[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 3/9/03

RickGiles rickgiles at prodigy.net
Fri Mar 21 07:45:08 PST 2003

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Healing and Mother Spirit.
Teachers: Olfana, Elyon

March 9, 2003

* Olfana (Jonathan TR): This connection can begin. I am Olfana. I
greet you today with the warmth and love that is shared among us all by
our Michael. You, my friends, are an inspiration, though you may not
perceive those who are inspired by you, be they miles away, be they set
apart by dimension.
When you seek the inflow of healing energy and you direct this force
to one in need, you are tapping into the ever-present healing forces of
Mother Nebadonia. She, the Breath of Life, pervades all things in
Nebadon. The reception of your request for her power is immediate. The
distance between the longing heart of the human soul and the welcoming ear
of Mother is infinitesimally small. Bathed as we all are in this divine
presence, given that you are her daughter or son, you are permitted to
share her energy presence.
Never once allow yourself to doubt the worth of your petition, for all
are loved by this Creative Spirit and our Michael Son. Likewise, never
doubt the content of your petition. Freely ask for the outcome that you
desire, for these two divine parents of all creatures in Nebadon do truly
seek to know your wishes and do sincerely answer your petitions according
to their creator orientation.
Be not perplexed over outcomes that may not align with your prior
petitions. The human mind and insight are unable to grasp the broad
perspective of these divine parents. Your faith overlays your desires.
Above all things do trust Michael and Nebadonia to execute the best
appropriate result to those to whom you call for grace.
While Mother is ever-present, she fully supports the discreet actions
of every angel, of each ministering spirit, of any human soul to reach
out, to offer consolation, to uplift, to soothe and heal physical ailments
and mental anguishes. While in mind you fall short of the grasp of the
divine viewpoint, you have the receptor of spirit energy which is attuned
to the healing circuit. Understand that this energy plays among you in
two ways. One you might describe as a mystical form of energy, intangible
and indescribable, that energy which is the vibrating presence of the
Mother Spirit. The other is the nursing provided by ones like yourselves
who approach another with needs.
Your health system and institutions are evolving and, while there is
yet much more technologically you could acquire, and will as the decades
roll by, there is only so much you are capable of today. Any specific
individual is capable of only a small portion of the entire effect of
healing power. A surgeon performs tasks; a nursing aid performs others,
and an administrator performs even quite different tasks all for the
purpose of bringing health to a patient. I bring this up to attempt to
organize in your minds a perspective that perhaps would alleviate any
feeling that, when you pray for a healing event and do not perceive the
outcome you long for, you may be in one of various positions wherein you
can only view so much of the overall outcome. The surgeon may perform the
task flawlessly, and the nursing aids may undertake their processes
precisely, and you may be an administrator frustrated over the
complications of paperwork required to accommodate a patient.
The eternal value of teamwork is developing on this world, and you who
have played team sports understand that some events lead to a goal when
you give over to another player the ball that they may execute the play.
You are on the team and you are part of the game. Mother Nebadonia is
like static energy charge all about you. She is that game. She is the
arena. Whether you feel like you sit on the bench or are on the field,
you are within her presence. Your abilities contribute to the outcome.
Sometimes your ability merely executes the transfer of power to another
poised more expertly to fulfill the goal. Given our evolutionary status
any one of us may fumble at any point in time. Our forgiving parents do
not condemn such mistakes. Every time the ball is passed your way and
dropped you learn better how to catch it and control it. This applies to
your prayerful petitions for healing, to the longing of your heart for
support of another.
When you approach another with the intent of being an active element
of healing and upliftment, remember the twofold process: one, the ever-
presence of Mother Spirit, and two, your -- though perhaps limited --
abilities to be the conveyor of healing through concrete, tangible
actions. Not all human beings have developed their spiritual antennae
significantly to pick up on the energy charge of Mother Spirit. You act
as a translator capturing, coordinating, and conveying this energy to
another. This allows the opening of receptivity. This brings a clue to a
receptive mind of the Divine Presence. As you receive you compress. When
you compress you must perforce contain only some elements of this divine
energy. So it can appear to you that your effort was not complete.
However, it was, for in bestowing this compression upon another the Divine
Spirit within them will un-compress, will open an inner door to that
omnipresent power of Mother Spirit. Be not concerned that you must handle
the full bundle over to another. All you need to do is provide an
inoculant, and spirit will unfold the rest according to divine wisdom,
according to the best welfare of the soul in need.
Great joy comes into my being to be with you, a joy shared in our
spirit family knowledge, that faith understanding that from wherever
throughout this universe we were born or are currently domiciled, we are
one family bathed in love and light.

Evelyn: Thank you, Olfana. You are welcome to our group anytime.
It’s good to hear from you.

* Olfana: Thank you for your welcome.

* Elyon: This is Elyon, greetings, friends. As you have been provided
with some thoughts to ponder, I wish to not bring too much to the table
but rather to ask you to interject your thoughts and comments, and I would
be more than happy to address them.

Harold: Some people seem better able to channel healing. We were
talking earlier about John of God in Brazil who has had some incredible
success. It’s said he works with other entities in this. Can you explain
how that works?

