[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 11/24/02

RickGiles rickgiles at prodigy.net
Thu Nov 28 11:16:49 PST 2002

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Congregation, Love and
Light,Interplanetary Contact
Teachers: Elyon, Lester

November 24, 2002

* Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings to you, I
am Elyon. I am touched that you were so
receptive of my offer of a collective
visualization. You have expressed yourselves
in a personal manner adjusting this technique
to fit your own idiosyncrasies, and this is an
important adaptation for anyone to make when
applying such visualizations, for the depth of
meaning, the impact upon you, is best felt when
adapted to your own preferences, to your own
style. Since we have been discussing
collective visualization these past few
sessions I will contribute more thought, not so
much on the subject but rather applying to the
We have been calling this a collective
visualization because it appropriately
indicates the social quality of the endeavor.
However, it is important to expand the
perspective from collective to congregational,
and I bring this up because your circle of
prayer today illustrates that you were not
simply a collection of people undergoing a
visualization; you were and are a congregation
of souls engaged in this healing circuit. A
congregation is a collection, but it is greater
than a simple association of beings. It is
with gregariousness that you associate, and
that attraction is the attraction of love. It
is the pivotal force that binds you together
with Michael’s children in spite of your varied
One who collects may limit their
collections to a specific field, for instance,
cars or shoes. Yet another may likewise use
this word “collection” to surround many items
that appear quite unassociated. Even a group
of prisoners are collected. They share no bond
among themselves nor toward the collector. Yet
in congregation there is love; there is that
familial warmth; there is the sense of hoped
for well-being for each. You have expanded
this sphere of energy to encompass the world
today. In so doing you are collecting your
fellows into this congregation of Michael’s
mission of expressing the love for the Father
and his love taught to us as brother to
When you undertake your associations with
personalities of many types during your weeks,
I encourage you to approach the relationships
with the intention of it being a congregation,
a mutual embrace, a mutual care and compassion,
and not as much a collection: a gathering to
one’s side, entertaining within one’s sphere,
as juxtaposed with another collectivity,
another sphere of influence. Collecting can be
forceful; congregating is willing.
I ask you to enter into our dialogue
portion of my visit with you at this time.

Evelyn: Thank you for the visualization
you suggested. I enjoyed it, especially
applying the varied senses. At first I was
just saying the words but then the tactile
sense surfaced. I felt material things were
more imaginary; we are all suspended in space.
If that’s a more helpful way of distributing
healing energy then great!

* Elyon: Thank you for your appreciation.
As you know over these years I often do not
present homework or assignments or make
requests that you undertake behaviors that I
suggest, though I do find pleasure in
witnessing your spontaneous and free choice
applications of what I present to you. I
enjoyed your creative approaches and your
multi-voiced direction in this undertaking this

Ginny: Being the creatures we are, it
helps for focus to have that led both visually
and the other senses.

* Elyon: Indeed this is true especially
upon a world that is peopled largely by
agondonters, those who believe without seeing,
those who function because of a trust in
spiritual truth, those who know and yet have no
tangible proof to offer another that what they
believe is true. You have no headquarters that
represents the Planetary Prince. Your Garden
of Eden is long returned to the natural ecology
of its location. No temple to the Father
stands where you may see with your physical
eyes. So these techniques are worthwhile and
valuable in spite of any danger that may follow
should this effort become crystallized into a
meaningless ritual. But with your personal
injection into this technique it becomes
enlivened; it maintains your relevancy.
On the note of one who lives by faith in
the inner world, you can easily verify your
pursuit of truth because of the residence
within you of the Spirit of Truth. But between
you and others there are limitations of time
and space. You must communicate by way of your
mouth, two ears, by way of your eyes and
through touch. It is in this medium of
communication that enters in the uncertainty
that another has received your expression,
received it as you gave it, and associated in
their minds as you wished it to be. There is
more doubt to be encountered in this form of
communication than there is within yourself
before God. That this may not appear so to the
human creature is largely due to the lack of
spiritual training on this world and for the
great emphasis placed upon sensory perception
as verification of reality, when from our
perspective as morontia beings the reverse is
true. The inner connection verifies your
discoveries of truth, and the outer senses
inaccurately reflect and sometimes distort this
inner reality.

