[tmtranscripts] Spiritual Contact Group - 7/28/21

bdevinebob at gmail.com bdevinebob at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 23:14:50 PDT 2021

July 28, 2021

* My friends, it is good to be with you tonight in tandem. I am
Daniel, here with my associate Aaron and the supportive and encouraging
presence of Abraham. We are engaging with you, not just simply through
Simeon, but also fine-tuning with each of you, allowing for a more
connective circuit. Allow your intention to focalize on one question: How
can I do the will of my Father, Mother, Spirit presence more assuredly --
yes, in life each day -- but also in association with the connected
presences here gathered? The Midwayers are functioning with you in
combination with other associated spirit presences, to the degree of your

We encourage you to contemplate the unspoken realities that can transfer
via energy. While these connections may not result in conscious words at
all times, rest assured that you are ministered to on a deeper level than
word. The ability to function in today’s world is made more able by your
efforts at becoming attuned. We would that all would have this opportunity
to rest easy in the presence of God. Allow the excitements and
frustrations, the tension-building episodes, and confusing aspects of an
ever increasing amount of information coming at you from various directions
to gain perspective from this calming presence. You may not always get the
verbal answers, but you can find a level of clarity and calm when relaxing
in the presence of Spirit.

God is not an isolated reality in a far away place. In some ways, the
far-flung ministry of the ascending and descending children of God are the
acts of God Him or Herself. As you engage in actively pursuing spiritual
reality and providing the ministry, the kindness, the truth, and the
witness of another being in service, you are acting as a part of God in
those moments. This is a partnership.

Recognize your place and your invitation to be a part of this grand
universal process, not simply as a cog in a machine, but also truly
welcomed into a loving and supportive family, learning from your siblings,
teaching your younger siblings, experiencing the joys and the challenges.
The attendant realization of this should allow you to recognize that there
is no one thing that you have to do to be worthy, to participate. All of
who you are and who we are works together in the eternal and infinite plan
of our universal parents.

This is a collective sharing this evening from our collaboration prior to
the meeting and we hope you can find some insight in it. At this time we
are open to any questions or any thoughts in sharing that you may have as

Q1: Daniel, I’m wondering if you might have something to say about a
project in which I have been involved and to help paint a clearer picture
of the realities I am trying to illustrate? A long time ago there was a
group of beings in robes that came to ask me if I was ready to do this. And
I said yes. And then they left. Later, these drawings started coming out of
my hand and I am under the impression that the drawings are a part of the
project. I’m wondering if there is some recognition on your part about what
sort of thing this is or perhaps you might have the verbal communication
that would help me to interpret the impressions into ever more clearer

* Daniel: Thank you for sharing. The inspirations from spirit,
from your adjuster, and other spiritual presences related thereto, are
interpreted by you, as humans, in various ways. Not all receive inspiration
in words. Whenever one endeavors to create from a place of sincerity, using
the tools of truth, beauty and goodness, those efforts are met with an
equal measure, or potential, of spiritual insight. Your ability to express
grows as you express and experience the results of your endeavors.
Contemplate how you have manifested some project or piece of art. The
lifetime of willingness you have shown to be receptive to these leadings,
utilizing your talents, has brought many things to fruition, but your
continued expansion in all of this simply requires your continued
willingness to be open. Is there something in particular you would like to
envision from this process?

Q1: This process is, as I understand it, a matter of keeping the intent
open. When I question how to keep it clear, I was thinking of making the
impressions more of a matter of intent from Spirit, free of human intent,
or my personal intent.

* Daniel: Yes, this is a question for many on how to separate
themselves and their human inclinations from their spiritual side so that
inspiration can be more free-flowing and pure, and yet we encourage you to
not dismiss your human intention, but to recognize it and put it in
perspective with your overall desire to be spirit led. This experience you
are having now is a human experience and before long you will see what it
is like to engage without some of the barriers as you progress forward in
your ascension. But as long as your desire is to be more pure and focused
and in the presence of God, then what results is worth exploring.

* Q2: Daniel, Aaron and Father Abraham, it is so good to hear
from all three of you at one time. I wasn’t going to come on tonight
because I have been feeling heavy, human, overloaded, all the things you
said. So I didn’t want to bring anybody down on this lovely Wednesday
call. To hear from the three of you, I am overjoyed, uplifted and ready for
a new day. So, thank you, to all three of you.

* I am Abraham. My dear, in no small measure did I choose to
visit this evening to assure you that your presence is welcome and we
prefer you to come and be, rather than to avoid because of some sense of
frustration or feeling of low energy. Know that we are working with you and
the connections are there. You have the support to rise up from the
challenges you and so many other people face. Thank you for your
expressions tonight.

Q3: Abraham, thank you for coming, and Daniel and Aaron. I have a service
question. Speaking of groups of beings, I have a friend who has those
Shadow men following her, the ones with the red eyes and they are seen by,
and scaring the grandchildren. I’ve researched about them on the internet,
you know how it is, lots of repeat information in circles but nobody has
any advice about what to do about it. I want to ask you, not so much who
they are or their history but just how do we handle them when we become
aware of them? How to make them go away, or destroy them? What can we do
when they are haunting us?

* I am Aaron. Thank you for your question tonight. The first
thing to recognize in your spiritual pursuits, aside from the fact of the
presence of God, is that the Universe is friendly. There are no evil beings
allowed to enact their purposes on your world aside from those actions that
occur in material form by mortals.

