[tmtranscripts] Aurora; 2-10-08

Donna D'Ingillo donna at ctrforchristcon.org
Thu Feb 14 18:06:24 PST 2008

Oakland, CA

Teacher: Aurora

TR: Donna D'Ingillo

Topics: Becoming aware of harmonizing with others

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Motivation and intention

Heart-to-heart vs. field-to-field energy interactions

Resolving conflicts

Experience & Discussion

February 10, 2008

Good evening. This is Aurora. I am very pleased to be with you once again this evening as we continue our experimentation in harmonizing with the energies of others around you. Now that you have had some time to allow our earlier lessons and learning to become more settled within your mind, do you notice any change in the way you interact with others and in the ways others interact with you?

Student: Yes, there has been a difference in how I've been interacting with people and how they spent interacting with me when I have been using the technique. I have not been using it enough to notice much of a difference. If you will, I haven't gotten pretty good at it. So in the beginning stages I am noticing a difference. I know that as I continue to practice and begin to master the technique than the results will be much more apparent.

A: When you notice yourself practicing, are you able to detect any kind of subtle change in the person you're interacting with?

Student: My focus has been so much on me and on us that I haven't noticed. I'll bring that awareness of how they are being when the energetic connection is occurring in our next interactions. So no, I haven't noticed much of a difference within them. I noticed that my fear level subsides and I feel more of a connection with them.

A: Then you are off to a good start. The first component of harmonizing with others is to become consciously aware that this is in fact something you wish to practice. In time the more your focus becomes noticeable in your mind when you are more conscious of what you are doing. As you engage with others, you will start to shift from focusing on yourself to noticing how they respond to you. Then you will learn how to shift or change the subtle ways that you give off certain types of energy.

By this I am referring to your growing ability to notice your own thoughts and feelings and how they may be sending a subtle signal to that person's energy field--that individual may pick up a signal that you are sending at a level that you are not yet conscious of and they may respond in a certain way. When you become more practiced and more adept at using this technique you will increasingly come to appreciate the various postures of a person and begin to notice subtle changes in their demeanor or the way that they are positioning themselves.

So many times human communication is relegated to the very basic form of speaking what you know, and so little is done in the arena of being focused on another person: sensing that individual's needs, responding to the individuals needs instead of responding from what you think that individual needs to hear from you. This is an entirely different approach of communication. I will pause here and ask if you have any questions or comments.

Student: I'm wondering if you can give a review of the energetic techniques that we can use to connect to others. The two that I'm remembering are the heart connection and also the expanded energy field. Would you speak again about those two things and any other techniques you would like to review with us?

A: There are many techniques of communication. In the beginning of our discussions several months ago I shared a very basic technique of feeling that resonance in your heart that we used in ringing the bell with the tone or note of F. This struck a vibration within your being and it helped you bring your awareness down to your heart center. From there, feel your desire to harmonize with the individual before you. Simply ask for that note of F struck in your heart to resonate in that person's heart as well. In this way you are setting yourself up to be used as a tuning fork. You have the note struck within you and are now setting up an energy field for that note or that vibration to resonate within the individual as well. And then you begin to resonate with one another. This is a very basic form of centering in communication with others be other technique, which you described briefly does have to one moment.

The other technique, which you described briefly, has to do with an expanded energy field, wherein you would be expanding your heart energies by focusing your intention on harmonizing with another individual. You allow your desire to be of service, to love this individual, to honor this individual. Focus on this again. Ask for that note to be struck within you. As you sense this, allow your energy field to expand around you. You are in some ways doing the same thing as you did in the first technique. However, you are expanding your energy field so that more of your energy field is able to affect that individual's energy field. Whereas in the first situation you are connecting more heart to heart, and in the second situation you are connecting more field to field. There is a difference.

You are probably going to ask me what the differences are you now! Well, I will tell you. The difference comes in the capacity in which you are able to affect another person. A heart to heart energy connection helps this bond that you are forging with another person to become strong, to grow, to build trust. It is what you might consider to be a basic bond.

