[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 7/22/07

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Fri Jul 27 22:01:00 PDT 2007

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Exercise in Connections, Stillness and Energy, Use of Energy, Universal, Eternal,
and Infinite-Subject, Object, and Verb.
Teachers: Jessona, Serena, Monjoronson, Elyon.

July 22, 2007

* Jessona (Mark TR): I am Jessona, here to offer an exercise in connections ... in
order to facilitate projection, transfer of energy. The first step has already been
taken; you have all provided the energy necessary to allow yourselves this time to focus
your intent, to make the call and ready yourself, to provide yourself with the posture
necessary to engage yourself with this activity. I see that you are all quite willing to
provide the necessary to complete this step quite adequately.
The next step is the combining of the energies, the incircuitment of the parts with
the whole, creating a new living energy system that is the result of all your individual
contributions and desires that this be so. Having created this vortex where your
combined energies meet at a point above all of you and connecting all of you by a web,
this vortex of energy may be expanded with divine grace, because when there is created
this new system, this new living system, there is support from on high for pure
intentions and positive motivation, and therefore your contributions are added to, and
there forms a column, an anchor of light.
In a case as today where there is a desired focal point, it is then possible for
each of you to envision the projecting in specific direction to a sister, for instance,
as in today’s exercise. You may allow yourselves to visualize this beam of energy, beam
of light, being projected out to the location of a dear loved one, a sister, and see this
light as reaching her and bathing her, surrounding her, as engulfing her with your good
will, your good intentions and the good intentions of the others and the good intentions
of the Father and Mother who add theirs to yours. It becomes a boat of hope, a carrier
of energy that may be directed where it is necessary.
If you have access to the specific need, as in this case where there is a hip, you
may further visualize directing this light to the effected area, warming, soothing,
calming, relaxing, and even go further by visualizing the dissolution of matter back into
its energy state similar to the light that you send, free-flowing and flexible.
Then you might add your petition, your prayer, your suggestion, that all be
collected once again in a perfected state, that energy be reorganized into matter in a
more divine state, divine pattern.
Then in your process of visualizing what it is your energy is doing, there is the
appreciation of accomplishment, which is an aspect of your faith that this be so, and to
be thankful for what you believe, what you know, what you understand about this process
and all that you don’t yet understand.
We have just been through the process of attaching links to the chain, lighting up
the component parts so that energy may be directed, may be applied, may be administered,
may be received. As well we are assuming that our participant in this process has
granted us permission to be engaged in this way. Therefore we have caused this alignment
with our very intention to do so. So it is, these connections have been made; so it is
that this energy may flow; so it is that each of you, all of you, are beginning to know
that this is so, beyond belief, even beyond faith, in fact even as a result of your
faith. You are beginning to know of a certainty that this is so and not just hope that
this is so or wish that this is so. It is known that results are given to those who
exercise their faith, not to bolster their faith, but as a result of their faith. The
faith comes first, then the results which increase the faith.
Thank you very much for your desire to perform this circuitment in this hour. It
is a pleasure to offer some direction as to what it is you are doing, how it is that it
is being accomplished. These descriptions are crude, elementary descriptions, but they
provide you with something for your mind to grasp while your soul is in process of being
engaged. I withdraw to allow this forum for others. Thank you.

* Serena (Kathy): Stillness is essential to the use of energy, as you have discussed
it. We find that your bodies are able to turn into another level of energy when in the
practice of stillness. It is not the usual level of awareness that is used in your
everyday life. The energy level needs to be lowered as the process of stillness drops
away from the stimulus of your senses and opens up another level that is more available
to be used in contact with those of us who are here to access this space with you. Be
assured that the practice of stillness leads to contact with Michael, Mother, and those
of us who are sent to aid you on this planet. We are able to use your intent to augment
the energy systems in your body. This increases the effectiveness of any energy work
attempted. Be open to the experimentation with these energies; it’s a natural part of
your mortal experience.

