[tmtranscripts] Lightline Teleconference 2012-05-10

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at gmail.com
Fri May 25 03:41:46 PDT 2012

Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2012-05-10
Teacher: Voice Within, Charles
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: My first thoughts always are how very grateful I am in this
moment, for this process, for this opportunity, for this chance in
life. I'd like to be present for this chance, I'd like to be focused,
stay loving, and stay present to maximize this chance that we have,
this opportunity that is not simply presented to us but is created by
us with our intentions. With our desire we build the pathway from the
mortal and the material into the spiritual realm. I am so very
grateful to be a part of such building, of such an opportunity to
work together with spirit to bridge the gap between us. Even if it is
only the gap of our perception, let it be so that we bridge this gap
with intention and with purpose and with our desire to do so made real
and manifest in our actions. Let it be so, even now, thank you.

Voice Within: Hello, I am here every time, there is nothing that
happens that you do, say, feel, experience, see, touch, encounter in
any way that I do not encounter with you side by side. I am with you,
the definition of every time, as we cannot be separated. I have chosen
you to be the one to be with all the time and you are choosing me day
by day, hour by hour, more and more, choosing to co-mingle with me,
choosing to choose what I choose. It is my great pleasure to contract
with you for this experience. It is indeed a long term contract and I
respect the magnitude of such which is why I occupy a recessive role
in our relationship, that is, I will always respect your privilege to
choose at any and every juncture. I will always pause to allow you to
be the one to make the final decision. After having offered any
influence I may bring to bear, I will always step back and allow you
the final decision and the privilege of the choice.

This is my pleasure to watch and observe because I am seeing divinity
unfold as you choose higher and higher choices and greater and greater
truths. It is my pleasure to observe the great game in play, the great
process unfold before my observation. I who have come from the Father
to be with you, to join together with you as one, greatly enjoy being
associated with one who comes from the mortal perspective, from the
material plane. These are things that I may only experience through
you. These are things you have to offer to me and to the Father, your
experiences of their creation that they have made real for you, what
if feels like for you to participate in their grand plan, what it
means on a day to day, hour to hour relationship with this material
and mortal plane. Only you can provide that perspective, you are
there, the ones with as they say, boots on the ground. You have the
only real and valid opportunity to gain this unique perspective and
this perspective is therefore so cherished because it is only well
earned, it is not bestowed, it is not transferred and it is not
assailable by any outside forces. It exists as your reality and it
shall remain so forever for it was real to you, it is real to you hour
by hour and day by day.

I will address the subject matter of those who feel as though they are
involved in service projects to an unknown and undetermined end. This
is the very nature of service projects as it were, to give selflessly
and totally of yourself regardless of the effect of the giving yet I
fully understand the human tendency to look for results and to seek
for the observable changes that results from ones actions because you
are learning about your actions, that they do create observable
results. You change the world you live in by your actions. It becomes
a different world as a result of your intention and your application.
History is forever changed as a result of your contribution to it so
it is normal and natural to wonder if one plants the bush, will they
ever see the fruit?

All I can do is to bring you the reassurance that every sincere act of
service provided in love fosters many fruit. Sometimes they are not to
be seen by the one who plants the tree. They come later and after the
fact and after you have passed by in the process. But they do occur
and others do benefit and appreciate these fruit. One cannot plant a
vineyard and expect to have great wine without quite a bit of time and
effort in between these two events. So it is that the service projects
you all do as part of your daily lives, you are driven to do them as a
painter is driven to paint and a writer is driven to write, and so you
do them generously and freely and very much of the time in this
material world you will pass by and miss the fruits which become
apparent after some time. You must take it on faith that your planting
the vines will result in someone's grapes at some point and indeed
generations may enjoy the fruits of the labor that was initially done
in faith, only that there would be fruit.

I mention this to you but you know it to be true in your hearts. You
know every act of kindness and goodness is sacred and a part of the
fabric of your spiritual existence. Those are your rewards, those are
your results. Even if no other individual was benefitted by an act of
your service, it was still something good to do for your soul, for
your spiritual character. It is still a worthwhile pursuit even if no
other individual ever is influenced or impacted in any way. The act of
doing it is in itself a reward. But I will also say that there are
great magnitudes of discernible impact as a result of efforts such as
this one we enjoy in this moment. It may seem as though it's rather
one sided or even introspective, but I assure you there are a great
many influences at play of which you are not aware. You simply do not
have the ability to perceive all that is involved in this process and
the influences which are pervaded throughout space. I assure you that
all such efforts are a positive contribution to the fabric of
spiritual growth and awareness on Urantia.

That my friends, is all you can ask, is to make a positive
contribution to the spiritual fabric of your world, to the individual
spiritual fabric of yourself. That is what we are here to learn and to
do and to be as we can, together, you and I, for I am here with you
always. I feel as though that would be a good place to draw this
segment to a conclusion. I now open up the platform for use by others,
thank you.

