[tmtranscripts] Arcadia, September 19, 2005

Larry Whelan lwhelan at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 4 10:58:15 PDT 2005

Arcadia Teaching Mission

Arcadia, California, U. S. A.
Monday, September 19, 2005, 8:00 pm

Teacher: JarEl

Transmitter/Receiver: George Benavides

Topic: How do you measure your spiritual advancement?
The search for God is the search for one's self.
Your life shall become a constant state of revelation.
I don't know how tolerant to be of family members who are
alcoholics and drug addicts?
Are there any humans existent today, that for whatever reason
were repersonalized?
How will the outreach of the Urantia Revelation go in the next
hundred and fifty years?

Prayer: Norman: Gracious Heavenly Father thank you for this evening, for
bringing us here altogether. We pray that the message that we hear tonight
will bring forth your love into our hearts. We thank you for being in our

JarEl: TR, George. My presence is among you. Good evening, it is I, your
teacher, JarEl. It is good to be among you once again. The question that
I have for all of you tonight is how exactly can you measure your spiritual
advancement? How far have you come since you began your search for
God? This question should be asked and the answer shall always come
forward in a positive way. Never will you see failures in this path that
you have taken. For this path of searching for God is a path of
progression and advancement, even when it seems that you have taken a step
backwards, there are always many more steps forward. Even when it seems
that you have failed to grasp God's meanings, it is a victory in a way that
humbles you. For God is very humbling to many of us. We have all been
humbled from time to time. Understanding the greatness of God is a task
that will take many, many years, but beginning to travel on that path is
the essential part which will allow you to continue surviving throughout
eternity. So how do you measure your spiritual advancement? Very simply,
you look back on your life and you look at the things that you understood
and you think about the things that you understand now. How differently do
you realize, how differently do you treat others and how differently do you
treat yourself? Are you a lot kinder? Are you a lot gentler? Do you see
more of the picture? Are you more tolerant of others?

The search for God is the search for one's self. For it takes a brave soul
to look in the mirror and see all of the things which one could do better
and doing it. In many ways that is the search for God. Just look to God
and know what you need to do to get there, and actually take that step in
His direction. That is all that is necessary at this point in your
life. Taking that step in the direction of God, for always are you getting
closer to Him. Always will your understanding of God increase. Always
will you meet many more challenges that will reveal more of the Father and
much of what is in yourself.

Your life shall become a constant state of revelation. It is up to you to
see the signs and to see the clues which come your way. It is up to you to
understand the concepts and to learn the lessons which are presented to you
in the problems you face in your life. It is up to you to take that step
forward. You here in this room and those who read this paper know full
well if you have taken that step towards the True Source and Center of
all. So how do you measure spiritual progress? By now I expect you to
know the answer. By now I expect you to be happy with the progress that
you have made. All of you here in this room have come a great distance
from imperfection to perfection. Even if you feel that you are unworthy of
seeing the face of God, believe me that you are well on your way to getting
there. We your elder brothers and sisters who view the small steps which
you take, one step at a time, know the progress that you are making. We
are very encouraged with your progress for we know that which you seek for
we have traveled the same paths and know the outcome.

We are very happy to count all of you as our brothers and sisters for we
see the sincerity in your hearts and minds. We know that what you do here
on this planet will affect millions to come and what you do is good. That
is why we are here to help, we are here to encourage you and to guide you.

Are there any questions?

Anna: I don't know how tolerant to be of family members who are alcoholics
and drug addicts? I have a hard time being in their presence without
condemning them. I am trying not to condemn them or chase them out of my
house, but I have a hard time being around them.

JarEl: TR, George. That is understandable, you are in a very difficult
position. For at one level you have love for your family members and at
another level you do not agree on the things that they do. It is not our
place to condemn, but it is our right to live in our own space and to tell
that other person what we find acceptable and not acceptable in our
space. Tolerating a sickness will do nothing to help that
person. Accepting a condition in which they have purposely willed to do
nothing to help society. You can show love, but at the same time you can
also show rules and regulations in which you will be tolerant. You are not
saying that you no longer love your brothers but that they can no longer be
as selfish as they are and not see the effect they have on their
family. Either you allow them to indulge their own selfishness and
sickness affecting the entire family or you put a stop to it. That is
entirely up to you.

Anna: Thank you.

JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome.

Dennis: Are there any humans existent today, that for whatever reason were

JarEl: TR, George. There are mortals who hail from distant parts of the
Universe who once were mortal themselves who died and have come back in the
form of flesh and are on your planet, but none who have left Urantia have
come back in the flesh.

Dennis: Are they aware?

JarEl: TR, George. Yes, very much, in fact they choose this assignment.

(Editors note: As I transcribed the recording this is the answer that I
received to Dennis's question.
JarEl: TR, Larry. There are mortals that hail from distance parts of the
Universe who once were mortal themselves who are here in Morontia form but
not in the flesh.)

On 10/3/2005, which did not get recorded, I asked Jar El which answer was
correct. He stated, JarEl: TR George. That both were correct, in the case
of the first answer he was referring to beings who have materialized in
preparation of the coming of Monjoronson. (Is this referring to
Serena from the transcript from Northern Colorado Team #72, dated 9/24/2005?)

Dennis: Thank you.

JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome.

Any other questions?

Norman: The subject has come up on the net that The Urantia Book's purpose
is for the next thousand years. This being the fiftieth year of its
publication, I was wondering if you have input on how will the outreach of
this Revelation go in the next hundred and fifty years?

JarEl: TR, George. Norman are you expecting me to answer this question
relating predictions of the future?

Norman: No. Will this book be successful?

JarEl: TR, George. Whether or not this mission is successful is
irrelevant. What is in your heart is relevant, what do you feel? What you
feel is going to happen with the message of The Urantia Book. As this
message touches you in such a profound way, don't you think it will touch
many others, don't you think that it will ring true to thousands and
thousands of people once they are awakened? If I were to do any
predictions, I would predict much success for The Urantia Book and its
movement. This entire mission in not about winning people over so that
they may read The Urantia Book. The mission that we set upon is to expand
the knowledge of God and to make people aware that they are brothers and
sisters. This message is relevant in any form of religion and revealing
that God is your Father is also relevant in every form of religion. So our
mission remains the same, to expand the knowledge of God to the people of
Urantia, bring peace and brotherly love to all nations and to one day
achieve that state of Light and Life on this planet. So for the next
hundred and fifty years I foresee many people working hard to try to bring
everyone together. To try to stop wars and poverty, and to begin to
tolerate one another in such a way that you no longer will you need to
tolerate, for you will love and all that will remain is love. So be
thankful Norman for God has given you such a life to plant seeds throughout
the world. God has allowed you to begin to see the fruits of your
labor. So rest assured that all that you have planted will one day bear
much fruit and wisdom to overflowing abundance.

I make no conditions, for I see what is in front of me and I know what is
to be done. I see all of you here in this room. I have seen all of you
grow and I have seen all of you find that path within you and search for
God. So I have a good measure as to your spiritual progression. Now it is
up to you to do your own spiritual measurement. So take this lesson home
for tonight and until next time, good night.

All: Good night JarEl.

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