Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Thu Jan 10 20:50:46 PST 2008




Prayer: Please join me in some centering breaths. Dear First Source and
Center, we assemble at this time to seek your ministry and to accept your
grace from on high. Please allow us to have the open hearts and open minds
to accept that which you would bring to us as a result of our seeking and
our finding in this hour. We come to you secure in the knowledge that we are
yours, your offspring, your children and that you being our parents will
lift us up and bring us that which we need to sustain us and grow us in this
life. Let it be so in this moment such that we may feel that it is so, may
feel this connection; not just know of this connection but feel this
connection to you and your connection to us. We have faith that this is so
but we would approach you to seek the comfort and assurance that our faith
is well placed. Join with us in this effort as we attempt to join with you
and surely it will be so, thank you.

Mark: This is Mark and I am urged to step forward and share my thoughts
that I currently entertain. I am reminded that this evening is with the
intention of addressing the aspect of self that I choose to call the Voice
and I have some kind of vision of attempting to displace, to kick out if you
would, to separate from this aspect of self and there is a great resistance
to this because we are in such close partnership that it cannot be expressed
outside of me or without me. So I experience this attempt to make separate
this part. I do this with an effort at service as I have been asked to
facilitate this practice although I find it exceedingly awkward as if it
were one side of my self talking about another side of myself, or talking
for another side of myself and I say this to assure you that this is not
encountered by myself as an easy process.

For me, it is far easier to transmit the messages of a teacher or some
other authorized representative, even of Michael or Mother because I do not
have to have any confidence that the message I would try to portray from one
of these other beings of higher stature would certainly be of the highest
caliber and so for me to function in that capacity I am well assured from
the onset that the message is supreme and I act only as the messenger. But
in this case it pushes me to the very brink because I am a part of this
process and the one who I speak for would also speak for me. Therefore I
have to muster up the additional courage that the words that will proceed
will be from the higher aspects and yes, there are tones of my personality,
shades of my understanding, colors that I bring to bear upon this but that
is just how this works.

Fact is I am not supposed to be separate, you are not supposed to be
separate. We are in the process of combining and becoming one and therefore
I find it more and more difficult to speak with any separatism about this
but I will in faith proceed as I always do, as I am committed to do, as I
have undertaken to do and I step out in faith even now, even in this moment
that I act on behalf of spirit and of my highest nature which is also your
highest nature.

The Voice: Thank you for this invitation which welcomes me into this
arena, I am this ones voice but as you have just witnessed yourselves, this
is the same voice that is my companions voice and I call you to witness that
his statements spoken to you with sincerity and devotion also were infused
with my tones of divinity. Where does the one start and leave off and the
other begin. Increasingly you will find this distinction difficult to make
for as was just mentioned, you are in the process of becoming one being; a
being of mortal countenance and experience and as well a combined being of
divine wisdom. This is, as you well know, the plan for your growth and
ascension; it is your destiny and a crowning achievement that is yours to

And so if this is all true, and this IS all true, then you are merely
separated from this eventuality by your current experience as a mortal of
the realm who is having this experience in the time space realms. As you
evolve you certainly leave these time space realms and inhabit more and more
of the spiritual realm which knows no restriction of time or limitations of
space. But for now you are gathering unique and valuable experience as to
what it is to see yourselves as separate beings; even to see yourselves as
separated from God.

In your seeking and your finding you have most certainly discovered that
you are not separated from God and that you are not even separated from each
other except by your own awareness that this is so. As such this arena of
time and space becomes a valuable teacher for you to understand the contrast
of separateness and togetherness. You have been undergoing this experience
of separateness and determining that the reality that you have perceived up
until this time is not necessarily so. In fact you are finding that there
are connections everywhere that come right to you, that go right through
you. You are part of a gigantic network of connections. You are not in the
least separate and the more you grow in your awareness the more you will
understand the interconnectedness of the many and varied circuits that have
you as part of their whole.