Charles: Greetings to you all, I am Charles. It is always a pleasure
for me to join you at these opportunities that you provide. I have
been assigned to this group as well as others to help facilitate the
upcoming Magisterial Mission and to uplift all spiritual seekers. That
is why I am here. Each of you has given your consent as it were, to be
treated as students who are seeking spiritual awareness and such
students receive the benefit of a great many avenues the universe has
to offer to reach to you. As you reach towards spirit you can be most
assured, spirit is reaching towards you, in fact the very inclination
you have to reach for spirit means that spirit has already grasped you
and has ahold of you and you then develop a subsequent desire to reach
back, to reach up, to reach out beyond yourself and escape the
limitations of a strictly mortal existence by moving in the direction
of your spiritual component.

Those true spiritual seekers will go where spirit leads them and
follow the spirit trail. They are not afraid to venture out into the
realm of the uncertain and they are provided much comfort by their
previous association and encounters with spirit. Having ventured out
once it is easy to return, and the more times you venture out, the
easier it is to get back to that place of spirit until, with enough
practice, there is no real time elapse necessary for you to transfer
from the one dimension to the other. This is what we are practicing in
these sessions that we have, the going into the space with intention
and purpose, explaining using word symbols as best we can, and
repeating this process, exploring it, explaining it, and defining it
all in an attempt to do it again, to recreate this attainment of the
spiritual space.

Practice truly does bring perfection and so one is greatly assisted in
this mortal life if spiritual progress is a goal, to spend time in the
practicing because there is no real substitute to having spent real
time, personal time, individual time, doing it. It is one thing for
you to all come together at times like this and assemble to enjoy this
process which has been invented by you, but it is altogether something
else, the time necessary that each student must study outside of the
classroom. There is great value to be had by the sitting down to do
your homework individually and focusing on the process, on your
relationship to the process and the experiencing of the process as it
relates to you.

It is common among mortals of the realm, to find those individuals or
techniques or curriculums which provide the way laid out step by step
or the way accomplished by association and these are necessary and
valid aspects of the learning experience. But it is not enough to do
the book learning, there must be the lab. It is not enough to hear
about how it is done, even to ride along on the coattails of one who
is doing it; one must also invest the personal individual energy that
it takes to create the relationship to spirit for themselves.

This of course speaks to the repeated theme of the Teaching Mission
since its very inception. I am speaking of the theme of stillness and
personal devotion to opening the spiritual connection. This aspect is
as valid now, as it has ever been, in fact if there were only one
thing that you would take away from the Teaching Mission, let it be
the value of personal interface with spirit, the stillness practice.
Otherwise, stillness is a useful tool when you get together in groups
as well because being in contact with spirit individually makes you
more spiritually fragrant and have more to share and more to learn as
you open yourselves up to spiritual perception and awareness. The
lessons are still the same because they are universal truths. They do
not change, all that changes is your relationship to them. It is still

I have no other contributions to make at this time to the thought
stream so I will step back and allow for questions or comments or
whatever might happen, thank you.

Q: I wanted to thank Charles and ask him if he has any idea why he is
so popular. I have enjoyed his association, you have. I cannot think
of a single t/r who has not enjoyed the companionship of this fairly
new entity and was just wondering if this has anything to do with the
"drawing power" of the Magisterial Son or if it is just simply the
fact that Charles, being a Trinitized Son, has had human experience
at some time in his long long history and that we might recognize him
as a peer. Just a curiosity question perhaps but still is one that
compels me to ask.

Charles: Yes, Charles here again ready to field any and all questions.
There is quite a drawing power as you say, to an event such as is now
upon us. These are what will be known most certainly as epic times,
times of great transition, momentous occasions, and as you can
imagine, if you were going to throw a great party, there is much
orchestration and preparation needed beforehand to pull off smoothly
the event. You could of course have a party at the last minute and it
would be wonderful in and of its own right, but if you knew there was
a large upcoming event, you would probably want to plan for it and
make the best of the conversion of time and space that this event will

So it is with the Magisterial Mission, having greatly benefitted from
the many years the Teaching Mission has been in operation and
providing the basic structure and foundation, this next step meant
that plans were made and objectives were clarified and I was fortunate
enough that my service request was accepted. You see, you are too
close in the forest to see the trees but this great event that will
transpire on Urantia is the center of attention for a great many out
in the great big plan who are observing with keen interest to see what
happens and so many have volunteered to come and assist to be a part
of such a divine event as will transpire. I was lucky enough to have
been selected to act as liaison or interface as we do now. I think
your observation that we have something in common has some validity to
it as I think that helps to bond us, if you will, but I think perhaps
the larger portion of what you are referring to about how good we get
along, if you will, refers to basic individual personality.

