[tmtranscripts] FW: LIGHTLINE 7-21-05 TELECONFERENCE

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Wed Aug 3 12:26:11 PDT 2005




Tartason: Hello, my name is Tartason. I am a teacher who has had some
experience and familiarity with this T/R though I have been assigned in
services for Michael beyond this mission of the teachers. I am happy to make
once again, contact with my fellow residents of Urantia. [It] is a wonderful
world in spite of all that you may perceive in your vantage point. Michael
loves you, Michael holds you in high esteem.

There is a great future ahead as this world upon which you reside will rise
as a monument to all of Nebadon of what goodness can do over all error, that
all that has been seen and experienced as tribulation, as discord and
disharmony eventually orients itself to righeousness, to truth, to beauty.
You each are representatives of Michael. You are his contact points to any
other individual who feels detached, who is searching, who longs for the
connection of spirit, for the connection of light and love.

Some of you are capable of a direct connection with spirit through your
quiet time. Some of you experience this contact through fellowship, through
the socialization of your brothers and sisters in mutual communion with God.
There are others however who do not know how to make this contact and it is
you who are the tangible points of connection. Our Master spoke saying that
"the eyes are the window to the soul". What did he mean by that?

He meant two things. That another will first make connection with you
through vision, and by way of vision will make further and deeper connection
through feeling, through the heart. Behind your eyes, between your ears,
above your heart and below spirit, the contact point traditionally called
the crown chakra is your multiplex which is the soul. In your stillness you
develop the ability to be self-reflective, to see from the seat of your soul
as you gaze upon your world and to be simultaneously aware of your position
in time and space, in mind and spirit.

When you are capable of sitting consciously in this location you are able to
gaze upon your brothers, to project a soul luminosity to touch the heart, to
reach their soul. Stillness is the developoment of the ability to socialize,
to minister, to be in the public domain and radiate the divine luminosity,
to amplify truth, to demonstrate goodness and to reveal beauty. I note that
upon your world your activities become so hectic that you react to your
events as would a ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth between demands and
schedules, but if you can regularly pull back into the seat of the soul you
become capable of directing your being such that even though your schedule
pushes you about, you continue to maintain course, to maintain spirit
perspective, maintain your tack towards Paradise, and while you may adjust
and adapt, you never lose sight of the goal of all personalities, the
embrace of the Father in heaven in paradisiacal bliss, and while you make
your way in this journey to the source of all things and beings you are also
through the eyes of your soul radiating the light of truth that others may
awaken to this reality.

It is revealed not by logic of mind, it is revealed not by the emotions, it
is revealed by presense of being. When one looks upon you and recognizes the
divine presence within, a reality response occurs that validates their
experience, increasing their faith, decreasing their doubt. It is not that
you are to be recognized as one holy, but that which is holy is recognized
as coming from you and within themselves. At the seat of their soul is the
receptor that is itself holy, just seeking faith to recognize their own
standing as a child of God.

When you accept in love, when you offer the light in minisistry to feed the
soul of another and they bloom, they expand, and they claim the ownership of
their own relationship with our heavenly parents, by sitting in the seat of
the soul, behind your eyes, between your ears, above your heart and beneath
the divine source of all, you become capable of walking in the footsteps of
the Master in ministry to all others no matter their level of progress for
you know how then to align yourself with their center, to recognize their
attainments and to recognize their longing for a higher ascent into a
greater state of being.

You each are our Master's disciples. You are spread about this world to lift
your fellows. While you have sought diligently greater enlightenment that
you may find fulfillment in your personal life, greater joy and happiness,
peace of mind, cosmic orientation, you also are an aperature through which
the divine luminosity radiates and envelopes another, generates, kindles and
fosters that same faith pursuit in that other person. What a beautiful two-
fold reward such a focus is to look towards God with all your heart, mind,
body and soul, that you are blessed in the ascent and that your fellows also
are stimulated and encouraged to likewise partake of the divine communion.

It is my desire to receive from you your inquiries.

Q: I am slowly beacoming aware of some realities which I cannot understand.
I feel some presense that accompanies me and even protects me sometime, I
believe even spares me some trouble. I would like to know what is the
nature of this personality, this entity that accompanies me and I would like
to know if it is trying to communicate with me somehow because I feel that
is what is actually happening but I am not really sure.

