[tmtranscripts] Arcadia, February 21, 2006

Larry Whelan lwhelan at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 8 12:01:32 PST 2006

Arcadia Teaching Mission

Arcadia, California, U. S. A.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 8:00 pm

Teacher: JarEl

Transmitter/Receiver: George Benavides


Prayer: Larry: Dear Father thank you for this meeting. We come to you with
an open heart, mind and spirit, may we hear the truths that your teachers
speak. We pray for peace in the world. We pray that your love fills the
hearts of the Palestinian people and the Israeli people that they may lead
the world to peace. Father we pray that your love fills the hearts of the
Al Qaeda and the North Korean Leaders that they shall also pursue peace and
the doing of Your Will Father. We pray for all of the people of the world
that are in need of Your Love Father, help us to grow in spirituality to
help bring about a peaceful world. We also pray for our solders in Iraq
for their safety and their soon homecoming. We pray that all armies of the
world be used only to assist our fellowman in time of disasters and to be
of service in times of need. We love you Father. Please guide us in doing
Your Work; help us to do Your Will. Thank you for all of the blessings
that You have given us. Be with us in our daily journey, in Michael's
name, amen.

JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good
to be back. Thank you Larry for that heart felt prayer. Much of what many
of you think and pray for is heard. Peace shall arrive on this world when
more people like you begin to desire a friendlier world. It is not enough
to live in the world and conform to its standards. It is not enough to
pursue your own selfish ideals. It is not enough to not worry about anyone
else. For there to be peace in this world everyone must work
together. Everyone must come together, for there to be peace in this
world, men must put aside their selfish goals and give up their power for
the greater good. Until that time happens there shall be people like you
to remind the rest of the Urantians to continue striving for a peaceful
tomorrow. It is important that you continue with this positive work that
reinforces the faith in humanity.

Too many people often fall victim to the belief that the human race is
going downhill, when in fact it is not. There are many positive things
happening all around the world. However, it is difficult to focus on these
positive things when the lens that you view it through is so filthy and
stained with negative reinforcements. Be wary of the news that you receive
from various sources, for they may not always be true. Search your hearts
and your minds and come up with your own solutions for life's
problems. When you do solve your problems, be kind enough to share it with
everyone else. Be kind enough to show them the way and show them how to
solve their own problems as well.

To pray for peace is a worthy prayer, but in order for that to happen, men
must act! Men must make decisions in their lives to manifest this
destiny. It is not a simple thing and it is not simple enough to
pray. Prayer can only take you so far, when you decide to act and you
decide to make things happen in your life, then whatever prayer you may
have will take form and shape and become something more than prayer. God
listens to your prayers, but God also wants you to act. God urges you to
manifest these wishes that you have. With just your thoughts you create
something in your life. However, if you are not wise enough to understand
the gifts that God gives you, you will completely miss these
manifestations. Everything in life is an opportunity to grow and to
learn. Every situation that happens to you will give you that opportunity
to see something more. There are no accidents.

Follow your true path and continue to develop your personality, the one
thing that is constant throughout your Universe Career. It is important
that you recognize who you are and it is also important for you to
recognize who you can become, your potential. Everyone has a potential,
everyone in this world is capable one day to travel side by side with you
to the Isle of Paradise. So even though you may come to have enemies in
this world, which I hope you do not, those enemies may one day prove to be
your best friends. So be wary of who you decide to dislike, it is not wise
to do this. When Michael was here, he said it very plainly to all of you,
"love your enemy." Many of that day did not understand these words. Many
of that day even believe that these words were false. This generation is
beginning to understand these words of the Master. These people are the
forerunners of peace for you truly believe what it means to love your
enemy. Soon you will see that you have no enemies for most of your enemies
are manifestations of your own mind. Most of your enemies are within and
it is true sometimes you are your own worst enemy. There are things that
you may dislike about some person and most of the time it turns out that
those things that you disliked about that person are those things you
dislike about yourself. So if you come to a point where you hate
everything that you are, you will hate the world and hence you will have

In order for you to do away with this notion of having enemies you must
first learn to love yourself. Loving yourself is a very easy thing to
do. Some may find it hard but it is simple. It is the simple act of
forgiving the things that you have done, knowing that you are a child of
God. You are not perfect not anywhere close to being perfect for you have
a lot of room for improvement. Don't beat yourself up for the things that
you have done or the things that you have not done, for there is time for
you to build your soul. There is time for you to fully redeem yourself, if
you feel that you need redemption. In our eyes, from our point of view, we
see all of you as children, innocent. Yet you fight and you argue, but all
of this will one day pass. All of this immaturity will soon subside and
your true spirit of humanity will rise, and we know that this day will come.

Are there any questions?

Dennis: I have two questions. One, I have been reading about how spiritual
energy is discharged and consequently spiritual energy must be
replenished. Are there any techniques that we can use to replenish
spiritual energy if we ever evolve to a point where we actually use
spiritual energy?

