[tmtranscripts] S.E. Idaho Transcript 11-30-01

Bill Kelly billk at ida.net
Sun Dec 2 09:18:23 PST 2001

November 30, 2001

Prayer by Minearsia (Bill): Greetings, I am Minearsia, your instructor in
residence and your friend.  Let us unite our soul's highest intentions to
worship God and to do his will.  Let us pray together.

Eternal Father, First Source and Center, Creator of all that is through
your Creator Sons and Creative Daughters, to you we tune our minds and our
soul's energies that we may feed upon the love which comes from your ever
expanding heart, that it may nourish us, and bring us ever closer to that
perfect completion of the Supreme, of which we are a part.  Tonight we
offer ourselves to you, oh you Perfect Pattern and Source, that we may
replicate in our lives the beauty, strength and wisdom of your Indwelling
Presence.  Guide these, my brothers and sisters, in their walk of faith
that they may stretch their minds and enhance their hearts so that they can
be greater and greater vessels of your Spirit Within.  Let us joyfully
follow Michael as he leads us forth to personal and planetary Light and
Life.  So be it.  Amen.

Minearsia (Bill): Good evening, friends.  This is Minearsia.  I have been
abroad, as I indicated to you last week, in and out as it were; but tonight
I have requested the privilege of addressing you.  You might say I have
"pulled rank," but always do we as a staff decide these things in parity.

This is the season of gratitude, officially commemorated by your national
holiday, and also, the basis of the exaltation of the Christmas season to
its level of prominence.  You have discussed gratitude this evening as a
contrary response to that of anxiety and worry, and your thinking has
proven to be accurate.  Gratitude is the recognition of one's dependency on
goodness.  It is a reality response.  Gratitude comes from the heart of one
who knows that they are not their own creator, not the captain of their
ship, but rather the creature of a perfect, loving Parent, and the
recipient of all that they are and experience.  

You have been given life.  You have been given personality.  You have been
given the most amazing gift of all—the Presence of God in your very minds
and souls.  This gift of the Father's Presence stuns the universe with its
magnanimous proportions for the One who is at the Center of All, residing
in resplendent glory, also deigns to be in your midst in the most intimate
fashion.  We Melchizedeks envy you, for only when we humanize as did
Machiventa, do we understand from experience what it is to have this
Indwelling Presence. You are at the bottom of universe experience, not to
be demeaned, but rather to be given the opportunity to go all the way from
the lowest level to the highest level.  You mortals are envied above all
other creatures by many that look upon this magnificent ascension career
with awe and wonder.  

The lack of gratitude in your culture is the result of the lack of personal
connection with the Giver of All Good Gifts.  It is most unfortunate that
so many are unaware of this divine sonship experience.  They sit at the
feast with condiments and all manner of food spread before them, but over
their eyes they have a blindfold, and they cannot see that they are in the
midst of a sumptuous supper, nor do they recognize the Host who provides
this.  And so they vainly scurry through their lives trying to fill the
emptiness of their soul with things, with recognition, with relationships
which are flawed because they do not recognize who they are and who the
other person is.  

Gratitude is based upon a recognition of reality, the reality of the love
of God and the father-son, father-daughter relationship, the understanding
that ones worth is at root based upon this divine-human relationship.  When
you think of gratitude you often think of material things, your creature
comforts, even as you sit here in this most comfortable abode enjoying each
other's company.  And this is not to be despised for material comforts are
part of God's creation.  Every attempt to envision ones gifts is a worthy
effort, so by saying these last words about most people thinking only about
material things I am not at the same time saying that this is to be
criticized.  What I am trying to say is that there is so much more to be
grateful about, and it is unfortunate that so many are unaware.  

You see, the person who is not grateful is very needy.  They do not know
who they are.  They do not know that they are sons and daughters of the
Living God.  They have to settle for their own opinion, or they may look to
others to evaluate them.  The result is, of course, that they are lacking
in joy, for the evaluations that they give themselves or others give them
are not, for the most part, that encouraging.  

