[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho Teacher Group 7/15/01

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Wed Jul 18 07:53:43 PDT 2001

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Preparedness, Worship and Service, Phase 2 Teaching Mission
Teachers: Elyon

July 15, 2001

* Elyon (Jonathan TR): I greet you warmly. This is your friendly instructor
Elyon. I have some thoughts I wish to share with you; they apply to your
discussion today of worship and service as two sides of the same coin.
I would bracket this series of comments with the word "preparedness", for
one side of the worship/service coin prepares you for the other side.
You know that the feelings that well up inside from the experience of the
presence of the Father are supercharging toward contacting fellows in your life
and bringing to them a relief through service, an inspiration through service,
that they might also be supercharged, having their needs addressed and
discovering the actions of the grace of God through His ministering children.
Also I am sure you each have noticed how natural it is to give way to
feelings of
worship, thanksgiving, and gratitude to Father for having been involved in
an act
of service that has brought benefit to another. The enjoyment derived from a
successful ministry naturally is wont to flow back to the source of all divine
ministry. This I hope illustrates how one, either worship or service, prepares
one for the other. To feel best prepared to minister to the needs of another it
is good to develop more deeply the experience of fellowship, partnership, and
presence of the Divine Indweller.
The Father is omnipresent, and this omnipresence is not only spatial, that
is, His presence is not limited just to the expanse of infinity. He is likewise
omnipresent in an eternal sense, having presence now as past and future. This
omnipresence is, in a sense, spherical; the broad presence of spatial
everywhere-ness and the tall and deep presence of anytime presence. You, on the
other hand, are present at a single point in time: now. You slide through this
everywhere/all time dimension of the Father traveling point to point,
experiencing the unique minute second of reality and traverse therefrom toward
new experiences. You are present now, while the Father is omnipresent always,
and He gives you His fragment. Before you spent any reflective time orienting
yourself in relationship with God, He pre-sent His own essence to guide you and
to draw you into His presence. This is the secret of your preparedness for
outreach of any kind, developing a closer bond to the divine gift within. This
enriches your moment. It clarifies your orientation and motivates your
Then you can present yourself to another with confidence that you are
serving God
in the course of serving another.
This double factor of service is thrilling to witness taking place in your
life. It is not duty sense, wherein you go forward to do good works for another
with the hope that, because the Father so wills, you will thereby please your
God. It is, in reality, the experience of the immediacy of the presence of God
as you serve your partnership in the ministry. The act is one of serving with
God, not for God. This sense of contact in service is as meaningful and as real
and as uplifting as a quiet moment in stillness and worship, for there is no
distance; God is as close at hand.
I say for all who receive this message that the time is now to erase the
notion that worship is the drawing close to Father and service is the reach to
another. Better it is to view that worship is likewise a reach to one's fellows
and service a reach to the Father, for in undertaking either activity you are
always engaged with God, and you are always accomplishing a result that brings
benefit to those around you. It may not provide immediate feedback in the
moments subsequent to the cessation of the activity you have undertaken, but it
has undercurrents that do reflect upon the minds of those around you. These
undercurrents surface at the opportune moments of need in the lives of those
I would report that all teachers who were present at your conclave this
past week have expressed joy in witnessing the fellowship and the manner in
each individual grew and sought to uplift another. This type of event is
recharging and uplifting, for an evolutionary creature must periodically
experience the reality of a growing spiritual experience in other individuals in
order to sustain the enthusiasm that is needed for oneself. Few can support
their pursuit of higher realities without some comparison with the progress of
others in their lives. That is the benefit of our weekly gathering on a small
scale and the benefit of such a yearly gathering on a large scale.
When this world finishes its correction and is on a normal course toward
Light and Life, these types of events as you have just attended will be not so
much for recharging as for celebrating, for daily life will consist more of that
recharging with the culture, the society, the workplace; all structures will
contribute to the upliftment of personality through spiritual growth. The
mansion worlds will teach this to you in due time, for this planet has much
to do
in this correction period before your everyday life will take on this tonality.
I have finished my comments. I welcome your input.

