[tmtranscripts] Pocatello Transcript 3-30-01

Bill Kelly billk at ida.net
Mon Apr 2 17:28:48 PDT 2001



Alana(Virginia): This is Alana. Beloved Father, we thank you that your
heart room is full of love and light for each of these, your children, my
brothers and sisters. Open up their own heart rooms that you might be able
to show your love to those that they meet, and those that need to know your
love. Open their minds that light might flow from you and help them to
grow in the path that is theirs. So be it. Amen.

Alana(Bill): I am Alana. I will begin tonight's session.

My dear friends, I sincerely thank you for your warm reception of me in
these last several weeks. Therefore, I have been granted my request to be
a visiting teacher; not a permanent member of the staff, but one who will
for some brief time be present with you.

You have desired a female teacher in the past. While many of you have
personal teachers of my gender you have not had a group teacher assigned to
present the feminine perspective. It is not necessary, although it can be
highly desirable, that the TR should be female, for in the morontial life
much of the differences between male and female, that are animal origin
based, have been left behind. Nevertheless, the female perspective and the
male perspective endure forever. Daniel and I have formed a team so that
our teaching may have the repleteness of the complete duality balance. The
yin and the yang of mortal existence is continued on the morontial worlds
and even to the spirit level of existence.

As you consider this delicate dance between male and female
characteristics, understand that the crude battles between men and women
which ensue upon this planet, and any planet in the early stages of
civilization, tend to obliterate and devalue the great accomplishments
which this dual gender partnership produces. You see, it is easier to
cooperate with that which is understood. It is easier for a man to
associate with another man, for they share the same male characteristics.
It is easier for a woman to fraternize with another woman, as they both
understand the mystique of the feminine. But in the interplay and
interaction between a man and a woman, a male and a female, a yin and a
yang, there is great learning and creativity which occurs. To become
partners with that which is other than your innate nature requires the
development of empathy, the ability to communicate, both hearing,
listening, and speaking or expressing. You see, my friends, how important
it is for us, of mortal origin status, to learn these beginning lessons in
accepting diversity into our intimate experience.

This is one of the achievements of Supremacy. Yes, that word again. The
achievement of the Supreme is our job, is our privilege, is our task. We
have our origin and destiny in God the Supreme. All of the achievements of
understanding in unity and diversity, organized and coordinated and
co-created; all of these things is our task in being a part of God the

I wish to refer to the question from Ken from last week and to direct my
thinking in this direction. My friend, evolution, as you understand it,
will achieve completion in the manifestation of God the Supreme, at which
time we all will achieve and be part of that understanding.

Ken: Thank you.

Alana: But that momentous occasion will not signal the end of universe
development, but will rather be the platform for the inconceivable
experience of working for the eventuation of the Ultimate. We believe that
those who come from absonite realms will need our experience in Supremacy,
just as we who go to Paradise need the experience of the Havona natives,
who have been created in perfection, in order for us to understand the
previous universe age. What it means to "eventuate", you and I do not
know. This is not a part of our experience, at least, not yet.

My friends, I have not been assigned the task of lecturing you this
evening, but rather was given permission to introduce my new role. This,
however, does not mean that I will be absent from my beloved Susan or
David, for I shall be with them as I have been. My stay with you will not
be a long term affair. But I certainly express my joy at being allowed
this privilege.

Ken: Thank you for that further clarification.

Daniel(Bill): I am Daniel. Hello, my friends. I am still your teacher,
guide, and proud admirer.

Have no anxiety over our partnership which has been expressed by Alana this
evening. Indeed, we actually began this tryst a few weeks ago and, as is
always true, it was no accident that the Butterfields came to this group.
Because Alana and I can model our partnership for you, this will provide
you with some assistance, we believe, in understanding this dynamic
partnership of work, which indeed, men and women do together in a superior
fashion, as we have discussed.

Let's go back to the self esteem lectures for a moment. I wish to
incorporate into those concepts this new added dimension, that is to say,
self understanding includes your gender. It is forever a part of you, that
you be female, that you be male. I am not referring to reproductive
function, but rather that you exist in completion only in duality; that you
are not isolate male, or isolate female. You will always be in that
duality experience. Among the angels it is negative and positive. Our
creator parents are described as Father and Mother. In the time/space
universes duality is the bottom line. Everything is dual. On Paradise all
is one. In the Central Universe everything is triune. And, frankly, I do
not know what the implications are for the eventuation of the Ultimate
reality level.

Isn't life wonderful, my friends? Do you think mystery will disappear when
you pass through the veil? Hah, no! No. Your horizons will enlarge and
your understanding will be broadened, yes; but your belief that all the
answers will be provided, all the difficulties removed and all will be a
piece of cake forever, as your religions picture it, is not correct!

Group member: Thank's a lot!