The grateful person realizes that they are the recipient of gifts—the gift
of life, the gift of personality, the gift of sonship/daughtership, and the
gift of brotherhood/sisterhood.   The grateful person understands that the
universe is friendly, that it is abounding with myriads of beings all of
whom are cosmic brothers and sisters, despite different orders of celestial
or mortal origin, or despite apparent differences in ranks.  The
understanding that everything is a gift to start with then makes possible a
wholehearted enthusiastic response from the recipient of these gifts, to
share them and to do the service work which is the natural overflow of this
gratitude.  This giving of service, this work that one does out of
gratitude, is the impetus behind the growth of the Supreme; and so does the
great experiment of the superuniverses of time and space unfold, driven by
the Love which began the whole enterprise. Likewise, the momentum continues
by love put into action by each creature as they do their service overflow
of gratitude to each other.

It is true, as you have discussed, that the grateful give. It is impossible
for the grateful person not to give.  The service effort that results from
gratitude is, in a sense, effortless.  It is a flowing and overflowing, a
repleteness of love shared.  If one discovers that they are resentful, that
they are annoyed, that they are sensing deprivation spiritually, that is a
sure sign that their orientation to reality is askew, that they need to put
on the glasses of faith so that their vision may be clarified, and that
they may realize that they are not God, but that God is their Father and
their Mother.  

Real gratitude moves out from a person in constantly enlarging circles like
the ripples that occur when a rock is thrown into a pond.  The
understanding of ones sonship/daughtership forever breaks the barriers of
race, of sex, of intelligence, of experience, of culture, of religion, and
so forth, so that one can see that every other mortal and celestial being
is his brother, his sister, her brother, her sister.  

But you may ask me, "How does one increase a sense of gratitude?"    My
friends, here you're going to hear the familiar answer.  You must shift
your attention to a review of this reality that I have been describing—your
relationship to God and to each other.  As long as this is the orientation
of your minds you will not have trouble staying in a mode of gratitude.  It
is only when you slip out of this thinking and see yourself as separate
people,  in competition with other people and potentially at war for your
own needs in a needy world where there is not enough to go around, that you
develop the non-gratitude mode of thinking: the resentments, the anger, the
sense of being a victim, etc.

Urantia has much to be grateful for despite the evil and sin which still
flourishes.  This is the nativity planet of our Creator Son.  This is
Christ Michael's home planet.  He gives it a special consideration for that
reason.  You are not loved more that any other son or daughter, but Michael
has a special sense of connection to Urantia because of his bestowal here.
True there are great problems on this planet, and you know the history of
the causes, but you are also privileged to be Agondonters.  As a result of
living in this place and if you can develop the fullest sense of gratitude
while you live in mortal raiment, in the future you will be all the more
useful in assignments to assist in situations where you have experienced
decisions and growth which has not been a part of other people's lives.
And so as was pointed out earlier, even the difficult times and situations
should be a cause for gratitude, for if you apply yourselves and learn
lessons that can be brought from those circumstances, you will gain that
much more in personal growth.

I have presented enough material for this gathering this evening, and I
welcome an introduction of our guest if one of you will do the honors.  

Ken: It will be my honor to welcome my friend and my brother John to his
first meeting although you are aware that he has read and is aware of what
we do.  I would like you to welcome him with open arms.

Minearsia (Bill): Thank you, Ken.  Welcome, my friend.  We are pleased,
very pleased to have you in our midst this evening.  Yes, you are well
known to us.  Your integrity of spirit, your intention of soul growth is
well known.  You are in the midst of brothers and sisters, and though you
cannot see us, you are also in the midst of many celestials who are here to
assist in the Correction Time on Urantia.  I encourage you to express
yourself as you desire; and I want you to understand that we are not
interested in proselyting members for this group; but if this path appeals
to you, you are more than welcome to join this Melchizedek university
classroom.    Again my friend, you are greatly beloved.

John: Thank you for the welcome.  I feel at ease.

Minearsia (Bill): You're welcome.  And now my friends, it is that time when
we open the door to you, your comments, your questions, your interaction
with us.  Are there question on the material presented this evening or, on
other concerns; or do you have a comment that you would like to make?  The
floor is yours.

Virginia: Minearsia, recognizing goodness in our lives as gratitude reminds
me of something I was thinking of today—that generally we sequence truth,
beauty and goodness in that order and goodness of course being the third of
the three.  I wonder is there is some particular reason why it is truth,
beauty and goodness?

