[tmtranscripts] Welmek, August 22, 2002

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Tue Aug 27 20:43:03 PDT 2002

August 22, 2002

Greetings everyone. This is your friend and teacher Welmek.  I am so
pleased to be with all of you once again. It is such a joy for me to
instruct you, and to serve as a pathway and inspiration on your Walk of
Faith. For as we began last week, I wish to provide another evening’s
instruction on this topic, because some of you were not able to attend,
and I view all of you as having particular challenges now that you may
wish to discuss with me more in depth.

You who are so accustomed to planning and plotting your course of life
are now restarting to move in the direction of living in faith, and this
is using another set of sensing mechanisms, as it were. As your society
teaches you, you have grown up with the idea of having a career, a goal,
a game plan: a set of ideas that you feel that you must implement in
order for you to find happiness and to achieve success in life. 

The Walk of Faith is different. The Walk of Faith is not about planning
and plotting. It has to do with living, achieving, and being. I know that
each of you have found this Faith of Walk to be challenging, and even
difficult, and perhaps even disheartening at times. Would you all agree
with this? (All agree.)  I thought so. And you felt frustrated, and you
felt that you were not heard or seen as you were calling out for the
lifeline, and nothing came in. There were those moments, were there not?

But then there have been those times when you have felt that burst of
faith, and you have been able to move forward, and you have experienced
the goodness and the love of the Father.  And you felt uplifted and
encouraged, and taken under the wing of God, as it were.  And I sense
that within you there is this striving now to achieve even greater levels
of this, or you would not be here, and you would not be so diligently
trying in your inner lives. 

So I ask you now: what is it that you think you still require so that you
can begin to emerge from the walk of materialism - sensing your life
through your physical eyes and your outer environment - into the realm of
living your life in faith in your inner environment, where you are
walking cooperatively and alongside the Father, joined hand in hand and
moving ahead in light.

This is the exercise we practiced last week.  And I ask you now to go
into the stillness, and ask your Spirit where you are being held back in
your Walk of Faith.  And when you are ready, please share with me what it
is that you feel is preventing you from moving ahead more fully.    

Student:  I’m inherently held back by my impatience, and by my lack of
faith, and I’m not focusing on what I have but what I have not.  

Student:  Welmek, I guess you were asking a question that I might have
answered prematurely, but I think that’s the essence.  More from oneness
inside, but I think by sincerity, yet by somehow not losing a certain
love of complexity in all these odds and ends. So I guess I see sincerity
as giving up too much.

Welmek: What is it that you think you would be giving up?

Student: A certain aspect of character that does come out as somewhat
immoral.  As things get a greater moral dimension, there is a certain
level of rebellion or orneriness, or whatever, that seems like making a
sense of humor about things. But I don’t know that I am taking myself too
seriously here? It might be a certain level of irresponsibility, which I
know in order to grow I must respond.    

Student:  To me, Welmek, (Statement was undiscernable).  

Welmek:  Do you have any awareness within you of how that impacts your

Student: It doesn’t stop me from moving ahead, spiritually, (undisc.) and
it doesn’t stop me from moving toward effectiveness and success in these
other realms as well.  And so it’s just a matter of keeping at it, so to
speak (undisc).  

 Welmek: In these things that you aspire to achieve or to come into you,
would you say that you have faith that these will eventually prevail in
your life? 

Student: It gets rickety at times, but the fundamental force is there.  I
think I have endured somehow or other, despair?  

Student:  Welmek, as we know from the conversations earlier it’s these
barriers in my home life that seems to be holding me back in my personal

Welmek:  Would you say that you have still a glimmer of hope within you? 

Student:  There is definitely a glimmer of hope. 

Student:  Good evening, Welmek.  I think that my spiritual hurtles in my
faith-walk arise when I have these preconceived ideas of what my
destination should be or could be.  And then they do fill me with great
inspiration and a great movement forward and then I find myself falling
so short of where, or what I felt would be happening in my life that I
begin to question my own self and then what I’ve been conceiving my life
to be about.  And I find it small instead of finding my life large, and
be willingly to go out, and find that I’ve become reclusive. 