Likewise you are discovering that not only are you not separate from God,
you are not separate from your universal parents, you are also not separate
from that divine fragment which has been entrusted to you so that you may
once again find the connection and experience the unity. You start out as a
babe in this realm, alone and if it were not for others, if it were not for
your parents loving care you would not survive hours on this planet and you
begin at this point to learn of your connection; first your connection to
your family which brings you life, nurtures your existence and provides for
you the platform from which you experience your life.

Slowly you begin to understand that you are a part of more and more that
is out there. You have friends in school, later you have associates in
business, you have citizens in your county, in your state, in your country.
Each one of these is another group, another circuitry that you find
yourselves attached to and the more your awareness grows, the more you will
find that all human beings are your brothers and sisters. You are all united
in one family and this family is a member of even larger families, universal
families and as your awareness grows you will see the many layered
connections that keep you intact with these many circuitries. Through this
entire process you have been granted an onboard partner to provide
assistance wherever it may be accepted, indeed to provide you with the
benefit of the ultimate connection through all other connections is this
ultimate connection of this fragment of the First Source and Center; this
part of you, this part that would become one with you and in so doing you
join this greatest of all circuits.

You can truly sense the implications of what it is to be the drop that
belongs to the ocean, no longer feeling separate and alone but rather
feeling part of the whole; but at this point in your evolution you are
awakening to the fact that you are a drop, but as a drop you are composed of
greatness; you are composed of all the ocean has to offer yet you are
experiencing your temporary position as a separate drop. As you well know
there is great force when the drops have combined to be the ocean and once
you have made this connection, opened up this circuitry, you too have access
to the force of the ocean and you will no longer ever feel distinguished and
separate but rather merely an aspect of the whole.

That is your experience as a human if you are lucky. Many humans will not
rise to these levels of awareness in one short mortal existence and there
are, as you are aware, provisions made for those who do not ascend to these
awakenings in this lifetime. But you who are here, now, are well on this
journey of discovery and you may expect that by your efforts the fruits of
success will manifest before you and as you seek, you shall find, as you
desire to know who you are you shall be made aware, as you wish to develop
your connection to the greater source then it will be so. You are
circumventing time in your desire to cover the distance and it is by your
efforts that this is so.

Therefore do I recognize all those who arrive at this point as having
accomplished great things. You not only have taken the ride of a time space
experience but you have become awakened along the route and you have desired
to take control of your own journey, to take the wheel and pursue a path
that you feel will facilitate your evolution and the universe will foster
your desires. You are grand creators and you are awakening to this potential
as well. Indeed you are turning your creative potential upon yourselves and
I am here to witness to you as is your inner Voice, that your efforts are
meeting with success and that this is observable phenomenon by those who are
of a spiritual nature.

Now, could my companion have of his own free will and volition offered
you these insights? I say probably not as the inspiration for much of this
was simply provided much as a teacher would bring a message to be
delivered. We have struck a balance in this moment to combine the skills of
transmitting/receiving with the inspiration and intuition that I bring to
the equation. But when you feel individually, the surge of inspiration, of
intuition, of spirit rise up within you, you may be assured that we are
working together and it is not important that you speak for your inner
voice. It is far more effective if you will speak as the team that you are,
to bring your personal awareness into the equation and to allow the divine
inspiration of your adjuster presence to bring a combination that is a
meeting of the two realms; divine inspiration commingling with material
aspirations. At this juncture there is evident to all the fruits of the

The fact that you will of your own free will choice engage in such an
opportunity is a tribute to your spiritual awareness and these are
demonstrated as fruits of your spirit. I hope these words have brought some
meaning to you and now I would relinquish this opportunity and step down
from this microphone that another might address you. There will be a
different tone, a different hue as there will come into play a different
personality. Thank you for your sincere and devoted attention to these
messages, good day.

