[tmtranscripts] 10-19-03 Rio Rancho NM TeaM

Gerdean O Bowen zooidodell at juno.com
Wed Oct 22 21:00:40 PDT 2003

DATE: October 19, 2003
LOCATION: Rio Rancho, NM, TeaM
The Bowen Townhouse
TOPICS: Invitation to Friendship
More About Judgment
Participate in Your Life
Q & A: Brotherhood of Churches?
T/r’s: Gerdean & Matthew
Music: "My Unseen Friends" from Michael Mann’s DC
Mathew: Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ
Master Teacher,
We come to you today ~ with a new person ~ to appreciate the process that
you have made possible ~ through the long years of the Christian message
having been brought to us. But our purpose is not just the Christian
message (although that is first and fundamental in the presentation of
our attitudes toward one another, and toward you and our Heavenly
Father), -- but our attitude and principle, that we have learned through
this process, through the Urantia Book -- and all that we’ve acquired in
our knowledge base to date, is that love is the first and foremost energy
and reason for being. And, consequently, all teachings are one, as they
blend into one golden chain of truth and purpose and being and loving.
As we continue to go through our struggles, they become less ~ because
there is no need to fight ~ but to practice the principle of
non-resistance in all ways and in all principles. So we relax ~ we relent
~ and we allow the teachers to come to us through you ~ to make all
things new ~ as we present ourselves to you as vehicles of truth and
And for all those things of our hearts and minds that you know of us, we
place before you now on the altar before Our Father ~ to be transformed ~
as we are transformed ~ as vehicles of light and love ~ here and now, and
for eternity.
With all else we are forever grateful. Amen.
Group: Amen.
TOMAS: Good afternoon, my friends, I am Tomas, your Teacher.
Group: Good afternoon.
TOMAS: I perceive you today as a five-pointed star, twinkling and
flashing your perfection into the atmosphere, into the spheres. What a
delight to have you join us, SharEl
charming lady, child of wonder.
What must you think of us! Well, this is what relationship aspires to,
isn't it? We feel each other out. We take time to be still in each
other’s presence ~ to recognize the light within us each. We begin to
feel safe. We begin to relax ~ into greater consciousness ~
superconsciousness ~ which is aware
not only of our Self, but of other
Selves. Not only in your range of reality, but in Reality arenas beyond
your vision.
Once again we salute "invisible friends." But what of friendship? What
are friends for? What are unseen friends for? As compared to your mortal
associates. How do we differ and how are we the same? And what do you
look for when you look to your own kind -- and when you look to those
outside your vision -- in faith?
We are like you. We are simply older. More advanced. But what good does
our advancement do if we are on a plane that is so far removed from you
that you cannot reach us? It is thus necessary, in this particular kind
of association, that we reach down to you ~ as you reach up to us ~ and
we meet there, somewhere in the ethers, in the netherworld of Paradise

just underneath the presence of God. For, were we to sit in the presence
of God, we would overlook our association in the experience of worship.
Which is fine! Which is desirable. Which is encouraged ~ as it is a part
of the appreciation of the relationship that exists between you, as sons
and daughters of this Precious Energy which fills the air with spirit
Learning to be who you are in the kingdom
that is to say, learning to
be who you are in truth, and in full embrace of your divine nature as
well as your human nature,
affords you an opportunity to operate on a
new plateau of existence. It gives you a chance to step up from the chaos
of partial perfection into relative perfection
from darkness into
We have been talking about judgment lately. Particularly since it is
something that confuses you and troubles you, as its definition is
clouded by your perception of what judgment means, based on your
comprehension of the Old Testament’s admonition and your fear of judging
lest you be judged -- to hell, fire, and damnation! All you who sit in
the presence of the unseen friends are aware already that the Loving
Presence of the Divine is impossible of inflicting such pain and distress
upon Its children, and so this fear of God and His wrath is inappropriate
for our current day comprehension of the wondrous love that is our
Creator and the divine plan He has in store for all of us, as we walk the
talk of what we are learning and becoming.
The story of the prodigal son is a reminder that the father will run out
to get his wayward children even when they are a long way off. Even as
they are feeling wretched, after having spent/squandered their fortune,
their inheritance, and their future on self-indulgence and in ways which
were unsatisfying, unfulfilling and unfruitful. What condition is that
child in as he grovels back to his home, fully expecting to be whipped,
abused, ignored, outcast, begging for crumbs, asking only for a place at
the foot of the table? By anyone’s standards they have judged themselves
poorly and sorely already. They do not need any of their elder brothers
or sisters to hurl at them any remarks as to their neglect or immaturity.