Welmek:  What I mainly heard in your answers was the idea of what it is
that you either expect, or want to be, or have in your life. And while
you have free will, it is very normal for you to have your own ideas
about how your life should be.  Whose vision of your life do you want to
aspire to now? I want you to seriously consider this idea. You certainly
are entitled to a life of happiness and peace - fulfillment.  But whose
idea of how your life should look do you want to call your own?  Do you
wish this to be your idea? Or are you willing to consider what the
Father’s idea for your life is?  Think about that for a moment. (Pause.)

Your choices now are important to your spiritual growth. The walk of
faith is predicated upon your ability to choose that which is the
Father’s will and the Father’s way.  But if you are unable to know what
that is, how can you possibly choose that?  Would you say that is
something that you have struggled with in your own inner lives?  (Most
say yes.) 

And so, my friends, how do you overcome this?  You overcome this by
asking to see yourself from the Father’s eyes.  To begin to see your life
from the Father’s perspective, and what He feels and knows and wants for
you, that is actually carried within you in the loving embrace and the
careful guardianship of your Thought Adjuster.  Your spirit has your
ideal and divine life plan that was given to you as a gift, for you to
enjoy life in the universe, and for you to reach Paradise perfection.  It
is in you!  It is all within you. 

Continuing to see your life the way that you envision it will be fine if
you feel that you are making strides and affording your level of
satisfaction that you want.  But if there is something else within you
that says, “There must be more.  I am not completely happy.  I want to
feel better,” then would it not be advisable to see your life and your
self from the higher perspective of the one who knows you better and
loves you more, and can guide you infinitely, perfectly, so that you can
feel and achieve the happiness and the success that you desire in your

The Walk of Faith, my friends, has within it this intrinsic component –
of attaching yourself to the idea of following the plan that God has in
store for you – and to lay down your plans for your life and exchange
them for His plans for you.  He will show you where you are now, what you
can be, and what is important for you to understand now. There are those
endowments within you that will help you achieve certain understanding
and to experience a fuller depth and richness of life. 

Career paths are narrow, and rigidly confined so that you fit into a
certain economic position in your society.  But life in the spirit is
much greater and more satisfying, and you do not need to limit yourself
to such rudimentary and undefined mindsets the way you have been so
conditioned by your culture. 

So I ask you now to take this idea into the stillness and say, “Father, I
have had my own ideas about life.  And some have worked out and some have
not.  But now I am very interested in learning about what Your plans for
my life are, right here and right now.  I am not so concerned about the
future as I am concerned for this moment and where You want to take me in
the unfoldment of my life.” 

I ask you to spend a few moments in the stillness now.  And when you feel
that you have an idea of what God is trying to convey to you about your
life, I would be willing to hear what that is, if you feel inclined to
share that with me.  (Pause.)

Student:  Welmek, I just feel a sense of peace and wholeness.   

Welmek:  Would you say that you would enjoy living in that feeling space
for the rest of your life? 

Student:  Now, I guess so, although (undisc.) I’m addicted to a lot of
noise and (undisc.) and excitement, but I’m not sure if I become bored or
something is my concern, but it’s certainly a wonderful feeling.  I’m not
sure I can maintain it with the challenges, but it’s certainly a great
place to be to start from and for whatever else, I guess?  

Welmek: So do you feel that this would be a good foundation for your

Student: Yes, very much!

Welmek: Do you feel that this foundation would provide a springboard for
greater opportunities for you to go out into the world and to love your
brothers and sisters with more compassion and passion?

Student: Yes, I feel that would allow me to have the ability to put my
attention on them, and energy and calmness to help them.   The process
forever would be helpful.

Welmek: Then would spending time in stillness, asking the Father to show
you how your life should be at this moment, provide a solid foundation
for you to build upon a new life for you so that you could move forward
in your present state?

Student: Yes!  (Undisc.)

Welmek: But in this exercise, did you feel that you were asking the
Father to directly show you what your life should be like?

