[tmtranscripts] Welmek, Sept. 19, 2002

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Tue Sep 24 16:44:12 PDT 2002

SEPTEMBER 19, 2002

Greetings, my friends, this is Welmek. After the last two lessons on
grief, I have decided to reverse the tenor and bring you a lesson on joy.
I hope you will find the humor in this, and allow yourself to feel that
effervescence that comes when you experience joy. Is this something that
you are all interested in this evening? (General agreement)

Over the course of your life, you will experience those episodes of
struggle, where you learn new concepts and acquire new life skills. And
after a period of struggle, as you begin to appreciate that which you
have learned, there may come to mind a feeling of achievement and of
growth. And this is all a prelude to the experience of joy, that sublime
upliftment of the heart in appreciation for something of value and of
truth – something that has been given to you of beauty and of goodness.

I ask you now to, in your own mind, reflect upon an episode in your life
where you learned something new and experienced a sense of
accomplishment. Spend a few moments, and recall in your mind what that
accomplishment felt like. And then when you feel ready, please share
those feelings with me. (pause)

Student: Well, Welmek, I guess I can lead off. After two years of taking
dancing lessons I had what they called ‘student showcase’, where you
dance in front of about a hundred people and a coach. You get to dance
with your teacher; that’s one thing, a marvelous dancer. It went off very
well. It was a sense of being very alert, yet being very relaxed. I had
the material down, and yet finding a certain grace right in the activity
itself. So I wasn’t totally consumed with what I was doing. There was a
little extra there, to be happy. It was a lot of fun. 

Welmek: Would you say that you felt proud of yourself for what you had

Student: Oh, very much, Welmek. It was a very gracious crowd. Every now
and then they would break into applause. That was very thrilling. 

Welmek: And so did you sense that what you were doing was being

Student: Very much. 

Welmek: Thank you.

Student: Welmek, for me, it was the discovery that in the first grade I
was able to learn to spell and to read instantly. I found myself
answering questions of the other students, such as what is this word? or
how is it pronounced? It was a feeling of empowerment. 

Welmek: Would you say that this gave you a sense of contribution?

Student: Yes, it did. 

Welmek: Would you say this gave you a sense of confidence and

Student: Very much so.

Welmek: Thank you.

(Another student asks a question that was too soft to be recorded)

Welmek: I would ask that you hold this question for a little later in our
discussion, and instead can you relate to me an experience that you felt
this sense of accomplishment? Take your time. Go within. You have several
moments to compose your answer, and you can let others take your turn if
you do not feel so inspired.

Student: Good evening, Welmek. I think that the greatest sense of
accomplishment, one of the greatest times in my life, was when I was my
flute and playing in bands and orchestras. And it was something that
started out small and grew every year. It gave me a sense of being well
connected to something greater than myself. 

Welmek: How did the energy of that feeling affect you? 

Student: Well, something it took an awful lot to make it to make it to
the 7 o’clock in the morning dance classes. But when we performed, it was
almost like I felt like another person, or I felt more like the person I
was created to be – that it was very energizing, and it was very neutral
at the same time. I could see how hard work had paid off. 

Welmek: Thank you.

Student: Welmek, I would like to say that the most recent feeling of joy
and accomplishment that I experienced was going from a feeling that I
could never know God, the Paradise Father, personally, to a certain time
of seven days that opened up a personal relationship with the Teachers,
the Mother Spirit, Christ Michael, and the Father God, and my angel. And
the feelings that that gave me were quite fulfilling (unknown words after
this). I think I’d like to say that.

Welmek: Was the feeling you experienced worth the effort and struggle?

Student: Absolutely. It was so divine. It was beyond anything I had
previously known. 

Welmek: Thank you.

Another Student: (Words too soft to catch on the recorder. Topic was
being a parent, and not trading that experience for anything else.)

Welmek: Would you say that parenthood was effortful on your part?

Student: Yes, very much so. 

Welmek: Would you trade the experience of being a parent for something
else? (No) Thank you.

Another Student: (Words too soft the catch on the recorder. Topic was
submitting a dissertation)

Welmek: Would you say, in submitting your dissertation, that you
experienced a feeling of being proud of your work and effort?

Student: Yes, Welmek, I did. 

Welmek: Would you say that you felt your effort was fruitful and
worthwhile, and that you spent your time in a productive pursuit? (Oh,
yes). Thank you.

Welmek continues: As you were all speaking, did you notice within the
thread of your accomplishments that this gave you a greater sense of
self-fulfillment to varying degrees? (General agreement)  Would you say
that you enjoy being in these moments of effortful stimulation of your
personality output? (General agreement)

Student: Welmek, for me there has been a wonderful mixture of effortful,
and often sometimes effortless, a kind of a pure grace. I just had to say
thank you, because I hadn’t even done it. It just happened. And that was
part of the joy. 

Welmek: But, my friend, you did work at it, did you not? You did not go
onto the dance floor at this time and glide gracefully the way you did at
your exhibition.

Student: Oh, excuse me, Welmek, since then I thought of just dozens and
dozens of joyful moments in my life…this was a gift. Yes, that dancing
experience was a lot of work. 