But it is understandable that the siblings would stand back, as if to
say, "Well, my brother, I am glad you are home. It was our loss that you
were not among us. We rejoice in your return. We embrace you back to
share with us the Father’s bounties and blessings. Perhaps this
experience will teach you that respect and sense of purpose in this
family that you are created to uphold. We trust you will not wane in your
enthusiasm to be embraced back into the fold, to return to your arrogant
and self-seeking ways. We will be watchful for we truly love you. We
would have you enjoy the blessings of sonship with us in order to carry
on this holy family, in order to carry on the Father’s business. What you
learned out there will pass away. What you encountered in your uphill
climb back into the security of humble sonship will keep you from
arrogance and complacency. Rather, you will be better able to serve in
the Father’s fields those who are lost in pleasure-seeking, in frantic
attempts to seize the day, or in those who fear His judgment such that
they are even fearful of looking you in the eye, lest they see their own
This is friendship: that the sons of God reach out to their siblings even
when they are yet a long way off, and invite them into the fold of love
and joy. Pray for those who fear God and fear the joy of knowing Him. And
let the answer to this prayer be your own bright light of truth, beauty,
and goodness. Prevail.
What an awesome privilege, to shape and mold the universe, to have a hand
in creating light and life on your world. Formidible! Overwhelming,
perhaps, to your consciousness, but to the superconsciousness, it is an
opportunity to relish life and all it provides – the good, the bad and
the ugly – for there is where the choices are made, the choices that
impel you forward or deter you in your path. And, subsequently, in the
path of others -- inasmuch as you are a reflection of the divine itself.
As you are able to reflect, so shall they see. Let us reflect the love of
God, the joy and goodness we know as His.
This lesson is directed to the future of our association, the extension
of the family of God and the delight of our unseen friends.
Let us hear from our associate.
Matthew: We have Christ Michael, or Jesus, here.
MICHAEL: Welcome, all who are here for the first time, or, as if it were
the first time. Welcome with new hearts and new minds, new eyes and new
ears to hear that which may be, for the first time, a message that is
deep and true to my heart as well as your own. And that is, the purpose
of being that exists in the world as you know it, and well beyond that
which you know to be evidence of their being more, as the song had
illustrated, even in its playful nature, the unseen friends are with you
always, and your belief in them is not as important, perhaps, as their
belief in you!
As my heavenly Father had made known to me in the hours of our worship
together: all that exists is here as the bounty of creation, and in his
benevolent gift of life, He gives that which is to be utilized for the
benefit of all of those who choose to partake in that bounty. So as you
were talking in weeks past about the teaching or parable of the ten
talents, for example, and how those investments were made, and for those
who made the most of their talents or investments, those who were too
frail, fearful or shy to invest that which they had were told to give
what they had to those who made the most of it, and that this principle
or parable may to some appear to be unholy, unwise and insensitive, but,
my friends, the purpose of life is to participate, and to seek full
bounty of that which is given!
There are those that you know that make or take full advantage of that
which is presented to them, and have made wondrous examples of what to do
with just a little bit of material and a lot of gumption. This is what I
wish to share with you today: to be full and active and complete
participants of the bounty that is presented to you
both in terms of
your individual lives and of your collective lives, that lead to a full
compliment to that which is present, alive and real. Your unseen friends
are a rooting gallery, a cheerleading squad, that wishes you well and
knows your capabilities to help bring the flock forward. In fact, these
cheerleaders, or triumphal assistants, are there with you to assist in
the collective nature of your ministry. This is done in cooperation with
the bounty and the life-giving nature of creation here before you and
well beyond your imagination.
So I implore each and every one of you to take full advantage of the life
that is given you and to maximize its potential -- for yourselves in your
love-giving capability, and for your brothers and sisters, that they may
fully participate in the life of creation ~ with or without the unseen
friends. But for those of you who are aware of their presence, you are
joined with a choir of heavenly assistance ~ to help in the uplifting of
this age and all ages to come. I can only encourage you with all of the
zeal that is within my heart, for knowing your true nature and that of
our heavenly Father as being One, there is only success, there is only
triumph, and there is only the light that you witness as the reason for
So be true to your nature, both divine and human, and allow the
imperfections that you see to be incorporated into the perfect pattern. I
wish you, with every beam of my light: peace, joy and unity of purpose in
your individual and collective beings. Peace be with you, and know that I
am always there and never any farther than the Presence of your Being. I
am with you always.
Until we meet again, may the presence of our living and loving Father
surround you, now and always. Peace be with you.
TOMAS: Beloved Creator -- he is such a brother and father and friend.
You, my siblings, in ascension, are now the torchbearers, and in this
capacity of advancing your world, what questions would you have to
address that may contribute to this worthy work, or to your own unfolding
~ as an important personality in the overall configuration of infinity?
Talk to me. Do you have questions? Or comments? Complaints? Laments?
Matthew: Just one, that concerns me somewhat (but less than it did 20
years ago). The Urantia Book says that we are to work toward unity but
not uniformity. Do you see in our lifetimes perhaps, in relation to light
and life being created, at least Christianity coming closer together, in
terms of the Pauline dominance that exists now as a perspective on
Christianity? For it to come any closer to the message that Jesus had
originally--, prior to Paul’s entry into it? In other words, the blood
sacrifice dominance that exists. Is it possible in our lives yet that
that would be lessened, and we will turn more toward a brotherly love
perspective? That’s the question. Or is that so far off in the distance
it’s all we can strive to contribute to its change, ultimately?
TOMAS: All this will depend upon how you perceive the impact of the
church and the importance of the church’s participation in the evolution
of your world. The church is undergoing tremendous labor pains. "The
church" -- I am using in terms of the Pauline philosophies that you
regard as your cultural heritage and religious training, for the most
part. These labor pains are suffering a natural result of the need for
yet more revelation of the reality of God to inject a greater dimension
of divine reality into that organized format which man demands as an
avenue of adulation. And so as humanity comes forth from the darkness, so
must the church.
Thus, there will be poles pulling the paradigm of church-religion in many
directions, and the traditionalists will become yet more consolidated and
the living God will be the catalyst which allows the many more
progressive sects to relinquish their hold on traditional religion in an
attempt to embrace a broader spectrum of humanity that might also want to
join in the song of praise for life, love and laughter.
There is great progress being made in that direction now, as I see it.
And you are certainly contributing to this process by adding to the
living legacy of love rather than fostering fear through holding fast to
those judgmental constraints that have become an albatross around the
neck of the church, weighing them down into a crystallized presentation
of pattern. Which pattern offers an original point of reference, which
even includes the sanctity of religion and the treasures of history; it
is an icon of an age that fostered the reality of Jesus for 2000 years
between the fourth and fifth revelations to mankind. Church literally
will become a shrine. But the rivers of earth will run with living
waters, set free to follow on the winds of change, until such time as the
Divine is allowed to lead humanity into the future it has destined, of
which you are a part.
Thus, the Church will never disappear, anymore than the Sistine Chapel
will disappear or the other monumental works of art man has created in
homage to God and his relationship thereto. Much as a sacred museum
provides a perspective, thus too will the Christian church, in due time.
It is, you know, honored and preserved by the angels of the churches.
They are not the enemy. They are a force of advancing spiritual evolution
for your world as you are and as we are.
We will have our impact in the future, whereas their impact has been in
the past. In time in may be anticipated that we, too, will become relics,
that what we represent today will be a part of the history of the
advancing spirit reality of this planet. But the fact remains, we will
have contributed to the advancement of spirit reality and this is the
destiny of all the worlds of time and space – to reveal God and his
nature – as you can and as you know how. As you enjoy today. Is this
addressing your concern, Matthew?
Matthew: Yes, that’s hopeful, and I was looking for a hopeful answer.
TOMAS: It helps to have a perspective that goes beyond the mere material
perspective, the mechanical universe. This perspective is available to
you, but you have not practiced using it. You have judged your ability to
contain such a view. Like most, you have sold yourself short by not
allowing the farther view. In the Stillness, you can put aside these
mortal limitations and embrace the divine perspective such that you will
be lifted above the common consciousness into the realm of
superconsciousness, which is liberating, joyous and, yes, I admit,
perhaps more frustrating. But this is where the real experience lies