The field to field communicate in expands your capacity to affect another person's energy field. Think of yourself when you are in the midst of someone who is very positive, upbeat, joyful. You may not have connected with them heart to heart that, yet there is a vibrancy that they radiate. It's coming from their whole energetic system. Your energy field picks up on that, does it not? So when you are in the vibration of love and you carry that vibration around you, you are able to impact another person's energy field and to help them feel more love around them, even though they may not be able to perceive it or articulate it in that way.

Conversely, think about when you are around a person who is depressed or negative, and how their energy affects you. This is not someone you wish to be around for a long period of time for their energy drains you, does it not. These are the basic techniques of communicating without words, from an energetic or vibratory standpoint. Does this help to refresh your memory a bit, my sister? (Yes) Do you have any other questions before we continue this evening?

Student: I do have a question. I've been learning about the energy that is in words and the power in them. In the lecture that I went to, the speaker was speaking about the power of words to convey energy. I regarded it as them saying that words are essentially the only way humans can transfer this type of energy and I know that not to be true. So words are very powerful energetically and to use words in conjunction with all of the knowledge that you are giving us, that the two together will make a much more powerful communication means.

A: Words are conveyers of concepts, ideas that you use to express yourself, to convey desires and needs, to share ideas and information. Words, in them in and of themselves, are only the vehicle for the information to be conveyed. What is significant in what has value and meaning is two-fold: 1) Intention: what are the words that are being used intended to convey, and 2) Motivation: the attitude driving the intention. You can use the same words but have completely different intentions and motivations, and therefore the meaning would become altered.

For example, if you were to be speaking to a person that you did not like and did not wish to be around but did not wish to hurt that person's feelings, you could say in a manner of speaking. "Oh it's so good to speak with you, I really enjoyed our conversation." But because you do not like to speak to this person the intention around this would be more or less to get away. The motivation would be not to hurt this person's feelings.

In a different situation if you hadn't seen a person for a long time: a close friend that you missed dearly and when you saw then you said the same words. They would have a different meaning, because your motivation and intention was different. Do understand? (Yes) So it is not so much the words that you speak, although they do have meaning. But you must be very mindful of what is your motivation and this comes from your heart. This is based on your feelings. Your intention: what is it that you wish to achieve; what is the outcome. Words are powerful tools because they are used based upon your intention and motivation.

You know when a person is being insincere at time. How is it that you can detect it? If communication was only done through verbal conversation, then that would be a very flat and one dimensional exchange. But you can feel, you can perceive; you have senses to pick up on more subtle energies. You have the capacity to perceive intentions and motivations. But your heart must be open and it must be as much of a state of non-judgment in order for you to truly perceive what is coming from another person's energy system. Words are only one part of this system. Sometimes you can perceive when a person is being insincere, dishonest with you because of this output of both heart and mind. Do you understand? (Yes) Do you have any questions about this? (No, thank you.) Does this clarify your question? (Yes) Thank you.

Tonight I would take you on another journey. We will shift this somewhat so you are empowered with an awareness to take you in to more challenging situations where your experiences of life may have not gived you all of the tools you need to handle conflict, especially when you are in conflicting situations with a loved one--a family member or close friend. Would you be interested in journeying in this in this dynamic? (Yes) Thank you.

Imagine you are with your fiancé and envision in your mind's eye that you and he are having a disagreement about a personal matter. You may also go to a time when you did have a disagreement and you felt that you did not have the skills or the tools to resolve it peacefully, cooperatively, and harmoniously. Spend a few moments in letting yourself create this situation in your mind's eye. Allow yourself to feel any kind of discordance or uncomfortableness that you may have experienced. Do not be afraid of the tension you feel. Know that we are going to help you make the transition from being in conflict to being in cooperation. (Pause)

As you feel the energy of this situation, set the intention now that you wish for this conflict to be resolved and for mutual understanding and resolution to occur. (Pause) In your mind's eye envision your partner and you facing one another. You have spoken your words and they exist in the space between the two of you. He has spoken his words and they exist in that same space. Now as you observe this in your mind's eye, notice what the words you have spoken to one another do in your energy field. Allow yourself to feel them. Do they feel uncomfortable? Do they feel tense? It alright for you to feel this for this exercise and experiment. What do you notice? You may share with me what you notice, if you wish. (Pause)

Student: It makes the energy tense and contracted and dense between us.

