[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 12/28/05

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Sat Dec 31 10:10:59 PST 2005

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Response to Mota, Stillness, New Planetary Cycle.
Teachers: Elyon

December 28, 2005

* Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings, this is Elyon. We have traveled through time many
years. We are expecting many more to follow in association as a nexus within this
Teaching Mission. It is much to my benefit our association, and I have received from you
words of similar expression. I know that my supervisors are quite capable of arranging
people into groups for maximum benefit to each personality, and our group has proven
their skill quite accurate.
You approach another day of demarcation, your New Year. It is a fitting custom for
you all on your world to take stock of the close of one cycle and anticipate the
potentials of a new cycle and to assert your will such that you may determine what
potentials you desire to see manifest come about. We in the realms of morontia do
likewise respect such days wherein we can also gather our minds and project our course
for the time ahead. Naturally this position of reflection is healthy, but it is also
worthwhile to undertake not only at the year but at the end and the beginning of a new
Reflection upon the past increases insight, which is beneficial toward your future.
As you sit in stillness and cherish the moment of divine presence your mind is
illuminated by the light of spirit, and in such clarity you are afforded a perspective of
your previous actions which stimulates a response to mota. The response to mota is
successful when you connect your actions of the past with your hopes toward the future.
Therein you discern the connecting link, you derive the meaning and value of experience,
and are keyed to better be able to act or react according to your higher ideals as events
unfold before you. Such a time of reflection and projection is always enriched when you
welcome and reside with the Father’s spirit. This fellowship is in the moment of present
time. This partnership is what makes it possible for you to see more deeply into your
past and toward your future.
In the presence of God you have a reflective other, an other which truly is beyond
your greatest estimation of the best that God could be, and this, while like a standard
yet greater, for the standard is the Father of all, overlays a higher perspective than
would merely be held viewed by the human self alone. In that communion you are afforded
the power of spirit to make choices that are beneficial to your progress, choices that
may be difficult for the human self to accept, but when hand in hand with God, the
correct decision becomes clear.
To become sensitive to the overlay of morontia mota upon your human condition, you
are most successful when you are clearly situated in the present, conscious of the
Father, and then actively seeking balance between your past and your future. This may be
viewed visually as a plus sign where the vertical member represents God above and the
present below, your past and future the horizontal member. You in awareness reside in
the center. There is then the possibility for multiple relationships between the four
points and the center. It is in this interconnection that you grasp on the level of soul
the meaning of mota.
It is common to consider a time of stillness as a time to withdraw from the world
events, to regroup within oneself, to praise and worship God, to clear the mind, to
center, to push away the distractions, to simplify the thoughts, to reorient what is
important above that which is merely pulling and pushing at you. All these expectations
in stillness are worthwhile, but there is also an added benefit which is the experience
to be had by exercising a sense of expansion, of extension, of broadening your being. So
stillness becomes a reaching outward, upward, and beyond oneself. In such a state of
mind and soul you are approaching the Creator’s perspective, that being one which views
totality. By extending beyond yourself you are able to see the significance of much that
transpires not only in your life but in the lives of others and to do so without the
colorations of your own perspective. Stillness is powerful in bringing about this
This new year on your calendar approaches and so does the new cycle of planetary
advancement for the mortals of Urantia with the arrival of our Magisterial Son and the
staff of volunteers that accompany him. They too are reflecting upon the events that
have led up to this time wherein a mission of this sort is deemed appropriate, that they
too are assessing the direction that this planet may go in that will bring enough
transformation to establish momentum within civilization that human beings will continue
the growth on their own, stimulated by their celestial brothers and sisters. But your
experience will not be substituted by the actions of your cosmic brethren. This
stimulation for the whole planet is in a sense a form of focus much like stillness for an
individual. It is a marked point in planetary progress wherein all those who are
assigned and who have volunteered to assist this world take stock, reflect, and project.
They do so in solemn dedication to Michael and with allegiance to the other rulers within
the subsystems of Nebadonia. It is a collective form of quiet time and reflection.
In this interval many who have been eager to serve will solidify their devotion,
their dedication. Others, simply attracted by thrill, will lose interest and will
continue their spiritual growth as it benefits them personally. But those who can sit in
waiting while the course is designed and adapted to Urantia, will find themselves
accommodated by the Magisterial staff. You will become laborers for the promotion of the
program and, following this promotion, you will also become enactors of the procedures
the program contains. In the meantime in your daily cycles take your time for stillness.
Do so for yourself because the love of God is ever present and ever desirous to flood
into your soul, and do so for your brothers and sisters who are on this world endeavoring
to take Urantia further down the path to Light and Life. Sit and warmly feel the
camaraderie of all the teachers, the angels, the ministering spirits who share the same
hope that you do for this tiny world.
I have finished expressing my thoughts, and I offer the remaining time for
discussion or questions, if that be your desire.