not in simply transcending life, but in living it. In working out the
balance between the mortal nature and the divine nature such that you are
able to touch ~ and develop real relationships with both realms and
without personality disintegration, rather, with personality integration,
that will serve you better.
I feel like your coach, giving you a pep talk. Somehow you must have
needed encouragement, that your team might not win.
Matthew: No.
TOMAS: Or that your struggle was all uphill. It seems that way sometimes,
when you neglect to take these opportunities, such as we enjoy today, to
companion one another at a soulful level, in order to reinforce the
integrated personality that you truly are. That you know yourself, that
you love yourself, that you are human, that you are growing, that you are
delightful. And you see these reinforced in your relationships such as we
have here, this five-pointed star, will allow your light to twinkle
brighter, reaching farther into the night.
But what is this talk of stars in broad daylight? We have, rather, the
full abundance of the sun; the radiance of the fall season upon you; the
dazzling array of colors and the security of the harvest. What more can
anyone ask for?
Such a replete place. Carry this peace with you into your lives this
Remember the Source. Return to the Source to remember your path, and
remember your peers and your unseen friends, who walk with you on that
path toward Paradise.
Anatolia and I are proud to be your Teachers and to work in conjunction
with the Teacher Corp of the Melchizedek University in enabling you to
reclaim your place in the natural ascent. And in this on-going effort,
I’ll see you next week. Farewell.
Group: Thank you.
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