Welmek: But recognize, my friend, that it is your efforts, whether they
come in the guise of being clumsy for awhile and fumbling and learning,
or when you are so inspired that it seems to flow, that these are efforts
that you are putting forth. And, as such, they require two components
from you: attention and desire. And when you have those, they allow you
to produce a component of your personality expression that will manifest
in something of great value – not only to yourself, but to the universe
and the Supreme Being. 

These effortful attempts on all of your parts, to share something of
yourself and to give new meaning and depth of expression of who you are,
are all living and real experiences of soul growth. And there is a reward
for this, and that is the experience of joy – that lighthearted quality
of being in an elated state of light. 

I am struggling with your word concepts, for they are quite limiting in
the midst of such an expansive and beauteous of all feelings. Do you have
any questions, because I would like us to broaden to an experience of
feeling more joy within you, so that you can know the validity of the
words I speak. 

Student: Welmek, I have to ask at this time, if you would share something
in your life of joy and accomplishment?

Welmek: My friends, being here with you this evening is my joy. For I am
able to serve as an instructor of the beauty and the magnitude of the
Father’s gifts. What greater joy is there? And so, you bless me when you
gather here and open your mind to these words, and I do so enjoy these
times with you. This is my most recent experience. 

Student: Thank you.

Student: Welmek, I have a problem with the word effortful, for my example
was no effort. It was a spontaneous experience that brought me great joy.
And ever since then everything has been effortful. So the joy that I felt
then was diminished considerably. (Other statement were too soft to be
heard). There was a lot of sadness in that.

Welmek: If you would recall my earlier instruction for this exercise was
to recall a time in your life when you felt an achievement that gave you
a sense of self satisfaction. This is the prelude to joy. And in that
experience you shared you did feel joy, and I am glad that that was a
positive and noteworthy time in your life. But if you were to continue to
participate in this exercise, I want to take you now to a higher level of
understanding the conceptual framework of effortful attention and desire
in your accomplishments in life that will set the tone for you to be
receiving more joy in your life. Are all of you willing now to go here? 
(General agreement)

So, in your mind now, return to that place where you felt this feeling of
accomplishment. Let yourself experience the fullness of this
accomplishment. Let it meander over your mind and your body, with the
sense of feeling proud of yourself, feeling confident, feeling validated.
(pause) And when you experience that, invite the Father into your
experience, and ask him to elevate that experience with what and how He
wishes you to know, to feel, and to understand. And when you are ready,
please share these feelings with me. (pause)

Student: Welmek, I just feel glad and thankful. 

Student: Welmek, the effort of sharing, and asking the Father to share
this experience with me, I have a sense of reverence and I felt a
stronger sense of love. 

Student: I believe the experience of the realizing that I could read and
write and spell and explain the meanings of words was a clue to what my
life was really going to be like as I became an adult. 

Student: Welmek, when I think of this experience it was (words too soft
to hear). But I also really treasure the feedback that I get from people
(not clear). 

Student: (Words too soft to hear). If it wasn’t for my children, (words
too soft) I wouldn’t be here today. I just feel so blessed for having
them in my life. (Words too soft to hear).

Welmek: You have all participated in self-validating exercises this
evening. And I hope that you see the value in what you have experienced
as you grow more conscious of who you truly are, and how there is rich
and deep fulfillment in your life; that you can so enjoy being alive and
participating as a child of God in this universe we are growing. 

All of our lives are spent in gainful, productive efforts of personality
expression. You who have worked so hard on this planet to maintain your
material existence sometimes forget that it is not the work that you do,
but the expression of your personality that brings you satisfaction,
achievement, leading to greater self-validation. And the reward for this
is to find joy – joy in the Father and joy in who you have been created
to be. 

Think now only of who you are becoming, and the ways that you can express
yourself more fully and richly to your brothers and sisters. For this is
your true enjoyment in life, my friends. This is where true happiness
will be your fuel to continue to live life in this way. Drink deeply of
the potential that you are bringing forth now here on Urantia. Your souls
are growing. They are developing a greater range of expression: rich and
vibrant with light and life and joy. Live in this state more. Live in
joy, enjoy, and be those beautiful expressions of the Father that we have
been created to be. Are there any further comments or questions before we
conclude this evening?

Student: Welmek, I have been wanting to ask you this question. (some
unclear words). But in the light of humor, is there possibly what you we
call a joke that can be possibly (unclear words) that would mix the type
of humor that you know with the type of humor that we know? 

Welmek: One moment. I sense some hesitation in the transmitter’s mind,
and so I would ask you that you wait until there is more clarity. 

Student: Welmek, perhaps because you are so close to us, and like I said
before, the love you have for us is absolutely palpable, the joy you have
given me (unclear words) and Michael (unclear words) the last few weeks,
I have been thinking of (end of side one of tape). And all of a sudden to
have Michael standing in front of me, and through D, give me the most
precious gift of all – totally unimaginable. Thank you.

Welmek: All of the beautiful feelings that you are privileged to
experience are there as a detecting device, to appreciate expanding
avenues of our Father’s glorious personality – and my friends, I am here
to tell you that it only gets better. And so, herein lies what we might
consider to be cosmic humor; that all of the degradation, pain,
heartache, suffering, misery, despair, rejection, abandonment that you
have experienced can be transformed into such beauty of light and joy
that you will be glad that you have been a human on Urantia. 

May the peace that fills this room, and overtake your heart, permeate
each cell and bring you heightened levels of light in the Father’s
effervescent joyful personality. Good evening, dear friends.

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