[tmtranscripts] Welmek, August 29, 2002

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Wed Sep 4 18:24:05 PDT 2002

AUGUST 29, 2002

Welmek: This is your teacher, Welmek. And I wish to extend a special
greeting to S. Welcome. It is good to be with you again. I have not been
far from you, and I know you have felt my presence at times. And I
welcome you as part of this group, and hope you will enjoy tonight’s
entertainment; for this is what we are hoping to instill within you in
these lessons: a sense of joy, a sense of lightheartedness, in growing
more beautiful in the love of our Father, and in the unfoldment of your

For life can be thrilling, and it can be rewarding, and it is in this
vein now that I would like to offer the continuing saga of our Walk in
Faith. Tonight I have entitled our lesson ‘Deepening your Faith’, for
this something that all of you have expressed; and it is the natural
outgrowth of the Walk in Faith. You sense that something is unfolding now
in your life in a new and purposeful direction, and you like it. You
identify with it. It speaks to you at a deeper level, and you want to
continue to grow in this dynamic. 

Tonight we will talk about how we will deepen our faith. And while we
have talked about faith from various angles and perspectives, I invite
more of your participation now in sharing with me some of the struggles
that you have been particularly experiencing as you try to deepen your
faith. So instead of going into our usual stillness exercise, and
speaking to your thought adjusters, let me ask you now where do you feel
you are being held back in this deepening sense of staying true on your
walk of faith?

Think about this for a moment, and I would like to spend time in
addressing each of you at a very personal and involved way that perhaps
we have not touched upon in prior lessons. Go within, and when you are
ready, please share with me.  (pause)

Student:  I sure had a strange day today. I learned from a friend of mine
that there’s a new treatment for Parkinson’s, which I’m very excited
about. And I had a very good day yesterday, but I woke up this morning
and I was paralyzed with fear. I didn’t know where it came from. So I
wonder how to hold onto faith, and how my faith would help me in that

Welmek: Faith is a matter of perspective. Faith is predicated upon
certain ideas that you hold to be true within you. Ask yourself these
questions: Do I believe that my Father in Paradise is in absolute perfect
control of my life? Number 2: Do I trust that God desires my happiness
and well-being? Number 3: Am I willing to live according to how He wishes
my life to unfold? Number 4: Do I love the Father enough to let him have
his way in my life? 

I do not expect you to answer these all at once and do not expect you to
respond to me. But I do ask that you think about these questions, and be
very honest and forthcoming in your own inner environment about how you
feel in response.

Faith is built upon these ideas. Faith grows the more you come to
appreciate who the Father is, and what He is trying to create within your
life and being. Faith is what you exercise in allowing yourself to be led
according to his plans for you. Your faith will grow. Your faith will
change. Your faith will actually require that you experience some
challenges that you can trust where you are led, and see the hand of the
Father out- working in human life. I would say you are in the very grasp
of living more in faith and letting your own agenda recede. While you say
you see your faith as weak, I see your faith as being exercised. And
sometimes there is this momentary period when you feel this exertion,
because you are exercising muscles that you have not used for some time.
Did you understand my meaning, R?

Student: (comment was too faint to hear) 

Welmek: Would you say that you have found a new community of spiritual

Student: That’s been a great asset, and it’s the most important group I
belong to now. And, so I am hoping that by continued participation it
might make my faith deepen.

Welmek: Would you say that you exercised faith in allowing yourself to
become involved with these individuals?

Student: Oh, yes!

Welmek: So, would you say that perhaps your faith is working and you have
had experiences to lead you?

Student:  I guess that is true, and the manifestation of that proof in my
life is a manifestation of probably my faith.

Welmek: So you must be very judicious in appreciating from whence comes
your health and your spiritual connection. This is where you learn to
trust where you are being led. Perhaps you thought you should go here,
but the Father turned you around and pointed you in another direction.
Whose judgment is greater? Who knows where you will find the true support
that you need? Do you understand the distinction I am making here?

Student: Yes.

Welmek: Does this help you?

Student: It’s helped me focus, and I need to attend to that focus more
and see that it is only because I have some degree of faith do I, have I
found this community. 

Welmek: My dear friend. You have more faith than you realize, and it is
being exercised quite vigorously, I might say. And that is why you are
feeling this sense of spiritual exertion in your being. This is well and
good, and this is as it should be. Do not spend too much time in trying
to overanalyze why you think this process is not working for you. You
cannot see the outworking of it yet. You may not fully appreciate the
subtle ways in which the Father’s hand moves, guides, nudges, and
inspires you along in your life. Relax into this exertion, allow yourself
to be renewed and replenished in your stillness. When you feel fearful,
ask for more faith. Rest in the Father, and all the faith that you need
to carry on will come to you. Does this help?

Student: Yes, thank you. 

