[tmtranscripts] Fwd: Lightline Teleconference - Adjuster Series - 2010-07-29

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 12:34:24 PDT 2010

> Lightline Teleconference - Adjuster Series - 2010-07-29
> Teachers: Inner Voice
> T/R: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue
> Mark: Does anyone have any questions or points of interest in their
> spiritual pursuit in life right now that could be thrown in here
> tonight that we might address or a topic of conversation of any kind?
> Question: Is it appropriate and acceptive for one to request healing
> for oneself?
> Mark: Absolutely, no question about it. We have to remove this idea
> that somehow doing something for yourself is somehow selfish. We
> have to struggle with that and we have to banish those thoughts from
> our mind frame because it is true in fact that the exact opposite is
> what's real. To do something for yourself is empowering, to take
> charge of your own health is what is meant to be. The fact that we
> have been alienated from thinking that we can or that we should
> somehow, is a false notion. It is a Luciferian idea, that we somehow
> do not have the ability or right or the means to somehow secure our
> own healing. This is a false concept and we have to abandon it in
> order to move forward because in fact, in truth, we ourselves,
> individuals, are the only ones who can truly effect a real and
> meaningful healing because we are sovereign over our individual
> person.
> Nobody, not even your Thought Adjuster will take command of your
> person. You have ultimate freewill choice and the only way we are
> meant to play in this game is to exercise such freewill choice. So
> if we refrain from doing that because we think we are not worthy,
> we're not holy enough, we're not qualified, then we will never be
> able to embrace the divine grace which would be ours should we
> decide to accept it. You see, we are children of Divine Parents and
> even earthly parents have the desire for their children to have the
> best, to be happy, to be healthy, to be secure, to know they are
> loved, and if our earthly parents [feel such], how much more then do
> our Divine Parents bring to the equation and would they give us if
> we would only be in a position to accept it.
> It is not that their love falls short or that healing is somehow not
> available, it is merely our capacity to embrace this gift of grace
> which prohibits us from accessing it. So therefore I encourage any
> and all to start thinking along the lines of worthiness, of being a
> member of the divine family that you are, and as such, you have
> inherent rights and privileges as a family member, that's all. Not
> special rights, not unusual rights, normal rights as a member of the
> family of man and as children of God.
> If we begin to think of it this way, then things we think are out of
> our reach because we think they are too spectacular, they are
> somehow not ours because we are not somehow good enough, can begin
> to become ours and we can begin to embrace them as a matter of
> course, not as miracle or somehow extraordinary circumstance but
> rather as natural and normal in any family this would happen. I know
> the next question in a lot of peoples minds is about ego.
> Okay, you start thinking you're somehow part of a divine family. Is
> this ego going to run away with you and say you are somehow superior
> to others and there is this fear this ego will run amuck if we give
> it the slightest little slack. We all must recall that the ego is a
> critical organ of our being. It is like the lungs or the kidneys. It
> is a part of us, we cannot do without it, we would not want to do
> without it, but it is not in command of the vehicle. We are in
> command of the ego. We are the ones whose freewill choice reigns
> supreme and we can determine the proper place for ego in our being.
> Yes, it's true, if left unchecked and overfed and over encouraged,
> the ego can seem to dominate but I'll tell you one thing, without
> the ego you would not be here tonight. The ego is what gives you
> momentum, what gives you the courage to move forward. It summons the
> strength and gives you propellant to move forward in the direction
> of your choosing but it is used as the force to move you through
> where you might be too timid, shy, inexperienced, to feel
> comfortable moving simply yourself.
> So this is a tool. Like all tools that you have it is a powerful,
> creative tool and properly used, this ego can bring you support, can
> bring you strength when you doubt, bring you courage to go in the
> direction you think you should go. So I encourage everyone to
> embrace their greatness, embrace your grandness because you truly
> are, you are a miracle. Your coming together, the confluence of time
> and space, here, is a miracle and it comes with this partnership
> with those who have made it possible for you, your Divine Parents.