* Monjoronson (Mark): Greetings I am Monjoronson. I would pick up where these
threads have led us today and discuss more about energy.
All things are energy in different form. You are simply a collection of energy in
divine pattern. You are a mass of individual energy units collected together and formed
into pattern. Likewise your food is, as well, energy collected into pattern. This
energy that you take in passes through you, becomes you, passes out of you, and sustains
the organized energy that is you. Likewise your water is similar, energy in particular
form which you take in. It passes through you, out of you, changes its nature and
composition, and it is taken up by the higher energy form and is released back into the
environment as waste.
Your sunlight as well is an energy in a different form. It is quite necessary to
the functioning of your organism of self.
Everything that you know in this material realm is comprised of energy that has
been transformed into its pattern, much of it appearing to you to be static or unchanged,
but in fact those things you consider to be permanent are in fact still changing, simply
at a slower rate. The stone does not change at the same rate as the flower. Both are
comprised of energy in a state of flux.
You are learning that there are many types of energy and many manifestations that
you may come into contact with and even learn to direct. Whereas you may not create
sunlight, you certainly have found ways to focus it and direct it, to shield yourselves
from it, to take advantage of it in your growth cycles. It is not necessary for you to
understand the creation of this form of energy as much as it is you understand the use of
it and how to exist with it and even how to maximize its potential, as you do when you
plant your garden accordingly to take advantage of the season of the sun. As you venture
into the spiritual realm and contact a whole new set of energy parameters, you will learn
how to exist with these universal principles, and once again you will find that it is not
necessary for you to understand how these principles are created or how they are there to
be used, but rather that they are there to be used, and you have a part you can play in
their direction, in their use, in their focus.
So if you begin to see all things as energy, then it becomes easier for you to
consider that as an energy yourselves, as a combination of energies, you have
relationship to the various forms of energy, the various wavelengths of energy. Because
you are a child of the greatest energy of all, the First Source and Center, you as well
have some influence over these various energy circuits. As you practiced in your
exercise today, you may take and direct these energies, you may send them out, you may
focus them, you may project them as you will, as you do in your daily lives, and these
energies are as real as the energy that comprises the stone. That is the difficult one
for mortal man to grasp, something so untouchable, unsolid, may in fact be as real and as
definite as something that seems so static and permanent as stone. But they are all
energy in different forms, providing different functions, adhering to different patterns.
They are all real; they are all genuine. So think not that your activities in focusing
spiritual energies are any less significant than your activities in focusing material
energies in the work that you do, the actions that you take. These are all directed
energies; they are simply in different form, adhering to different pattern.
That would be my contribution I would add to the pool that we are creating of
wisdom in this hour and understanding. Thank you for your devoted attention. I would

* Elyon (Jonathan): Greetings, this is Elyon. I will begin my presentation by
drawing upon some terminology expressed in your Urantia Papers.
You have been informed of the names of the First, Second, and Third Sources and
Centers, they being Universal Father, Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit. Father is the
uncaused cause. All things, beings, reality forms, are derived from this uncaused cause,
the universal cause of everything.
The first most objective existence or being is the Son. That first object is
eternal and has never been truly “caused” but has always been. You and I and all things
around us are subsequent objective projections.
But just as in your sentence structure a subject and object have no meaning without
the relationship of a verb, and this is that Third Source and Center. The relationship
of Trinity is love. Love is the action, and that love is infinite. It is for all and
In your world and my world of relativity we have many relationships, ways to
connect selfhood with others and other things. I draw again upon your sentence. If you
have “John” and “dog” what does that mean? There is an infinite amount of possibilities.
John sees dog. John trains dog. John chases dog. And on it goes. You have addressed
the issue of health and physical well-being. Physical conditions are objects, and you
are the source and center of your being. Healing is the adjustment of the relationship,
the changing of the verb. This is the secret; this is how you heal. It is the energy,
the transformer, or more correctly, the transforming.
I will now address another focus of all who aspire to spiritual attainment, that
being stillness. Within you is the Universal Father, and you objectified is the Eternal
Son. Stillness is the attempt of taking the objective human being back to the subject
source. Stillness is silence in action, it is wakefulness, attentiveness. It is
embrace. It is absorption, and it is love. You lose your life that you may gain it.
You sit at the far end of the table that you may be taken to the head. You give to the
little ones and by so doing you give to Him on high. And so you learn to love your
humanness as much as you love the divine within, for all three is trinity: the divine,
the human, and the embrace, the oneness, the unity.
Thank you for your reception. I am finished.
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