* Elyon: These other entities are those who Olfana has referred to as
discreet personalities who are able to compress and convey healing energy.
This human being you speak of is a partner in this process. Downstepping
of divine energy into the physical form requires experts, not that the
issuer of this energy is incapable of providing that compression, but that
this energy must transfer to the recipient by way of other individuals.
The, from your perspective, rarefied form of healing energy has to become
more concrete to be absorbed into the human form. An individual such as
you refer to provides this avenue, has set up this mechanism, and is
supported by higher beings. One may ask, if this individual can do such
wonders, why cannot all? Why can’t the physician heal himself? This
begins the great philosophical question that attempts to resolve the
reality of a perfect, benevolent Creator with an imperfect, sometimes
malevolent world. Only on this level of existence that you are on now
will you be threatened by your physical vehicle failing you. Never after
you translate from this world will you be concerned that your vehicle for
personality lodgment will interfere with your spiritual progress or your
universe career. This is part of the divine plan. Even ailments
intensify the human longing for God. This is why not all are healed, but
it is also why some individuals, like the one you referred to, are given
this gift. Or, perhaps more accurately, the channel through which healing
may flow is opened through them. They are a portal. Illness, ailment,
anxiety, anguish, all can act to turn the human eye towards God, and these
key individuals who can provide what seems to be miraculous healing also
act as lighthouses, providing light for the eye of the longing soul to
perceive the divine power.
It is a delicate balance for anyone of you to in faith accept divine
providence meted out as it is according to divine will and for you to in
faith fully ask your desires. Celestial aid is available and can react to
your call but must also act according to the will of our Creator Parent.
The one you referred to is involved in a ministry that is deliberate. I
recognize that you within this group are passionate toward the well-being
of several of your close friends and family. Within the full knowledge of
the Creator the best results are forthcoming. But there are stationed
around this world what may be called extraordinary examples of this
powerful presence more specifically demonstrating the effect of a cosmic
healing. So, assignments are made to beings like myself, and they are
stationed with such human beings to effect the best results.
Your response?

Harold: Is there something specific physically or psychologically
about this person that makes him a better channel than others?

* Elyon: There is some genetic predisposition which is not in the
control of that individual. It is rather a condition that is noted by
higher agencies. What is in the arena of influence and power of this
individual is the willingness and, above and beyond the willingness, to
not become personally motivated, to maintain a high level of altruism.
When these individuals are located they are listed as potential contact
sources for such energy release, for cosmic medicine. Not all are fully
used, some for short periods, some never. That is because there is a
larger program in effect around this world. Even you in this room fulfill
the requirements, and so sit as reservists. If the occasion arises and
the divine will decrees, you would find yourself in a similar situation.

Tom: Aside from willingness and staying out of the way, not being
personally motivated, to what degree does one’s choice enter in? Are you
appointed rather than choose? Where does the choosing of the would-be
healer come in?

* Elyon: Willingness is the prerequisite. That is an overall, general
condition and attitude of your being. Choosing to be a conduit for
healing energy to flow applies to specific instances, cases, to use a
medical-like term. This is the initial action of your prayers, the choice
to focus on a given individual for the release of that power. But many
who, as you put it, would be healers have been upset when their choice met
with disappointment, and I use that word “disappointment” deliberately,
for, as you have alluded to, there is the overarching perspective of God
who appoints when and where. You may choose and not receive appointment
and then become confused and disappointed. As Olfana has referred to
today, it is a delicate balancing act of a faith son of God to
aggressively, choosingly, pursue divine favor for which you and another
may wish to have transpire in an individual’s life for healing and
upliftment, all the while remembering that the panoramic view of God may
incorporate elements that are better suited for soul growth of another
individual that does not bring your desired result. Therefore, pray and
provide as you are capable. Then trust the Father to do what is best for
all involved.
There will be appointed times wherein you will witness success and
other times when you will not, all within the given comprehensive arena of
the human perspective. Though hard it may be to believe, every outcome is
successful from the Creator’s vantage point.
It is often mistakenly felt by the human aspirant that, like many
elements of evolutionary life, you begin an experience, develop skill,
become proficient, and execute a task expertly. This does not apply to
healing. It is bestowed when appropriate and appears not to be bestowed
at other times. Make yourself available when you perceive the need and
release to God what is His power already to accomplish.

Evelyn: Our personal motivations more likely would stay in check if
we weren’t always obviously successful.

* Elyon: Indeed, this is true and often humbling, and personal
motivation is often entangled with the evolutionary sensibility of
developing skill, and along with skill there is tagged on recognition. By
understanding that a healing will occur when needed and is independent of
developmental skill, personal motivation for recognition and acclaim fall
away, and the personal motivation to be present and available, trusting
the appropriateness of the moment of divine will will lead to successes.

Harold: Thank you, Elyon. That was very instructive.

* Elyon: You are welcome, and I would wrap things up by reminding you
of Machiventa’s statement of years past when he was asked about
apostleship and discipleship, and you were instructed that you are all
disciples and occasionally you will function as an apostle, that it is not
so much a permanent designation. It is based on function. This likewise
applies to the events of healing.
I now take my leave, farewell.
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