> So if you have this partnership and these are your parents, it is by
> design that we are to grow up to resemble our Parents, to be like
> them, and it is our choices which enable this to happen and
> coincidentally enough, it is our ego that propels us to make these
> choices as well. So it is all good and right and proper for us to
> ask for what we have need of from our Divine Parents and I assure
> you, they stand ready to give you that which you have need of. But
> they will not force it upon you, they will not inject it into your
> life, and they would never step over the line of your freewill choice.
> But should you provide these things, should you show up and
> volunteer these things, then all doors are open to you and all
> things can happen, all things can happen and they are not even
> miracles. They are routine things at that point. So yes, ask for
> what you have need of my friend and trust them, trust in this
> relationship that they hear your needs even before you have asked.
> But by asking you have granted them permission to give it to you. So
> in the asking it aligns us far more than it begs for anything from
> our Parents.
> And in this way you will get what you seek. You will have need of
> nothing that you don't get from your Divine Parents. I offer you
> proof of our lives right now; we all are here having everything we
> have need of provided for us. So, wow, that...[phone glitch]
> Q: So ask and it will be given?
> Mark: Precisely. [Thank you]
> Mark: It's funny in these sessions, because you never really know
> when we actually start because just in discussion back and forth and
> sharing our truths, we've already well entered into the spiritual
> domain, the spirit arena and coming here and being willing to share,
> we've walked into that arena. So I don't suppose there is an
> official beginning at all but I do welcome you all for being here
> and thank you all for your contribution to this energy field of our
> creation in this hour and invite you to take it into your lives.
> Take it in, breathe it in even now.
> Henry: I definitely resonate with what you have been talking about,
> especially the part about our relationship with our Divine Parents,
> relationship with spirit in an actual sense in that we are the
> children of spirit and it is our divine birthright to have the kind
> of life that we want to have. We can have the kind of things that we
> want to have, the type of mental endeavor, the type of work that we
> procure, the types of interests, the types of hobbies. All of these
> things are gifts which come into our lives, our opportunity levels,
> that come into our system through asking. Not in a selfish way but
> in a way that we become better human beings.
> It seems that spirit works a lot easier when we are tremendously
> specific, when we can clarify what we need and want, that we're able
> to [sustain?] ourselves and live our lives, be able to ground and
> [sensor?] in spirit and to have access to these states of
> consciousness. I guess it's kind of like a prayer, when you're
> talking to spirit, when you are talking to your Parents, your
> Father, when you're telling them what you desire, what it is that
> you need in your life at this moment and at the same time, because
> it is a relationship, there is a reciprocal part where you also
> become responsible for what spirit is also giving you because you
> are asking and spirit is also replying and giving you....also but
> spirit is asking you also, it is telling you what it needs you to
> do, it is showing you what you need to become and where you need to
> go and how to move forward.
> So it is a reciprocal relationship. There is a lot of personal
> experience in that area because I have what I have and am able to do
> what I do because of spirit helping me and providing me opportunity
> and synergistic support. It doesn't mean I don't have problems, it
> doesn't mean some days are extremely difficult, but it helps me to
> hold a really positive space of being and because of this
> knowingness, this awareness, this trust and this belief that these
> things are synchronous, these ways we think and see life, the way
> that we use these thoughts in conjunction with spirit.
> The wonderful thing is that spirit works with each one individually,
> custom fit, what it is that is needed for your personal life. It's
> almost like a guarantee because instead of having some paper
> guaranteeing it, what you find is it will show itself in your
> experience. All of a sudden, things you asked for will be made
> manifest in your life and this is the guarantee, this is the proof
> in the pudding that this trust and faith in our Parents in spirit
> has a material component to it. It makes opportunity manifest in our
> arena of activity. That in a sense in the next step in the spirit
> effort.
> The first step is to actually make contact and then to trust that
> you are making contact and then begin to get evidence that you are
> making contact and that spirit is real and a little further to begin
> to have a consciousness of being a child of spirit, being led, being
> nurtured by spirit, being completely sustained by the presence and
> awareness of spirit. Again, all of these thoughts are imprinted on
> this energy pattern that we hold in this space on this call that we
> create. Everything we say goes into this energy pattern so that in
> our quiet time we can revisit this space, can reground in this
> energy and open our consciousness to remember what it is that we
> needed to remember this evening, helping you to communicate with our
> Divine Parents, much like I am speaking words, you speak from your
> heart.
