[tmtranscripts] Rio Rancho NM TeaM 09-21-03

Gerdean O Bowen zooidodell at juno.com
Thu Sep 25 21:26:49 PDT 2003

DATE: September 21, 2003
LOCATION: Carl & Janet's new home in the Foothills of
Albuquerque, NM
TOPICS: "Women's' Things" and "Men's' Things"
Progressive Progeny
Q&A: What makes life meaningful?
T/Rs: Gerdean (for Tomas); Matthew (for Willie)
MUSIC: Elena on Piano: "Blessed Assurance"
Thoroah: That's a State Farm song.
Matthew: It is?
Thoroah: Blessed Insurance.
Matthew: Oh, no.
Thoroah: They say Jesus was an insurance salesman.
Elena: Long-term.
Matthew: That's like Jesus being called "Andy".
Gerdean: Andy?
Matthew: Andy walked with me.
Group: (Laughter)
Gerdean: Andy and Harold.
Elena: Harold?
Gerdean: Yeah, Harold, who art in Heaven.
Group: (Giggles)
Matthew: Whoever Harold is.
Thoroah: He's in the bathroom on the right.
Group: (Laughter)
Matthew: I always thought it was Harold, the angel.
Gerdean: No, it's "Our Father who art in heaven, Harold by thy
Matthew: Is that what you thought it was?
Gerdean: No. That's what I heard other people thought it was.
Matthew: There is a prayer that Catholics said before or after
dinner, which included "By the mercy of God" and
my sister thought it was "by the emergency squad."
Group: (Laughter.)
Matthew: Ready when you are.
Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the
Master Teacher, We come to you today, glad to be here, in Carl and
Janet's new abode that speaks well of them and for them and should be a
comfortable, loving home which we are happy to be able to experience with
And for this time of year in the glory of this fabulous weather that
exists in the Southwest we are grateful and ask for periodic rain, which
will make living here continue to be a pleasure;
For all of our families that are doing well and continue to thrive as a
result of life that was given us, as we have been able to pass it on to
yet future generations, we appreciate the opportunity to be part of that
chain of progression as we progress in spirit, both here and always, we
are grateful;
For the teachers that we are to hear from today, we appreciate this
opportunity to share in ministry and in light and life communication and
to be aware of the oneness of all creation and life within you and our
heavenly parent;.
We are forever grateful. Amen.
TOMAS: Welcome, once more, my friends and loyal associates in this
Teaching Mission, who gather round in order to focus on the facts of life
as are revealed and maintained on that plateau of consciousness which
derives and perpetuates great satisfaction in the joy of living.
There is no need to limit your appreciation of divine value to the
celestial perspective, no, for the material world which you inhabit
provides a plethora of opportunities to tout the progressive culture
which contributes to the wealth you enjoy.
Once again, we greet each other in the humble and exalted environment of
"the home." This one, replete with artifacts, represents, in cultural
terms, "blessed assurance" -- assurance of your civility, and refinement
as civilized beings, through the art and order of your accoutrements and
tools of existence.
What would a celestial care about fine china or bric-a-brac? What I
appreciate about this home and the personal taste of its host and
hostess, is the depiction of material value, which extends beyond today
into yesteryear, and thus reflects, in perspective, the hopes of
The material realm, as troubled as it may be in the political sense, is
indeed a shrine to those values which Michael, our Creator, espouses and
upholds, even as you now uphold the values of your community and the
home, which is at the heart of the community - "the master civilizer"
indeed, for while you enjoy the company of celestials, there have been
many centuries, many generations of mortals who have stood out from the
commonality of humanity by their uniqueness and courage in presenting
that which has been seen to be beautiful, true and good, according to the
capacity of the time, of the age, of the era in which these mortals
lived, and upon their backs has your culture been forged. It would not
be possible for this current age of high tech and high speed mechanics to
be, were it not for those who went before, paving the way through the
inventions and covenants that have been your cultural inheritance.
This speaks to the human animal, to the ability of Homo sapiens, through
the ministry of the seven adjutant mind spirits, to formulate a way of
life worthy of passing on to your progeny for the creation of a better
world for tomorrow, and in like ways, you here today are engaged in a
loyalty to the values of yesterday which were worthy of holding you in
good stead today, that now may be a springboard to your cultural
inheritance tomorrow.
