[tmtranscripts] FW: Lightline Teleconference Adjuster Series 10-23-08

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Thu Oct 30 11:13:29 PDT 2008

Subject: Lightline Teleconference Adjuster Series 10-23-08

Teachers: The Voice, Michael

T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, we come together again this evening in joy and in
gratitude beyond what words can describe for the many ways which your grace
touches us in our lives. You not only surround us with all that we have need
of in this life, provide us our life and the sustenance to maintain it, but
as well your presence indwells us as the Spirit of Truth and in addition we
have the grace of our indwelling Voice, a gift from the First Source and
Center and in all these different ways you have reached out to us. You have
touched us and are reaching us to bring us your embrace. Help us as we
journey through this life experience that you have provided for us to be in
awareness of the many ways in which you provide for us and touch us and
nurture us and share with us this grand experience that we enjoy. Help us to
recall that you are with us throughout the entire process and to enjoy every
moment of the experience which you provide for us. We pause now to welcome
you in, in full awareness that this is so and ask you to join us in this
moment and sense the joy and the appreciation that we extend for this
opportunity. Thank you beyond words, thank you.

The Voice: I will step forward to accept your invitation once again this
evening, I am this ones "gift of grace" as was mentioned and I speak for
that individual gift of yours which is a gift of grace and I fully support
this notion of leading off this evening with, and for that matter, any
spiritual pursuit with this attitude of gratitude that you have demonstrated
in these meetings that we enjoy. Having such an attitude of appreciation is
one of the surest and quickest ways for you to align yourselves with
spiritual realities because when you are in this attitude of appreciation
and gratitude it is the part identifying itself with the whole.

It is focusing on the awareness that it is the whole to be grateful for and
by so doing you align yourself as a part of this whole. In a sense you join
with that which you are grateful for and this conscious act of extending
yourself in gratitude brings you in humble appreciation of your Creator and
of all the grace that is yours by virtue of your relationship to the
Creator. This is much like pulling out your compass and aligning yourself in
the direction of your spiritual compass. Whenever you are uncertain about
how to align yourself with your spiritual nature and by extension with your
spiritual family your may always fall back and rely on the certainty that is
inherent in the act of becoming humbly in gratitude for all that you can
perceive of the grace that is bestowed upon you.

It is not that your Divine Parents are requiring your submission in any way
but when you offer your gratitude and appreciation you are acknowledging
them and bringing their grace alive in your life. So whenever you utilize
this avenue of approach, you will find that very quickly you may approach
spirit by your simple act of identifying with it through being grateful, to
simply acknowledge it and attempt to embrace it. You may have noticed in
your own lives that your prayers and petitions may become more potent when
they are couched in among your efforts to be grateful for that which you do
have and that which has been granted to you.

This very act changes your perspective for when you are grateful and
appreciate the grace that has been shown to you, you may tend to see your
circumstances differently and this may help you better formulate your
petitions and more sincerely direct your prayers for if you begin with the
premise that grace abounds and that you are in awareness of this grace, then
your consciousness may be more easily expanded to include the grace that is
transpiring in your lives, even in the moment of your consideration.

It is also helpful to use this attitude of gratitude to propel your
intention by virtue of your advance acknowledgement that what you seek will
be found. It is a demonstration of your faith and a condition that you
exhibit as a result of your own personal individual experience of having
received grace in your lives and accepting it and preparing yourself to
further receive these examples of grace. So when you wish to commune and
petition spirit with your intentions, begin with the attitude of gratitude
and as well conclude with the certainty of this gratitude in your very
conviction that you are certain that if it is not there in that moment, it
will most certainly arrive.

If you begin to train yourself to always look at life circumstances through
this lens of gratitude, then you most certainly will begin to see grace
everywhere all the time. This will make your experience much lighter and
brighter and as well it will provide you with that additional layer of faith
and trust which bolster you to project your intention forward with
conviction for you know of the grace and you have complete faith in the
grace and so you would expect nothing less.

Most of this shift in approach is simply a shift in your awareness of what
already is so because grace does abound around you and grace is present
always and grace will be present always. It is simply up to one to embrace
this reality and act as if they know of this truth. So I commend your
routine efforts at setting the tone and making the approach through the
avenue of the attitude of gratitude for it is a sure and certain avenue that
you may utilize at any time to bring yourself back to this orientation and

It is because of your efforts that we enjoy this grace even in this moment.
Your attitude of appreciation has brought with it your conviction and faith
that once again it will be a principle that will be adhered to and so it is
even now. This avenue is so universally appropriate that you will find you
can utilize this means of approach throughout your entire ascension career
and what you begin here to discover as a means of approach you will utilize
for your entire eternal career.