Monjoronson: Greetings once again, I am Monjoronson stepping up to the
podium and accessing this microphone. I will accept your offer to put into
play some concepts and would roll two concepts into one. For the benefit of
those who would read these words I will restate the concepts mentioned.
First there was the inquiry as to the topic of trust and then there was the
inquiry as to the validity of the promptings individuals may receive; either
time promptings or I will add, innumerable other types of promptings. These
two topics are easily combined because the greater aspect of trust most
certainly encompass all the lesser aspects of what to trust, how to trust
and when to trust.

I call you to witness that you have just heard a description offered in
which it was required of my associate that a certain trust be brought to
bear in the circumstance, otherwise there was the overall threat ever
surrounding all- the threat of doubt. As human beings of the realm I
understand that you come from a long history of doubt, mistrust, and
uncertainty of anything and everything around you. You do not easily trust
anything be it the written word, each other or your own thoughts and
feelings. It seems you have put yourself apart from trust; you have
separated yourselves from trust to the degree that you have now alienated
yourself from trust and require life to prove it to you before it can be

You do this with your relationships, you do this with your science, with
your learned programs, with your intellectualisms and you do this with your
faith. You would have faith if it were proved to you, you would have trust
if it were shown to you. The child comes into this world in a state of
trust. It has no uncertainties or doubts because they have not been
installed yet. It trusts that someone will be there to take care of its
needs and keep it alive, it trusts that life is friendly until it is shown
otherwise. It is the adults who have grown weary of life, who have lost
their trust and their faith and now are struggling to regain their footing
in these realms.

After all there is the statement- who can you trust? what can you trust?
and why? You have within you the answers to all that you seek, the
verification to all that you would doubt, the ability to go within
yourselves and find the truth; not the truth that another would tell you,
not the truth that is written and therefore must be correct, not the truth
that must be in the absence of all else but the real truth. This is
available to you by virtue of your divine fragment who knows all things; who
has direct access to the First Source and Center where all truths resides.
You need not look to another, their writings, their sayings, their
predictions, their understandings, these are theirs. They may own them, they
may proudly assemble them as part of who they are but you as an individual
must be in process of assembling your own truths.

There is an overwhelming tendency right now to participate in the herd
mentality.( the primary's were going on at the same time) Among humans of
the realm this is almost an irresistible urge. Even in this hour there
awaits a country to see who a select few will choose so that they may
perhaps choose them as well. Public opinion and consensus tend to dominate
over real truths but you are engaged in the process of discovering the
process whereby you may gain trust and it is not by giving it away. It is by
owning up to it yourself realizing that within you lie the answers and that
represents the greatest challenge of trust that you face. Will you trust
yourselves, will you be honest with yourselves, do you accept that there is
a part of you that is trustworthy?

We tell you over and over again who you are; that you are children of
divinity but we observe that you do not trust yourselves with such grand
designations. They are not grand designations, they are statements of truth.
This is who you are, each one and your ongoing process of discovery is
designed to bring you to this awareness and once you embrace the fact that
it is not about trusting without, it is about trusting within; then you may
forgive all of those around you who are on their own individual journeys of
discovery of trust and faith. You will begin to understand what they are
undergoing is true for them, it is real for them, it is certain for them but
they are expressing their individual experience.

What is yours, what is true for you, what is real for you? It is every
bit as valid as what is real for any other out there. When The Father
fragmented Himself, the idea was that these fragments would all be
different; there would be not two drops of the ocean that were the same, and
so it is that no two realities can be the same. Your individual
understanding, your individual awareness constitutes your individual reality
and it is true and it is right and it correct for you and you alone. Others
may find aspects which resonate with them, you may find aspects of others
experiences which resonate with you but they are not your experiences until
they become owned by you and validated by you and embraced by you and this
is done through your bringing these experiences within for your confirmation
and for your embrace.

