[tmtranscripts] Rio Rancho NM TeaM (03-07-04)

Gerdean O Bowen zooidodell at juno.com
Tue Mar 9 19:23:23 PST 2004

DATE: March 7, 2004
LOCATION: Barney’s Doghouse
Rio Rancho, NM
TOPICS: Identifying with Divinity
The Spirit Realm is Asexual
This is an Experimental World
Claiming Spiritual Liberation
Identifying the Spirit Body
T/R’s: Gerdean and Matthew
MUSIC: Elena on Piano: "It is Well with my Soul"
PRAYER: Matthew: Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus,
the Christ.
Master Teacher,
We thank you for a gorgeous day in which to appreciate the gift of
creation and our part in it, and that, as the Bible says that we are to
have dominion over all that grows, crawls, crows and wants to be made
aware of its presence, and as we become more aware of our role in
creation here, in the physical as well as the non-physical. May we do so
with the unity of all in mind and to eliminate the domination that has
been customary in human history. This, as we are becoming aware, is a
consciousness transition that is occurring. May it occur in each of our
lives and collectively.
In appreciation for the teachers that you make known to us as
participants in our lives, with the opportunity for growth and expansion
in our own lives through this process that you inaugurated, we are
grateful for the opportunity to learn more spiritual gifts so that we may
teach others as well.
For the lessons of today we are grateful and, again, for our role in
eternity, we shall always be grateful. For those concerns within each of
our hearts, may they be addressed with you and through you. And all else,
you know, you have our abiding love, and appreciation always. Amen.
TOMAS: Good afternoon, pupils and precious friends. I am Tomas, one of
the many celestial helpers in the Teacher Corps assigned to assist you in
your soul’s development, in community development, in spirit regeneration
within yourselves and humanity. For this work we are grateful and
committed. Co-creating in the spirit of progress, mercy and wisdom, we
advance together.
How happy I am to be a friend of yours. You have made me very happy today
in your sharing. You have given testimony to your inner peace, your soul
reality, with the music which was like a lullaby that lets the soul rest
in the arms of the Eternal and Divine Parent, and in your discussions of
format for your continued development and enhancement. Such a testimony
is to Jesus, to the Master, who bequeathed himself here to teach you that
you might have life and have it more abundantly through knowing him and
for his eternal purposes, those very same values and qualities which you
have demonstrated today as an important, enduring, and joyous part of
your lives. Such is the wonder of the fellowship in the spirit, the
family of man as it is revealed in the God-knowing sons and daughters
such as we are privileged to know and enjoy in your company.
With this opening up of the various values and interests which you are
grasping and holding up as an essential connection, as you express your
inner peace and abide therein with each other, in and through the spirit,
the love of the Father, the mercy of the Son, we thus put into action the
community of believers which is alive, functional, progressive,
satisfying, and stimulative of those values which will enhance the
material realm in which you live and work and have your being, as it
would not be able to be done without God the Father directing your
motives, your intentions, and your will to see His will be manifest
throughout creation.
This identification with divinity goes a long way toward infiltrating
those organizations and structures, which are by habit or by design
merely mechanistic. Mechanistic associations provide a linear order,
perhaps adding to peace, but perhaps exist only in and because of habit.
It is up to you to observe your associations and as necessary, infuse
them with the divine light of living love, which will perhaps catapult
the organization into an organism of living reality.
Correcting Time extends into all things and all beings, even when
relative perfection prevails, the perfecting process continues because it
is inherent within you that you have perfection hunger. It is the divine
Indweller leading you into greater awareness of itself, even as the cells
and molecules and atoms of the material creation attempts to bring its
elements of animal, vegetable, mineral into full consciousness of its
purpose. Having thus infused the breath of life into every aspect of your
dominion and assured of its eternal nature as having emanated from your
inner peace and divine self, you will continue to be encouraged and
stimulated by your very existence and by the life you enjoy with others,
no matter what paradigm of manifestation it may take.
This spiritual synergy, which allows all men and women to co-exist in
respect for each other’s personal sovereignty, even as each individual is
subject to the sovereignty of the one God, is light and life, is the
perfection we seek. This is the fullness of the finaliter.
Working then under the assumption that we are in a state of agreeable and
controlled change for good, for our group and for a greater grouping of
intelligence, it is my pleasure to formally once again to formally invite
my co-worker Anatalia to join me in the ministry to your souls.