A: What tools would you have now to help this situation shift to become more light and more positive? Do what you can in your mind's eye and I will share something with you in a few moments. (Pause) You may share with me what you may have perceived or envisioned in your mind's eye.

Student: At first I set the intention of shifting the energy into a resolution of the conflict with harmony and understanding. Before any words were even spoken, the energy begins to shift between the two of us in this situation in my mind.

A: Thank you. Here is what I would like add for your use in the future. Anytime you begin to feel a disagreement or disharmony happening between you or any other individual, recognize that this individual's words are triggering an emotional reaction within your being. Take a deep breath and ask this person to stop speaking to you for a moment. This may be difficult in some situations because when people become agitated they tend to spew out words without thought. But you take control of the situation and say, "Stop! Your words are hurting me. I know you are in pain when you say them. Let's stop for a moment and change our attitudes." This may be something that you can or cannot do, but it is up to you to take control of the situation now. This is the point I wish to make. When you take control of the situation you are the one who is empowered to use the techniques of love and harmony to your advantage now and for this other person's benefit.

After you have said these words, or if these words have not been perceived, stop interacting with this person for a few moments and envision in your mind's eye that you and this individual are in a warm glowing embrace of light. That light has the intentions of love, harmony, peace, understanding, and forgiveness contained within it. It is a very dynamic ball of intention. As you perceive this in your mind's eye, activate this by feeling your desire for the interchange to take on these attributes. Feel how much you want this for both of you; not just for yourself, but for this individual. Spend a few moments asking for this intention to go into this person's heart as well. You may not notice that their words change at first, but if you can stay strong and keep the power of your intention strong because of your desire, this person will indeed pick up this signal. It may take a few moments, and it will depend on this person's emotional state and it will be up to you to use spiritual resources you have to defuse this situation and help calm the turbulent waters of this person's psyche.

For a few moments, use this suggestion in your mind's eye. Use this as the antidote for the situation you created a few moment's ago. (Pause) Please share with me what you see of this situation after you have allowed some time for the image to do its work.

Student: In my mind I see myself stopping the conversation and saying the words you told me to say. The initial reaction of the other party when I say that is a started reaction; looking at me like I'm ridiculous! There is a very closed energy to the proposition, then reluctance, but then the reluctance after hearing the words subsides and then the openness happens within the other person. I can feel the difference: I can feel the open expansion moving energy; and then the energy of the situation is entirely transformed. It's an entirely new energy.

A: This is very empowering, is it not, to know that you are in charge of not only your own thoughts and feelings, but that you are a positive influence on another individual as well? So much human conflict could be alleviated by one individual holding firm in this powerful harmonizing intention. So many times you react to one another negatively because you have not developed the necessary tools or skills to know how to handle the negative emotional energy when it is directed toward you. Instead of taking charge and a hold of it, you humans allow the energy of another person's emotions to bombard you. This creates that situation of defensiveness where your speech back to them is just as wounded and emotional as theirs is.

Taking charge of the conversation in this heart-felt manner keeps you strong spiritually, keeps you focused positively. It will bring about a critical change in that other individual. It may not occur right away, but if you practice this for several times during disagreements, the person will begin to appreciate the technique you are using, absorb it and begin to incorporate it into their own habits. Time is the factor here, practice is the key component. It is your foundation of intention and motivation in a peaceful, love-filled and harmonizing manner that will bring this conversation to a new level for the relationship. I will pause now and ask if you have any questions.

