[tmtranscripts] LinEL 2/16/00

Thea Hardy hardyt at proaxis.com
Thu Feb 17 00:35:57 PST 2000

LinEL on the human perplexities about the Magisterial mission.
Dear ones, you know that there are many things about this mission that we
cannot fully explain to any of you. And we know how curious humans are about
details. Some of this is rooted in your fears and your need to know, you
need to feel safe and secure in the face of things unknown. Part is just the
heritage of exploration that is in your natures. We try very hard to find a
line between these things. We wish to comfort you, and to satisfy your
curiosity, and yet we must also behave with prudence and restraint,
following what you term our prime directive.

You know that a Magisterial Son will come. You know that this is a long-term
part of the mission. Naturally your human hearts yearn for such things. And
yet it is important to strike a balance in your yearnings. I sometimes try
to present this with humor, rather like "How to live your lives while
waiting for the Magisterial Son to arrive". I do not mean at all to jest
inappropriately, but to seriously remind you that however precious this
event is to us all, and it is, you must find a balance to your living in
response to such things. Yes, the Son will arrive. But that is not today,
and today, here and now, your adjuster is within, as close as your
breathing, and yearning for your energies to connect with him and approve
his agenda for your lives.

I cannot tell you the best ways to balance these things. In the end, you are
the only ones who can make the decisions which form the shape of the
processes of your lives. It is not a question of either/or, nor can we
present to you some preconceived information telling you which aspects are
most important. It is a question of how to have ALL aspects and form them
into a harmonious whole. There is no need here for conflict and controversy,
no need for taking supposed sides. All of these parts form one path. It is
for you to personally decide the patterning of your own journey in
relationship to these aspects, and that will be unique to your own
personality choices.

I say to you, take joy in the fact of the coming of the Magisterial Son. You
have need to hope for the future. You need to know that your beloved planet
will be assisted to its destiny. You need to have the assurance that all you
long for is not vain hopes. You have the right to know and understand the
nature of the help that is coming to you. You have the privilege of being
given knowledge that can assist you. We delight in offering these things, in
telling you of what is to come for you all here on this benighted world.

At the same time, you cannot wait upon those times to live. You need to live
in the present moments of your lives, to have the here and now presence of
the kingdom that cannot and need not wait for the arrival of any being no
matter how precious. We have asked of you that you make of your daily lives
an enshrinement of your pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness; that you take
time to share with your adjuster what you seek and to receive from him the
utter assurance of your lovability and of his plans for your path forward.
This is of paramount import, no matter what lies ahead.

For of the many things you do not fully understand, the difficulties
inherent in the ramifications of positive change is most certainly one. Any
culture given the abundance of something they have not had will most
certainly undergo great upheaval in the need to reshape the entire manner of
living and the values that underlie the changes in cultural imperatives. You
have seen what mayhem can result when some on your world win a lottery. It
is not easy to encompass supposedly positive sudden change. Lest you think
that only material rewards pose such problems, I suggest to you that you
consider again. When you have lived on a world of deprivation, you become
enculturated in the ways of that thinking. Narrowness and havelessness
become part of your identity. It does not happen overnight that the presence
of abundance is comfortable and well-accepted by you. Were it so, you would
be better at loving yourselves, always a test of your willingness to receive
the positive aspects of the universe.

You so often think of the things we bring as salve to your wounds. And so
they are. But you do not perhaps as often think of the challenge, the
intense and powerful imperatives to change and the oftentimes disturbing
rearrangements that the things we bring you require. When our beloved
Sovereign Michael said that he had come to bring the sword, he did not mean
that he had come to bring war, but that the way of love was such a potent
change in a world not given to love, that it most certainly would not bring
peace and calm to the planet. So it is with us, bringing you his gospel yet
again. We bring eventual peace, but first, the way of change means much

Internally, you can know peace now. But in the culture of the planet, amidst
the legacy of Lucifer, peace will not always come at you from those for whom
the very presence of your strong affirmations of love are an ultimate
challenge. If you expect to see an inauguration soon of tranquility among
your brothers and sisters out in the world, you will be disappointed. The
world is little different since our beloved Michael walked literally among
you. And even as he stirred up conflict by the truth he so perfectly served,
so also will you as your dedication to truth becomes increasingly strong.