* Lester (Ginny): Hello, my friends, I am
playing the imp in Ginny’s mind. This is
Lester. I come, as you have perceived, at
times when things get a little heavy and
ponderous, not that they... but I am here to
remind you of the presence also of true spirit
and true love. So, in the midst of all your
concerns of the survival of your world and its
peoples, you can be of great service also by
helping to keep the hearts and minds of your
friends light and easy. Indeed his burden is
light and his yoke is easy. I encourage all of
you to live in the light of love which is also
in abundance on your planet, so it is important
for you to focus on that aspect. We are all
here in abundance to gather together to plan
for the upliftment of the planet, and there is
much activity and much preparation abounding.
As you approach the holidays and the
gathering and the frequency perhaps of more
gatherings you can participate in social
ministry by being a ray of hope, a ray of
light, a ray of love, and trying to avoid more
sinister aspects of gatherings, which as you
know are more apt to happen during the
holidays. Having a grateful heart is a good
idea at these times, simply to gather in
gratitude for each other, for each of you is
indeed a beacon of light.
It would be a good idea for you in these
times to act and speak with words that
communicate this understanding of the presence
of love and light in this world. If you don’t
do it, who will? So as you gather I will be
there, of course, enjoying your camaraderie and
your desire to be a pleasant and loving
inspiration especially to those who may be
troubled or in sorrow. As you express your
desires to be of more service, I am simply
suggesting ways that you can do so without
scaring people.
Thank you and I bid you farewell.

Jonathan: Thank you and thank you for
your lesson recently about God’s grace being
like grease; grease removes friction and is
like sunscreen when things get hot on the
planet. I detect your lesson today falls into
that same manner. Today you speak of love and
light being that same friction removing we can
apply in the holidays to allow different forces
to come together with love. What you say has a
sweetness, and I would like to join the sect of
the Lesterines.

* Lester: Thank you for your company. I
appreciate your comment.

Kirk: Have you ever heard of The
Disclosure Project initiated by Steven Greer?
Could you comment on it?

* Elyon (Jonathan): This is an undertaking
that is welcomed by my associates and myself
for it encourages human beings to ponder
seriously the realities of populated worlds and
to develop in the minds of many people the
understanding that this civilization upon
Urantia is not the end-all or apex of how
culture can evolve. Urantia has developed a
way of thinking that it has unfettered freedom
to undertake exploits, for it sees no
corrective force that would rein in its
undertakings. Only does religion on your world
have any application upon the thinking of
mankind to steer its actions based upon
universe principles. This fellow and others
like him are planting in the mindstream of the
human race another element wherein ethical
comparison may be made to gauge the
appropriateness of human undertakings.
When a single family lives alone on a
desert island its social structure tends to be
based upon its own interworkings. When more
families gather together the social structure
reformulates to accommodate a greater
diversity. When it becomes a huge city of
families even more structure that incorporates
the considerations of many purposes is
developed. Through this process refinements in
civilization are made. Self sacrifice develops
and service also comes into being. Urantia has
been like the desert island.
Soon -- and it is beginning now -- you as
a world will design your social standards as
you incorporate the awareness of an
interplanetary family. The transition will not
be smooth, for as you have found in your
studies, there is resistance to the
dissemination of knowledge already gained of
life elsewhere.
We sit in this room today and speak to one
another. This undertaking that we are engaged
in can be refuted by many, for it is not highly
tangible, so my presence with you can be
written off. Individuals like you have
expressed today are discovering irrefutable
evidences, and this will increase receptivity
of other beings from elsewhere.
While Urantia lingers behind many worlds
in its development such that it is an unruly
member in this system of planets, it would be
unwise for you to have much contact with a
neighbor at this time. It is deemed of great
importance that you have more contact with
higher celestial beings not from other worlds
but from the higher spheres that lie ahead in
your ascension career.
I applaud this fellow’s work, for I see it
injecting itself into the philosophic thought
stream, and that is where we look to help
uplift mankind. It may appear to some as
merely science fiction. It may appear to some
as a cosmic religious undertaking. But its
impact philosophically is where I and others
like me may get a foothold to bring a broader
perspective and to infuse within this manner of
thinking the dimension of truth that is
revealed from the divine personalities of
I trust you receive well my opinion.

Kirk: Ahh, thank you, Elyon.

Tom: You have mentioned the rigorous
mandates that celestials have regarding
interfering with free will. We have greater
leeway for imposing our will on others on this
world. We are your hands and feet and aren’t
held to nearly as stringent accountability as
you. Are beings from other worlds under the
same mandates as you are? Do they have the
freedom to make changes on our world?