You menfolk may see these many objet d'art as mere "women's things" but
the same pattern is true for you in your "men's things" which is often a
reflection of the glory of war and other historical presentations of the
upward struggle for supremacy and mastery of the bonds of oppression in
man's attempt to bring forth the noble and brave elements of Homo
sapiens, once again, to heroic stature of defending and maintaining the
home and hearth and the community which is somehow embedded in your
collective consciousness and which you are willing to struggle to
maintain and fight for its survival. Such is the history of humanity on
your planet.
In the face of the political picture today, let not the tendency toward
ennobling the bigger picture, diminish the greatness of the little
picture, for it is in the details of life that the personal religious
experience is developed. It is in the tenderness, the delicacy, and the
intricacy of emotional nuance and mental sympathy that courage is induced
and greatness is brought into play. Greatness is not always on a global
scale, or even a universal scale. It is often private and personal.
Sometimes between friends, but it does not go unnoticed by the archives
of eternity, for all these values are written in the annals of libraries
that record the development of your civilization.
Thus, while you engage yourself in "schlepping stuff" from one location
to another, like the frontiersmen of your country carrying across this
continent those artifacts and reminders of civilizations of long ago, you
have nonetheless, brought forth, through your "things" these
representations of those values which have made your people and your
country great.
Upon your shoulders and the accoutrements of your culture, including the
intricacies of your greatness, our future depends, on Urantia. And so we
commend your efforts and regard these alterations in address to be not
mere amusement but true forward steps in the advancement of civilization,
for you are, in your way, leaving behind that which was ineffective and
setting out, in great faith, to the horizon, to that new frontier ahead,
that will reveal the new truth, beauty and goodness that can now come
from the vacuum left by that which you left behind.
Inspiration is a relative thing. And while this lesson today may not be
of a high revelatory nature, it is nonetheless a blessed assurance that
the lives you live are meaningful, and that which you adopt and uphold as
having value, in fact does have value, if only as a symbol of that value
which you individually hold in high esteem and worthy of espousing to
those who follow you in the long chain of cultural advancement into light
and life.
We enjoyed the humor that you evidenced as we connected today, and so at
the risk of sounding politic, I will retort for your amusement, "I heard
a song the other day entitled 'Shackles and Cheneys'."
Group: (Giggling)

TOMAS: It might be that the Reversion Directors are in attendance. I
definitely am aware of Lester, the Jester. In the interim, I can feel
and appreciate the presence of my co-worker, Teacher Anatolia, and those
of the Teacher Corp who observe our gathering and those from this system
who have, as always, beheld your/our light and come to visit. Matthew, I
pass you the baton.
Matthew: Thank you.
ANATOLIA: This is a fine day to be about the Lord's business. This
is a fine day in which all of willing heart and nature presume to be a
part of God's plan here in the universe and in the midst of all creation.
I say this because I usually begin my sessions with you in reference to
the day that is at hand. There has not been one yet that has been
undesirable or less than picture perfect. It is not to say that your
land and its environs are a draft of any type of weather change; it is,
nevertheless, encouraging to be able to witness such fine weather for
those who are willing and able to participate in this climate that you
call your southwest. It is truly an historic and sacred land that, for
the most part, is upheld for its value and rich tradition that has
clothed, fed and nurtured an ancient peoples from nearly the beginning of
your time.
So it is that we in your universe can affiliate and identify with beings
of ancient vintage and land of ancient homestead value that has been
handed down from one age to another. The age in which you find
yourselves is as revolutionary as many of those geologic ages of the
past, for this is the age - not so much of geologic epoch, but rather of
philosophic or spiritual epoch - that will bring in a new age of light
and life, that will surely be on your horizon as the sun is in its course
throughout your solar system. It is a certainty and an assurance, for as
long as your earth and its solar system continue to function, light and
life restoration and a return to decency is what is fully expected and
certain to transpire.
I wish to reinforce this goal and vision with you, that for as far
distant as it seems, nearly as far-distant and impassible as your
transiting through the atmosphere to reach distant stars and planets in
your current course of events, your current state of being, so too it
seems light and life is unlikely and impossible to attain. Let me assure
you that it is progressive progeny that will produce a semblance of what
life on your planet was to be and will become as you aid in the process
of its achievement.
As you see, you can witness your life from many vantage points, for as
surely as I witness your presence and your being, each of your lives
reflect a dimension or a color, a shape, a design, much like a
kaleidoscope that does more than repeat its pattern but continues to
unfold without repeat the many colors, shapes and formations that your
life reflects. It is truly endless and interacts with time before
current and future.
