[tmtranscripts] Serena 12-14-14

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 08:02:12 PST 2014

Serena-Magisterial Mission Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org/> www.ctrforchristcon.org

December 14, 2014

TOPIC: Focusing on our Spirits of Truth; seeding TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS
into the planet's consciousness, worship of Paradise Father

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we're grateful for the opportunity to come
together as one. Thank you for weaving us together in this circuit of the
Magisterial Mission. Thank you for weaving us in this soul to soul,
Adjuster to Adjuster, heart to heart web of your LOVE. Thank you for all
the celestials who participate with us to move these energies into the areas
of our planet's consciousness where they will do the most good and bring
about more change for people to open the Father's WILL. You know what is
necessary, you know what is needed, and we open ourselves to you that we may
focus our efforts in support of the Magisterial Mission. Thank you. May
your will be done.

SERENA: Greetings one and all! This is Serena. Once again I will be
facilitating today's call and being in service to our Magisterial Son in the
furtherance of the energies necessary for the mission to materialize here
upon Urantia.

Settle into your hearts. Take some deep breaths and relax. There are many
around you who will help you open and receive these energies that emanate
from the Paradise Father in His LOVE, and what you send forth from your own
hearts and minds into this construct of consciousness will be put to good
use in support of the mission and all of the other efforts to build the
presence for this mission to take form when the time is right on the
material plane.

There is a growing desire and need for truth dwelling within the human
heart. The desire for truth is paving the way for much change to occur over
time. There are new circuits of light being constructed for more truth to
prevail within the human heart, cut through the energies of deception and
error that have precipitated much chaos and calamity upon this world.

You know that you have a connection to your Father Michael through the
Spirit of Truth, and as we begin our focus efforts today, I invite you to
focus on your Spirit of Truth. What does this connection to Michael mean
for your life? How does it bear the spiritual fruit of truth in your own
life? What type of truth do you seek to understand? Spend a few moments
focusing on your Spirit of Truth as we minister to you now, adding more
light into this circuit for the Spirit of Truth and your connection to
Michael may take deeper root in you and help you to open to greater truths,
to help support your own inner transformational journey. (Pause)

You know that truth is relative to one's ability to perceive the higher
meanings and values of the Father's plans of creation and how it unfolds in
human life. Many people talk about their own personal truth, but this is a
representation of what they believe or feel, and sometimes does not mirror
what is truly a representation of an aspect of the Father.

During today's transmission we invite you to step into this word TRUTH and
the spiritual synergy contained within it that you may impart more truth
into your being through your desire to open to what this wishes to disclose
to you. In this manner you will open to more of Michael's presence within
you, and the foundation of your being becomes stronger in Him, and you may
stand in this aspect of His being and have a greater ability to discern what
is real and true from a cosmic perspective, to help you perceive what your
world is now undergoing as it opens it eyes and heart to a new reality-true
reality. (Pause)

Invite the energies of TRUTH to go deeper into your beings. Open your
hearts that you may imprint upon this dynamic power presence of your Father
to help you see through His eyes what your world is undergoing. There is a
larger picture forming, and it is challenging for the human mind to grasp
this enhanced enlarged perspective all at once. There are many facets and
factors of this growing reality and it is shifting planetary consciousness
to realms that are unfamiliar, especially to those who still have yet to
awaken to the presence of Spirit Within. (Pause)

Breathe in TRUTH. Feel your need for it for this is a true need of your
soul development. It is challenging at times for the human mind to sort
through that which is distorted and errorful and be able to discern what is
true. But your Father Michael knows and in this TRUTH endowment He will
help you make sense of what it is you see, what it is you experience, what
it is you feel, and support your lives as you move through this time of

