[tmtranscripts] FW: LIGHTLINE TELECONFERENCE 5-31-07

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Sat Jun 9 19:06:12 PDT 2007




Elyon: Hello to you all, I am Elyon. It is my pleasure to be in contact to
share in this association of light beings. The many of you on this planet
who are aware of your relationship with the many celestial guides present
are a treat to us you have been told of the long isolation of your world
from others and while you in coming to learn of this previous condition
began to notice how quiet it really was and how much more easily you are
able to make contact. But we also are happy for we too have left that zone
of restricted silence and it is great joy to be in contact, and I mean in
contact for our approach to you is from within by way of the grace of The
Father's presence for without the permission of The Almighty and His
resident Son in Nebadon, Michael, we would be unable to embrace you in this
form of communication.

Once upon a time your world believed that the sun rotated around the earth
and soon you grew in your understanding of the position of the planet and
stars and realized that you as a planet revolved around the sun. I bring
this up because the divine presence that indwells you is that very sun
around which you revolve. There are days however when you still perceive the
divine presence circling around you, the sunrise and sunset of adjuster
contact, but it is merely your own attention that has shifted for that
divine spirit is ever in divine contact.

But my analogy falls short for in reality you in relationship with the
divine indweller are rotating around a common center and that is your soul.
Much like a double star observed by your astronomers the momentum of your
revolution is provided by the guidance of the pilot light, the divine
ministering spirit of God and by your sovereign will bestowed on you,
licensed to you. Your exertion of will and the grace of guidance causes the
rotation of the relationship of the thought adjuster to the human
personality and thereby in the center emerges the supreme soul.

When you communicate one to the other you pass though the realm, the
dimension, the state of being that is your soul. It is the communication
translator. The Father's presence is therefore limited by the extent of
soul experience. Your ability to interpret that communication is also thusly
limited. And so to achieve greater intercommunication, your most expedient
task is to foster living experiences which expand your soul. You need not
pursue séances, trances, mystic experiences in a direct effort to contact
rather build the foundation of a strong, stable, balanced soul.

Acquire living experiences that grant you wisdom, that reveal truth, that
offer you the opportunity to experience divine joy, that cause you to bend
on your knees and cause you to humbly receive guidance. These soul enriching
endeavors make that arena richer wherein the voice of God may speak and the
ear of the human being can truly hear. You then become like two dancers
holding hands and spinning around each taking a step contributing to the
others movement, your free will and divine guidance one step after the other
working in consort. It is the divine embrace, for that matter your soul is
the divine embrace, the meeting of God and His creature.

I will offer the opportunity to ask me questions or make comments as you

Q: Teacher Elyon I am curious about your name. Are you a former ascending

Elyon: I am, I am of the status of a fused ascending mortal. I am a resident
of Norlatiadek, our constellation, and I am of a different system than the
one of which your planet is associated.

Q: And your name means one who is high or of high place.

Elyon: In one of the languages on your world this is true. It is the
appellation by which I interface with my students in this Teaching Mission.
It is my working name for the correcting time. [Thank you.] You might liken
it to your terms of admiral, general or lieutenant.

Q: Hello Elyon. [Greetings.] This is **** on the east coast, How are you

Elyon: I am blissfully happy.

Q: I just wanted to ask the question concerning the morontia life. I'm sure
you are well experienced at that. I read something recently that some human
beings from this planet were discouraged when they get to the morontia world
and they choose not to embark on the Paradise journey. Could you give me
some idea as to what are the difficulties that humans from Urantia are
facing on the mansion worlds or are facing that will discourage them from
choosing to continue the Paradise ascent?

Elyon: There are several risk factors. One is the legend which holds that
after death all things are idyllic and perfect, that you dwell in glory and
are granted the status of one who dwells on Paradise and it can prove
disappointing to some personality types to discover a long road of ascension
still ahead and there are also certain personalities who mistakenly
[perceive??] post human life was really nothing at all and the adventure of
the ascent to Paradise is a revelation, and some may choose to opt out.

Father has given every creature of the ascending order free will that you
may climb the universe ascension ladder and dwell with Him in Paradise. This
is not a forced curriculum and wisely has our divine parent organized this
universe that you may acquire the state of a paradise being through
evolutionary experience. It would be cruel for The Creator to give you a
life such as one you live on Urantia with all its struggles, its trials, its
uncertainties, the fear and the moderate levels of attainment only to in the
blink of an eye to make you radiantly perfect.

You know from the Urantia papers that many beings are already perfect from
their moment of origin. Your evolutionary climb is an experience The Father
seeks and there are personalities who wish not to give that experience to
God, but I assure you that most, upon resurrection are overjoyed at the
discovery of the afterlife. Even those who held it in faith to begin with
are confirmed at the rising into consciousness once again and it is with
great joy that the ascension course is chosen. Some are further invigorated
knowing that they have challenges ahead that they may attain.

Few are ever disappointed that they are not granted full perfection
immediately for the resurrection halls appear to be heaven, especially on
planets that have not attained light and life. I hope this addresses your

Q: Yes, thank you so much Elyon.

Q: This is **** in Salt Lake, and appreciate you coming by and addressing us
today with your connective words and just want to say I love you and
appreciate you being around and the opportunity to learn.