If they are not compatible with your reality if they do not resonate
within then you will most certainly feel that and know that of a certainty.
So in the grand scheme you can only trust yourselves, but you must trust
yourselves. This extends to how you would have your reality manifest. If you
are one who is looking to see particular numbers on a clock and is keyed to
be aware of such things, then such things will be used, not because they are
chosen by those on the other side but rather because they are chosen by you
as something that you will accept, something that you are aware of. Likewise
there could be innumerable other ways that you would choose to be approached
or alerted or be made aware and these methods of your choosing will be

You have chosen one this very moment. Without you aligning yourselves in
this process you would not be accessing this particular message. This is a
result of your choosing, we did not send out mandatory invitations that you
would arrive and be so instructed. You have chosen to follow this path and
in so seeking you are finding. Once again I will state that you are powerful
beyond your wildest imagination. You are cocreative beings whose power is
largely untapped, you are scratching the surface of who you are. This is all
yours by virtue of your birthright and you are growing into yourselves,
becoming confident with yourselves so that one day you will trust

It is ironic in a grand scheme sort of way that your universal parents
trust you beyond measure, the universe at large trusts you and that you may
be some of the last ones to come on board as trusting yourselves but this is
by design so that you may experience what it is like to come to this place
of your own efforts. And so we watch as the design plays out and we see that
it is invariably successful every time, and so it is that your success is

I observe that that is enough at this time to attempt to digest. I would
remain in attendance and field any individual questions or observations that
you might have.

Q : I appreciate your counsel Monjoronson, I really didn't disagree with
a thing you said. Learning how to trust ourselves is a very key factor in
learning how to live in peace with ourselves and have that inner confidence
that will enable us to work in fact better with our indwelling adjuster.
When we are all functioning in trust that liaison that things do indeed
work. Like the lesson on the symphony, if I am a piccolo and I am playing my
heart out as a piccolo should play I'm not going to worry about what's going
on with the violas or the symbols because they are doing what they are
supposed to be doing, knowing that we're all paying attention to the master
conductor. I do appreciate that, it's probably none of my business what the
other instruments are playing as long as I stick to my own notes.

Monjoronson: Let's take your analogy one step further. It may not be your
business to be concerned with the details of the other players in the
symphony but it most certainly is your pleasure to be a part of such a grand
and glorious project, the fruits of which will elevate the soul and raise
the vibration. As an individual player you would not necessarily have the
full power of the orchestra to evoke such emotion but as a team player you
are responsible none the less equally with the drummers and the violas and
the piccolos to insure that the entire grand scheme gets upheld and offered.
[Thank you for that approval, that acknowledgement.]
Thank you my friend.

Q: Hello Monjoronson, [hello] I wish to make a statement and maybe a
question as well. I do acknowledge that one of the most trustworthy things
in a humans life is their own experience and all planets [involved] with the
Caligastia rebellion and the Adamic default I can imagine a planet that is
settled in light and life does not have these erroneous concepts as a legacy
coming over from the evolution that it is important that we are all safe.
Because of these rulers we inherit a season of distrust moving forward from
that legacy so we being agondontors are trudging a different path regarding
trust and the only thing that we can really be sure of is our own experience
that we have lived.

Monjoronson: Oh my friend, you have just provided a key. Let me please
use your observations. You state that we observe that your human species
bears the mark or stigma of its past and that it is a challenge to overcome
such a stigma. I am welled up with the feeling that this is a key point to
be made. At some point in your process, in your evolution both individually
and collectively you must of necessity make a break with the past. The past
is just that, it is past, it is history, it is not here, it is not now, it
is not in this moment. What is in this moment is what you have referred to
as your experience. Now, if you are strong creators and if it is your desire
to create a new future for yourself, then part of what you must create is a
break with tradition, a break with your past, a break with deception, a
break with deceit, a break with distrust, a break with dishonor.