Tartason: I will answer this way. I spoke of the eyes as the window to the
soul and a window is two way in its visibility for you may look within to
see the soul and you may let your soul look without to touch another. But
there is also another window and that is the window of the Divine Spirit, a
vertical window, a skylight, and it is through this connection that you
are becoming aware of an associate who dwells with you. This being seeks
to magnify, to amplify the spirit messages that are there and wait for you,
a mediator if you would descrlibe it as such.

You are being allowed the sensitivity of this contact because you are being
granted a morontia experience. Much of the time upon your world the
realities of a morontia vibration are not felt. Your guardian angels work
from the other side of this fence so to speak, wholly content never to be
noticed, yet very intent to work for your welfare, to work for your
ascension. But there are many teachers assigned to this world who are
seeking to bridge the gap, to penetrate the membrane, to draw the sensitive
higher and more consciously in contact.

It is your responsibility to be alert and diligent in sorting through the
varieties of the proximity of spirit personality and the imaginations and
wishes of the mind and emotions. I encourage you to discern clearly and
wisely and honestly. As you make this effort, more contact, more certainty
contact will occur. You are in a testing phase to determine your reaction. I
hope this addresses your concerns.[Yes it does, thankyou.]

Q: I am curious about the different energy circuits we learn about in the
Urantia book and how some beings derive energy directly from some of these
circuits and I wonder if we human beings might not be able to become aware
or sensitive to, or take in energy from some of these space forces or
energies, something more than our typical food that we are so familiar with.
I am minded to conjecture an answer to my own questions that there is the
Father's circuit of love that we can participate in but I would appreciate
your feedback and any explanation about energy circuits.

Tartason: You have identified a critical point of connection or disconnect,
that being the tendency for a physical being to not absorb, receive, these
various circuits that are available to all the creatures of God. The high
circuits of Trinity are widespread and they are cast over all creatures.
Being of Paradise origin, they are extremely subtle, human beings housed in
a biological structure indwellling upon a physical world, but nonetheless
you are so encircuited. Closer to you are many local and planetary circuits
which are more readily recognizable and can be absorbed into your being.

We teachers make contact through some of these local circuits. Your
attention to the reality that you intellectually understand as circuitry,
will help you develop an alertness wherein you will recognize the inpouring
of some of these energies, and these energies take on many forms. There may
be that overcoming mystical experience of beling taken up but mostly you
will experience more subtle connections, illuminations, insights, a rush of
the feeling of love and goodness, joy amidst pain, security while confused.
While each circuit stands on its own, supported by the sources of deity
from which they emanate, many spirit personalities are adept at using these
circuits just as you each this hour are using your phone circuits.

Behind every energy contact is a personality that loves and serves. You have
been told to ask and you will receive. All these circuits require you to
make the dial up and when you do there is another at the other end who will
utilize these channels to make contact, to minister, to heal, to energize.
On Urantia, circuits that were severed are restored, but as your world has
spent centuries, even millenia tumbling about in confusion, even the
circuits that never were severed have rusty contacts because of the disuse.
We have promoted the engagement of stillness because this is the primary
point from which the individual may sharpen contact and when this polishing
has occured, you will then recognize encircuitment in your daily activities.
It will not be surprising. You will experience an inner smile as you know
that the holy hand is there assisting. I hope this has helped you. [Yes it
has, thankyou.]

Tartason: I speak to the Divine One now, our Holy personality, the highest
being of all that is, the Creator of everything, the Almighty, the Infinite,
the Absolute and our Creator Parent. You are truly the aspiration of our
soul, lives and hope and faith, to come into your pure presense, not from
afar but in that immediate instant divine embrace. We thank you for the
opportunity to traverse the spectacular universe of experience and adventure
and while with excitement we look to our Paradise meeting, we also thank you
for the moments of time wherein we gradually unfold our understanding and
experiences that we not only experience you in that spectacular moment of
Paradisiacal glory, but that we also experience you in the multitudinous
manifold prayer of life.

Under every rock, behind every tree, over the top of every mountain, at the
bottom, the depth of every sea, there you are with us, guiding us. May we
ever pin our destiny to you and may we ever integrate every experience into
this course of attainment. May we in gratitute accept our experiences as one
that you have allowed for our welfare and for our ultimate attainmernt.
While we do not recognize in our younger stations of life the value of our
undertakings, we will hold in faith that it will be revealed, the
significance and the import, as we ascend to levels of experience in which
these preliminary undertakings will have supreme significance. Thankyou for
the opportunity, thankyou for the guidance. I will now withdraw and I thank
you each for your attention.

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