> It is really interesting because the way that you articulated spirit
> seems to understand any way that is articulated. That is one of the
> tremendous values of spirit, that their ability to comprehend is
> impeccable. But they cannot act without our giving them permission,
> without our asking and allowing them to interact within our lives
> and rest assured that there is a tremendous respect for human will/
> integrity and spirit will never overstep their boundaries and
> disrespect. We are totally in control and spirit is ready and eager
> with the wherewithal to move forward in the direction which is most
> beneficial to us.
> Mark: Thank you Henry. I didn't know what tonight was going to be
> about but now I do. My Inner Voice wants to jump into this
> conversation but I have been requested to set the stage if you will,
> with a brief encounter I had.
> A couple of weeks ago I was scheduled to be here and at this very
> hour I ended up finding myself sitting in an urgent care center with
> them poking and prodding me, taking tests and trying to discover why
> I was having some rather serious gastrointestinal distress. I am
> using myself as a guinea pig, I don't like doing this but I'm going
> to go ahead and say this out loud because this helps the lesson.
> I fell down; this is my story; I fell down; I missed it because here
> we are, we're in this space right now. I know this space, this space
> is comfortable to me. I used this space for the first two days I had
> a stomach illness to tell myself the universe was friendly,
> everything would be all right, that I would get what I needed from
> my Divine Parents. For two days I held firm, steadfast to my
> conviction that it would pass and that all would be well. Then on
> the third day I fell down, I blew it, I missed it. I was unable to
> hold that conviction.
> I started second guessing, oh no, maybe it's not wise, maybe I
> should go in, I'm missing something. Someone out there can help me,
> tell me what's wrong, can fix me, if I go in to the Dr. they'll
> know. I'll turn it over to them and they will make it okay. I missed
> it by a matter of hours because they took all the tests, did all
> this stuff, they told me it was nothing, everything was going to be
> fine. I blew it, I did not call in when I could have called in and
> availed myself of this healing energy that is present even here now,
> and instead I transferred the whole thing to my mind and I thought
> about it and all of a sudden worried and doubted and feared and
> concerned and all these things the mind does. I succumbed to that
> force.
> I have an expression, I missed it but I might have missed it closer
> this time than in times past. I did exercise some faith and
> conviction, it just wasn't quite enough and so I share with you that
> I blew it. Now I'm going to let my Voice speak to this issue, please.
> Inner Voice: [Mark] And as per our agreement, I Am here. I
> congratulate you on your sincerity to express your experience in
> your life as I know you consider it a failure of some sort on your
> part but I am here to assure you and perhaps others at this time
> that it was not and by this I am referring to the very exercise that
> was undertaken in the process that there were indeed times when you
> were leaning on your spiritual confidence and certainty and security
> and knew somewhere deep within that all was well even if your
> temporal situation did not reflect that reality.
> And so there were notable successes to point to in this case, but I
> understand how you would feel as though you gave up on spirit and
> decided that you might handle it in other ways. This too does not
> represent an illogical or wrong decision. There are proper instances
> where you would rightfully enlist the services of those around you
> who are trained in their various professions and are able to assist
> others in their chosen occupations. Sometimes this is just what the
> Dr. ordered and I would never be the one to dissuade you or anyone
> else of availing yourself of all possible options to empower you in
> whatever your undertaking might be.
> But I do as well ... your sentiment to act more fully in cooperation
> with that aspect of yourself which is spirit and as well with me. I
> am always here as one who stands ready to assist in all matters, may
> they be matters of spiritual importance or may they be simple as you
> might see them, mundane material matters, for all matters contain a
> flicker of spirit, a chance for spirit to be represented, an
> opportunity for it to be reflected and made real in your lives.
> There are no small acts, only small actors, that is, one who will
> not recognize that they are grand actors.
