[tmtranscripts] FW: Lightline Teleconference - Adjuster Series - 2009-10-22

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Fri Oct 30 05:04:33 PDT 2009

Subject: Lightline Teleconference - Adjuster Series - 2009-10-22

Teachers: The Voice, Thought Adjuster, Michael

T/R: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue, Michael

Moderator: Michael DiMattia

MIKE: I'd like to welcome everybody, once back again to the Voice Series.
This is always just an amazing energy here and I thank everybody for coming
with their intention to call in, to be a part of this flow of truth, and of
love, and of community. I wanted to just share a brief lesson with you all
that came as a result of some recent events.

The subject I wanted to bring forth was the subject of truth and the idea
that truth is all around us. In the same way we should keep our eyes open
for opportunity in every moment we experience, we also should keep one ear
to the ground to recognize the truth in all that is going on around us.

We sometimes are struck with incredible truth from revelation or
inspiration. The celestial teachings we receive from on high always provide
the abundant fruits of spirit for us to chew on. But don't allow the
magnitude of these transactions to blind you from discovering truth in your
daily lives. There is incredible beauty, goodness, and truth in seemingly
trivial events, in seemingly trivial conversations, and in seemingly trivial

Remember that there is no true objective reality. The only being in all
existence that can truly be objective is the Universal Father, the Absolute
Infinite, and the Source of All. Remember that your experience of the
outside world is processed through your internal understanding, through the
level of maturity you've reached up to this point. And though sometimes the
limitations of mortal living leave us all discouraged or feeling beaten, we
can easily develop and enhance our perception by looking inward and asking
for clarity from our Thought Adjuster and from our Local Father on high.

Have faith in your potential to recognize those aspects of life that will
continue to grow your soul. Constantly remind yourself that this moment is
merely one moment, and the next moment holds in it possibility for growth
and new realizations.

Too often we wait for those truths that are profound to clobber us over the
head, sparking our minds ablaze with spiritual light. But again, don't
allow these incredible realizations and "ah-ha" moments to overshadow the
living revelation of love.

Listen intensely to your associates no matter what walk of life they come
from. And Jesus was a master of this technique. After all, in the
time-space creations (and especially on a planet like Urantia), truth is
relative and changing as we attain higher understandings and deeper
spiritual maturity within.

Someone may begin to speak to you of concepts that you might not agree with.
They might handle a situation in a way you feel is in disharmony. But have
faith that the Father above is constantly sprinkling and leading all of
these missteps with truthful intention. We are growing slowly but surely
from the depths of dirt and materialism.

Seek for the light and reflect it back and reflect it wide. Collaborate
with the partial truths of your fellows, for when 2 or more people gather,
the collaborative process of truth discernment is strengthened and grows.
We compliment each other. And this complimenting is not only reserved for
what we call "soul mates" or "partners" or "husbands and wives," or even
"best friends". This complimenting is meant for all, strangers and even
stretches to enemies alike. In the end, we are all members of ONE family.

Don't forget the purpose of all these celestial teachings that shower forth
so consistently. These teachers are attempting to free our minds and reveal
to us our co-creative status in the on going project of the evolving Supreme
and the experiment of the time-space realization of God and the outworking
of the Trinity. Know in your heart that even your own conscious thoughts
and personal experiences can be just as potent as those truths that come
from so high up. They are not a far stretch, otherwise we could not
comprehend the truth contained in all these celestial gifts. We understand
these things because we have a guide within.

Don't second guess your potential, ever. You are destined for finality of
service and the Father sees you already as perfected beings. He sees you
like a flower already blossomed, yet we are currently still under the soil
gaining the nutrients to begin to break the surface and endure the lengthly
process of growth and unfolding. We will be that blossomed flower in time,
the picture of our destiny and growth is right there on the seed pack! And
it is our creative prerogatives that will allow us the tools necessary to
discover that infinite truth and absolute path of reality within, ready to
be discovered, ready to be awakened, to be utilized, energized, and released
back to our fellows in the cosmos. Your Thought Adjuster awaits your
invitation and recognition. This begins a domino effect beyond which you
can't theorize. You have to live it.

So take a few moments to affirm for yourselves, within, to make this
conscious effort to find truth in all places and in all situations. And
once you begin to see the light and how much really abounds around us, you
can better react to different (and difficult) moments, feeling your growing
faith directing you, finding the love of the Father condensed in your
Adjuster who's mission is to free you and open you up for an endless
adventure of incredible and limitless possibilities.

Peace and love to all who comes in contact with this message. And I thank
everybody who is here for your loyalty in this process and thank you for
contributing your energy and sharing in these moments of awakening and

So I will now step aside to allow this program to unfold as it will, for
spirit to continue to guide us as we willingly participate in our own unique
and artistic ways. One love to everyone.

Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, as a collective petition, can I offer that
we, in our lives, not only here and now in this moment but in every moment
from here to eternity desire to be the living embodiment of truth so far as
we have the living capacity to know it and so far as we have the capacity to
be it each and everyday. As we grow and take steps may we petition you for
greater and greater capacity so that we may "be" more and more truth and
hold more and more truth to us. May you bring it to us and may we be able to
grasp it and "be" it in our lives. We would accept your calling Michael to
be ambassadors of the living truth and with your assistance and with the
assistance of the Father with His Indwelling Fragment we are certain that
this may be so if we would only choose and accept and be. Thank you.

Now I voice my individual petition that I be used as an instrument to convey
higher purpose and meaning in this moment and that my Inner Voice be given
broader latitude to access this conjunction of time and space. This
represents my desire and I trust and act in faith that it will be so even
now in this moment.

The Voice: [Mark] And so it is, by the power of your intention and your
sincerity, not so much by the words expressed in your petition but rather by
the attitude of your soul in your expression, I am now here to honor this
attitude of the soul. I am referred to as this one's Inner Voice and I have
enjoyed a great number of opportunities of such grace as we experience in
this moment for which I will forever be grateful. I am fully aware that at
moments like this my mortal counterpart fairly quivers with awe that this
can be so but each and every time I do my best to attempt to assure him and
as well all of you who have ears to hear that what transpires now is not
extraordinary or beyond the realm of what is to be expected. After all, have
not you been created for just such a purpose as this? Have I not been
bestowed for just such a purpose as this? Still there seems this distance,
this gap between what you may know of because you have been told and what
you may feel because you are a part of this cycle and what actually becomes
manifest in your experience of time and space.

I understand this separation that you feel between these apparently
different places. It is largely a result of your perception in no small part
because of the influence of time in your time/space experience. You are
fully aware that you will grow and evolve and come to some point of divinity
or perhaps near divinity at some future point but your mind cannot hardly
allow you to embrace that this eventuality may occur in a time so close to
what you perceive as the present for you have staked your entire success on
a future time and a distant point of destination that you well concede you
will reach but certainly there must elapse this great chasm between where
you stand as a mere mortal and where you will arrive at a divine

What you do not embrace and what you may never be able to fully comprehend
while in this mortal state, is that time is only partly relative in this
process in matters of the spirit. You see, I myself am not bound by time,
your eternal component of personality and spirit is not strictly bound by
time either. Certainly your mortal body is bound by time and the mind which
inhabits the mortal body is likewise encumbered by this limitation. There is
the gap, the distance between where you know you are in time and space and
how long it takes for you to go from one place to the next and your
superconscious realization that time is not a necessary factor in this

What we do right here, right now is meant as a real time demonstration that
you can in fact have it both ways if you simply will. It is necessary for
you to open your concept frame enough to allow that both truths are real.
Certainly there is a part of you which adheres strictly to the regime of
time and space and your mind is well aware that this is so, but there is as
well another aspect of your being which is responsive to a completely
different reality, the reality of infinity and freedom from the constraints
of any given time or space condition.

This is how we are here right now. You are willing to accept that you can be
both and that is why I am invited here now from another dimension, from
another sector I arrive and you from yours. The stunning thing about this
meeting is that you are discovering you have both aspects contained within
your being. Some of you will adhere strictly to the limitations of time and
will pass as time passes as you so perceive it. Other parts of you will not
in the least be affected by this passage of time except that it will be a
valued and treasured experience that you carry with you forever, one that
can only be obtained under these circumstances and in these conditions of
living the life of a creature in a time/space environment.

So this grand experience that you are having is simply that, much like you
watching a movie and during this movie your complete focus and attention is
directed at what is transpiring and over the course of that time that is
elapsing you are fully present within the dynamics of what you are engaged
in. Then that passes, that is over, that chapter closes, time has moved on
but your consciousness did not stop. Your consciousness simply moved on to
the next experience in time and space. This life is little more than your
experience of going into the darkened movie theatre and taking in a movie.
You give yourself to this experience, you live it fully, you observe it, you
harvest from this experience meanings and values and then you take them with
you and you move on.

What does not change is your eternal aspect, it simply takes on another life
as you would take on another movie. Each one of these life experiences takes
on a rich depth of awareness where you are able to experience these things
that were temporary and transient and yet take permanent meaning and value
with you as you move on to the next one.