* Elyon: In the wisdom of our Creator
inhabited worlds have been placed sufficiently
apart in distance such that you may not
unwisely impinge upon the evolution of another
world, just as once upon this world your
continents were protected by the seas from
invasions from another continent. Once your
civilizations developed more fully they were
able to intermingle with greater degree of
peacefulness than early on. This dynamic of
behavior holds true between worlds. Elsewhere
in this universe it has been witnessed that
there have been some conflicts between planets
just as you have waged wars between continents.
Urantia is only now emerging from
quarantine. Those who will be in contact with
your world are special members chosen and
trained to approach your world cautiously.
They are more restricted in their contact than
they would be if they were simply pioneers
seeking new lands. The reason is, as you have
stated, that you, a human being, may have
influence upon another human being because you
are equals and your freewill spheres may
intermingle or even clash. That is part of the
evolution in Supremacy. Myself and others like
me are on another level, and it is not deemed
wise by the Creator that we manipulate what for
you must evolve.
Visitors from other worlds who come as
equals may have influence upon you and you upon
them. In the case of Urantia, having undergone
a lengthy period of isolation, these visitors
are rehearsed by us and prepared to meet you
according to Michael’s wishes, less independent
than a free adventuring spaceship may do so in
a normal realm.

Ginny: You are preventing aliens from
coming here who may do us harm or that they are
unable to come here?

* Elyon: Those worlds that are perceived to
be potentially harmful to another world are as
yet unable to traverse the distances, and your
world is one of them. The worlds that have
these abilities to approach your world are from
worlds that have not been retarded by the
Lucifer Rebellion. These worlds more readily
comply with the methods of Michael. We do not
prevent them who are potentially harmful; they
are simply incapable. But we do train and
rehearse those who are in the circuits of
Nebadon and fully aware of the undertakings of
this system and constellation as well. These
come on assignment, for Urantia and worlds like
it are under protection. It is the desire of
the Correcting Time officials that these worlds
that have been wounded receive healing and
upliftment free from potentially devastating
setbacks. Therefore you may plant within your
conceptual frameworks the notion that those in
the near future who will visit and become known
on your world come benignly.
Had you developed as a normal sphere in
this system and continued beyond the
development level you are at now to be capable
of contacting other worlds, less restrictions
would have been in place, and you would
encounter these cultures much as you have in
the past when you encountered new cultures as
you crossed the seas. You would and they would
have made mistakes and learned from them. But
Urantia is under the protective care of
Michael, and that alters the conditions of
contactability of your world.
Does this help?

Kirk: The technologies of our world are
outgrowing the spirituality of our world. Are
we a threat to the cosmos in any way?

* Elyon: Your technologies are advancing
and often independently of moral guidelines.
However at this point, at the risk of sounding
condescending, you are like a young child with
rock in hand who cannot yet throw that rock
over the fence into another yard. So you are
non-threatening to another world. More so you
are threatening to your own well-being.
However in a few centuries this will change.
Therefore do you witness the Correcting Time
well underway on this world to hasten the
spiritual development and to prepare you to
wisely discern whether or not throwing that
rock is worthwhile.

Tom: Our meetings with you seem to have
grown out of our petition to know more after
reading our text. Since all spirit is
contactable, is there a way to make contact
ourselves? ...(would contacting mortals on
another world be) of a more physical nature if
we were to contact these beings?

* Elyon: You have referred to technologies.
There are technologies which this world has yet
to develop to make more sensory contact. Yes,
you are correct in discerning the ultimate
approach, mind communications and brotherly
contacts. These are available through the
system and local universe circuits. Worlds
around you were kept in touch with events upon
this world as needed and as they were helpful
to those other planetary civilizations. You
need not span the physical distances to develop
your interplanetary brotherhood. What we do
today is the crude beginnings of better mindal
contact. It is easier for one of my standing
to make encircuitment, for the mind endowment
bestowed upon creatures of my level of
ascension has greater abilities in meshing with
the human mind. You will unfortunately
experience greater difficulty contacting a mind
encircuited in the same level as yourself much
as you do encountering difficulty in the forms
of telepathy among peoples upon your own world.
But it is not impossible. And I will
unabashedly make a plug for stillness.

Ginny: If only this information could be
given to every creature on this planet.

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