As you know, everyone is different and everyone has a unique affect on
the others around them. So I attribute my luck and my success at
working with the likes of this group and others, at compatible
personalities although just how many forces are at play and I cannot
in any seriousness define one single attribute that overrides as
dominant. Nevertheless, I remain grateful and I observe that you are
all grateful for the association as well. And so in this we join
together to thank those who make it possible, but as well it's us that
make it possible, it's us that form the relationship. It takes both of
us to forge this relationship, to provide for it, nourish it, and keep
it alive.

This I remind you my dear ones, is all transpiring in the spiritual
realm, in the spirit domain because that is where I exist. I am not a
mortal comrade of yours. I exist only in the spiritual dimension and
the fact that we have a relationship is a testament to the fact that
you have ventured out beyond the restrictions of your mortal plane and
met me here in the spiritual plane. True we are very fortunate to have
this interface of words and satellites and phone lines and times and
arrangements and willing individuals and we use all these things as
formats to our advantage, but nevertheless I remind you of what's
really going on here. Yes, we use in this moment the t/r's and the
phones and the times and the schedules but this same phenomenon
happens individually with you and your interface with spirit as you so
desire. It is not contingent upon any of these conditions we
experience in this moment of verbal communication of sound and word.
Thank you very much for your question.

Q: I feel that I'm still a spiritual infant and just learning how to
find out myself yet at the same time I have several children I'm
trying to raise and my wife and I decided we don't want to limit them
to a certain religion or belief system. We want them to be open to all
possibilities so that they can accept something like this. My question
is, after leaving a religion, how do we guide ourselves, how do we
teach them spiritual values? What is the best way of going about doing

Charles: What an excellent question, thank you my dear one. This
aspect is of absolute primal importance. Without understanding this
significant aspect of the human experience, you can never rise to true
spiritual awareness. Children are simple. When they are first born
they are imprinting everything that happens to them. They are
absorbing like a tape recorder everything that transpires around them.
This is how they learn to assimilate into life, they experience it
around them and they develop their personal relationship to it.

Up until the age of five or even later, this imprinting is of extreme
importance. As they grow up they turn this imprinted material into the
very life that they live. They go from record to playback, they switch
their mode and things automatically arise from within them that were
put there during the imprinting mode and they will just mimic
activities that they have seen around them. Much of this imprinting
that is done is difficult if not impossible to alter once it is 'in
print.' That is why it is so important to raise children in a loving
and kind and supportive and nurturing environment at all costs. That's
what needs to be imprinted, that they are loved, that they are
nurtured, that the world is a good and kind place and that they have a
relationship to this good and kind and loving world. Those are the
values that need to be imprinted into the developing child.

When you ask about a relationship to a religion, I will tell you
simply one thing, your life is your religion. It is the demonstration
of your faith. The way you live your life, the way you carry yourself,
the way you show yourself to the world is what your children will
observe and learn regardless of what formalized house of worship or
religious activity you engage in. It will be the religion of your life
that your children will respond to. This religion may be transferred
over into any formalized doctrine but it will be primarily the
religion of you, the parents, that will become the religion of the
children by default because they are imprinting it as you live it. It
is not so important to maintain a rigid affiliation with any sect or
creed or group of religionists, rather what is important is your
character, your integrity, your honesty, your kindness, your peace.

Those things will manifest in whatever religion you were to bring them
into. So the most important thing you can do is to do what you think
the most divine thing at all times is, the best and highest choice you
can make. It is as simple as that. You have a little voice inside
which always can differentiate for you between choices as to which is
the higher and better choice. You know it in your heart, you feel it
in your very body when it's right. By making these choices consciously
and by bringing these values into your decision making process, you
exemplify to the world and to your children, what your religion is. Is
your religion of peace, is your religion of love, is your religion of
faith, is your religion of trust?

These are things that must be personal to you, that must affect you
individually and personally and become part of who you are and then
your life is simply an example of the religion that you have created
for yourself. There is no set standard of how this is done. You are an
individual here on the world to make your own choices and to put
together a combination of experiences and values and awarenesses into
the being that you are. This will be unique because no other being can
possibly have your perspective, your position in this life. You are
the only one that will represent this unique combination of
perspectives and experiences.

That my friends is why God loves you so much. That is why you are
cherished as an individual spiritual being, a part of the whole,
because you contain a piece of reality that only you can contain. You
were the only one there at that time, in that place, in that space, to
have that experience. It can never happen again, it's never happened
before, the unique juncture of time and space that is your life. That
little fragment of reality, of truth, beauty, of goodness, is what God
wants to weave into the fabric of the whole. It is a necessary piece
of the entire fabric. That is what you can give back to The Creator
who has given you everything, is a willing accounting of your
experience, a sharing of your unique in all of time and space

Thank you for this question. It is indeed a basic, foundational point
when discussing the human condition, the proper perspective that
children and adults should develop towards each other, thank you.
[Thank you.]

Charles: I sense that our evening has run long, so if there are no
other contributions at this time I would bid you all have a good
evening and a good week. It is with great pleasure that I join you in
this exercise. I hope it has been as rewarding for you as it has for
me. I will see you all at some other session, thank you, bye now.

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