God is simple, then should not everything else be simple as well?

If our mission is Love, is it not simple to spread Love? If simplicity is the hallmark, then it is no wonder that the simple but eloquent golden rule applies to every soul on the planet. Perhaps this is all you need.

As we have moved forward these many years, the truths remain the same. I would urge you not to complicate but to focus instead on the basics — the love, the service, the building of your soul. So, if you would organize, I would suggest that you consider the one great mission of all the personalities of all the world, of ALL    the worlds.

Our mission is simple — to reveal the great simplicity of God, the love of God, and build your soul, individually, on whatever planet, whatever society, whatever creed, whatever, whatever, whatever. God is simple. God is profound.

It is profoundly simple that God is profound. It is simple. It is simple. God is love. God will help you build your soul, and if you would organize, perhaps you should simply organize under love … simply organize under love … simply organize under Love.

Let love be your guide and you will be empowered with leadership. This mission, which we have observed to make extraordinary progress in a short time, as have indeed all the planets, virtually shows the power of Michael’s missions, shows the power of the Melchizedek simple curriculum, reveals the power of love through the Stillness in which this love permeates and energizes your very core, your every fiber, your every fragment of being so that you feel it, love it, want it more, want to share it.

Love — we are empowered by it. And this, I maintain, is embracing spiritual reality with practical arms.

So this first segment of years, bringing us to this milestone, may be considered a time in which you have learned these simple lessons. You’ve learned to work together reasonably well and now can focus on bringing forward the mission to new realities, to new people, to personalities not now in synch with your own. You can find this synchronicity with them — the various religions, the various dogmas, the various and many individuals looking for a higher level of spiritual growth … sometimes with strong and adamant ideas which you must work with in order to bring you both to fruition of the spirit.

You can reach out and you can reach many other people, and many other organizations with the power of your love, which will give you magnetism, which will literally draw people to you, wanting to be close to your essence, wanting to become part of it.

Let them express their ideas freely and fully, and listen fully and freely as the Master did at many places where he traveled. Listen to them with respect and know that their beliefs are not what you need to challenge. What you need to do is help them build their souls as you are building your own soul.

By sharing love more than ideas, sharing passion, by sharing a knowingness that comes from finding each other’s eyes and making a divine connection that moves you both, coalescing much higher than your differences of opinion.

I urge you to consider these things as important to you, to find these simplicities of great truth, these pearls of great wisdom and bring them into your lives. You will thus radiate them all about you in your troubled environments to which you must return. Know that those of you who go back to troubled situations — many of us will follow you. For we have heard your yearning, your cries for help, your subtle desires to bring forth higher realizations and you will be rewarded as you step forward.

In faith we are empowered in that conscious act to step forward more fully and embrace you more fully with the empathetic and loving ministry we are so blessed to provide. May it be worthy of you, for we honor you, we respect you, we feel deeply with you about the challenges that permeate your lives.

In the simplicity of the stillness — and fully feeling the simplicity,t he profound glory of God within you, within each heart —you will have the power to radiate forth and deal with all manner of organizations which are much more limited in their leadership than the leadership you bring forth as living waters of truth from  your soul within, from Michael’s profound empathy and love for you which energizes this mission, energizes us all.

Feel the energy; love one another.  Have a good time. We are having a great time with this conference and we’re having a great time watching you have a great time. We love you very much. We will ever be will you. Peace.