Welmek: Do you have any other comments or needs for elaboration this

Student: Not at the moment. 

Welmek: Thank you. 

Student: Welmek, the last several years I really felt like I’ve been
growing, mainly in my relationships with people. On the one hand I am, I
feel like I am overcoming a lifetime of a certain kind of shyness, and
actually looking to see people and missing something, whatever this is,
coming down the sidewalk at me, and looking to meet their eye, and just
let that experience of them be whatever it is, and hopefully, yet, at the
same time, getting over some arrogance and condescension also that was
standing between me and other people. So I just feel like I inherited a
whole vast array of people around me, people I work with, they seem more
individual, more alive. The biggest question I have in terms of my growth
of faith is a question of consistency. I seem to be going back and forth,
and you suggested the other week that this is a kind of rhythm of life.
We talked about it with respect to dancing, where you take a lesson and
you try to be as perfect and articulate as possible, and then realize
that the moment you go out there and to have a dance partner, you
actually step out on the floor, three quarters of it just goes. It is
just gone. Yet at the same time that set rhythm I interpreted, that’s
what you meant by the rhythm. You go back and forth, you don’t give up
trying to be perfect, even though you know in this application that a lot
of it just goes by the wayside, and you just, you don’t worry about that
kind of inconsistency. You just keep going, You  practice to be perfect,
knowing that you will lose a lot of it, and at the same time you don’t
get hung up on being imperfect, where you don’t enjoy the party. 

Welmek: Becoming perfect is an incremental growth process. When you began
to dance, you did have an idea of what it would be like to be on the
floor, and be able to move in a graceful and fluid manner, did you not?
And you saw those dancers who had that flair on the dance floor. And it
was appealing, and enjoyable to watch. Were they not? 

Student: Welmek, they were also intimidating, but yet so beautiful, to
show you what’s possible. 

Welmek: Yes, and intimidating because you knew that you were not there,
and you perhaps thought, ‘I do not have the talent, I do not have the
stamina or the discipline to achieve those levels.’ But you tried, and
you persisted, and you practiced, and in time your awkwardness gave way
to more confidence on the dance floor, and your movements became more
graceful and easy. And so you see that you have made progress, and you
watch those masters on the floor, and how they turn, and glide, and spin,
and you know that you will, in time, through more dedicated practice,
achieve even higher levels of mastery. Your life is no different than
this, my friend, in all of its various manifestations, from relationships
to the way you think, to the way you work, and to the way you learn and
enjoy life. And so, in order for you to become this proficient, living,
breathing manifestation of perfection it is very important to follow the
pattern of a master. And you have that in the living conduit of the
Spirit of Truth within you that is your direct link to Jesus, the master
of human life on Urantia. 

When you fall short in your expectation of how you should perform, you
only need to go within and call upon Jesus and ask for his guidance. Ask
for Him to show you how He mastered that which you wish to master
yourself. There is no aspect of human life that He did not fully
understand and bring to heightened levels of symmetry and harmony and
balance in the Father’s will and in the Father’s way. You, too, have
access to this experience; and He will most patiently, faithfully, and
skillfully instill within your mind, and within your being a higher level
of understanding, so that you too can continue to practice that which you
wish to master. In time, with more experience, and varied experiences of
all different sorts of life’s lessons, you will perfect yourself and
glide and effortlessly flow through life the way you see those skilled
artisans on the dance floor. Do you understand?

Student: Yes, Welmek. I think it’s a matter of faith for me not to be too
worried about being perfectly consistent. This is a mystery about Michael
as he incarnated. Because, but I think I understand the paradox that at
one time they say He had this perfectly normal life. Yet at another, I
read many, many times now a story that he more abnormal a human being. I
don’t know that Jesus as a little boy ever even lost his temper even
once, and kicked his neighbor in the shins. Something of those 400
billion years of existence was there from the very beginning. So this
remains a deep mystery. I wonder how Jesus had any kind of orneriness to

Welmek: Why don’t you ask him?

Student:  (Too faint to hear)... the story in his life, as the textbooks
trace it, there was a kind of very peculiar perfection right from the
very beginning.