Student:  Welmek, I’m not sure, but I think it’s more visual and
(undisc.)  just experienced more of a physical-experiential state of
being rather than a plan or a projection for the future.

Welmek: I understand, and what I am commenting on is not so much the
visual depiction but showing you those feelings revealing those things –
instilling those feelings within you of how He wishes you to live, and
what your life can be like when you live in that state of being and state
of feeling.  

I am suggesting that if you were to take this request into the stillness
that the Father will have more of a chance to instill within you the
greater anchoring of love and peace that you need to use as a springboard
as you begin to become more visible to the outer world in your life.  

It is sometimes difficult for you, and I would say almost impractical at
times, to try to process or manufacture these feelings without going to
the Divine Source.  And if you feel that this exercise has afforded you a
higher degree of proclivity to that which is the divine well of peace and
well-being, that you continue to ask the Father to bestow that which He
wants for your life, and to make that truly, truly a part of human life. 
Do you understand my meaning?

Student:  I just feel kind of prayer to ask for that presence on this
world – to ask for it in silence, at any time in the day?  Or just ask
for it in words and take a moment of silence, or doing this actively
during the experience?  

Welmek: You can do several things, and try in your quiet moments of
meditation and in your active moments of the day to be silent in your
spirit, and to say, “Father, it is Your will for me at this moment.”  It
is more palpable when you are in a relaxed mental state.  And you can
certainly practice this in the active state, but it might take some more
time for you to feel this the way you might feel it now when you are far
from the stress of daily life.  But I certainly encourage you to continue
to try this both in the quiet and active states, for this is how it
becomes more fully integrated into you, so that it becomes an active
habit to remember that you have removed yourself from this state of
grace, and this simple, heartfelt prayer, as you say, that will restore
your spiritual equilibrium.  Does this help?  (Yes! It seems pretty

Student: Welmek, our last meeting you mentioned the word ‘rhythm’, a
living, dancing back and forth, and I’ve said I was getting polarized. In
one way I have a good feeling about a greater moral sense of almost
everything: a compass pointing that this is a good thing. With that
polarity you suggested that maybe it’s a dancing back and forth.  So I
can always think of, the impression I just got during this exercise was
being more supple, more alive of  - then I thought of a red Madrone tree
that gets all brittle and very red but very brittle, then it cracks open
and you have this pale neon green living skin again.  And I actually feel
myself at times doing that and the world agrees. The people around me
smile and the tools I handle talk to me, and they follow the line almost
on their own.

Welmek:  Each day, indeed, each moment has the potential for you to be
renewed.  So this sense of suppleness and flexibility, and I would say
even childlike innocence and joy can be experienced.   

Student: Welmek, my life’s such a delicate balance because the child
wants to smoke cigarettes, and do other little things that are just
annoying because they are so petty.

Welmek: Do not be discouraged by those moments of your human
rebelliousness.  Are you not finding in your own life that these moments
are having greater periods of space between them?  That there is more
distance between them now, when you feel this rebelliousness?  (Yes!)

And so as you grow, and as you aspire to Father-likeness, these moments
will eventually disappear.  As I have encouraged you many times before,
strive to become that which you feel the Father is guiding you. And do
not become so distracted by those little bumps and imperfections you see
in yourself.  When feeling this newness and this suppleness, you will
eventually develop the love for this so that it increases your capacity
to do good - to do right, and that which is misaligned in you presently
will fall by the wayside.  

Do not beat yourself up about your rebellious human nature.  The balance
comes in knowing that it is there, and striving for the inner core of
newness, freshness, flexibility, and that sublime sense of innocence that
always triggers the imagination and sparks your creativity.  You let the
Father, in how He wants to unfold your life now, to have more access
within your mind.  He is not so concerned about your rebellious nature,
as you might think, but he knows what you (tape ends.) ....this time, and
these moments of accepting His plans for you, the desire for
rebelliousness will fade and trouble you no more.  Do you understand?

Student: Yes, I do understand.  Even the rebellious part of me
understands.  It’s kind of like sentimentality, I guess.  Somehow,
transmuting all that rebelliousness so its not lost - maybe the good half
of it.  But there’s certain charming aspect to it.              