Minearsia (Bill): These are the characteristics of divinity at the mortal
level.  The three are expressions of divine love, and all three are
inseparable linked together.  There cannot be truth that is lacking in
beauty and goodness.  Such a so-called truth is not truth.  There cannot be
beauty which is false and which advocates evil.  That is not true beauty.
There cannot be goodness that flies in the face of truth or goodness that
is ugly.  So the order is a matter of wording in English.  If you could
speak the tongue of Uversa you would see that those three words are three
aspects of one thing, the divinity as it is expressed in mortal language,
that divinity is the flavor of God as you experience it.  Has this
clarified it for you?

Virginia: Yes, Minearsia, thank you.  I understand.  Thank you very much.

Minearsia (Bill): So that truth is not more important than beauty, and
neither of them are more important than goodness, you see.  All are equally
of value.

Virginia: Thank you.

 Bob S: Minearsia, I have a question.  We were talking earlier.  Perhaps
you heard my question about gratitude.  I think your presentation regarding
gratitude indicates that an attitude of gratitude is something to be
sought.  If that is true then how does one seek this attitude?  Can one
pray and receive it, or is it more the result of one's spiritual maturity,
that it just happens when your spirituality is developed to the point where
you begin to understand the universe and because of that understanding you
become grateful?
Would you care to comment on that?

Minearsia (Bill): Yes, my friend, the latter is more closely approximate.
Gratitude is more like a reflex.  It is the soul's response to the reality
of sonship/daughtership and brotherhood/sisterhood.  It is the soul's
response to the understanding that life is a gift, that personality is a
gift, that the Indwelling Presence of God is the greatest of gifts.   But
it is not to be sought as a thing apart as you said in the first part of
your statement.  If you have a sense of a lack of gratitude or feeling
split, when your mind says you should feel grateful, but you don't feel any
gratitude, this dilemma suggests to me that one needs to open up to new
understanding.  One needs to be willing to take on more of a challenge.
That could be thought of as asking for gratitude, but actually that is the
wrong focus.  Rather than ask for gratitude, ask for greater understanding;
ask for a broadened perspective; ask for new vistas of service; ask for a
deeper worship experience; and then gratitude will follow almost as if by
reflexive action.  Does this answer your concern?

Bob S: Yes, thank you for that response.  That's very clear.  Thank you.

Minearsia (Bill): My friends, I sense that many of you feel that I am
something of a stranger for I do not hear the levity, the interactions that
you have with Abraham in particular and sometimes Daniel.  Please do not be
overly impressed by my status as a Melchizedek.  [Laughter.]   I am just
another being created by God, at another level, yes, but as I said earlier
one who is almost, but not quite, envious of your animal origin, your
ascension career.  But aside from my "almost envy", we are brother and
brother, brother and sister.  Are there other concerns or questions, or
comments that you wish to bring forth?

Ken:  We have had the other teachers around a little more than you,
Minearsia, so we've had a chance to work on their sense of humor.
[Laughter.]  Perhaps if you're here more, we can work on yours!

Minearsia: Yes, Ken, that is the kind of response I was hoping for.  [More
laughter.]  Thank you for your relaxed humor.

Ken: You got it, bro.

Bob said to Minearsia: "Don't encourage him".  [More laughter.]

Minearsia: Indeed, I have been missing our time together, and I expect to
be more resident than I have been.  It is almost confusing to say,
"Instructor in Residence", and then to say that I am in and out and not
resident very often.  [More laughter.]  Abraham has been bringing you
excellent lessons.  Daniel, your beloved teacher for ten years, is
unfailingly effective.  I am in charge of this teacher base, but I am not
in charge of the matter of doing all of the instruction.  However, as a
Melchizedek, it is in my nature, as a matter of joy, for me to be in the
teacher role.  I sensed from earlier comments that you're taking Abraham's
lessons very seriously, and finding a great deal of value in these
assignments.  We are pleased to see this; and it will indeed help you to
become more flexible and more joyful in your lives as they enfold.

Bob S: I have a comment.  Speaking just for myself it is really very
difficult for me to consider a Melchizedek as an equal brother; but I
appreciate what you are trying to do there.  It does open up channels of
communication, and thank you for that.

I would be curious if you are able to talk about what's going on?  What's
happening up there in the real world?  What's keeping you away from us?
Are you at liberty to talk about that or are we not cleared for "top
secret"? [Laughter.]

Minearsia (Bill): We are always in the process of reassessment, in terms of
the progress of our work.  By "we" I refer to the Melchizedek order.
Remember, this Teaching Mission is part of The Correcting Time, and this
is, in fact, occasioned because of the results of the Lucifer Rebellion and
Adamic default.  This is not a normal situation in local universes, but it
does occur at times.  So, in the nature of this reappraisal process more
time has to be spent upon various aspects as time unfolds.  Our plans are
just that, plans.  We have to be flexible and adaptable, just as you do.  