Your presence here, at this time, is as significant as those who will
witness light and life, for as the Anasazi that are reported and reputed
to have been the ancient grandparents of today's native generations, and
are revered for that reason, it is as if time had stood still and they
may as well have been present in you're here and now time, for surely
their descendents are evidence of their having been and their continuing
to be, in a physical sense, because of the continuation of time.
Had light and life arrived in your world as you know it right now, their
role in producing a generation to experience this, is as if they were
here present with us now, for they participated prior to but including
the event itself. So it is, too, in your role and participation with
what you fully expect, want and need for this planet that you call home.
It is a home to all that inhabit it, but it is so much more. So your
role in it is as if it were happening here right now.
As I had suggested a couple of weeks ago, in terms of prayer, I wish to
add one more intention on your prayer belt, it is to include the presence
of light and life in your world, to thank the Heavenly Parents for
bringing it into being, and by doing so, you are ushering in a time when
its reality will be one with all who witness it. I am not saying, then,
that it will happen in your lifetime, but your recognition and your
planning and preparation will help it be cemented and moved closer to
your future than simply holding it off as a hope. You may help it
materialize by your active participation. That way, in the mortal sense,
you are immortal. This is what it means to fully participate in your
world - both here and in the next.
I bring you good tidings and always hope that what you are experiencing
is purely temporary, but that the more important view is the eternal for
which you are a part. This is what I wish to reinforce with you today,
that your eternal natures mixed with your physical, temporal natures are
intertwined, that you may invite and involve both as you participate in
both worlds. So I leave you in good stead, in good company, to continue
to meet, greet and be at one with all that you participate in and leave
you in good stead on such a wonderful day.
Peace be with you. May love reign in your hearts now and always.
Group: Thank you, Anatolia.
TOMAS: And in order for these to become realized, I have opted to
inquire into your personal lives such that I would like to hear from you
as to how you feel your life is being made meaningful through your
efforts in the realm of your undertaking. There are always challenges,
but what of the motivation that keeps you at it? I know there is more to
your character than mere profit motive and pleasure seeking. But not to
exclude the requirements and delights of the material existence, what
additionally do you find of merit and meaningful to you in your personal
ministry in your lives? Any volunteers?
Menopah: Well, Tomas, first of all, thank you and Anatolia for the
kind words. The other evening Paula and I were sitting there where
Elena and Matthew are now, and ... it looked good to us. We're very
grateful and feel sure that the Great Spirit has put us together. Our
choir, this morning, sang a song that's after a Negro spiritual and its
composer is a black man, Andre Crouch. Singing, "He comin' soon and very
soon'" and in so many words said,
"Soon and very soon, we going to see the King. Hallelujah!"
Paula: Let's hope it won't be TOO soon, because I like it right here,
the way it is now!
Group: (Laughter)
Paula: I'm not in any hurry to die.
Menopah: You don't have anything to say about it.
Paula: I know it. I can hope! I keep thinking the genes in the family
are pretty good. Some of them lived to be over 100, so maybe I got some
of that. I hope so, because we love it here.
Elena: I think though, too, the question was ... what in your life
right now is meaningful? And obviously it's meaningful for you guys to
be together and have a wonderful home here, which is very meaningful to
us because you all are meaningful. It's a circle.
My life right now has a lot of meaning, and I - which is kind of
strange because I know less of where I am in it that I may have ever at
any point - but, it's ... I have to trust that the chaos and change that
I'm amidst, that I have to be a comforting estate that people can rely
on. Either at work, or in the choir, to not add fuel to the flames that
are going on, or to ... also a new meaning has come up in my life, even
just yesterday, of Stephanie, who was my step-child, coming up back into
my life ... which adds another meaning to me.
There was a place in the sermon today that said, "Bring me this child,"
or "Here is a child, and if you take it,..." I forget the words, but it
meant to me that, okay, here is a child that is coming up and needing
something, and needing something that she needed before, too, but maybe
in a different way it comes back and has a different opening and
providing that progressive progeny in a strange kind of way that was
mentioned earlier.
So I don't know where I am with any of this stuff but hopefully remaining
open with each one of those roles that I play and taking one step at a
time. I can feel confident that with the help and confidence that I get,
I can continue to do that, and I'm excited about, well, seeing where that
leads. So there's my two cents for the week. Or four, as I usually do.
TOMAS: Meaningful indeed, the parenting experience, and
identifying with the parenting values inherent therein. Even surrogate
parents and parenting is a part of the apparent legacy you receive as
sons of God. Under more ideal circumstances, your parenting attitude
would have been far more developed because of the guidance and nurturance
that is part of the offering of the Material Son and Daughter, but that
plan was rather aborted and so your appreciation for the parenting
attitude is aborted as well.
