[tmtranscripts] Aurora 9-5-07

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at comcast.net
Mon Sep 17 19:31:41 PDT 2007

Oakland, CA

Teacher: Aurora

TR: Donna D'Ingillo

Topics: Group Harmonics

Tuning to Others

September 5, 2007

Greetings to you, my friends! This is Aurora. I am pleased to be among you once again this evening. Tonight your group is small and this is all as it should be. My level of instruction is such that it requires a firm foundation of a new energy form that harmonizes your minds together as one. In time this one-mindedness will attract those individuals here who are ready and able to collaborate with you in this type of mindal arrangement.

Tonight, I would welcome the inlay of more harmony into your minds as you get to know one another more and are being unified in this space of communication and personal interaction. My sisters are here to assist me in this undertaking. We can do this in one of several ways: through the emergence in your own thoughts of a particular note on the tone scale that you hold in your mind's eye. We will harmonize you to that. Or, if you have a keyboard handy, we can strike that note and harmonize you in that tone. What is your wish.what would be the easiest way for you to receive this harmonization of my sisters: through thought or through sound? (Students debate this)

There are some notes that I would like to begin with. The note of F is a good place to start. It is a note that carries a particular vibratory signal that has an ambient energy in both of your beings, and to weave you together in this tonal quality will help you harmonize with one another. For instance, the note of F is something that you all hear, but the way your body perceives it is unique to your particular personality.your inner vibratory make-up. Yet, we can tune or configure this note so that you are all more or less resonating within the appropriate band of frequency that fosters a unified expression. Do you understand my meaning? I will pause here and ask if you have any questions or comments on this idea of harmonizing within this particular note.

Student: I think it's so fun to hear that. I've never really thought about it. I love music and it's an exciting thing to talk about.

Student: Maybe we would like to work with this a little later. I'm thinking of how to do it. If we prepared earlier we could use an instrument, so perhaps we should use the mental construct at this time.

Aurora: Let us begin here for this evening. We will progress through a scale and more will be added. This is a new concept to D as transmitter, and I am imbuing within her mind certain thoughts and concepts to help all of you come into a better appreciation of what is involved in this intricate dance of harmonizing the disjointedness of human thought into a united whole. Are you ready to begin?

As you breathe and relax, imagine that there is a string running from your crown chakra going down into the earth, coming from the center of all there is. You are standing and being held in place by this string through the core of your being. Allow yourself to open so that the awareness of the string is something that you perceive either in your mind's eye or in feeling. In terms of your participation and your tuning to this note that is being plucked in you, let us begin with the note of F, just be in that mental place of allowing this note to resonate through you. Take a few moments and we will make some adjustments within you as we weave you together as well. (Pause)

As you perceive this note being struck within you, ask for the resonance within you to harmonize with the two others in your group this evening. Allow the emanations from their notes to resonate and harmonize with yours. Simply relax and observe the energy fluctuations you perceive within. (Pause)

Spend a few moments in discerning the subtle distinctions in energies. First sense your own attunement to the note of F, and then allow the resonance of others to harmonize with you. My intention this evening is to help you become more intuitively aware of what it feels like to be harmonized with another person: to feel that in your being, to feel when you are engaging your own resonance and when you are harmonizing with another individual. Spend some time here in perceiving and we will then have a brief discussion. (Pause)

Please acknowledge when you feel you have experienced a distinct impression of sensing your own resonance and the resonance of others. We shall progress to our discussion. Simply tell me when you are ready to move into our discussion mode. (Pause)

Student: I experienced several different a-ha's. When you were first talking about this idea of harmonizing one mind with another to come together as one unit, I had a sense of a new energy, a tone, or note. As you were talking I had an image of the three of us as a circus ride where each one of us is in our own swirling thought-it looks like a big outstretched onion-and we would go out and swirl in and out as it went around. We would all go out and in at the same time. We all became one in this balance that was taking place. Shall I go on?

Aurora: Did you have any feelings? Were you able to perceive any kind of feeling of safety or a quality of rightness, quality of being vulnerable and yet safe at the same time? I do not wish to put words in your mouth, but I am looking for a description of what you felt.

Student: When we were experiencing the vibration of F, I did not have an audible sound of what this should be, but it became a very deep, and of the lowest vibrational level of my being. I felt it washing in and down through me, going deeper-like the tide coming in. A rumbling sound. Is that what you have in mind?

Aurora: Yes, thank you for sharing what you experienced. There is more to share, I am sure, but let us allow R an opportunity to share her experience and we will progress further.

Student: The experience I had was from the heart center to your heart center to your heart center. It was almost a light beam this energy connecting from one person's heart center to the others. We were all connected, all three of us. It felt really good. From you, it was really mixed. It was very exciting warm loving sort of feeling and then at the same time I when connecting with people there was also fear around it for me. Much as I really love people, I still feel that fear also.

Aurora: Thank you. I appreciate your honesty about feeling those feelings of fear. This is a safe group and it is somewhat of a laboratory where you will get to experience something very different than being out in the world where you are so externally focused. Here in this safe environment you are exploring or perceiving the inward focus and becoming more attuned to that. This is part of what I am here to help; to make that bridge from being so attuned to the things you see around you-the sights your eyes perceive, the sounds your ears perceive, and to help you make that transition to being more internally focused.