ANATOLIA: Welcome all, this fine Sunday in your Land of Enchantment. I
have been through the tourist guide as well as tourist scene and
scenarios with you many times, nevertheless it is a pleasure to be in
your company once again in this wonderful day, early in the New Year. We
are pleased to be with you during this time of recollection of your
viability as a group and taking looks and ways of doing things that may
lend vitality and variety to the group. It has been two years since the
inception of your group and my role in it was appreciated when your host
for the moment made the travel from where he was to where he is, and with
this I am grateful to have been able to add to your group as well.
I am pleased to say that my role in the Teaching Mission is not exactly
new, but in deference to Tomas and the established group that you have, I
was happy to be brought in as an Adjunct Professor, if you will, and am
grateful for the opportunity to have shared the time and space and added
perspective of what I could lend to your gatherings. It is with all due
respect that I lend a helpful ear to your gatherings and to add the other
element, if you will, of a feminine perspective; however, male and female
in the true sense are void in the spirit realm. Nevertheless, one has a
predominant point of view that does lie at the base of who we are.
It is, in the broadest sense, an asexual world outside of the physical;
nevertheless we do have our share of predominant characteristics, as it
may be possible, and I know several, who would be considered in your
world "he men" or "brutes" per se because of what they do and what they
say that typecasts them as a man’s man or a woman’s woman, etc.
Nevertheless, to hear and see their presentations of who they are, in
essence, you would never know they wore a tool belt or that they wrote
the finest of symphonies, for there is no typecasting in spirit.
There are all types of gifts to be had and to be learned and to be
developed, for in the final analysis, all are physicians --
metaphysicians, at that. That is, those aside from the physical will know
how to heal all that may ail you. This is part of our desire and part of
our accomplishment that we can lend to the body of Christ in the building
up of our part of creation, for if we can sing and dance as well as make
the table, literally, as well as prepare it for the company that arrives,
all purposes and all functions are part of our learning. So I welcome the
opportunity for you to learn other gifts of the spirit as you continue on
your path to become vital parts of the creative force.
This, I assure you, will never end. If this planet that you inhabit were
to cease this, as a vital part of life giving and life being. Another
would make itself known within your immediate world system or planetary
system for opportunities such as yours for a life to expand in many
directions and many dimensions is part of the creative force and part of
the creative process. For this is, after all, an experimental planet and
some pretty experimental events have already taken place and others are
continuing, but for the vitality of life as we know it, this is what lies
at the heart of what experimentation continues, but rest assured that if
t his were to end today, another would be available for continued growth
and development.
I wish to reassure you that all is well as I see it. Each of you may have
your own challenges and opportunities but all are progressing well and
within your own timeframe. Yet I reassure you that more growth and
expansion of your hearts and minds are yet possible, feasible and
desirable, but no one can or has been pushed into salvation. I am
referring to your choices of which gives of the spirit you wish to
develop, but it is within your timing and your choice, so let me reassure
you that whatever model you come up with in terms of further growth and
development, I am willing and able to assist for it is my purpose to be
of assistance of a loving and giving and caring nature, to be [part of
this gift and experiment known as the teaching mission, so be assured
that I am with you in all ways possible and for whatever role you would
like for me in particular to assist with, I am most willing.
To return now to the main presenter of the day, I leave you until the
next time, and be assured that all of you are immeasurably loved and
appreciated. Peace be with you.
TOMAS: Thank you co-teacher and sister. Tomas here again, and I am going
to give you something to think about for the next phase ahead.
Having made some progress in recognizing the evidence of your own soul
within your lives, if only from its connection with your neighbors in
this configuration, I would like for you now to recognize that your soul
contains an energy which some would refer to as the astral body, and some
would refer to as the morontial body, that which will be able to house
your soul, spirit, personality, even after you have lost the mortal
You each now carry within you that metaphysical state of being which,
were you to understand its existence better, would infinitely assist you
in having knowledge of access to and functional relationship with that
door, that portal which is within you, which will enable you to make
contact with everything and everyone you have the capacity to access.
This format, as we have mentioned, is a part of a process of introducing
you to your own connection to the universe intelligences.