Elyon: My direction is to ever be genuine in your manifestation of spirit,
to allow that manifestation without the manipulation of a desired outcome.
Be the light unencumbered by the desire for a result or an influence or
impact upon another that meets your human desires for as I have taught today
of the relationship of the divine spirit with your human self, that same
relationship is in existence in others. Be the light sincerely knowing full
well that the soul of another can and will recognize and apply that light
food to their own experiential needs. And also, be unhindered by
manipulative efforts of others in this same regard. Trust the revelation of
spiritual light from others. You will recognize it and you will be able to
use it and let all other ego driven forces pass aside.

Q: Thank you Elyon, I appreciate the direction of love and spirit and

Elyon: You are most welcome.

Q: Elyon, I understood part of your response about why someone would get
discouraged and change their mind about their ascension was impatience, that
things were not happening on a time frame that they had envisioned. I know
that has beleaguered our species for a long time. Thank you for letting me
make that comment.

Elyon: Indeed impatience is an energy force that has plagued many on this
planet. Had you benefitted from the presence of a physically structured
planetary headquarters, every new child born on this world would begin to
grow up and learn of a legacy of effort that has covered millennia and your
world history would be much different. You would learn of the long intervals
of time that transpired while the effort to develop an advanced civilization
was underway.

Your history would not be so much about humans fighting humans but about
advancements and attainments of culture and of art and so you would also
leave this world fully aware of that great adventure ahead and relish the
expanded opportunity beyond Urantia for soul attainment, for spiritual
realization and for the ultimate meeting with Father God of all.

Q: You said you were from a planet in a different system and I think maybe
this planet was more advanced than ours and since we have been talking about
extra terrestrials and UFOs and that sort of thing, what was the protocol on
your planet for the introduction of your planet to the galactic neighborhood
so to speak? How did that proceed if in fact that took place?

Elyon: I have shared previously with my assigned students that I have hailed
from the nativity world that was part of a prior rebellion and we suffered
much of the same aftermath that the rebellion that affected your world had.
Interface with the other worlds was permitted when the world I came from
developed the ability to be cosmically sociable, to have spiritual manners,
to set aside the human tendencies of greed and of power. When this is
attained you are more likely to receive more widespread intergalactic
contact but the few worlds in your system that have emerged from isolation
are still in a transition mode and it will take some time for the
Magisterial Son on your world and efforts across the other worlds are
arranging the planetary administration but the human beings resident on
these worlds still have great lengths to go in becoming ready. I will add
however that we are aware of the pioneers who are willing to venture forth
and establish such contact but the physical interface will be few and far
between until the world becomes a safer place to be visited.

Q: We are hearing much about certain difficulties that affect our planet and
I'm also reading from the galactic federation that permission has been
granted by heaven for first contact for moving our planet forward. Are we
going to expect any assistance from ETs to clean up our planet or are we
going to be required to do this on our own with our limited technologies?

Elyon: It is of prime importance that an individual learns a lesson and
possesses that enlightenment truly as their own, that a forced mode of
behavior is not enlightenment but coercion by some powerful other individual
and this is true also with your world. Humanity must learn to clean its
house, to keep it tidy and yes, external custodians can assist you but you
must first appreciate the value of such order and care. Then it is your
decision to call in assistance but with the lack of maturity currently, you
will have to experience the messiness long enough to change your values for
these other beings will not automatically do your laundry until you
understand the need for clean clothing.

Q: Thank you so much Elyon for your contribution and being here tonight .

Q: Teacher Elyon, I would like to carry on with that last comment that you
made about having to appreciate the need for cleanliness. Seems to me that
the people of this world truly desire peace and brotherhood. Seems to me
that there is an element that is in control of our power on this world that
is out of control. That is my comment about the kind of help that we need.

Elyon: I ask you to trust the Magisterial Son to address the issue you
express. The pattern of approach that Monjoronson is taking is the same that
Michael took with Lucifer. Your world is gradually accumulating greater
population which desire the purity of spirit mind and social structure that
you speak of and the folly of human power which seeks to manipulate
resources and peoples and for personal and corporate gain will be revealed.
The squeeze in on. It is a top down approach from the Magisterial Son
through his staff and of the many light workers to bring this about.

But these individuals also have free will and it is the desire of all
celestial ministers that they see the light and the opportunity to be of
great assistance in those positions of power to the many across the globe.
This would be a grand turning of orientation. This is when your world will
start to move forward at a pace that many of you who seek spiritual progress
hope and pray for.

I now address Michael, our light of all lights in Nebadon. You our Sovereign
Son are the standard which we desire to become. Your love is ever-present
and we strive to be so loving ourselves. Your hand of guidance is forever
sustaining us and we hope to be stable as well for the many in our lives who
are shaking and desire that tranquility of spirit contact and assurance. In
all the complexities of our life experiences may we clearly hold central the
aspiration to become like you who is like The Father on Paradise. Forever
will we be grateful for your gift of life and this experience under your
watch care. Lift us up when we are down and send us forth when we are ready.
So be it.

I thank you all for your attention tonight and I will now detach and will
promise to be with you again. Thank you.

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