> There was some discussion I observed earlier about the
> appropriateness for you to engage spirit on your behalf and for one
> of my order, this question is most curious because indeed the whole
> scenario of your existence has been created and arranged for you to
> have access to spirit, for you to become who you are in your
> relationship to all that is and this is most successfully
> accomplished in the realm of spirit. But as I have stated, all your
> mortal and material action have a spiritual component to them and
> may be used to bring spirit in to any equation.
> After this incarnation you are currently experiencing you will have
> no doubt regarding your association with your divine family for you
> will clearly witness this association by means of your timeless,
> spaceless, aspect of self which only seeks to rejoin and reunite
> with the First Source and Center of All. From this you sprang and
> are now experiencing a life in which it is your privilege and
> opportunity to choose spirit while not knowing for certain that this
> action is what is necessary to bring you in the Presence of All That
> Is.
> And so you are granted unlimited latitude to find this truth for
> yourself, to bring this truth to you of your own accord. This is the
> great gift that you give to He who has created you and given you
> this life and your eternal career before you to exercise this option
> and make this choice. And so I recognize that at this point in your
> career there exists uncertainty, there exists doubt, there exists
> time where you think that you missed it. There are disappointments
> to be encountered but be easy on yourselves my dear one because your
> Divine Parents have ultimate patience, have unlimited tolerance and
> forgiveness for who you are and what you are becoming.
> They do not judge you harshly as you judge yourselves. Try to be as
> kind to yourself as you can imagine your Divine Parents being to
> you, loving, forgiving, accepting. These are the qualities which you
> may expect from your Divine Parents. These are the qualities they
> would have you show others, these are the qualities they request you
> would show to yourself. This notion that devotion to the self may
> somehow bring you away from the Divine or apart from the Eternal is
> a errant notion for in fact you are the only ones who can minister
> effectively to you. Others may assist, others may attempt to guide,
> to nurture, provide proper environments for you to feel loved and
> nurtured but in the end it will remain up to you to accept the gifts
> of grace, your stature as a member in this divine family and the
> great love that is expressed for you.
> These things are present already in a timeless, spaceless,
> dimension. They await your arrival. It is you who takes the steps in
> the direction of these graces and it is you who must make the final
> choice to accept to be loved, to be nurtured, to be supported by all
> the forces of the universe. So long as you consider yourself
> separate and isolated and so long as you consider you can go it on
> your own without the support, that is exactly what you will be doing
> because even grace is not forced upon you. Even love is not demanded
> upon you, rather is it offered to be accepted, to be embraced.
> So this is your greatest task, this is your greatest mission before
> you. Many have thoughts of serving multitudes when in fact the
> greatest service of all, the one the Father cannot do without you,
> is for you, is to you. This will require your individual personal
> effort and most certainly you may be most useful in service to
> others throughout but until you have fully mastered this internal
> garden of the self, then you are limited in your capacity to effect
> great service to others because one cannot give what they do not
> have and if you do not accept that you are loved then it is most
> difficult for you to convince another that they are loved.
> But when you do know these things of a certainty with complete
> conviction and in deep gratitude, then you may express these things,
> they may be felt and shared by others because then they come from
> you as a part of you, not as something you have heard about or have
> referenced in the past but as part of you to be given and shared
> freely. This is your greatest service, first to the self so that you
> may be of great service to the others. Make no mistake, this is your
> first priority. All others must come after this one.
> And so, however you consider your method, you must apply yourself to
> this mission while in this life and during these times so that you
> may be stable and secure in times ahead, that you will not flounder
> but rather remain an isle of stability when the material aspects
> around you change. Your spiritual component need[s] not and can
> remain secure and solid so that all else may take its reference from
> that. You see all that happens out there is not happening to you,
> it's happening through you and the more positioned you are in
> security of your spiritual self, the more things out in the material
> plane fall in line and manifest for your greatest good.
> I understand that this is a lengthy presentation this evening and so
> I would withdraw from this podium graciously provided for this
> purpose. I thank you all for creating this arena wherein I was
> invited to speak and wherein the promotion of spiritual principles
> and truths is welcomed and safe. Thank you for the part each of you
> have played this evening. I withdraw to allow for whatever might
> transpire. Thank you.

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