[tmtranscripts] Arcadia, December 10, 2007

Larry Whelan lwhelan at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 12 11:53:06 PST 2007

Arcadia, California,
Monday, December 10, 2007, 8:00 pm

Teachers: JarEl

TR: George Benavides

Topics: We are intelligent individuals who can think and decide for ourselves.
We do not really need our Teachers to tell us what to
think or believe.
The Teacher is a facilitator who brings us solace in
the fact of life after death.
JarEl enjoys bringing us messages and answering our questions.
JarEl gives us all the credit for making our own
choices and decisions.
We are the ones who have created the lives we have so
far by our choices.
We need to learn how to take better care of our
spirits and emotions.
When we truly find the power within us and validate
it, our creativity will grow.
JarEl does not wish to change or alter any of our
lives, he would only urge us
to change ourselves by discovering the
power within us and using it.

Questions: Do you, as a Teacher, observe us outside of the Teaching
Mission or only
when we are here?
Do you work with us on a daily basis and, if so, how?
Is meditation the only way wherein we can receive
messages or look inward?
Do breathing exercises help, the ones from India?
Can we expect, in this lifetime, to be able to
travel outside of our bodies?
Is that kind of travel safe?
How do we learn how to do this?
As a bereaved person I wonder, will I ever talk
to my loved one again?

Prayer: Donna: Dear Father please be with our group tonight. Help
us to understand the messages that our Teachers, or Teacher JarEl,
brings to us. Thank you for this evening. Thank you for this season
of lights and decorations. It is cheering to see all the colored
lights on the houses and we know that they represent a celebration of
the birth of Michael. We also celebrate that in our hearts and minds
Father. In Michael's name, Amen.

JarEl: TR, George. Good evening. It is I, your Teacher JarEl. It
is good to be back. I enjoy this process of bringing messages to you
and of answering the questions that you have. Even so, you are
intelligent individuals who are capable of thinking for
yourselves. You can certainly make your own decisions and generally
you do not need me to tell you what to think or what to believe in.

I am a facilitator who brings you solace in the fact that there is
life after death and that you have nothing to worry about. But even
this concept can be lost in fears and doubts for when you come down
to it, do you really know for sure? Can you really believe in such
an idea? And it is you who either accepts or denies this very
notion. It is you who comes to believe in the end. I simply bring
you a message but it is you who chooses to follow the message or to
cast it aside. It is you who builds up the courage in your heart to
believe in something that you cannot see and to trust in something
that you cannot know for sure.

This only makes you all that much more special for you are truly
God's children who have complete trust in your Father. Perhaps you
do not know all the details of this universe, much less the details
of your own future life, but you do trust that it will turn out for
the best; that is faith, that is belief. And that is why I come back
to my first point, where you do not need me to be able to do
this. You have been able to do this all along on your own without
any help. It has all come from inside of you, from your own mind,
from your own heart. You have weighed all the possibilities and you
have come to a particular conclusion for the time being. And this
conclusion has led you to have this faith that you currently
follow. It is by your own faculties that you have made these
decisions in your life and it is by these decisions that you are
where you are at in this moment.

The reason I say all of this is because you are that person who
has made these decisions. You are that person who has created this
life for yourself. It is not I, nor any other Teacher that may come
to you. It is you who has the power to form and shape your life as
you wish. You have the power to believe in whatever you want to
believe in; you can follow anything that you want to follow. But
ultimately it is you who makes these choices. So when you come down
to it, the most important person in your life, other than God, is yourself.

So you must learn to take care of yourself; you must nourish
yourself, you must help yourself grow. You must treat yourself
better, you must give yourself more credit than you currently do and
you must stop belittling yourself so often. Do not be so harsh on
yourself. You are struggling in this world, you are attempting to
make the best decisions possible. Not all of them turn out as well
as you planned. But they are your choices whether they are
intelligent or not. And you have learned a thing or two along the
way. So I say again, you do not need me. For it is you, it is you
that needs yourself. You must find that power within you, that
energy that exists all around you, and you must learn to use it. You
must validate it, acknowledge it, give yourself that credit that you
deserve for you have created more possibilities in your life than
anyone else ever could have. You have made more choices for yourself
than anyone else could have. And when you find this power that is in
you, you will begin to realize how creative you are. How everything
that you see around you can be changed and formed to your
liking. You can change things for the better. You have that power within you.

When I see all of you here, I do not desire to change you in my
image. I would rather you change yourselves. I would rather that
you grow as individuals and have that freedom to find your own
destinies, your own possibilities. I am simply an observer of your
lives, of this group in Arcadia. I do not wish to alter any of your
lives so that it may suit me. I bring you the news and the messages
and that is all that I want to give you. I do not want to change any
of you, but I do want to give you that urge to change yourselves. It
is you who ultimately shapes and forms your own lives, it is you who
charts your own path to eternity and it is a thumbprint that you
leave in your wake. You are all unique, you are all individuals who
are very different than others and you will all make your individual
choices accordingly. There is no one way of doing
everything. Everyone must make their own choice on how they chose to
live their lives.