Thoroah, what personal insights have you to offer this meaningful
conversation, in terms of surrogate parenting?
Thoroah: I feel like I've gone to a mansion world school for parenting
prematurely, because there is a lot of parenting going on in the work
that I do. It definitely is self-evidence, as far as having meaning,
although to see results is a matter of having faith, which is an aspect
of parenting that I now can fully identify with rather than just
intellectualize with.
TOMAS: It is here that my lesson holds water. It is in the details of
the human experience that the values of your existence are made
meaningful. I would like to offer Matthew and Gerdean an opportunity
also to contribute to the group, the aspects of meaningfulness in which
they are personally engaged in their lives today.
Matthew: Well, I can go ahead if you would like. I'm working now
and earning a living, which is good, and involved in something that is
also good regarding the safe working conditions of people wherever they
are encountered throughout New Mexico and I'm glad to be part of that.
However, it's not just a means to an end but it's a meaningful means to
an end. But I don't see that as totally my reason for being, and have
wanted to do something in a spiritual, teaching manner, and had debated
for several years and it finally hit me last Sunday about becoming an
ordained minister, so I essentially decided last Sunday that that's what
I want to do, but how to go about it, where to go about it, and all of
that, I certainly want it to be more meaningful than 'send $20 and get a
minister's certificate in the mail' and certainly want to contribute to
my own as well as other individual's spiritual growth, and I'm not
presuming anything other than wanting to share some of the things that I
have grown in appreciation of and would like others to be able to
appreciate for themselves. Some of those experiences that at least I
have encountered, so that's what I am able to say that I derive meaning
from and yet aspire to more that will be able to add further meaning. So
thanks for the opportunity to voice that.
Gerdean: Well, that's an interesting trigger for me, because as
replete as my human life is, I feel very unfulfilled as far as my
ministries are concerned. I don't feel I'm doing anything "meaningful".
At least I'm not feeling the satisfaction of that Blessed Assurance that
I'm doing something that makes a difference. Not counting the T/R'ing.
As I've said many times before, that's not something I take personally.
So I'm ready to do something meaningful but I have no idea what that may
I'm intrigued with the idea, as you say, Matthew, of wanting to be
ordained, because I get these uprisings at work where I just want to
start walking down the hall and talking to people and just step out of
that paradigm of reality that I'm in and enter into the one that I feel I
would actually be able to be myself in, or do some good in. I'm not
doing anything for that aspect of me. Even though I'm being very
effective in other terms. It's just not addressing Gerdean's needs.
I've tried going to some AA meetings but I'm finding that service
opportunities there are sorely limited, and now I can understand why the
teachers pretty much led me out of that program about seven years ago, so
there has got to be another field that I can work in.
And about the ordination thing, I'm admiring Donna D'Ingillo, who is just
going on the authority of the Father and has opened her Center of Christ
Consciousness. She doesn't need any credentials except the ones that
Jesus gives her on a daily basis. I really admire that, because I'm one
who has always, as a creature of this realm, been subject to its values
and going, "well, I don't have those theological credentials that anyone
would take me seriously." Even as a writer I don't think anybody is
going to take me seriously. Like, "Well, what give you the right to have
written a book? Why should we pay any attention to what you say?" So,
I'm frustrated, and feel I'm living a very small percentage of my
potential. But I don't know what to do about it.
Menopah: Well, just let me read back to you some lines from ...
it's actually the closing quatrain from Longfellow's poem called "Ode to
a Water Fowl." It says,
"He who from zone to zone
Guides through the bounds
Skydive, a certain flight
In the long way, that I must tread alone
Oh, guide my steps aright."

So, you may be frustrated and think you're not doing, but the spirit
moves in strange and wondrous ways. We need to be careful that we don't
lean altogether to our own understanding, because it's fraught with
Gerdean: Thank you.
Paula: You know, my son in law has often taught in the past and
he just loves teaching, and then finally he accepted the job offer in a
big plant and I don't know just what he did and he liked it well enough
but not long ago they evidently weren't prospering the way they wanted
to, and they decided to get rid of anyone who was over 40, and he was, so
he got the ax, and didn't have work. Well then, of course, he felt
terrible, because my daughter was working and she was taking care of
everything, and he didn't know just what he was going to do, and all of a
sudden he had a job offer of teaching again in high school - math - for
some of the kids who were having real problems with it. And evidently
they were kids who were kind of wild and a little hard to control, and
now he has found his niche again. He is an excellent teacher, and I
said, "Well, how do you like it, working with youngsters like this,
instead of just your average Joe Blow, you know, and that you find in
your usual school?" And he said, "Well, it's a challenge, but I really,
really like it. I enjoy it!" And he gave them a test and they were
coming up, they were learning! They were really getting what Andy
thought that he should. So he has found himself again, and I hope that
they keep him on because he was born to teach. And does a good job and
the kids will benefit. And they will. They're learning.