Welmek: You will find that everything is charming and endearing with you
stays.  And those elements that do not serve your mental and spiritual
and physical health will recede. The Father only keeps that which is
good, so you only get that (undisc.) 

Student:  I find myself feeling so out of sync with my life right now. 
And it seems that I have, and I don’t have a way to embellish the words,
I’ve come up gripping on things that I really wanted to do, and then they
just fade, and I find myself kind of not moving – not moving forward; not
moving backward, but just not moving.  And when I asked to see what I’m
bothered with, I still feel I’m at just in the same place.

Welmek: There is, I perceive within you, a very profound, very sincere,
and very deep call for service.  Would you agree with this?  (Yes) Do you
feel that the Father wishes for you to express this in your life? (I hope
so.)  In your times of higher meditation, do you ask for the inspiration
to be harmonized within you that your talents and abilities can produce
the most beautiful fruits? (Student’s comment undisc.)
Welmek: Your own talents and qualities are very important to the
(undisc.) You will not feel compelled to move forward when you are
feeling disjointed and scattered.  You will feel that you cannot move
forward because you have not been knit into a useful server of His love,
even though you have a tremendous capacity to love and serve.  It is as
if all of your energy were put into a broken vessel and the vessel leaks
water all over, instead of being able to be poured on that person to love
them. Spend time in asking the Father to make your abilities, your
qualities, come into a harmonious unit of loving devotion, then ask to be
pointed in the direction for those abilities and talents that you
innately have to be best put to use.  

It is important now that you begin this harmonization within you so that
you do not allow these feelings, for you have had your energies
scattered, to continue to dominate your life.  You have an enormous
capacity to give.  And that must be put to good use, but only if the
vessel is full and well integrated, to do the work.   Do you understand
the meaning of this?   (Yes, I do).  Do you understand the significance
of what this means, or do need further elaboration on this theme? 
Student: (Not right now.)

Welmek: You are most devotedly loved, and it is important now to let the
Father continue his ministrations within you, so that He can use you for
the healing of His children.  (Thank you.)

Student:  (Seems to be asking for what God’s plans are for him.)

Welmek:  To try to determine what the Father’s plans for your life are
will prove to be very difficult, if not impossible, at your level of
development.  I would suggest that you instead focus on asking to see
yourself the way the Father sees you and to become more attached to that
depiction of yourself than the one you have in your own mind of yourself.
The Father does not see you as ill. You do.The Father does not see you
with some of the burdens you have been carrying.  But you do.  Would it
not be advisable to you then to see yourself how the Father sees you, as
well and whole?  What picture of yourself will you attach yourself to and
come to fully appreciate: yourself or the Father’s?  It is not so much
that you understand what the Father’s plans for you are, as that you
begin to see yourself how the Father sees you.  And there is a very large
distinction here that I am making so that you can come to understand
better in your mind that it is who you are and not what you are
experiencing that is important. Do you understand my meaning?  (Yes, I
do.)  Do you have any further questions or require further clarification
on this idea? 

Student: No, I guess I would like to practice within, as seeing myself as
my Father sees me so that I can practice that on a regular basis.  

Welmek:  In the exercise this evening, did you feel that you sensed in
some way the Father’s love for you?  (I can’t say that I have.)  

Welmek:  Then I would suggest that in your stillness practice to simply
ask for that, and then wait and be patient. And as you said earlier that
you feel that patience is something that would help you to achieve a
greater capacity to be in your walk of faith.  (Yes.) Patience is
something you must exercise, and you get that by allowing yourself to be
in the moment and not to expect anything other than what you are
experiencing.  I know this sounds a bit disconcerting to you, but
patience is an exercise that you must practice.  And you must at some
level be willing to let the frustration of the moment be acceptable so
that the patience you need will be able to gain a greater foothold within
you.  Patience comes by acceptance.  Patience comes in increments.  You
build on it, each decision that you make.  Yielding to the sense of
frustration will diminish your feelings of patience and leave you
dissatisfied, disquieted, disheartened.  Acceptance will grow your
ability to be patient, and eventually, in that patience, that which you
seek will begin to emerge within you.  Do you understand?  (Yes, I do.
Thank you.)