Are there any questions here tonight?

Ana: JarEl you say you observe us. Do you observe us outside of the
Teaching Mission like in our daily lives, or just once we are here?

JarEl: TR, George. I have a general idea of what you've been up
to. I am not observing you day by day, but I do receive a general
report of your current status.

Ana: Do you work with us on a daily basis? As you know our current
conditions or situations, do you somehow send messages to us to help
us or how? Is there a way where we are receiving something from you
during that time or do you just gather the information and then put
it together and teach us once we get to this Teaching Mission?

JarEl: TR, George. There is a whole team of Celestial helpers that
works around you to help you through your lives. I am in connection
with these helpers and yes, there are suggestions I give from time to
time that may or may not be received by you. But nonetheless, you
are a person of interest for you do belong to this group.

Ana: In order for us to see things that we need to work on that may
be hidden from us presently, how can we begin to look at those things
if, let's say you are giving us some suggestions? Is meditation the
only way that we will be able to receive that message and look inward
and try to find some of our faults or things that are holding us back
or are creating obstacles for us, or fears or blocks, in order that
we could overcome them?

JarEl: TR, George. Meditation is not the only way, but it certainly
is one of the easiest ways for it calms your mind, allows you to
think clearly and look at things in an undistorted way. There are
other ways that you can receive these messages. But it is important
that you attempt to see the signs that are around you. It may seem
like these things may not exist, but they are made available for you
to help you grow. There is more than one way of receiving these
messages. If you meditate, if you still your mind, if you clearly
think, then you can see the answer much better.

Ana: Do breathing exercises help, the ones that come from India?

JarEl: TR, George. Any technique that has you stopping and thinking
will eventually help you. A particular technique is not better than
any other. Simply sitting down and contemplating over an idea or on
life in general will get you to think clearly. Even in a crowded
room, full of people walking to and fro, you can meditate. There are
various techniques. It is important for you that you find your own
way, your own methods, and use them.

Ana: Can we expect, in this lifetime, to be able to travel outside
of our bodies?

JarEl: TR, George. Yes, you can expect that. That is not foreign
to the human condition as a preview as to what will one day be reality for you.

Ana: How do we learn? Is it through books?

JarEl: TR, George. There are those who have more experience, that
is true and you can certainly learn from them. But you will never
learn a thing unless you experience it yourself. If you allow
yourself to have this experience, then you will have it. It is
simply a matter of intention. And you have had these experiences
before in your life. You just do not remember them. Most of the
times that you have had these experiences were in your dreams and you
were safely back in your body before you knew it. Though you have no
recollection that this ever happened, but you are capable of leaving
your body and traveling out amongst your world.

Ana: Is it safe? Can't evil spirits enter our bodies while we are away?

JarEl: TR, George. I can assure you that you will be safe. There
is a protection around you. You are all students and followers of
the true light. The choices that you have made for your life that
have led you to not only read the Urantia Book but to follow your
inner light, your inner conscience, have brought you certain
protection. You may call it immunities. You are not weak in a
spiritual sense. You are strong and outside forces cannot penetrate
something that is good. So do not fear for nothing can harm you.

Ana: Thank you.

Dave: JarEl I am very troubled because I have lost the soul mate God
gave me. Six months and five days ago I was in the most wonderful,
wonderful relationship that I could ever imagine under any
circumstances. And everything was perfect and I just knew God had
granted this to me and to her. And then within the briefest time it
takes, she lapsed into an irreversible coma and she passed away. I
long to have my arms around her and hold her and be with her but it
can never be now. I know it was a great gift of God and we both felt
that way. And I seem to be unable to get myself back to living in a
way that will assuage my pain and bring me some ability to accept it
and be grateful for what I had. I wonder if I will ever talk to her again?

JarEl: TR, George. You will speak to her again. It is simply a
matter of time. She is not lost, nor is she far from you. She is
very close and she truly loves you. She knows that the time that she
was with you were some of the best times that she's had. This pain
that you feel for her loss is truly felt by her and she wishes that
she could comfort you. But there is also that inability to come back
to the flesh that prevents this from happening. Even though you may
understand this concept of life after death, my friend, it does not
stop you from having pain in your heart from missing a person. And
that pain that you feel is simply a testament of the real love that
you had. You have experienced great love and have truly felt it in
your hearts. Now you must experience great loss. But it will not be
like this forever and eventually one day, when your time comes, you
will see her again and you will have that opportunity to embrace her
once more. I cannot remove that pain that you have. I can only
sympathize. But I do hope, I do hope, that you grow stronger.

With that I leave you. Goodnight.

All: Goodnight JarEl.

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