Evelyn: I like and understand what you are saying, but I don't often feel
it. I take it on faith and will work on detecting it, that is, sharing with my
Thought Adjuster in an act of service. It feels one-way-; I don't feel engaged
with spirit. I feel like I send up a "thank you" or a "what do I do?". I can't
say it feels like a dialogue.
* Elyon: I honor your effort in, as you put it, sending up your thank you,
for it acknowledges the reality in the presence and the guidance of spirit in
your life. But the phrasing itself inherently instills distance. That, good as
it is, can also include "we did a good job", for that is inclusive. It assumes,
even if you are unable to sense that you work in tandem with spirit, it is more
of a team cheer rather than an expression of gratitude to the coach. Neither
position is wrong, but the second that I have asserted helps to include you and
spirit in the one operation. However, be not concerned over feeling; feeling
results. The thrill of service is not the end to be sought for the
The thrill of service is not to be avoided either; actually the thrill is the
precursor to service, for it is that divine enthusiasm working in and through
you. It will not always be in the form of emotion. It can be the
recognition of
a need and the understanding that one is capable of being of assistance. The
motivation that rises at the time is that thrill, for it is activating. To be
thrilled is not so much to be tickled, as it is to be propelled, to be taken to
one's feet.
I hope this has provided some assistance.
Evelyn: That's good, thinking "we" rather than "me here, you there".

Tom: In one transmission they spoke about the "second phase" of the
Teaching Mission. Could you expand on that?
* Elyon: The mission began by the implacement upon this world and others of
teachers like myself who were trained to provide training for the many upon the
worlds who were willing to respond, to take in the training, to incorporate the
training, and become qualified as trainers. That phase is well underway, in the
ripening process. It entails activities in the Michael correction time that are
broader than the movement of the Teaching Mission as you understand it in its
social and networking context, for the Teaching Mission is an outreach by the
visiting teachers to many aspects of the cultures upon each of these worlds.
Phase Two approaches, but Phase One has not finished its full cycle. Phase
Two is anticipated as that time when the human beings who have been in training
are aware of their responsibilities and willing to act in regard to their
responsibilities, but not simply singly, rather, knowing full well of the
experience and preparedness of many others, and for those others to be just as
aware of your own preparedness. It will become less of isolated individual
actions and more a collective awareness of a group effort. But I must define
what I mean by group. I do not mean that you will organize into a body that
as one, but rather, you will understand how your efforts are integrating
with the
efforts of others, and they, too. It will be cooperative and supportive rather
than haphazard. There will be deliberateness in response to what others have
undertaken by yourself so as to contribute mutually.
Phase Three would be the full establishment of Phase Two wherein the human
race works harmoniously. That, by observation, is yet a long way off. It would
bring an end to the organized effort of the celestial teachers as a distinctly
defined melchizedek outreach of correction. It does not mean that we would no
longer be of service; it means the project would close and the normal path of
reaching Light and Life or ascending to the Father would continue with all the
support and cooperation of advanced beings.
The Correcting Time is an extension of mansion world efforts on the native
planet level. Just like the mansion worlds, the Correcting Time will lose its
necessity when all hindrances have been eradicated. As you know from your
studies, that means the establishment of the system in Light and Life. So, I
assure you, we will be engaged on this world for quite some time, and I mean we
all, yourselves included, will be engaged in this mission project.
Has this clarified your question?
Tom: It poses as many questions as it answers. I suppose we are still in
Phase One, and Phase One and Phase Two will go along concurrently for some time,
* Elyon: That is correct. There is an overlapping, for there are pockets of
readiness around the globe, and there are areas of deficiency. But one cannot
wait for the unripe fruit to ripen before picking the ripe fruit. So, certain
clusters will begin the second phase of activity while others catch up.
Tom: Thank you for your comments.

* Elyon: You are welcome. I would release from this engagement at this time
and give you my love. Share it with all.
At any point in your ascent to the Father there is a degree of preparedness
for action with the Father. There are a few milestones in your ascension which,
in a sense, function like a diploma; one is fusion, where you have a marked
sense of accomplishment. But more often along the way you must use faith and
trust, knowing that you have a degree of training accomplished that will be of
benefit to others.
Take care..

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