Welmek: Do you think you can be patient with this idea that I gave you
this evening?

Student: I don’t think have any choice. 

Welmek: All you can do is try.  And try your best. 

Student:  I need to become, as you say, in (little bitsy increments?).   

Welmek: Most of your growth you will find comes in this fashion.  Allow
your walk to be in these small steps for now. And even though they are
small steps, they are assuredly pointing you and moving you in the
direction toward the Father.  (Thank you.)  

It is not a race.  And you can be, well I will be redundant here and use
the word patient, on your path.  And to just accept that is your pace for
right now.  (Thank you.)  You are most welcome. 

Student:  Welmek, in one of the exercises you suggest should I visualize
long enough the set of plans that I have, how I expect things to be,
burning them, and putting out a new set of plans and (undisc.) the
Father’s plans.   (Undisc.) that different thoughts are beginning to
unfold under the events that have taken place over the last several
months of what the Father’s will is for me in the different areas and in
the different directions, and it seems I need to focus more on the
immediate problems at hand.  Perhaps I’m just not quite understanding
what His will is for me, and I’m going in too many different directions
at once.  Can you comment on this?

Welmek:  Do you think the caterpillar wonders about what life would be
like when it becomes a butterfly?  All you can do, my friend, is ask for
the Father’s will in this moment.  You have the plans.  You have the
destiny.  You have an incredible span of experience to amass in your
life.  What does it matter how it unfolds if you know that what the
Father has in store for you will be beautiful and thrilling and rewarding
and satisfying.  Staying true to His will for you, in the moment, is the
best you can do. Projecting your energy into the plans that you have, as
you know, has scattered your focus.  When you address your idea to the
Father of how He wants to enfold your life, you will begin to lose your
taste for this endless speculation and projection of where you think you
need to go, or you should be headed.  All you can do is know, and trust,
and sense that where He is taking you, right here, right now, is where
you need to be, to experience, and to learn and to grow into where your
life should be going in alignment with His will and your divine plan. 

 Did not the Master Himself say,  “Not my will, but Yours, be done.”  And
so He did this in the moment, and that is what gave him His strength, His
courage, His patience, His compassion, His understanding.  The more you
assert your intention to live in the moment, the greater will the Father
have to bestow to you that which you need to live more successfully.  Do
you understand?  

Student: Yes! Yes, I understand.  I love the way put things so clear,
concise, and just filled with a great beauty.  And I appreciate that very

Welmek: Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate very being able to
share my experience with all of you. Are there any other comments before
we conclude this evening’s instruction?

Student:  Welmek, I’d like to thank you, above all, I want you to know
that your love is truly palpable to us.  Thank you for your respect!

Welmek:  I appreciate your sentiments, my friend.  For you are all so
valuable, and it is my dearest hope that you begin to see yourselves more
fully as the lovely, precious, important, and priceless treasures that
you all are.  I know the difficulties of the world, although I cannot say
I have experienced them.  But I see you and I feel within you the depth
to which they have so insidiously affected your sense of self-value.  But
my friends, I say this to you this is not the real you and it is not who
you are.  Your Walk of Faith into the light is so important, not only for
yourselves, but for your whole planet.  For you are the torchbearers for
your generation, for your brothers and sisters who are still mired in the
muck of human misery and the darkness of the spirit. Our Father, who has
such immense and all this love for you, only wants what is best.  Let
yourselves be so thoroughly in love with His plans for you, that you see
nothing less than this.  The goodness and the beauty of His plans for you
will absolutely free you from all that has been built up over the years
of the rebellion, of the insidious evil that has affected you and all of
your brothers and sisters.  

This plan within you is real.  It is who you are. Take this plan.  Clutch
it tightly to your bosom and walk forward in the light, boldly and
proudly, that you are a child of God, a child of great value and great
beauty.  Hold your head up high and walk into the light.  And see where
it takes you!  Good evening.  

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