This is not to frighten you, but it is important that you be wise as
serpents as you face the future. You already understand much of the
harmlessness of doves, but still turn away too readily from the wisdom of
serpents. The peace that passes all understanding will lie mostly within
your own heart and soul as you bring yourself to ever greater integration
with the plans of your adjuster. Do not despair when it is not mirrored in
the external world. In time it will be so, but that time is not yet.

You have a masterful task here on Urantia. On the one hand, your whole soul
must be committed to loving the Father and one another as yourselves. On the
other hand, you cannot expect that agenda to come at you from most of the
world, and therefore, your effectiveness must be tempered by what is truly
possible, and not merely that for which you long. This is ever the challenge
of all spiritual growth. It is so for us here to serve you as well ­ we long
to make all well in an instant, but such is not only not possible, it would
not serve you well. This same challenge of seeking methods of effectiveness
has been before us since the beginning of this mission and it continues
onward to the unseeable future.

In time, you will learn to fatten on this. You will learn enthusiasm for
solving the problems and puzzles of increasing your effectiveness. But when
it is still so new, it is sometimes daunting and discouraging. In your
discouragement, you sometimes deny the reality of what discourages you in
order to purchase a false peace. Unfortunately, this will not serve you
well. Better genuine disillusionment, followed by manfully seeking viable
solutions, than to allow wishful thinking to falsely cast your situations in
a supposedly favorable light. In this latter case, you will be unable to do
what is necessary because you will not even see the necessity. I know that
looking at reality squarely is difficult for Urantians. I understand from my
long years among you just why this is so, why it is so hard for you to face
the painful realities of your lives. But in the end, only reality can yield
results. For unreality does not exist. And no pleasant fantasy can provide
you with substance.

Therefore, I ask this of you. Joy in the fact of the some-time arrival of
the Magisterial Mission and the Son. He will arrive, yes. Turn to this for
as much hope and light as it can give you, especially on dark days when it
appears that little forward movement has occurred. But as you wait, do the
most important preparations that you can ­ that of personal correction and
assisting others when asked in their personal correction. For this cleansing
is probably the most important preparation you can make. Not so that you be
fit for him ­ his love is for all ­ but so that you be ready for enhanced
service when the time comes, fit by virtue of your prior efforts and
experience. It is a privilege to work towards this wonderful future.

But the kingdom of heaven within lies in this very instant, in the very
instant in which you connect with the pure love that is your birthright,
that lives in your very heart. In that moment, you are with the Father, and
in no need of the arrival of any to your world, for in that moment Love has
Arrived and you are one with it. In the strength from those gathered
moments, you will do what is needful in the external world as well.

Seek the Father, dear ones. Our endless message is still our most profound
one. Love is truly the answer to all your questions and desires, the
solution to every problem of living, if taken far enough. Love. Love the
Father, and one another as yourselves. And allow yourselves to receive love,
something more difficult for many of you than extending love. Receive. Let
it in until you overflow. The love you extend from the overflow of receiving
it will be more powerful by tenfold than that which you attempt to give from
an only partially filled cup. Take the love that the universe gives you.
Worry not as to your deservingness. As your Father¹s child, you deserve his
love regardless of your status. Receive it in full and spread the abundance
around you.

For the Father is the Supreme reality of living. His love is unimaginably
rich and varied. His will for you is not of olden notions of sacrifice and
self-abnegation, but is filled with the abundance of joy and love that
awaits you. The Father¹s will only appears difficult when you have not yet
realized that he always and ever knows what your true heart needs and
desires more than you can yet begin to know. And he wishes for you all the
very best of everything in the universe. Sometimes it takes difficult
choices to allow yourselves to embrace this abundance, but make those
choices and embrace the abundance of his love now. Receive the kingdom of
his love now. And in those moments, you are complete, and building the
completion of your souls, the results of the integrative moments of heart
and mind.

Dear ones, we teachers love you so. We watch your courageous attempts even
in the midst of your fears and pains. You see yourselves too often as
inadequate, as not meeting the challenges. But we see what you call frail
movements forward as mighty leaps in the face of a terrible history. You are
stronger than you know, and surrounded by more love than you can imagine as
we watch with love and tenderness your every step. As you stumble, our arms
go around you ­ we hold you close. As you step forward, however tentatively,
a cheer goes up among us. And we long for the day when we can greet you face
to face, and arm in arm.

Be of good cheer. This does not mean that you should deny downcast moments.
Not at all. But that in those moments, cultivate habits of remembering the
greater realities, so that they can strengthen you as good food when you
falter and faint. All will be well. Truly, dear ones, all will be well.



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