[tmtranscripts] Elyon Group 3/12/00

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Tue Mar 14 08:29:49 PST 2000

Coeur d'Alene Teaching Mission Group
Topic: Blind Leading the Blind
Teacher: Elyon
March 12, 2000
*	Elyon (Jonathan TR):  Greetings, friends, Elyon speaking.
	Michael has said that if the blind lead the blind they both shall surely
fall into the pit, for it is difficult without vision to perceive the safe path
to avoid the pitfalls.  If the guidance that is required is likewise hindered,
then there is no assurance that one's forward movement will be without its
hazards.  Also, to consider this scenario in its inverse; those who see, those
with vision, if they lead those who see then surely they both will rise to the
heights they long to attain.
	The angels rejoice continually over the beauty of the arrangement of the
celestial spheres, for angelic and mortal advancement, how well organized
are the
schools of experiential learning, how ample are the opportunities for growth and
the application of attained growth.  The morontia realm is spectacular, for it
does provide all with great opportunity, not simply a greatness in potential
unfoldment, vertical advancement toward the spirit realm, but also it is
broad in
its presentation, giving everyone such a range for potential expression that
continually we who inhabit this realm are amazed over new expressive
As each morontia child perceives a new avenue for expression, there is great
interest by others and a willingness to share in this discovery and to offer
another an equal chance in pursuing a realm of experience that has not
necessarily been available.
	Although Urantia is as yet struggling to climb out of the pit from the fall
due to blindness, it is wonderful to behold the eyes opening all around on this
sphere.  In the awakening occurring on this planet, there naturally is ensuing a
cross-fertilization of ideas, of values; of standards, morals, and ethics.  This
is not unlike the broad range of morontia opportunities in pattern and in
potentials.  Gone are the days wherein one society may isolate itself from
another and seek to preserve intact a static cultural base.  In this mission of
awakening on Urantia, we also abide with you in the service of likewise walking
seer with seer.
	To one who inhabits an evolutionary planet, the goal is Light and Life, the
mountain you all seek to climb and share in the triumph together.  We who
the morontia realms likewise share this same goal.  You individually also long
for translation into the morontia realm, to discover more houses in the Father's
mansion, to behold complexes wherein endeavors of all manner are undertaken with
meticulous precision.  We who are in this realm likewise long to behold the
para-morontia realm, the pure spirit existence, wherein is even more repletely
revealed this divine beauty.
	In observing a city upon Urantia we observe how evolution directs most of
cultural development, how your towns grow by seeming happenstance: the
convenience of the moment, the restrictions at hand, be they a river, a
precipice, be that your winters are harsh or your summers are long.  When you
stand on the mansion world of your first assignment, you will be amazed at how
precisely arranged and beautific the edifices are there arranged.  But these are
the things of a physical and near-physical nature.  This same observance is
to be
made in the realm of your philosophic thinking and your spiritual striving.  It
is a true revelation to my morontia friends who are not of mortal origin to
witness the growth of soul out of the apparent chaos of evolutionary life.  When
my associates see a world as this one to which I am now assigned they are even
more so taken in by the splendor of God working in the lives of mortal
	Among the blind leading the blind are those who see who lead those who see. 
Cherish your fellowship among those with eyes that are open and ears that
long to
hear.  Support one another; encourage one another; know that you are
approximating, though in the rough, the manner of morontia life.
	I have spoken of your dual nature, your animal origin and your spirit
destiny.  I have spoken of your dual mission, of Light and Life and your
attainment of morontia status as an individual.  You are now aware of your
association with your celestial ministers and the dual qualities of living a
mortal life and working as a minister for Michael.  The morontia realm is a
of duality.  It is a realm that makes the transition from things physical to
things spiritual, from the perspective of a mortal ascender.  Learn to balance
always these two ever-present realities of your life.  Balance is the key to
harmony.  If water is too cold and if water is too hot, both bring discomfort,
but a blend of the two is soothing, indeed.
	The replication of morontia reality within your human life is a noble task,
and given that you are currently domiciled upon an evolutionary world, your
reflection will be distorted and inaccurate.  You are nonetheless encouraged to
make this reflection visible to those about you, for there are not just the
leading the blind and the seers in fellowship with one another.  There are those
who see who must minister to those who don't.  To open the morontia view to
another is a great honor.  To take part in the unfolding of a young soul who has
yet to open its eyes and behold its maker is a precious experience.  It was the
paramount mission of Michael, short of his desire to do the will of the Father,
to bring his brothers and sisters into relationship with that same Father of
	When you sit in stillness you are taking in morontia impressions;
sensitivities are being developed which help you to recognize the patterns that
are available that may be replicated here.  When you are in your daily life,
toiling about your tasks, you are making available this same inner
experience for