Matthew: That's the important thing.
Menopah: Well, Andy worked with this company that did research for
the government and for other corporations. What the research was, I
don't know. But people who run corporations are ruthless. It's a rare
thing to find a CEO that has a heartbeat in him, and he'd had a heart
attack. His health was not exceptionally well and he was 60 years old
besides. We helped him celebrate his 60th birthday. And Andy, of
course, he has a lot of plans. But anyway, "My God," I said, "The spirit
moves in strange and wondrous ways." Here's this man who started out,
actually, teaching in the public schools and is back there doing it
again, and for kinds like Thoroah is working with, who really need to
learn what he can teach them, and perhaps they will. He gave these kids
a test and they seem to know what the subject matter is that they
covered, so it looks good.
Paula: Well, if anybody can help them, Andy can.
Menopah: Yeah. He's a teacher, that's what he really is.
Paula: He was born to do that.
Menopah: He just stepped aside from it, you know, for a few years
to work in research, which I'm sure he loved to do, but ....
Paula: The business didn't mind at all giving him the ax.
Menopah: Oh, no. By and large the corporations of this country or
the people who run them are ruthless, and ... they just are. I happened
to work with one who wasn't, but ... I don't know how in heaven he
survived, but he did.
TOMAS: Let me take back the reins. This is Tomas, and thank you all for
your heartfelt contribution to this discussion. It is very apparent from
your sharing that the new generation is the impetus for today. Not only
are they what make your life meaningful in terms of your involvement and
engagement, but as entities who have carried the cultural weight upon
your shoulder, not only of the mortal life but of the morontial values
that you have gathered to you and carried with you throughout your lives,
also yearn to find their place among those who will carry on the
civilization that we cherish and even depend upon to nurture value in
progressive progeny.
The Melchizedek mission is frequently initiated in order to stabilize the
existing reality during times of tumultuous change, in order to protect
that which has been valuable, in order that it may stabilize this period
of change and maintain those evolved elements of your superconsciousness
that has grown over the centuries and generations since time began on
Urantia. And so again, while you observe the overview and see from the
cosmic perspective, while you question your standing in the universe and
your role therein, you will do well to also reflect upon the merits of
your mortal lives and what they have and do contribute to the maintenance
of civilization and the fostering of those values which we will utilize
to upstep humankind from here into the earlier stages of light and life
which lie ahead.
Trust that when your will is fixed upon doing the Father's will, you will
be assisted in this yearning. As the case of Andy indicates, when one
door closes, another door opens. And sometimes the universe will see to
it that a door is slammed shut so you have no choice but to move ahead.
And while I would not suggest that either of you ambitious ones seek to
be dismissed from your employment in order to support your desire to be
of greater service, your prayers will not go unheard and your yearnings
will not be in vain, for the universe always responds to those who seek
to serve.
Prepare yourselves, in the meantime, for what you can do, for there will
be no challenge undertaken prematurely, and in all things that the Father
sends you out to do, he will prepare the way and provide the mechanism
wherewith you may embark upon that journey, infused with the confidence
that is born of that understanding which comes from not your own
understanding, as Men-o-pah states, but from the mind of the divine,
which accompanies you and works with you in your efforts to advance the
Kingdom. This is truth.
Next week we will have sojourners, and we welcome the caravan that passes
by, and like Jesus in his younger days, when he with his father visited
the mecca of the marketplace, you too will benefit from the comings and
goings of those who are en route to points east and west, north and
south, on their caravan through Urantia and through the Land of
Enchantment. Exchange well with your sojourning fellows, for this will
generate good will and commerce among you - spiritual commerce and
meaningful connections that become a part of the gridwork of our network
of those who are engaged in this compelling adventure of association with
the Father of all and his myriad agencies as well as Mother's myriad
spirits throughout the realm.
Before we go, have any of you a need to bring forth? Anything to your
mentors. (Pause) You are well fixed, then, for your work this coming
week. Your seed is germinating and will soon begin to sprout. Be of
good cheer. And be about your Father's business. We'll see you next
week. Farewell.
Group: Thank you.
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