I thank you all for this opportunity to join you in this pursuit, in this
creating of this avenue wherein we may all realize that we are part of the
whole and identify with the whole through this awareness of gratitude. We
all share this same sentiment and therefore we can all truly be on the same
page about the sentiment and the sincerity with which we experience it.
Among the many things I am grateful for, this particular opportunity, this
portal that has been created by such powerful beings as yourselves is a true
treasure and one that we all may be thankful for.

It is as a direct result of grace from on high but as well it is as a direct
result of our efforts to choose and sustain it and so in gratitude we come
together for this chance to choose, for this opportunity to invest ourselves
in such grace as we perceive which brings us once again to a flush of
gratitude and I join you with my sincerity in acknowledging the gratitude
for such an opportunity as we now enjoy. I will allow this opportunity, this
grace to be shared by others as well. I now step back to allow this forum to
be utilized by others, thank you.

Michael: My dear ones, it is I, your Father. I greet you this evening as one
of the Divine Parents who has been offered this invitation to join you and I
could not be happier to accept. I would talk for a moment about this
attitude of gratitude as you refer to it because my dear ones, I desire that
you know that this avenue of appreciation and gratitude is in no way a one
way street. No, rather this avenue allows us unique access to each other
because as any parent will attest to, there is a very special attitude of
affection and gratitude that the parent extends to the child for simply the
act of being the child and of looking to the parent.

Any parent cherishes the return of the affection and appreciation that they
feel towards the child and any child craves and appreciates the
unconditional love and appreciation of the parent for the child. And so my
dear ones, as significant as it is for you to recognize me or us in your
lives and experience, I desire that you know as well that I am profoundly
grateful for you, each one, every one, all the time. Many times it may not
be until you have chosen this avenue of approach that I may utilize it as
well to bring you my assurance, my affection, my gratitude for your being.

We are truly a family and as such we have reciprocal affection, the one for
the other. Though it is my desire that you be made more fully aware, that
when you exercise this gratitude and appreciation I likewise am exercising
through the very same avenue of your reaching out, I am reaching back and I
will provide for you a sense of having been touched when you provide this
avenue that we may use to make this contact. As was stated, this avenue is
an avenue which is common to all of us for I as well am in gratitude to the
Creator as you are in gratitude to the Creator and I can speak with
authority that the Creator is also in gratitude for you, for what is a
family if there are no children?

What is this experience if we cannot share it together? And so I not only
join you in this sentiment of gratitude, but I both accept your gratitude on
behalf of the Father and offer you mine and His in return. This I can do by
virtue of my Spirit of Truth which is within you and to whom you may turn at
any time for confirmation that this is so. So let us go forward in joy that
we have this attitude of gratitude together. We have this common denominator
between us, we have this avenue of approach we may utilize. All of this
grace is ours because we are all part of this family of the First Source and

Dear First Source and Center of all that is, You have divinely granted us
the grace that we would embrace and appreciate and as well you have granted
us each a piece of yourself so we are all tied to You and bound together as
a family. Help us to seek You through this gift of grace, this avenue of
approach You have provided. May we all find our strength and comfort and
peace in finding this gift that you have given us. May we bring to You in
this process, the joy and the wonder that this experience of finding you
brings to us in this process. We are growing more and more certain in our
faith that as we seek You we shall find You and these, your children Father,
are your treasured family and mine. May we embrace our position in your
family and our relationship to you as one of yours and may we perceive that
our lives are filled with Your grace and acknowledge this with our attitude
of gratitude. Let it be so as this represents the desires of our hearts,
each one and every one. We know you hear our petitions and now we would
extend in faith in knowing that our desires will be made manifest as we
proceed forward in faith. Let it be so and let it be with our thanks.

Question: Michael, are you taking questions for your comment?
[The tr was overcome with emotion as a result of the Masters love and had to
regain his composure.]

Michael: Yes, I believe so.

Question: Good evening Master, this is actually a very important matter I
would like to get your input]on. Assuming you were on earth in this day and
age living a life in the flesh and you are married, Monjoronson has given
some lessons on the importance of a sustainable family in actualizing
sustainability in every area of our civilization in ushering in the era of
Life and Light, so family is very important in this process. So assuming you
are here on earth in this day and age, are married, are committed to your
wife and love her and show her respect and treat her as an equal and stuff
like that, and you discover that she is cheating on you.

We human beings on this side of the veil, we regard cheating, I don't know
how you guys define adultery in all of its totality, but for us, between a
man and a woman committed to a heart to heart loving relationship, you know,
romantically and sexually involved, they expect to see that within
themselves. If one of the parties goes out to be romantically involved with
someone else it is considered cheating and usually......so it can be
painful, very painful.

So assuming your marriage relationship and you discover your wife is
cheating on you and she admits it, how would you handle it? That is my
question. I would appreciate a comment, thank you.