Jada: I’m not very clear on what mota is; what I know is from The Urantia Book.
Could you expand on that?

* Elyon: Mota is a depth of perspective. It is more than simply the understanding
of a particular meaning. It is more than clarity of a particular insight. It is the
ability to associate seemingly differing events, situations, truths, meanings, and values
into a holistic understanding.
It is threefold in nature; if you were to plug one ear or shut one eye your senses
are then slightly impaired. Yet with both ears or both eyes your ability to detect your
surroundings and to do so more accurately and with greater understanding increases. Mota
is the ability to associate spiritual truth with morontia realities and physical
While you have been taught that morontia mota is discernible only by morontia
beings, you are able to exercise your morontia muscles by consciously in every life event
taking stock of the physical, the morontial, and spiritual aspects. In doing so you will
be formulating a morontia mota viewpoint. There will be two dimensions to this added
understanding. One will be less discernible for it will impact upon your soul and will
accumulate for experiences that may unfold long into the future. The other impact will
be within your mind in the form of enlightenment, not merely understanding or clarity,
but an illumination which is superimposed upon these other two. It is in a sense a
magnification wherein many details are viewed clearly and your understanding is
compounded, deepened, from such magnification. Situations are perceived multi-
dimensionally, multi-layered.
Mota is a form within the morontia realms wherein personalities learn to detect the
spirit realm, for it is in the spirit realm that such all encompassing wholeness of
viewpoint will be developed. Mota is the way to balance your earlier life in physical
form with your future destiny as a spirit being. It is the way to distill what is still
beyond your experiential grasp by rising above all that which is in your immediate
experiences and there coalescing each one together into a whole, and to do so not merely
with the result of having a collected unity but to do so in a manner whereby an entirely
new value emerges. It is that new emergence which readies you one step further for the
experience of pure spirit.
I hope this addresses your question.

Jada: Thank you, Elyon. I will have to study that.

Evelyn: You’ve added to the understanding of mota with your description of the
plus sign, that cross with the self in the center. The vertical is moving along a time
line; there we are at that moving point with God on the vertical along with us. What
you have now added makes that clearer.

* Elyon: I appreciate each one of your efforts to expand your understanding of
things spiritual by listening carefully to my addresses. It illustrates precisely why I
am joyful at having been assigned to this Melchizedek classroom. As I speak to each of
you I convey ideas that I hope will stir within you reflection. In that reflection the
true lesson is possessed, for my ideas are merely ideas, and they are meant for many
people to receive. But they are of no significance until following reception reflection
occurs. Then it is vitalized; then it has the life of spirit, for it is in your
wrestling with a new concept, your application of that concept, that is the living
quality. That too is an illustration of mota, for a lesson is only an object, and your
reception of it is only an act. But as you reflect and apply you then draw into a
totality, and that is a condition above and beyond each factor.
Again I thank you all for such application, for your willingness to receive from me
and my fellows regularly. You know you have been rewarded, and I express that I am
likewise rewarded.

Evelyn: Thank you and have a happy new year on Urantia.

* Elyon: I will then draw a close and thank you also and happy new era as well.

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