Daniel: It is not blood, sweat, and tears. It is not painful toil. It is
wonderful discovery! It is great adventure! It is joyous work, my
friends! And there is rest; half the time you get to do something
different. You get to take leave.

Do not think that I, or your other teachers are constantly working 24 hours
a day! We are not. We are given our leave. We enjoy some of your mortal
art and music. Not as advanced as we are used to, but you know, in the
same manner that people enjoy primitive cultural forms and see things there
that they are not used to, so we are stimulated by your "stuff". (group is
laughing during this last sentence)
I think that between Alana and I we have used up enough lines on the pages.
So, I invite your comments and questions. Alana or I will be glad to

Bob S. Are you going to "River Dance" tomorrow? (In Salt Lake City). Is
everybody up for going to River Dance?

Virginia: Daniel, when you said, "primitive music" I thought you had been
listening to me practice. (Laughter)

Daniel: As a matter of fact, Letah, I have! (More laughter) I have been
listening to you practice with a great smile upon my face, to see you
throwing yourself into this effort, to be creative, and to expand your
boundaries. So, for what it's worth, I encourage you to continue. You do

As to the "River Dance" we have discussed it.(bursting with
laughter)....and I will probably not be going, but others considered it, yes.

Virginia: Getting more serious, and I am sure this is a curiosity
question... Alana through Susie Butterfield seems to have an accent. I did
not feel that at all. Is that a difference of TRs or is Alana able to
speak however is necessary, I guess is my question?

Daniel: The analogy that comes to mind is that of the sound reproduction
that occurs with different stereo systems. The example, however, could be
unfortunate if an accent or a lack of accent be regarded as good or bad.
In other words, when Alana interacts with the TR Susan the translation in
her neurological circuitry carries an accent. When Alana interacts with
you or Isaac, that does not occur. It isn't strictly Alana or the TR. It
is the interaction. Do you understand?

Virginia: I understand what you have said, and it does make sense, the two
of them just combine to make a different sound.

Daniel: Yes, you are correct in understanding my explanation.

Perhaps this should prompt another brief commentary upon TRing, since this
has been a topic which ebbs and flows in interest and concern. Because
every one of us is different, morontial and mortal, no two interactions
between celestials and mortals are identical. The TRing process involves
for some the literal hearing of words, individually or by phrases, which
they repeat. Some have seen words which they read. Most are given concepts
presented as pictures and thoughts and the individual TR's mind is the
blending and mixing place where the meeting of the celestial communication
uses the instrumentation of the mortal's neurological circuitry and mindal
thought patterns. Always remember that the mind and the brain are not the
same. The mind uses the brain as an organ; but the mind is far greater
than even this most marvelous instrument. Perhaps these comments will
assist you in thinking about this question of accent, Letah.

Virginia/Letah: Thank you, Daniel.

Alana: I am Alana. Again, as Daniel has said, every connection that we
make with you mortals results in a different experience. By this I do not
suggest that experiences are totally different, no. There is much in
common. But there is the fine edge of distinction between one connection
and another.

When we say that it is best for the TR to be out of the way, this has often
been misunderstood. Some people have assumed that this was a wish for you
to become a channel, a mere tube through which the information flows,
wholly unconscious and out of the process; an automaton, a robot, a
mouthpiece. However, that is not what we desire at all! This is an
experience of duality, partnership. We are providing the concepts, but you
TRs are providing the equipment, the thought processes, the memory banks.
It is more or less exceptional for a TR to speak that which (s)he has no
knowledge of, although it does happen. Now, have I further muddied the
waters and confused your minds? Or has this clarified?

Group: Clarified.

Bob: It put Ken to sleep. (Laughter)

Virginia: Alana or Daniel, probably all of us here have a personal teacher.
I was wondering if you would comment on that? (Long pause)

Daniel: This is Daniel. My dear, are you being sneaky? (Laughter )

Virginia: No, I was just looking for help for people. I don't think that
was being sneaky. (Much group laughter)

Bob S. It was being sneaky. (Laughter continues)

LaReen: Now you are going to get both of us in trouble! (Laughter continues)

Virginia: I don't want to get any of us in trouble! But.........

Bob: Too late! (Laughter continues)

Virginia: ......but to have an affirmation for those who might....

Bob: We are purgatory bound! We are going down! (Laughter goes on and on)

Virginia: Light those candles!

