[tmtranscripts] No. Idaho Team 2011-08-28

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 21:01:49 PDT 2011

Subject: No. Idaho Team  2011-08-28
Teacher: Charles
T/R: Henry Zeringue

Prayer: Father/Mother God, we gather in this circle this morning, this  
circle of friendship and love and we receive the spiritual nurturing  
of our souls and of our consciousness. As humans on this planet, we  
are confused by the many offerings that are being thrust upon us. We  
need clarification, we are not able to find and follow our own  
consciousness, we want to make sure that we are not being led astray.  
We seek your advice on these matters, thank you.

Charles: Greetings this morning my friends, this is your friend  
Charles, happy to be here and eager to have a say in these discussions  
that are going on this morning. There is a tremendous amount of truth  
with variation being thrown around the table this morning. It is  
interesting from a Urantian perspective how truth and reality are  
viewed. On one hand you completely understand that the universes of  
time and space are in the process of becoming complete and perfected  
though they still are in the process.

True, the spiritual universe has a sense, a comprehensive sense of  
order. We would not be able to keep everything in as neat an order if  
it were not so. Yet, in the spiritual universe there are problematic  
situations and there are areas, rough areas of incompletion, and then  
there is Urantia. You have been given access to all that can go wrong  
to a planet, this is part of your heritage. On the other side of the  
coin, you have also been given all that can go right and correct with  
a planet. On one hand you have experienced the philosophical error of  
a spiritual being as it is translated and understood by beings on the  
planet. I am speaking of the Lucifer rebellion and the effects it has  
had on the planet. On one hand, tremendously disruptive, disruptive on  
every level.

The confusion and chaos that was caused and which has ensued from this  
phenomenon has brought about a situation in which the Master Creator  
Son of the universe personally came down to your world to try to  
establish some sense of order, some sense of purpose and meaning. I  
completely understand where you are coming from. It is tremendously  
difficult to categorically say that the information you are receiving  
at the moment is incorrect or is complete. A lot of the information  
that you are receiving, you are receiving through human minds. Nothing  
has been perfected in terms of human spiritual communication.

This is the way that it is. This is why you are indwelt with a  
spiritual communicator, that individually you are receiving  
information about your personal being and your personal life. When  
information begins to move out of the personal arena, it begins to  
have a tremendous effect on large groups of people depending on  
whether this information supports what they believe or not. Then there  
is a large part of these people who feel that they should follow this  
information. Yes, you are getting the complete sense of my  
noncommittal nature on this subject, that being that there is a  
tremendous amount to this information that is correct.

There are aspects to this information which has to do with how the  
information is perceived and received by others. One thing is for  
certain, information of any nature which is incorrect will soon reveal  
itself to be as such. Information which does not personally concern  
you is extremely speculative. There are tremendous agendas and ideas  
which are going about and being discussed dealing with the problems on  
your world and how the spiritual universe is going to deal with it.

One of the things which is for certain, is that the spiritual universe  
is addressing this problem on your world at this  time. It is obvious  
that the spiritual universe is posturing to do something about the  
problems on your world. What exactly is the form that this will take  
has not been precisely decided at this point. Part of the reasoning is  
that we are still in a myriad of discussions about this situation, the  
problems which will occur when we do try to do something, how what we  
will do will be interpreted and construed by peoples of your races,  
peoples in political and religious positions of power.

These certainly are interesting times in which to live on a planet  
such as you live on now. All situations point to a tremendous  
transitional flux. One of the challenging discussions has to do with  
the agondonter status on your world. This may soon change. It has  
become tremendously obvious to us that the human beings on this planet  
may not be able to bring themselves around in a spiritual sense, in  
the greater sense of creating a universal brotherhood of peace. [As]  
part of the corrective measures, the spiritual universe is deciding  
this as we speak.

Of all we are discussing, no scenario looks positive for the  
agondonter status. This generation of humans now on Urantia may be the  
last of agondonter status, therefore the spiritual presence of  
spiritual beings on your planet has not been finalized. It is in the  
process of being finalized and moving forward. This I understand,  
creates a peculiar situation within your minds, the sense of not  
knowing, the sense of longing and the sense of patient waiting until  
these scenarios begin to play themselves into the human arena.