As was mentioned in the generous offering of preamble, the tools you have at
your disposal while you go about this process are vast and can be utilized
to enhance your experience of the moment. When you bring your awareness
alive with the contribution of your Inner Voice, there are many more
meanings and values that may be harvested from any given life experience.
That of course has been the thrust and the purpose of these meetings of
which so many of you have so faithfully attended. Truly, you are
demonstration to the universe of how successful the Father's plan to call
you and your desire to respond truly are for no one has made you choose to
be here in this environment. It is through your own freewill choice that you
have taken all the necessary steps to bring yourself to this place and it is
for you that these gifts of assurance are offered. It is my sincere hope
that you take them, bring them in, they are just about as direct a response
as one could hope to receive from their intentions expressed out and
reflected back with the results that you seek.

I trust my words have found lodgment in your hearts today. Once again it has
been my extreme pleasure to have been invited and to have arrived at a place
that has been so well tended and prepared for this purpose. I now in
deference to allowing this space for use by others will step aside to allow
for this eventuality. Thank you all so much.

Henry: Thank you Mark and thank you Michael. It is very good to be here this
evening. I thank all of you for coming and attending. It is an honor to be
in this space at this time and likewise share another aspect of truth to the
already generous proportions of truth which have been served this evening.

Prayer: Dear Father and Mother, we ask you this evening in this wonderful
space of the soul to be of service and share experience of this space at
this time and to be a part of a growing and evolving consciousness of the
reality and presence of spirit. In this time this evening I am not going to
share anything personal. I ask my Thought Adjuster to come forward in this
space of trust, soul bearing moment, to reveal a little more of reality and

Thought Adjuster: Greetings to all this evening. I am likewise this ones
Voice, this ones Light, this ones guide and caretaker, this ones eternal
destiny. It is good to be here in this space, this soul space of truth at
this time of gaining momentum in which more individuals on this planet are
beginning to pay attention. It is wonderful just to be here for the journey
of life and it is also acceptable to experience a closer reality with the
presence of spirit in ones life while they are journeying here at this time
and in this space.

It is possible to realize a greater reality in which the part you play puts
you in a much better position to make choices and achieve goals and have
experiences which are truly worthy of greatness of being. As aspects of the
Divine, the Eternal Divine, we relish in experiencing what it is like for a
mortal being to create a life of peace and harmony, joy and enterprise;
having a life committed in social service to others and have everything that
comes along with greatness, acknowledgement, recognition. Certainly I seek
acknowledgement and recognition. Not from a personal standpoint, from an
attitude of humility that I may be of service in your journey at this time
through this particular space.

For in time, in another time, all of you will have achieved a certain amount
of greatness and will be able to experience each other in a truer fashion of
love and brotherhood, of health and beauty, of generous and imaginative
nature, of bountiful blessing, of enduring personalities and timeless
moments. So this situation exists in the moment now of a time for a
decision, willful decision and beautiful action, of taking the pieces of
this challenging life as you may find them as they become available to you
and fashion them into a generous system of love and loving service.

There were no doubts in my mind that the person of my tutelage here and now
got to a place of soul recognition with his higher consciousness and his
indwelt spirit. Sometimes one has to go great lengths and go through
rigorous and aggressive trial and tests to secure the understanding which
brings you to an awareness of consciousness of my presence. It is not enough
to know of my presence and not attempt to access it, to at least attempt to
offer yourself to me, those of you with tangled lives, those of you with
dead end mistakes, to those of you which time has not been very friendly.

I on the other hand am not bound by time. I am extremely friendly and
tremendously clever. I have an understanding which surpasses the ability of
your human consciousness to comprehend yet I do not burden you, rather I am
ever ready with advice, with a direction, with a loving embrace, with the
wherewithal to secure in a timely fashion your fondest hopes and dreams
which are in alignment with my will with the purpose of the universe. All
aspects of this life meet the requirements of service, even the negative
aspects of this life meet the requirements of service, especially the
negative aspects because it is here that I have a chance to make a stand and
bring forth the light of truth to a situation which is dark, confused,
lethargic and at a stalemate.

I could jump start a dead battery. I have the power of all spirit to assist
in helping the mortal citizens of time and space achieve substance, value,
worth in this brief life journey, in this borrowed vehicle with a borrowed
mind in a borrowed time of secured space. Yes, begin the long inward journey
of discovery of your true nature, your true value and your true worth for
having found the secret of the ages in this time, in this space becomes a
great value in such a moment in which you live, to be aware and to be ready
at a moments notice to have your attention directed to a situation which
needs your help. As you grow in consciousness and light, continue to feed my
children, continue to fill their cup, continue to give them courage. Yes,
show them how it is done, how to make this short life a living truth, a
living aspect of beauty and goodness, a truly living time/space aspect of
the eternal and divine goodness and truth.