Bob: Get those candles

LaReen: I can't be in better company! (Laughter still continuing)

Daniel: No mortal who desires a teacher is without one! There are many
teachers eager to assist all of you. Some of you have had one teacher for
a long time as you have, Letah. However, even Klarixiska is not a lone
wolf but works in alliance with Alkon, and at times with me, Daniel.
Abraham has offered to assist with all of his flock when they need his
assistance individually. Aaron, Minearisa and I have offered the same for
everyone in this group. Some of you have had several teachers and it is
not because you have worn out their patience (laughter) but because your
needs have been better met by a team approach, than by a single teacher.
No one has been abandoned. No one is unworthy of a teacher. Such thoughts
and feelings are not in compliance with truth. It is not my job to assign
teachers. That is done by others. But, know, all of you, that there is
great wisdom expressed through the selection of teacher volunteers for all
of you. Have I answered your question, my dear.

Virginia: Yes, and I really appreciate it. I have been reading a book ,
"Four Agreements"and I think that we all can take personally even our
relationships within the Teaching Mission and with the teachers and blame
ourselves for what we perceive is a lack in ourselves. Even though,
intellectually, I know that this is insane, emotionally I have not arrived
at perfection.

Daniel: Yes. And neither have any of the rest of you, including this TR.
That's why I wish you to review, by reading the transcripts, the series on
self esteem that I have delivered. I would like us now, having had the
lectures, to actually study the lecture material.

My assignment to you is this: before we congregate together again please
read the first transcript on self esteem. Bring with you your questions
that you may generate at this point, and be prepared to discuss them prior
to our TR session. Is that clear for you all?

Virginia: Yes, I hope other people will help us decided what date that was.
[Editor's note: The first lesson was on January 26, 2001]

Daniel: When you have decided on your next meeting, this transcript will be
available so that this assignment will be in the minds of those who read
the transcript.

Your statement, Letah, is accurate. The tendency to assume personal
ramifications for other people's thoughts, words, and actions may be an
indicator of low self esteem. It also may be accurate, but preoccupation
with self, worry about self, and not being happy with oneself can put the
paranoid antenna up, looking in every direction, for confirmation of
feelings of unworthiness and ill ease.

Virginia: Daniel, I know Bill hasn't read that book. Have you? That's
exactly what the book says. (Laughter)

Daniel: Well, my dear, I have read many books! I have concluded my
comments; I have given you the assignment. I will now conclude the meeting.

Bob: I have a question, first.

Daniel: Yes, sir.

Bob: Thank you,- sir. A few weeks ago, Daniel, I think it was you,
indicated that when we get to morontia world number one, or the younger
worlds, we will have the opportunity to experience various things that we
haven't had an opportunity to experience here. But there are some things
here that aren't available there. So my question is: Would it be wise for
us to pursue those areas of experience available only in mortal life so
that we might avail ourselves of the opportunity to experience them because
they are not available there; or are they not that important to our
ascendent career?

Daniel: There are certain experiences which are essential, parenthood, for
example. If people do not experience the joy and difficulties, the lessons
of being father or mother in the mortal life, then they will have to do
that on the morontia spheres. I hesitate to endorse the idea that one
should pursue all experience, for this can imply a self centered and self
directed life. It implies the "Renaissance Man" concept, which is not the
same as the Kingdom believer, for the Renaissance man can be his own pilot.

The universe ascension career is not wide open. It is not a matter of each
of us choosing, with no supervision, no feedback, and no overcontrol, that
which our hearts desire. It is not a libertine experience. It is not
unlimited free will. On the other hand, too many people are proscribed by
culture and inner chains of their own making that they do not expand and
become creative in the way that they could, in the way that God would desire.

There are no high mountains on the architectural worlds. So, it could be
argued, the only opportunity to climb mountains exists in the mortal life.
Therefor, if one desires to climb mountains, and that desire is not
extinguished when stillness practice pervades the life of such a one, I
would conclude that it is probably God's will for that individual to be a
mountain climber, once and for all time. However, the really important
things, of course, will be offered again and again and again until the
lessons are learned, until all of the pent up desires which have social
value and are God enhancing have been given opportunity for expression.

The answer is really, "Not my will, but your will be done." Or better,
perhaps, "It is my will that your will be done".

Bob: Yes, thank you. That's most ...

Daniel: Did I skirt your question skillfully? Or did I.....

Bob: Yes, your skirting was skillful. But I think I understood what you
said or what you were trying to say. I see which way I should go. Thank you.

Daniel: You are welcome. Are there any other burning desires? If not then
we will conclude our meeting. Let us again stand and hold hands.

Father Michael, Mother Nebadonia, you are perfect parents and therefor you
inspire us to achieve the partnership that we behold in you. We desire
this partnership in our mortal careers and many of us have achieved this.
But in the morontia career there is no longer marriage and we are more like
the angels, working in pairs and partnerships. So now, Father and Mother,
you give us these kids to help raise as younger brothers and sisters. For
this we are wonderfully appreciative.

I pray for these, my brothers and sisters, that they may expand their
humor, that they may relax their perfectionism, they may rejoice in the
diversity of life, and most of all, that they may take themselves much less
seriously. Even so. Amen.

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