I will say that it is necessary to create a separate avenue of  
information apart from which was started with the Teaching Mission and  
this information is having to do with the transitional directives  
which are taking place both from the spiritual personality standpoint,  
the time has come for the adjudication of an age, the time has come  
for a Magisterial Son to visit the planet and become resident here.  
The time has also come to bring human nature into a greater  
resemblance of a spiritual brotherhood and the time has come for a  
global network of communication necessary that all elements of your  
society will have access to the same information.

We understand that the human agencies are not perfected in the  
processes they are undertaking at this time though they are intending  
to present information which they feel is more correct and inline with  
what they are receiving through the spiritual agencies. No matter what  
information you receive from spiritual agencies, none of this  
information will override the prime directive of the spiritual agency  
which resides within the human being and transmitting information to  
that particular individual.

Within the spiritual universe, not much of our information is of a  
conflicting nature though it is of [such] a vast nature that one part  
of the vastness may not be aware of another part in this vast arena of  
spiritual agencies and pertinent information as it relates to your  
personal human endeavors and the spiritualizing of this planet. There  
are many aspects which must precede the final stage whereupon the  
spiritual personalities will become present on your world. Part of  
reconnecting Urantia into the spiritual network of life evolutionary  
worlds has to do with placing the spiritual grid and repairing the  
spiritual grids that originally were in place on the planet and have  
somewhat deteriorated once their use was discontinued and new grids  
have to overlay and reestablish spiritual confirmation to this planet.

We ask for your patience while this necessary work is going on. This  
work is involving millions of spiritual agencies among which the  
midwayers on Urantia are necessary to our endeavors to reestablish  
these spiritual circuits, these grid networks. It is true that in the  
processes involved with reconnecting and reestablishing these  
spiritual energetic grids, that there have been problems which have  
been encountered. Though these problems do not affect you personally,  
they are being dealt with and being brought into a greater sense of  
order by the spiritual agencies assigned to these tasks.

In a certain sense, it is a complete remodeling of the planet. Part of  
what the grids are intending to do is reshape the consciousness on the  
planet. How successful this will become, at this point we do not know.  
I personally do not completely understand and comprehend all that is  
ensuing but in the process of remodeling the planet, you will have to  
allow time for construction an demolition. This is part of the  
remodeling process. We thank you for your patience, we thank you for  
your concern. Are there any more questions?

Question: There have been a few occasions the last year or so where  
transmissions come through which seem to test the ability of those  
reading transmissions, testing the transmitters themselves sometimes.  
The information that comes through is confusing such as recently we  
were told that Michael was going to materialize on the planet then  
thereafter we were told that it was just a test of [the] reflectivity  
ability of the transmitter. This method doesn't make sense to me. All  
I have ever understood from spirit is that they don't work this way,  
they don't try to cause confusion, especially on this planet where  
we've already been mislead by a high spiritual personality. I'm trying  
to get a better understanding of this process. Is this the confusion  
of the transmitter themselves or do the celestials actually use this  
type of method to bring forth their information?

Charles: Thank you for this question. At this time, what I can tell  
you is that there is a tremendous challenge in the transfer of  
information from the collective of spiritual consciousness to the  
collective of human consciousness. There is a tension on the human  
side in receiving spiritual and spirit based information and I make a  
distinction because not all information from spirit is of a spiritual  
nature. Some of it is functional or procedural information. A lot of  
this information will in time work itself so that it is much more  
consistent and in order with other information being received through  
spiritual agencies.

There is in a sense a condition or a problem resulting from  
information being transferred, both from a sense of spiritual  
information and information which categorically comes from spirit. You  
must be willing to bear with this transitional part of receiving the  
information. The best that I can tell you is that you will know of  
things when they manifest themselves to be. Is this helpful in any way?

Questioner: Well it just confirms what I've already felt that this is  
going to be an even greater time for lessons on discernment. Thank you.

Charles: My friend, the lessons on discernment will lead you all the  
way to Paradise. While you are in the universes of time and space,  
your sense of discernment is of great value for there are many aspects  
[to] the same information and at some point you will receive all of  
the aspects to the information and you will be better equipped to  
discern the information for yourself at that point. Information from  
your end is just trickling in. Part of receiving information is the  
ability to ask correct questions, pertinent questions to the  
information you already have received.
Much of the information which you will need to discern will have to do  
with information which affects you personally. All other information  
would be better left to itself until it is clarified. Thank you.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this circle of friendship  
and love with you this morning and we will continue this discussion  
again. Thank you.

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