The old priesthood would have understood your inability and unwillingness
to be self-acting and responsible for your own spirit development but we
see clearly your time has come, the time has come within this new era,
which will enable you to step out of the bonds of tradition into spirit
liberation such as Jesus taught, strove for, for his apostles, and for
them to teach. And we naturally have greater potential in you today than
Jesus had in his apostles in his day, for your evolution has advanced, if
only by 2000 years, a significant stretch of history and accelerated
signage on the highway to Paradise.
You were to be suddenly shorn of an arm or a leg, it is typical for your
consciousness to retain a remembrance of that limb such that it might
itch or feel a chill even though it no longer exists. This barbaric
depiction none-the-less illustrates that if your body were gone, snuffed
out of existence, you would still exist as an energy form. If you would
practice recognizing the energy of that form this week, it will be a step
toward the lessons which will ensue, having to do with your ability to
speak for spirit as you are part of spirit. I have finished holding
forth. Have you questions?
Elena: Well, that last part, actually
left me a little puzzled, Tomas.
That example
I’m puzzled. Can you make it a little bit easier about the
form to ponder? And I’m not being specific here. I’m not trying to be
anal or anything, but I thought I had you and now I’m totally lost.
TOMAS: I have not intended to distort your appreciation for the value of
your own reality by depicting the wretched example of having been

Elena: Well, let me -- Maybe this will help a little bit with my
question. I guess the thing that puzzles me about the example is that,
for me, the spirit part I think is still there. I don’t think it’s just
something I’m imagining. I’m remembering. I’m thinking back – that just
kind of threw me a little bit there.
TOMAS: Then it was overkill. If it was unnecessary for you to get the
point and if it distracted from your already existent understanding of
your own spirit within, then I apologize for leading you astray. In the
past I have found some degree of success with that example, inasmuch as
anyone who has had a tooth pulled has sometimes experienced a phantom
toothache. And this was the crutch I was attempting to use to convey to
your consciousness the fact of the actuality of your inner being, even
without the physical, outer being, so as to help you identify with your
eternal self, even as a corporeal body, but without the material element.
Have I made sense there?
Elena: Yes. I actually – I thought that’s what it was, and then I got it
turned around.
TOMAS: Yes. The externals of the material world are often mistaken by
evolving humanity to be the primary reality when actually it is a mere
physical demonstration of the eternal reality. Without getting too
esoteric or eastern in my thinking, I will simply reiterate that your
"astral body" or "morontia body" is what we are going to focus on for you
to actuate yourself as a receiving station for the transmittals of
universe broadcasts, as a T/R in your own right, through your own
equipment, rather than having to tap into the comprehension of the
universe through the external mechanism of Gerdean or Matthew.
Elena: Thank you, Tomas.
TOMAS: The purpose is to help you become skilled in the art of universe
broadcast, e3ven as you comport yourself in the world at large, for now,
you are finding it very difficult, even impossible, for you to inject the
spirit into the mechanical mold of your material existence. This teaching
will enable you to be better equipped to broadcast as yourself those
fruits of the spirit which will lift up your dormant world into one which
is infused with the spirit.
Thus, if you can see the tremendous opportunity at hand, that would so
greatly contribute to the responsibility of sonship, you would appreciate
why we have been so attentive to your growth and so conscientious in
nurturing your sense of self, in terms of you being loving and loveable,
worthy and good, kind and creative, and essentially valuable to the
universe. The abundance you enjoy is abundance you appreciate because of
your involvement and the same is true with the spirit realm. When you
find yourself engaged in its perfecting process, you have tapped into a
vigorous source of good orderly direction. If you are able to read the
signs and walk the talk as well as talk the walk.
We are also indirectly and yet indubitably preparing you for the someday
event when you will stand face to face with your galactic neighbors who
will not present themselves as one of your own kind, but with an
understanding that the internal reality is the vital and immortal
reality, you will not then be so alarmed or shaken or offended by the
material manifestation. You will understand fully the inner life because
that is the energy that you will understand from understanding your own
inner energy that will see you throughout eternity. Beginning now, up
through the seven mansion worlds, into the greater universe
I have talked you to sleep once again. Therefore, I will leave you to nap
in the warmth of this fertile day, in this sacred sphere of your portal
to Paradise. Peace be with you. We will see you next week. Be of good
cheer. Farewell.
Group: Bye. Thank you.
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