As to exactly what I am doing, no, I am not privy to share that with you.
There is a difference in our ranks, yes, in the activities that we do.  My
emphasis on our relationship with equality has to do with our spiritual
status.  We are equally sons and daughters of God, but in our actual work
we differ a great deal.  

Now I know you're curious and wish to know the ins and outs of things.
[Laughter.]  There are areas of things that will be open to you in the
future, once you have passed through the veil of mortality.  There is much
that occurs in the ascension career which is totally open to everyone.
There are some things that are not open to everyone.  The rule of thumb is
that things that are common experiences are common information. Individuals
that have no experience in a particular situation are not able to
understand it any more effectively than you can share another culture, when
you have no knowledge of it.  You have to have been involved in the
experience of that culture before you can actually understand it.  I know
that you long for more meaningful ways to spend your time; and I understand
the frustration with the slowness of evolution on this planet.  It seems so
slow and yet, my friends, progress is constantly being made.  Evolution is
terribly effect, despite its slow pace.  You had another comment.

Bob S: Yes, have the events of September 11th been a part of your
deliberations?  It seems you were with us more before that time and have
been gone more since then.  Has that event been a major cause of your being
away, and has that caused the Melchizedeks to readjust their plans?  How
would you characterize that?   Can you comment on that?

Minearsia (Bill): Your question sounds like one of your TV news reporters.
How would I characterize the Melchizedek's reactions to the September 11
event?  [Laughter and comments.]  I think that perhaps you watch too much
television.  [More laughter.]

Bob S.  My wife would say you're right.  [More laughter.]

Minearsia (Bill): Good, there is some laughter.  I feel better.  

We Melchizedeks and others of the spiritual administration of this planet
have been much more acutely aware of the hatred which is abroad in the
world toward those who have more wealth, more freedom, and more privilege
than those who do not.  We have seen this disparity continue to increase,
and the subsequent anger manifest itself more and more openly.  I am not at
liberty to give you an intelligence report of the Melchizedek corps in
regards to this tragedy.  You should understand, of course, that unless we
were authorized by the highest authorities to intervene, to contravene
human will, that we would never do this.  Our plans are affected by the
free will choice of mortals on this planet; and our prediction models are
pretty accurate in the long run because we have so many variables that we
are aware of.  Nevertheless they are not equivalent to foreknowledge.  

Your question is understandable regarding whether or my absence has been
the result of this worldwide tragedy.  The answer is yes.  It has not been
due to a lack of interest in you as a group.  The duties of the
Melchizedeks are somewhat unique, since it is only of recent years that
Machiventa has been installed as Planetary Prince.  Before that time we
were in full receivership, and we still remain with a great deal of our
workload concerned with that area.  I don't believe I should say more than
this as these kinds of discussions tend to switch the focus of
responsibility away from you.   While it is satisfying to curiosity, it is
not the focus of our teaching ministry.  Do you understand?

Bob S: I think so.  Thank you for your comments, and we wouldn't what you
to get into any trouble either.

Minearsia (Bill): You see, (and this has been said before, but let me
repeat it), this kind of tragedy is somewhat analogous to the Lucifer
Rebellion.  It first appeared to be totally without value; but then as time
goes on it can be seen as a fulcrum of decision making which can lead to
spiritual growth on the part of all.  September eleventh has been a
planet-wide tragedy and a great deal of unusual thinking is in process as a
result.  Well, my friends, I believe that we have run out of time.  I would
ask you to stand once again and join hands.  Daniel would like to close in

Daniel (Bill): My dear ones, I am Daniel.  How delightful it is to be in
your presence.  Let us offer prayer in closing.

We are your children, Michael and Nebadonia, and we are grateful that you
are our parents.  Let the love that comes from the highest sources filter
through to us in full measure, that we may be faithful to these our
brothers and sisters.  For these, my friends, my students, may their days
increase in joy, may their hands find all good things to do, and may their
mouths sing praises to you as they express love to their neighbors, their
friends, to every brother and sister they encounter.  Go with us in
conscious contact so that we may know, moment by moment, how wonderful it
is to be alive in this universe of the great First Source and Center.  Amen.

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