JarEl: TR, George. It you have come to the point of evolution where you
are constantly using your spiritual energy, you have no need to worry about
replenishing it, for the stream, the flow of energy is constant. It is an
abundant source for it can never be completely used, it is forever
streaming through the Universe of Universes. If you have literally opened
up the floodgates of your mind and allowed all the spiritual energy to
enter you, there would still be more spiritual energy to come. The
question that you should be asking is how do I open those floodgates? How
do I let more spiritual energy in? There is no shortage of spiritual
energy and you could never use it all up, even if you tried. Does that
answer your question?

Dennis: Yes, how do we open the floodgates?

JarEl: TR, George. You must be patient my brother. You are on the correct
path in your life. You are doing the right things for yourself. There is
no need to worry if you will ever get to that point. I assure you that you
will, but it is a slow process and it is a delicate process. It is a very
intimate process that happens within you. Everyday you grow, everyday you
mature and everyday you open up little by little. The illustration that I
gave you of floodgates is an extreme radical thing, but growth of spiritual
life is not radical at all. It is something that happens over years and
years; something that grows within your mind that has time to ferment and
to mature. The things you do and the things you decide in this life allow
you to get to that point. You are getting to that point. The only way you
can definitely measure it is if you look back to some point in your life
and see how closed-minded you were back then and compare yourself to now,
then you will see the difference. Then you will see that those floodgates
have opened a little more, it is a simple process of you growing and
maturing. You are not aware of these gates opening little by little. For
it is an unconscious thing that happens in your life. You only become aware
when you look back and compare and examine your life through reflection,
through observation, when you compare yourself to some earlier version of
you. At that point you will literally measure who you were and who you are
now. So my friend that is how you open those gates by continuing what you
are doing. By continuing going forward and to grow as a person, as a
spiritual being, as a morontia potential, as a father, a brother, a
husband, a son and as anyone you can imagine. There is much potential in
you and in all of you here and that growth is very observable. For I see
it and my colleagues see it, and we are very much aware of how all of you
have matured. We see this Teaching Mission maturing as well.

Dennis: Thank you. What can you tell us about the channeling of Seth?

JarEl: TR, George. There have been various groups that have preceded the
Teaching Mission's Transmitting/Receiving. Many of them have delivered
valuable messages to their followers. Remind yourself always that these
messages must be filtered through a receiver, a channeler if you
will. Depending on where this person is in their spiritual growth, these
transmitters may not always be an ideal filter for these messages to come
through. At times even this filter of which I am speaking through feels
inadequate to receive my messages. Now given this sort of environment,
some messages might seem extreme to many of you. Some messages might sound
far off the mark and foreign. It is both the responsibility of the
transmitter and the receiver to coordinate, to bring forth the most
accurate information possible and to tailor the information for the group
they are transmitting it to. If, for instance, any of this information is
to go over your heads, then it is a failure on our part to bring forth a
concise and understandable message. If you were to go back and read much
of what was said in these earlier transmissions of Seth and other
transmitters you would find some truths within these transmissions and much
you would not understand. So what would be your conclusions. Would you
throw away entire transmissions because you did not understand them or
would you put them away for later observations? I suggest to you to not
put any definite conclusions on them just yet. For there is still much for
you to learn, the world has yet to mature to a point where many of these
far out concepts are understandable. Some of what you read earlier may not
yet fit for this generation. That is why we strive to bring you
information that is current and adequate for your lives at this moment. We
are about Correcting and we are about improving your individual lives and
the lives of all those who inhabit this planet. We do try.

Dennis: Thank you. I would like to request help in being able to
receive? No comment is necessary, I just wanted to put that out there.

JarEl: TR, George. Your intentions have been heard. We will do our best
to prepare you for this request. Are there any other questions?

Lucille: When Monjoronson comes down is he going to have a list of lessons
to give us? How are we going to be affected by his arrival?

JarEl: TR, George. Are you speaking of the Magisterial Son Lucille?

Lucille: Yes.

JarEl: TR, George. With him comes a great power, but unlike the power that
you are accustomed to. It is not a material power, it is not a power of
this world, it is not a political power, nor is it a religious power based
on institutions. It is a power that is unseen but it is penetrating and it
will be felt by many and it will infuse people's lives. It will inspire
many people as well. The power that a Magisterial Son brings with him is
so powerful that it can turn night into day. It will show light in you
even when you have your eyes closed and it will shine light to the entire
world and for the first time people will begin to see what is truly good
and what is truly worthwhile. Inspirations will be abundant. No, there
shall be no list of things to do and there shall be no list of lessons
either. Lessons shall come as they usually come, spontaneous, just as the
Master taught. It will be a better world, life will change
dramatically. Life is beginning to change as we speak. The light of the
Magisterial Son has arrived and it is present on this world. His light is
shining throughout this world and it is constant. You asked Dennis if it
is possible to use up the spiritual energy, now that the Magisterial Son is
here there shall be even more for you to use. Await his presence for he
shall soon be with you. I bid you all good night.

All: Thank you JarEl, good night.

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