So many individuals of this world are caught up in webs of confusion and
distortion. This misplaces hope, engenders fear. We look to you to be the
vanguards of TRUTH and to hold this spiritual endowment acquirement that you
may press into this aspect of your Father Michael to help you sort through
that which is true and that which is a false representation of the Father's
LOVE and reality. Sometimes it is subtle and it is challenging for you to
discern facts from distortion. So when you are at this juncture, when you
are at this place of the unknown, focus on your Spirit of Truth and ask your
Father Michael to help you perceive that which is real, that which is
aligned in the Father's WILL. Develop this as a habit to help you make
sense of what is occurring during these times of change. (Pause)

The tide is turning. The world is awakening. Let us shift focus then now
into the heart circuits of planetary consciousness. Focus on this word
TRUTH and ask for it to be seeded into this collective construct that the
human heart of the planet's consciousness may indeed grow stronger and more
deliberate in opening to truth.

If it is helpful in your focusing, you may draw that ribbon of spiritual
energy around the planet in that counter-clockwise motion from the North to
the South Pole and this ribbon of light contains the word TRUTH. We will
add our energies into what you generate from your hearts. Feel your love
for truth, feel your desire for more people to open to these circuits of
TRUTH, that what this contains within it may disclose a new awareness to the
human heart circuit of Michael's beloved world. (Pause)

There is a growing hunger for truth and with that a desire for righteousness
to prevail. In your mind's eye, see this word RIGHTEOUSNESS and hold that
as a focus along with the TRUTH energies and spiral that around the planet
in that counter clockwise manner. TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS-two vital
components for the Correcting Time, for the energies of change to stir the
human heart and awaken the soul, to help the individuals of this world open
to the Father's LOVE to co-create a new world, a more spiritually enhanced
manner of living. (Pause)

I now draw your attention to the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Take
a few moments to focus on these words as well as your desire for the mission
to come closer to the earth plane, seeding its energies into the construct
of the heart's consciousness of the planet. We will add what we can into
what you are generating from your hearts and minds. (Pause)

Feel your love for this world, your love for Michael, for Mother, for the
Paradise Father, for your brothers and sisters not only of this world but of
the universe. Let your hearts open, swell with the feelings of affection,
compassion for all reality. You are a part of this circuit of LOVE that
permeates all life forms. So allow us to move in you now and expand you in
these circuits of LOVE, that your desires for more TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS
and the energies of the Magisterial Mission go deeper into this heart
circuit of the planet. It is LOVE that builds these energies, pure and
simple. The more you generate these feelings of affection, the greater
capacity we have to take what you focus upon and add more spiritual energy
into it. (Pause)

You have all been called into service. You are all now serving in love.
You will grow in this love and your ability to be more compassionate,
giving, generous, kind, understanding, merciful and forgiving. These are
all great acts of love that you demonstrate. Allow your hearts to become
full of LOVE and generate that out into these circuits of consciousness.

Let us lift our hearts up to the Father in Paradise with this love in our
hearts. Let us take this time together in the simple act of appreciation
and affection for the Father. (Pause)

Return your focus back to Urantia to these circuits of co-creation. In your
mind's eye, envision the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION containing
into these circuits of the planet's consciousness. Let your hearts be light
in the awareness that you have collaborated with us today to engender more
change come into the circuit of Urantian consciousness, that the vibrancy of
TRUTH may spark new ideas, awareness within this heart consciousness to help
the individuals of this world perceive more from their own indwell Spirits
of Truth. (Pause)

On behalf of all our celestial presences today, we thank you. We are
grateful for your faith, your dedication, your love, your commitment to grow
in the Father's WILL here on Urantia. As you move into this season of light
where the world focus on the presence of Jesus, take time each day to ask
for these circuits of TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, LOVE and LIGHT to continue to
deepen into this planet. This is a particularly favorable time for these
circuits of LOVE to grow as more people celebrate the birth of Jesus, focus
on His life, His truth, His love that changed the world forever. And more
change is now coming, more love is growing, and it will be by your efforts
and those of many others who dare to choose love, live in truth and serve in

I wish you all the joys of your traditional Christmas holiday. May you
experience a deeper expression of Michael's PEACE upon your hearts and
souls. Good day.

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