You understand that these things carried forward into this moment pollute
your moment, they contaminate your environment and you are saddled with them
as an obstacle to overcome before you can even begin to proceed with a new
vision, a better vision, a higher vision of the way you would have it. Now,
consider what stands in your way. As agondontors you have already shown that
you have faith to believe in things unseen therefore do you have the faith
to create the realities that are not currently known. You have the faith to
forsake dragging the obstacles of the past into your now, into your current
moment. You have the trust that you can do this. This is up to you, it is
not future generations, it is not another time or another place. It is the
moment that you decide that you will do this.

You are all rather fond of pointing to a time of light and life as
something in the projected future, that it will be nice if it arrives one
day and I will say to you that day begins today with your thought, with your
trust, with your intention you create light and life even if it is only in
the space around your physical being, even if it is only in your family;
even if it is only on your block, you create it because you choose to create
And so I encourage you to consider this turning of the page, this making
a break with the way things were because you cannot create the new way if
you have a yoke around you of the way things were. It is true, we have
history to consider. History that can help us put some perspective to our
position but then we must free ourselves of its shackles. We must be about
creating a new future, a new paradigm, a new awareness.

That is what I am here to usher in as are you. You are the ones who will
have the bold new ideas of a more ideal future, then you are the ones who
will take the steps to make it happen, you are the ones who will create it.
It is not something that will be thrust upon you from on high, this state of
light and life, it will come from you and you are now bolstering your
courage and finding your voice and positioning yourself so that you may
speak with the authority of one who has trust and faith and conviction. This
is our privilege my dear ones, we are so very fortunate to be here together
as this unfolds before us but also we must roll up our sleeves and be at
work in this process. This is not granted to us, we must make it happen but
when we show ourselves willing we have the vast recourses of the ocean
behind us; and so be it, let us work together.

Q: Thank you Monjoronson, we certainly have had an interesting evening
with your joining our circle and stepping up to the podium, I envision you
leaning across on your elbows and peering over your glasses and earnestly
encouraging us to do this. I have before me on my desktop the idea of
uninstalling the doubt filter that our culture has forced between us and
this separateness that you're talking about. Is it so simple to decide to
uninstall this doubt that casts its filter on our experience and leads us
back into the past of defeat and deception? Is it something that we can with
trust say yes I am done with doubt, I have uninstalled it from my desktop

Monjoronson: Lets go with your analogy. First of all I like your analogy
of joining your circle. I merely refer to the podium because that typically
is where the microphone is and as I need this particular microphone I will
envision myself in a group with you as that strikes my fancy. As for your
metaphor of uninstalling your doubt filter; I would point out to you that
when you first came on line as it were, in your very first computer when you
were very young, you were a trusting individual, you did not have a doubt
filter. There was no such program running to protect you because you were
unaware that you needed protection. As you grew and thought you had more to
lose in this process or more to be protected, fear and doubt were introduced
to you as a mechanism for protection.

They have served the human species admirably as this mechanism for
protection for quite some time but as you evolve as spiritual beings, as you
grow into awareness you need to change your operating system. No longer do
you find it serviceable to use the same old programs to do the same old
things because you must remember, it is like bringing the past forward. The
same programs bring you the same results every time. The same patterns will
produce the same results so therefore as you grow in your skills, your
abilities, your awareness you will find it proper to upgrade your systems
and find operating systems that provide you greater latitude for discovery
because that is one of your greatest obstacles.

Your current operating system of life has you confined, has you
constricted to its parameters and it is not possible for you to step outside
of those parameters given the same old current pattern of your operating
system. Therefore if you wish to expand and you wish to grow, so does your
capacity need to grow, so does your operating system need to expand to allow
you new areas for growth and expansion. As a mortal of the realm it is
exceedingly difficult and not necessarily advocated that you entirely delete
your doubt scanner. This is a part of your operating system and as such it
is adjustable by you. I can be set to doubt all things and allow nothing
through the filter or it can be adjusted downward to only be activated in
certain times of uncertainty based upon your individual awareness's.