	My friends, you seek my counsel and guidance for understanding.  I seek
your energy, your enthusiasm, and your desire to be of service.  In our
partnership we are blending the evolutionary with the morontia.  We are creating
a bridge between two realms in this vast universe of our Father.  This we do one
with another over and over again.  It matters not whether any individual has
so with someone else at another time.  The more bridges, the better the
cross-overs.  You know in your own lives how often a teacher will come and go at
various stages of your growth.  Though one teacher may have taught what you now
deem to be less valuable than what you seek to know now, it was the bridge; it
was the link to your current standing.  In your own ministry you may have to lay
down a plank over a chasm that another may cross and at another time build a
lane highway bridge to make that connection.  Be creative and insightful in
perceiving which link is appropriate for the traveler you seek to guide, for the
implication of the blind leading the blind does not mean that both are in
ignorance, for the blind leader may simply not be using his wisdom to understand
that the one needing guidance does not need more than what is necessary to
One can be fully enlightened and still miss the meaning and value of ministry.
	Since we are a short crew today I will let you bring your input to this
meeting.  I count it a joy to be in your presence.
	Evelyn:  That was beautiful.  Building a bridge, if you're guiding someone,
may take just a little plank.  We need to be sensitive to how to be a guide who
isn't blind, whether it's revealing God, the gospel, or bringing a morontia
quality into the physical life.  It doesn't seem too demanding that you just
our enthusiasm and desire to serve.
	I was expressing earlier the feeling of trying not to be attached to the
outcome of actions.  Isn't that what Jesus did?  I welcome comments on that
*	Elyon:  I will share with you that in our training to be ministers in this
teaching mission we were also coached not to become attached to the outcome of
our actions, especially for those of us who were to come to Urantia.  When the
soil is rocky, germination can be scarce and disappointment can come upon even a
morontia being.  We were taught that if we only succeed in turning the soil over
we have benefited mankind, and we have prepared the way for those to follow us
who may have the opportunity to plant the seed that takes hold.  We have learned
what impatience can bring to the progress of a world.  We have learned what
circumvention can bring to the progress of a world.
	You comment on my various bridges.  This is the same principle applied, to
recognize what is good in the moment and necessary.  I know you all well enough
to know that you understand that a two hour discourse on the nature of deity may
not serve one as well as a hug, as a cool refreshing drink, and that this small
act of kindness will take one another step closer to the desire to
comprehend the
Father of all.  You may have to wait until you are an instructor on the mansion
worlds before you can deliver this two hour discourse.  In the meantime you may
attract and draw with you many who will sit in those classrooms by being their
friend, by expressing love, by sharing Michael not in word but in deed.  Those
are the small bridges that lead to the greater ones wherein you can reveal more
fully the methods of Michael and the family of the Father.
	Evelyn:  I invite you to guide any one or all three of us here, if there is
anything you would like to say on an individual basis.
*	Elyon:  I simply desire at this point to repeat and to emphasize my comment
regarding balance.
	The left and the right side of a scale require the other to function
properly.  To those who enjoy the solitude of worship and contemplation and to
those who enjoy the activity of service and ministry, hold in view that when one
is doing the other, one is actually accomplishing its opposite.  They do go
hand-in-hand.  If your days are full of activities, your list of things to do is
long, a few moments spent in solitude will bring balance.  If you find yourself
looking for a means to be helpful to your fellows and they are not there, and
that you have spent time, and time is ample to study and to contemplate, that
this study and contemplation will contribute to the time that you will be busy. 
If you seek to find in your day one minuscule service instant, you will find
the ample time given to the comprehension of the Father will rush forward to
infuse that moment with all the truth and the goodness and the beauty that you
have come to know.
	Jesus knew his apostles well.  He knew that when they wearied from his
pressing public ministry that it was time to take them off into the hills for
refreshment.  He knew that when their anxiety rose from too much revelation, he
sent them back among the multitudes that they may relieve themselves of
these new
realizations by passing them on, by road-testing them, thereby balancing the
intensity with practicality.  You can rest assured that the Father within you is
equally doing this for you.  Be patient when you long for an occurrence.  The
Father is fully aware of your desire and is equally aware of circumstances and
will stimulate you to act when the two coincide.  But I also ask you to develop
this skill yourself, to know when to retreat to the hills and to know when you
must hit the streets.
	Today not only are there few of you here, there are few of us, as well.  I
would let this meeting be adjourned.  There are several conclaves of mission
teachers occurring in this period of time for review, for renewal, and for the
acquisition of new perspectives.  I take leave now to reunite with these
teachers, many of whom you know, though many, many more you have not yet met. 
Until next time, farewell.

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