Welmek: I would say that this is not so, my friend. He had a high degree
of adjuster awareness at a much younger age than the average human on
this planet at this time. This is true. But he is fully acquainted with
the range and scope of human emotions. And in your stillness time you
only need to spend a few moments in making an appeal to the human
brother, Jesus, who shared life with you, who shares life with you. And
ask Him, ‘how did you relate to this circumstance? How do I understand
this the way you did? What did you experience that was similar to what I
am going through?’ He is fully accessible to you, my friend, in your
personal experiential being. Use Him more, He is the master teacher. He
will show you. He will reveal himself. There is nothing about Himself
that He will not share with you, if you come to Him in sincerity and

Reading about the Master’s life will give you some ideas about who He is,
but not until you go to Him as a brother, or as a son, and ask Him about
the intimate aspects of human life, will you come to a greater
understanding within your own sense of self of how to master those, you
call it, imperfections or inconsistencies that you now experience. This
is very fundamental to your continued growth now. And I encourage you to
seriously consider as a spiritual practice now, so that you can begin to
take the mere intellectual understanding of who He is and how He might
have lived His life, based on your understanding, into the realm of a
deeper appreciation for how He can help you in your own understanding and
mastery of your human life. Do you understand the distinction I am making

Student: Oh yes, this is when you say experiential as you are talking, I
understand that as a fullness of a contact with Jesus that is direct and
living and now, as compared to anything you read, which is always of the
past, even only yesterday. You’re talking about some real contact now
with Michael.

Welmek: I am, and you have every right and every accessibility to this.
Let Him inspire and guide you, and you will find within yourself a new
sense of liberation from those inconsistencies that seemed to wear upon
your soul. Does this clarify?

Student: It points the way, and that’s all I need. Thank you.

Welmek: You are most welcome, my friend. 

Student:  I now feel like I can greet you properly, and tell you how much
I love you and am so grateful and honored to be here with you this
evening and with the group. I believe that my answer will sound familiar
to you. I think the things that keep me from a deeper faith are trust in
my self and patience. 

Welmek: My dear sister, how I have watched you in the past several years,
and marvel at how you grow and yet how you still beat yourself up about
your sense of worth and value to the Father. The role of unworthiness
runs deep in the human mind. It is as if you have been drinking from a
poisoned well all of your life. But you did not know that the well was
poisoned until you tasted a different water—the water of the Father’s
love—and it tasted good. It tasted clear and pure and clean. You felt it
within you. But that well of the Father’s love was not fully accessible,
and so sometimes when you were thirsty for spiritual nourishment you
tried to drink from the Father’s well.  But the water seemed to be empty,
so you drank of the well of where you were receiving your nourishment.
And even though you did not like the taste of it, and you knew it was not
the right well, it was familiar and you received.

I would say to you, my sister, that it is time to no longer drink from
this well—turn your back on it, and only find your refreshment within the
Father. And by that I mean, no longer to be so concerned about your lack
of trust in yourself, but be so trusting in the Father, so extremely
imbued with the sense of love that the Father has for you, that there is
nothing but goodness and beauty and joy and love that the Father wishes
to give to you; and to spend your stillness time drinking deeply from his
well. And then know that when you have done this, you taste more and more
of this. And so I say to you, focus on this more. You will feel the
poisons still within you for some time to come. But if you focus on
drinking from the Father’s well of love, and continuing to see yourself
from His standpoint, in time you will gain those experiences where you
can more fully trust in His love for you, and not be concerned about
trusting yourself. Become more enthralled with the idea of trusting and
seeing yourself from His eyes. 

You have struggled with this, and I have seen progress. And I would say
good progress has been made in this area. But I do not believe that there
has been that environment fully cultivated in your mind to become so
involved with the Father and the Father’s plans and ideas for you, that
you can take that on as your own—that there are still your own ideas
within you dominating you.  I would like you to think about an idea you
may wish to consider now:  whose perspective of me do I wish to fully
immerse and attach myself to?

Think about this. Reflect upon this in your stillness. The self-doubt
that you feel is because you have still some attachment to the old idea,
and you are still affected by this poisonous self-image. Come to the
Father. Let yourself be overtaken in spirit by the Father’s love for you.
And in your own mind exchange your ideas for that that the Father has for
you. Do you understand?

Student: Oh yes. That was a wonderful, wonderful correction. I so
appreciate your perspective and guiding words, always. I actually could
see an image in my mind of a loving parent with so much faith and trust
in me, that it made me so sure that I was doing what that parent would
ask of me. So I see that the guidance that that is in mind of what you
were saying I will take this to stillness. Thank you, Welmek.

Welmek: I am so glad that you received an image of this, because this is
exactly what I was referring to in my answer. So the more you identify
with this, my dear, the greater will your extrication from your sense of
self-doubt be.

Always in your growth see what you are attaching yourself to, not what
you are divesting yourself of. There is an incredible energy in this, for
if you are always trying to let go of something, then that which you are
trying to bring into your life cannot come in, for your conscious mind is
focused on the lesser, and not the greater. Do you understand the
distinction here?  

Student: I am so glad that you added this part on, because that is always
a wonderful correction for me and much needed. Yes, thank you for these
corrections.  I feel the depth of this. Thank you.

Welmek: You are most welcome. It has been my pleasure to again offer you
this instruction.

Student: Oh my, beloved friend, I am so grateful for you! Thank you. 

(Side two was not recorded for some reason, sorry!)

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