[tmtranscripts] Arcadia, May 2, 2005

Larry Whelan lwhelan at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 28 11:14:44 PDT 2005

Arcadia Teaching Mission Group

Monday, May 2, 2005, 8:00 pm
Arcadia, California

Donna: Good Father, thank you for our little gathering, thank you for your
Son, thank you for the stillness, the peace and the quiet. Please help us
to hear what our teacher, JarEl, has to say. Help us to learn your will
for our lives Father and help us to follow it. We love you, thank you for
all of our many blessings, in Michael's name, amen.

JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good
to be among this group once again. Welcome to those who are here for the
first time. Thank you Donna and Larry for your brief description of what
happens here tonight, what you describe comes natural for most of us. This
form of communication will eventually become natural to you as well. The
way we communicate with one another can reach far distant universes in no
time at all. This is the way we form our communication, this is the way we
get messages to one another and this is the way we communicate to this
particular group. One day your brain capacity will be many times
multiplied giving you the opportunity to receive such wide range
communications from the Universe Broadcasts. At this particular moment the
receiver is tuned in with the help of your brothers, the Midwayers, who are
ever ready to assist us in furthering the work of the Father.

We established this Teaching Mission to bring forth this new Age which many
times we have talked about, this new Age of Light and Life. The correcting
time is among you, it is happening as I speak. Much of what you have
thought is true. It is shifting and changing and evolving into something
better. The ideas of men must change in order for this world to continue
forward to peace. The evolution of the mind must continue to move forward,
that is why we have chosen to communicate with you to bring forth this
information which you so vitally need, to equip you with the knowledge and
hope of a better future. Your world will survive into the next millennium,
it will continue to evolve and move forward to when Urantia will one day
live in prosperous peace. But all of this takes work, all of this takes
energy and effort, effort that will be guided by all of you; all of you who
have taken it upon themselves to make this world better.

We are simply here to help and to give forth information that you may need
and that you ask for. We attempt to expand your knowledge of the Father
and of the Universe. We also attempt to expand your relationship between
your brothers and sisters. We constantly remind you that you are all
brothers and sisters; therefore, you must treat everyone with the same
exact care that you treat your most loved ones.

I have been with this group for quite sometime now. I have witnessed each
of your lives evolve, transform and change. I have seen your challenges
and I have given you strength to continue forward. I have also cherished
the fact that you continually grow as spiritual beings. There is a
measurable distance from where you began to where you are now. This growth
does not happen by sitting down and listening. It is an active part of
your lives that you take. Spiritual awareness and spiritual growth should
become the forefront of your earth careers, integrating yourselves with
society in a harmonizing way is the ideal goal which I hold for you. You
are all on individual paths and individual missions. Live them to the
fullest, bring your lives to their peak of potential and always hold regret
at bay for it does not do you any good.

Are there any questions?

Anna: What must I do in order to be healed of the Hepatitis C virus that I

JarEl: TR, George. Begin to have trust in those who surround
you. Understand that most of your brothers and sisters here on earth mean
well for you. They try their best to cure your ailments, pray for those
who would heal you and have faith as well, for all things are possible with
God. This ailment of which you speak has a cure and it is being developed
by your scientists. Bring your trust to those who surround you, for
eventually you will realize that all of humanity is a part of you. Extend
your arms out and humanity will extend them back to you. Many times the
ailments that you get turn out to be tremendous tests for you; tests in
which you shall become stronger in your faith. Bad luck is not always bad
luck; it depends on how you look at it. It depends on what you learn from
it as well. Soon you will realize if you extend your arms out to the
Universe, the Universe will extend back to you as well. So embrace your
humanity, embrace your brothers and sisters, for they all mean well and you
are all in this boat together and the diseases of the world will one day be
cured by your scientists, but not without your help and your prayers.

Anna: Thank you.

JarEl: TR, George. You're welcome. Are there any other questions? You
mentioned the after life, earlier in your conversations. I would just like
to comment on a particular aspect. There is a resurrection for all of
you. You shall all arrive on the Mansion Worlds. You shall all start out
on Mansonia Number One. Depending on spiritual awareness, some of you will
ascend to the next Mansion World. However, that is not true for
everyone. Some, in particular, do not accept the fact that they have
departed from the earth life and do not fully realize where they are; not
fully realizing the potential at their disposal; not wanting to know what
has happened to them. This is particularly sad for we see many of our
brothers and sisters toil and linger on Mansonia Number One.

Eventually they will awaken and begin to show signs of life, but it takes
much work. You would do all of them a tremendous favor if you would make
them aware, now, here on your planet, that life does go on, that life does
continue and that death is not the end. It could make a world of
difference for them in that preparation alone. For those who have this
knowledge, share what you have, give of yourself; make everyone aware of
this great miracle of life everlasting. So we may have quicker transitions
and saner people. That is all, thank you and good night.

All: Thank you JarEl.
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