Student: The thing that comes to mind when I imagine myself speaking up and stopping the conversation and telling the person, "I know that you are reacting from a hurt place inside you and let's stop and restore peace," I initially think how stupid that looks, but it's a great idea. I will do it. But on this plane, we are so not used to doing that, that I first imagined their response as being a defense at how righteous I'm being, and in taking control of the situation I know a better way, and I am teaching you, and I'm superior to you.that kind of perception is what I'm afraid of. I don't want it to be a me vs. you separation.

A: Then, just simply say, "I need to stop for a moment." Then, take a step back in your mind's eye. You need not even use those words to that individual if you feel that they will not be received favorably. This will be a discernment on your part. At some time in the conversation before it gets out of hand and emotions escalate, you take the reins and you stop in whatever way is best for you. This will take some practice on your part. I am not suggesting that this is an easy assignment, but it is one that is necessary if you truly want to become empowered with this new form of communication: to be aware of the different elements in sharing with an individual.

Is that not what true communication is all about? Sharing who you are with another person? Yet, sometimes sharing becomes loud and obnoxious and destructive when a person shares their pain and anger with you. However, you as an individual who is becoming more aware of the nature of energy and the way it impacts you must come to the awareness of this position: you have control of any situation of life. You must stop and momentarily assess it and that only comes with practice. We can help you by creating these scenarios and giving you pointers and feedback on what is helpful to you, but you must practice this and make it become a real, living part of yourself through habitual practice.

This week, I would ask you to do just that: practice this mindful form of communication by being more attuned in your mind's eye to what is occurring and then perceiving with your intention and motivation to be a source of love and peace for this individual. Before we close tonight, I will ask if you have any comments or questions.

Student: I'm really inspired by the power of these energies that you are speaking of. I've always wanted to believe that things like this were possible, but now I'm experiencing that they are really possible. The physics of the universe are expanded beyond what we think can exist or taught from science that exist. It's just so exciting that you are teaching us.

A: Well, someone has to because you are not learning it on your own! It is our delight to help you in this way. We understand the delicacy of your emotions and the pain that you have all grown up in. It is not natural for you to speak with love and harmony to another person. It is not your natural state, although had your planet developed more normally, it would have been at this point in its development. You are now in this massive correction stage where all of these ideas are coming to the forefront to help you practice and choose to use these techniques more consistently throughout your day.

Student: There's a book by Deepak Chopra called, "The Way of the Wizard" in which he talks about the wizard archetype and how the wizard archetype essentially comes full circle from the child in the womb that experiences peace and bliss, when the child is young it experiences the world as safe because it's with its mother. It's taken care of and provided for and has an open heart naturally. Then the next stage is the heart starting to close because the child enters into the world which is not a loving environment, etc. The wizard archetype eventually is living in the world and with people in the world, and is finally experiencing the world as a safe loving place to be because he or she has mastered these energetic techniques and is connected to the love that exists. The world becomes more of a safe place because of these energetic tools that are used. What you are saying reminds me of that magic the wizard archetype uses in understanding the physics of the universe that we are not accustomed to understanding.

A: This is precisely what we are here to teach you. As you desire to become more filled with the love that comes from your Paradise Father Source, as you attune your will to the ways of the Father and the wonderful universe that has been created for your discovery and journey, you will see more and more into the intimate workings and details of all levels of life. This is such a fundamental component to your development, yet it is something that has escaped you because of the two miscarriages of the divine plan that occurred here such a long time ago. The energies of deceit have long plagued Urantians in a way that they could hardly conceive. Now all of this is being brought to light. We are sharing the techniques that are used in the universe to help you remember your origins, to help you achieve your destiny.

We will close with these words of encouragement to play and have fun in creating a new communication pathway for yourself this week. Notice how you appear before others with your motivations and your intentions. Pay close attention to this and we will discuss at our next meeting what transpired during this week.

On behalf of all of us who watch and participate in these meetings, I send their love and greetings to you. Remember to call on any of us who are around you to help you remember and practice the techniques we share with you. Good evening, my sister. Grow and harmonize in the love we all share.

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