With this initial statement, I would encourage the recognition of what can
bring one into the loving embrace of the spiritual family of God when one
has fears and doubts and questions. There is a force field of goodness in
Michael’s Spirit of Truth that one can tap into. Sometimes it may help to
envision this force field as a light around you and around your loved ones
that prevents the darkness from pervading, knowing that if you ground
yourself in the presence of God, no spirit or disembodied soul, nor any
other non-physical presence can penetrate this citadel of strength and
power. My encouragement would be to encourage your loved ones and friends
to envision, with you or on their own, the light and love of God
surrounding them and protecting them. This can have influences physically,
mentally and spiritually. I hope this answers you to some degree.

Q3: Yes, as you say that, I remember that there was one comment on all of
that material online I tried to read, where they had said something like
thinking good thoughts and being happy made it go away. Essentially, that
is what you are saying in using the power of light and love.

* Aaron: And sometimes people need an image to be able to return
to when they become afraid or uncertain, so having some image of what you
do want, to replace what you don’t want, which allows for the positive
presence to feel more real in the moment.

Q4: In my cross-over experience, I noted that there was a very personal and
in depth connection, consciously, with my host on the other side and I
suppose my soul, or whatever I became. So, what say you about appreciating
the conscious telepathic connection between spirit host and mortal, or
quasi-mortal? I’m directing this question in regard to the impressions of
the Shadow people.

* Aaron: While I can’t speak specifically to a particular group
such as this, what I can say is, again, how people perceive the presences
around them is not always based in the actuality of what is occurring.
Therefore, one could be sensing a presence of goodness and finding it
fearful if they didn’t recognize it for what it was. And yet, your
connection spiritually can be at a deep and soulful level, such as you have
experienced with your spiritual connections at times. Another person might
react differently to something that occurs, whether real or imagined.

Q4: So, it couldn’t hurt to consciously address the shadow people in full
awareness because in doing so, they would recognize the actual benign
presence behind the shadow impression?

* Aaron: Potentially. The imagery of recognizing the Spirit
presence around you such as the Spirit of Truth and the presence of the
light of God serves to build a bridge, in some ways, to explore without
fear, to know that you are held safely in the presence of God so that one
could explore what is occurring from a different perspective.

Q5: When we address you with our questions or comments, are you hearing
just what we say or is our unspoken intent obvious to you as well?

Aaron: This is a good question, for we are not mind readers. We are not
allowed to analyze your emotions and thoughts as we hear your questions. We
generally react from what is expressed, although at times we do have some
sense of your emotional state or feelings based upon the connective
presences involved, as well. But mostly we hear your expression and respond
based on the moment and based on other interactions that occur throughout
your days, as we are invited to participate.

Q5: So, if you need to know more about, say the spirit of our enquiries, is
it protocol that you might ask us? Well, I guess you do when you ask if
there are any further question?

* Aaron: Yes, we do ask for clarification at times because of
our inability to know exactly what the intention is.

* I am Daniel again. Are there any last thoughts or questions?

Q6: Yes. How is it going? The Michael-Machiventa-Abraham plan… how is it

* Daniel: Thank you for the broad stroke. We are excited as
participants in the plan on this side, privy to the various measures
underway. Of course we cannot speak to everything, but know that while
there are true difficulties on your world at this time, environmentally and
spiritually and in relationships amongst humans of various tribes, there is
what we would see as a groundswell beginning that is asking the questions
that can generally find answers such as, “Why am I here? Will I survive? Is
there Anybody out there?” As people ask these questions it means they are
seeking whether they consider themselves spiritual or not.

Scientists are striving for answers to many questions and even if they
think they are a material child of the earth, we see them as children of
God nevertheless, and work with them in their truest intention to be of
service and to help provide solutions and answers to the various
difficulties. Yes, people are listening and asking and that combination
generally leads to a greater level of spiritual awareness in the long term.
Perhaps we will see a renaissance in the near future of creative and
scientific and spiritual ideas exploding upon the scene.

Q6: Yay! I vote yes!

* Daniel: I knew you would.

Q7: Could you comment on the nature of the groundswell that is occurring
amongst the UFO community and their interest in making contact with spirit

* Daniel: Young children, as they make friends, have a practice
that is called parallel play. Various communities of seekers could be seen
similarly to be involved in parallel play, such that in one circle I could
be called Daniel, in another Maitreya, in another some alien from another
planet, but nevertheless the communications have a thread of truth to the
degree that they are seeking answers. Therefore, I encourage you to
consider these groups of seeking people as participating in a journey
that’s a similar direction even if how they perceive they are receiving
that direction is different.

There is one plan of Michael for our universe, and all of us are working
toward that plan and as we reach out to you, it will be interpreted in
various ways.

Q8: You may have answered my question right there. Abraham was in the Bible
and if I tell someone I talked to Abraham, because I am in what they
perceive as a cult, suddenly I am seen as evil because the Bible says I am
not supposed to ever talk to any invisible people or use fortune tellers or
Ouija boards and all that. It seems just crazy to me. But, if I say that
all things are working in the plan of God, that’s what you called a broad
stroke, then it’s okay that we talk to Abraham.

* Daniel: I have complete faith that you will know how to talk
with your family in a way that is nonthreatening if you apply yourself from
a spiritual perspective.

Q8: Well, you know it’s been 20 years in the Teaching Mission and I’m still
not welcome in my hometown. So no, I’m not sure that’s going to happen
until the Mansion Worlds. I can wait until then and say “See, I told you
so.” (Laughter) Oh, the petty human heart! But thank you and for all you
have done for us.

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