The vibrations that you hear and perceive inward become more enhanced and more predominant than the stimuli that you perceive from your external world. This is a type of instruction that will take many sessions for you to transition. Tonight we are sharing a beginning experience. I am encouraging you to mentally hold a thought for the key of F to continue to harmonize within you. It is not as important to know what this note represents at this time. There will be more information disclosed to you. You can always ask what is the significance of this key as it relates to you and your energy body, and to trust that the signal that you are receiving will be highly beneficial for your individual attunement to the will of Spirit as well as to the attunement to your brothers and sisters. Do you have any questions about this undertaking we are embarking upon this evening?

Student: When you say many sessions, what are you referring to?

Aurora: We are talking about weeks and months of instructions in group harmonization and expanding the ideas of what it means to be more internally focused than externally influenced.

Student: The purpose of this exercise is so that we can become more aware of who we are and what we have to work with?

Aurora: Yes. That is one of the benefits for this kind of exercise. The other major benefit is for you all to realize that you are truly all one large voice of God. Albeit you have individuation, it's our undertaking to help you be comfortable with your own energy signature as well as what it means to harmonize as an energy signature with another individual.

Student: Let's say we are moseying through life and we come across some energy individuals that aren't so friendly.they don't want to harmonize, they want to dominate and change us. Can we talk about that?

Aurora: Yes, I can address that. Where I would like to lead you is to that place where your resonance is so strong that the resonance of that other individual who does not want to harmonize with you will be of softer or quieter vibration. You would not feel disharmony in them but at some level you will have your harmonics built up that you will be able to send your signal of love into them to help them harmonize in the ONENESS, in the love.

Student: Sounds a little pushy, like "I know something and I'm going to make them know it now."

Aurora: It is not a knowingness at all. It is a beingness. It is something that you would naturally carry. It is a vibration of love that you would carry that they would be able to perceive at some level. Everyone has a yearning for love-the love vibration, the love song. Some people are able to pick up the signal easier than others. For those people who are living in a state of disharmony, perhaps at some deep level they wish to harmonize with you but they do not know how. By your holding the signal strong, resounding, and clear, at a level of harmonization deep within them they will pick it up. They will begin to resonate with that song of love within them. You are not doing anything verbally. Energetically, musically, vibrationally it is a different matter.

Student: I see. I don't understand completely yet, but I will be patient.

Aurora: My brother, it is not necessarily so much a matter of understanding, but you have opened yourself up to this now, and it would be helpful perhaps to look at this as an experiment-a musical experiment. As I have observed you, is this not something you truly enjoy-to work with sounds and music and to experiment?

Student: Yes, I guess so.

Aurora: I am sure we will have many evenings of fun in training you in this way. You will find even more skills to take to your music recreation of the love you have inside you. Thank you, my brother, for your open mindedness and for your willingness to explore this dimension with us, the sisters who are helping you in this massive harmonization undertaking of Urantia.

Student: What's it like for you, Aurora, to experience us on this planet? Just like you described a person who couldn't feel love and not receptive to it, do you get sad when you see people like that on our planet? Do you feel helpless?

Aurora: I understand. We are not of the same emotional frequency (you might call it) as you humans. We do not experience fear, frustration. We do not resonate with those emotions. However, we see and we do experience how frustrated you become sometimes with your inability to harmonize with one another. This is one of the reasons we are conducting these experiments and educational sessions to teach you how to bring your brothers and sisters up to a resonance without words, without trying to change them in an outward fashion, but to help them grow in the love vibration that is all around them.

We see this as a tremendous opportunity to be of service and to help you, who have been so deprived of this information for many years, to realize that there are better ways of conducting yourselves when you are in groups. You do not need to be antagonistic with one another. Even though you have many tendencies towards this dynamic, it is not the way of the universe.

It is for us to train you, to expose you to these ideas. We are thrilled, overjoyed to have this opportunity to share this with you. It is something we have wanted to do for a long time. The time is here now. I thank you, and we thank you for giving us this opportunity to bring these important healing and transformational ideas and experiments to your world. Other groups will be participating in these harmonization activities as we move into the deepening of the love energies onto the planet. It is not something that will happen overnight. You will, as I have shared with you in our first session, be able to magnetize those people to this group who are ready for this level of instruction. You are performing a service as well as we. We are collaborating in this together.

Student: Just the example of how you are with us is extremely helpful. That's been the most helpful thing for me, because we don't experience people who are non-judgmental or so openly loving, patient, who have many of your traits. It's so beautifully refreshing to have your example.

Aurora: Thank you, my sister, and it is delightful to us to know that you are being refreshed and renewed, and that your strings are resonating with this new energy that in time will radiate such a clear note of compassion, warmth, openness and safety for others to receive in their bodies as well.

We are all part of a living organism that is operating on the resonance of LOVE. Your bodies have been so deprived of this resonance; it is our fervent desire to see you all open to this gradually, safely, willingly. We are just as excited as you are, my sister, only perhaps from a different angle.

Tonight I will end the instruction here, if you have no further comments or questions. We will again resume in a few days. For now, I would ask you to continue to put some mental attention on this harmonization idea. Ask for us to calibrate you to this note of F, if you do recall our conversation this evening, and we will embellish this further when we next meet.

Student: I'd like to make a clarification. Are you asking us to continue allowing this F to resonate through us?

Aurora: Please put some mindful attention on it in your own decision making throughout the course of the day. (OK) Relax and enjoy the vibration of your F! We shall continue the discussion and experiment on Monday.

Thank you, my dear brother and sister. May you slumber in this note tonight and know that you are safe in the arms of your Mother and Father. Good evening.
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