So many moments are lost in doubt, uncertainty and unsureness. Continue to
stand in the secure trusting and truthful and all loving space of the soul
that you know truly what you are becoming and have a conscious reference of
how you had to travel to get here and perform that great service in helping
other individuals get here. It is not expected for you to always experience
the profound, to move the numbers and masses of human minds but if you were
to achieve and accomplish this, this would also be accepted. But all we ask
is to light another candle, bring another soul into the brotherhood kingdom
of loving and serving men and women who are happy at heart, confident in
spirit and trusting in their knowingness, their knowingness of the swiftness
of this time and these moments, the relationship of brevity to eternity.
Rejoice truly that you have made a mistake, that you have another chance to
try again. Rejoice in each new day in the endless possibility, in the
probable moment and in another time we will become of the same substance and
we will truly rejoice throughout all endeavor toward eternity.

Sometimes in this moment of time and space the pressure which is created
between the tensions of social unrest, economic hardships and having to
change ones life and ones occupation and ones endeavor, having to shift
direction, it is times like these for which you truly show your true colors.
You have a chance to be a part of a greater service oriented organization of
united brotherhood of men and spirit, of this great play in which God begins
to mold man in His image and likeness from the get go.

This evening I wish to thank all of you who come to these spaces in time
which have been created for these purposes to share a real presence of
spirit substance within the nature of human consciousness, human identity
and human reality. Continue to grow, continue to experience the joy and
nobility which surrounds such a spirit and mortal effort. Thank you for
letting us share with you this evening these ongoing views of human and
spirit interaction. Thank you and good evening.

Mark: I can barely contain the fact that Michael wishes to speak with us for
a moment. I turn this time over to Michael.

Michael: [Mark] Hello my dear ones, it is my great joy and pleasure to join
you at this time. I must admit I have been duly inspired by a meeting such
as this, of such open hearts and open minds coming to this forum to draw
from this well to fill their cups and to drink to their fill of spirit
presence and spiritual certainties. I have with you, just enjoyed being
provided with witnessing of these spiritual principles in action by two of
my devoted children who have accepted this offer that they have referred to
in their attempts to bring forth this truth that they are in fact willing to
embrace the reality that they may enjoy this relationship even now in this

Your Mother and I have provided you life and everything that you have need
of in this life and you are growing secure in this reality that we have not
only supplied you with everything up until this point but that we will
continue to supply you with everything you have need of. It occurred to me
in observing this meeting, and I wish to be abundantly clear about this, if
you are in contact with these words, I am addressing them to you. If it
appears to be too much for you to extend and accept the inevitable truth
that you are destined to be this grand self that you can envision, if your
concept of time may stand in your way to readily adopting this reality in
this current time and moment then what if I were to ask you directly if you
would do such a thing for me. If you cannot muster the strength to do it for
you for a wide variety of reasons, then what if you could summon the
strength to do it because I have invited you and asked you and called out
your name?

You see, I know you far far better than you know you. I can foresee you in
perfection already. I know you will do these things, I know you will rise to
the occasion, I know you will be a divine being. I see it even now but you
cannot because of time. So what if I told you that it is my desire and what
if you believed me, would you, could you accept it even now? Or, will it
take you more of this thing you call time, of this experience you know of as
growth? My dear ones, if that is so, I am ultimately patient. I will
continue to provide you with everything that you have need of but there
comes a time when the Father may ask of the children; will you rise to the
obligation of being a full fledged standing member of this family? Will you
take up the obligation of one who has had a life so provided as to give you
such potential? As I have said, I know you will do these things. I am
certain of your goodness. My entire universe plan rests on this certainty
and assurance.

But these are extraordinary times and extraordinary times call for
extraordinary measures. I am willing to provide extraordinary measures, I am
willing to provide this direct association if it will circumvent some of the
belaboring effect of time and bring us into these extraordinary times that
much more prepared, that much more ready and so I ask, will you do it for
you? For if you will not do it for you, will you do it for me? Will you do
it for us? You would not be here and I would not be asking you if you were
not ready. I pray, Father and all those with ears to hear, please let them
hear. Father these are my children in whom I am so well pleased and I know
You are as well. I would be there for them Father in a way that this planet
has never seen before. Let us make it so together. I invite you to take
these words within and bring me your sincere response.

I will await your individual responses and fear not, I trust you and believe
in you beyond your ability to understand what these words mean. Whatever
your choice is, I have already respected it. Thank you for providing this
opportunity. I always cherish any chance I have to gather with my loving
children and to express words of encouragement and endearment to them and I
hope I have succeeded this evening once again in bringing such words. Be at
peace and be in love and I assure you my love surrounds you as you go forth.
So be it, it is so, farewell.

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