Michael: I am your Father here again to address your concern. First I would
acknowledge of your observation that the family unit is indeed the
foundation of stability and society and culture for your world. It is in a
sense the microcosm of the larger macrocosm picture of your world in that it
is a unit of structure that contains many of the elements of your larger
structures of culture and civilization. It has within its structure, the
potential to be a mini-verse as a reflection of the larger picture and
within a family unit there may be contained all the necessary aspects for
the creation, growth and sustenance of a small group of individuals who must
work together to accomplish this end.

So the family unit is in fact the precursor to all larger subsequent units
of organization, whether it be your clubs, or governments or countries, it
all must begin somewhere and it begins with the training which is supplied
within the family unit. In this unit one must learn the basics of working
together, of respect, of tolerance, of fairness and working together as a
unit for one common purpose; the sustenance and maintenance of the group.

What lessons are learned here are then taken out and applied to the other
groups that you find yourselves involved in and if you learned respect and
fairness in your family unit, those attributes will be carried out into the
larger units. But you must understand that from culture to culture there are
great differences in the institution of marriage which is at the nucleus of
the family unit and these rules of engagement are determined by the
individuals involved within the context of the culture they are involved in
and the society which dictates many of the rules of engagement for such,
even such intimate affairs.

Therefore the contract that two consenting adults enter into which you
referred to as marriage, may in fact be quite different from culture to
culture and what would be admissible and acceptable in one culture would not
be permitted and accepted in another. And so there is no universal pattern
for entering into such a contract and agreement. There is no divine standard
to be adhered to, rather what must be adhered to is the contract between the
two individuals themselves.

If they choose to allow some activities and both parties are in agreement,
then no infraction has occurred and the contract remains valid. If, within
this contract both parties agree to certain specific terms which are then
violated by one of the two parties, then the contract has been broken. So it
is impossible to define what is acceptable and permissible on a general
level but what is never considered righteous it to break an agreement,
whether it be the contract of marriage or whether it be a business
transaction or any commitment given in sincerity to another.

That having been said, if two kindergardeners agree to be best friends with
the most sincere of intentions and enter into this verbal agreement and
contract with each other and then through the acts of time and experience,
one of the two parties in agreement changes their position and as a result
breaks their contract with the other, can one hold them liable? They are
both inexperienced, they are both immature, they both were sincere at the
time of their commitment and yet something changed and there may be hurt
feelings, there may be disappointment, there may be misunderstanding but
there may not be present an intent to deceive or to cause any form of malice

Rather things change, people change. I'm sure everyone out there has at one
point been unable to keep their word and it is not because you lacked
sincerity when you gave your word and it is not because you meant to cause
harm to another but it is rather because you are in a constant state of
change and flux and growth and this process means in essence that you are
not who you were when you may have offered a commitment that you could not

And life and the living of life on your world is filled with vicissitudes
and challenges that may seem as obstacles to you as you attempt to keep your
promise, maintain your word or adhere to your contract. But from my
perspective, even the most apparent grievous offenses of someone breaking
their marital vows is no more intentional or significant than the two
kindergardeners out on the playground who swear they will be best friends

True enough, the adults who enter into the contract are in greater awareness
of what they are doing but no one is in command of change. Change happens
and as a result priorities may shift and poor choices may be made at any
time along the way which impacts directly on the original intent that was
offered. But in almost every case, the wise parent can look out upon the
doings of the children and see that there was no malice intended, that no
harm was foreseen and yet harm seems to occur as a result, an injury

If you could see yourselves as I see you, you would realize that you are
still the children out on the playground and that you are trying your best
and that sometimes you will simply fall and that it is not that you are
trying to fail or fall short of your goals but simply a result of your
choices and experience in that moment. I certainly hold no judgement as to
the correctness of any of your choices. I love you unconditionally even if
you perchance may break a contract with another or fall short of upholding
your word.

I know you are well intentioned and overall you are good and you mean no
harm to others deep down inside. So if you make an errant choice, you may
have to suffer the consequences of that choice and others may bear the brunt
and the pain of your having made such an erroneous choice but know that I
as your parent love you unconditionally. I know that these episodes of
falling short are part of the growth process and that you are the ones who
will suffer the consequences of your own choices and I will love you always
throughout, even to the end where I know you will be triumphant in your

If you could be at as much peace with each other as I am with you, you would
forgive these missteps and not be so personally violated and threatened by
anothers misstep. I know this may sound lofty and unachievable from your
standpoint but I give you my perspective that you asked for and I hope this
sheds some light on your question, thank you.

Comment: Wow, what an answer, I'm not surprised anyway, nothing surprises
me. I thank you so much for your response and your take on it; thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Michael: It has been a great pleasure to once again remind you my dear ones,
my beloved children, the depth to which I love you. Be kind to each other,
know that you are loved beyond words and that together we are a great
family. As the hour grows long I now will take my leave in gratitude for
you, each one, farewell.

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