So I would not necessarily recommend deleting that entire aspect of the
program but I would most definitely recommend you taking control of that
rather automatic part of the program to be serviceable to you in relation to
your awareness, your trust, your faith; your ability to find out for
yourselves your truths because your doubt filter may be triggered [to] a
number of instances but these remain as quarantined until you have taken
them within and assessed their value and been either confirmed in the value
or unable to receive substantiation. The purpose of the doubt filter then is
to raise the question or alert you to the potential that there is an issue
or a question or something that you have encountered that will require your
internal processing.

If your doubt filter is set too high you will never entertain any
possible beneficial options. If your doubt filter is set too low you will be
seen as gullible or malleable by others. All of this is made right when you
realize that you have the ultimate data bank within and that you need only
to check with your internal data source to either validate or fail to adopt
any outside information. There is no fear to be had that this will turn into
a virus and take over you or your abilities or your skills, it is simply not
possible because you are unassailable in this internal citadel of self. It
is merely a question of you filtering through all that your experience
entails and processing where and if anything that you come across fits in to
your internal system. Thank you for your offer of that analogy which was
most useful.

Q: You're welcome. So we're to be in Jesus' words "wise as serpents and
harmless as doves" so then how does Michael's spirit of truth as poured out
at Pentecost relate to our own doubt filter? Can we replace our outworn and
outmoded programming for Michael's spirit of truth?

Monjoronson: You may absolutely request a download at any time to upgrade
your operating system to the most current standards available. You may do
this by asking to interface with the mind of Christ. You may do this in your
prayers to be granted wisdom from on high, you may do this in your internal
moments of awakening. You may do this in a number of ways but you can rest
assured that you are online, you are linked and that you may receive these
upgrades just by simply requesting them.

Q: That was beautiful. Whoa, I can do that.

Monjoronson: Yes you can, yes you can.

Q: That's a very joyful way of giving the past a goodbye, to wake up
every morning and download the Father's will for me today, this moment.

Monjoronson: And to carry that analogy one step further, most of your
will identify with what its like to receive an upgrade and at first you may
feel some initial slight discomfort with the rearrangement of the new
program but you quickly begin to see the improvements made and once you have
but a few moments experience with the new upgrade you find yourself pleased
at having made the change even though at first there was perhaps some
initial resistance to things being different until you discover they're

Q: Right, those new reminders, those new icons on the desktop, those new
prompts with new insights and I'm entering where I've asked those reminders
to take me. Is that sort of the idea of an icon, to click on to that
whatever prompt and go, oh here I am in the moment to go through into where
I'm supposed to see here.

Monjoronson: In this analogy your icons can be seen as your doorways to
your individual experiences much as a photograph can bring you back to the
experience of a vacation you have fond memories of; likewise does an icon in
this analogy represent a doorway to open to a place you were before that you
can remember to access and that you can utilize. I would carry it one step
further to say that there has been much discussion I have provided about
reassembling this network. Imagine yourself right now putting an icon on
your operating system that you could click on and in a moments notice be
here again. That is the value of what you referred to as these icons, they
are portals, doorways into different dimensions, different realities,
different circuitries much as this one.

Q: That is awesome and awe inspiring, thank you very much.

Monjoronson: From my perspective is that all of you beings have gathered
around to hear the message and are drinking it in, taking it in to your own
persons. It is now part of your experience, your individual personal
treasure trove of experience. Congratulations each one. You have come to
this point and you have received. You have put effort out and you have been

Q: Well thank you for your presence here tonight in the circle, everyone.

Monjoronson: I echo your words, thank you. I will draw this meeting to a
close. It seems like an appropriate point. Once again, thank you, thank you
for, your devotion, your attention. It is truly inspiring to see from where
you have come to where you stand now. I honor you in your journeys each one
and I look forward to our further working together to create light and life
before us, thank you.

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