[tmtranscripts] Elyon Group 11/14/99

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Mon Nov 15 08:40:59 PST 1999

Coeur d'Alene Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Exposing Different Levels of Reality, Trial and "Error"
Teachers: Elyon, Darid, Michael, Nebadonia
November 14, 1999
*	Elyon (Mark TR):  I welcome you here today, my dedicated and disciplined
	We have been engaged in this process together for some time, and as we
endeavor to expose different levels of reality, it may be viewed much as peeling
the leaves back off a plant or a fruit, each layer being a new experience and
exposing underneath it a fresh, new level.  You peel away the outer level and
study it to discern its value and its merit in relation to your life experience
and glean from it all that you are able.  Then when you re-approach the
fruit you
find a new level of reality to peel away, further exposing the luminous light
source inside.  With every layer of materialism you peel away, the layers
underneath are less opaque, and more of the light of the Father contained in the
fruit shines through, causing different colors and patterns to appear on this
fruit as you strip away and become familiar with all the various levels which
cover up the inherent light within.
	Wise students such as yourselves realize that there is no great hurry or
speed to be applied to this process, as the layers peeled off are enjoyable and
worthwhile and have value to be determined and recognized.  They may indeed be
tasty leaves to relish in the exposing of the fruit.  You find the desire to
slowly savor the bites and smells and sights and experience as ones to be
absorbed.  It is not even possible for any student to rapidly set about to peel
and expose this fruit, as time is required in the experience of exposing this
light.  You must thoroughly appreciate and adopt these experiences so that they
are your stepping stones toward exposing the entire fruit.  Yet you all are
attracted by the lure of the sweetness you perceive to be inside, and this
you forward to desire to peel the next layer, to tackle the next phase, to
further uncover the truth, the light.
	Each one will have their fruit exposed at different levels as they
spiritually and mentally are ready to accept the task.  You are correct in that
the fruit is very sweet; the lure is very appealing, and I assure you that on
each level of existence we all have our own fruit of the Father we are
endeavoring to expose, not only to ourselves but to all those around us and to
the Father.
	This job is what we have been engaged in this period we have been involved
together.  Many layers of truth and reality have been peeled slowly and lovingly
away from your individual fruits.  They beckon you with the sweetness and the
brightness of their luminosity.  I daresay that in your life experience you may
indeed believe that at times you have exposed down to the very core of your
fruit, but I assure you the levels and the layers continue to get sweeter and
more potent and more powerful as you apply yourself to uncovering them.  In even
deciding to address or handle this fruit you are in growth mode.  You are in
experiential mode when you engage and peel another leaf, another layer, from
fruit.  This is growth in action.  With each of these efforts your internal
shines and resonates with your fruit you are exposing, as your fruit you are
	This is the job we have been delightfully engaged in.  I assure you that
the levels of luminosity of your individual fruits is great and the
potential for
greater luminosity is greater still.  I very much enjoy being a part of this
process with you as I attempt to expose more of my gracious fruit to myself and
to the Father, as well.
	I have no other imagery for you today but would step aside to allow space
for others but remain in attendance should you desire to engage me on any
Thank you.
*	Darid (Jonathan):  This is Darid speaking.  I greet you all warmly.  Let me
add a few comments to our lesson today.
	As each of you is revealing the luminous essence of your being through this
process, you can look around the gardens of the Supreme and its orchards and
note of the great variety.  There are many ways in which this inner revelation
expresses itself.  For instance, as you unfold your layers you note that your
manifold levels appear at times different than another's, and yet the same
process is undertaken by another individual.  You may, for instance, be like a
head of cabbage; another, an onion; and another, lettuce.  Central to the
unfoldment of each of these plants is the expression of creative force.  Central
to each of your unfoldment is the creator force.  Even the full revelation of
your deeper self will appear different than another's yet at the same time
similar as does the flowering of each vegetable reveals a different flower, a
different seed, yet in the end the same regeneration of life.  Knowing this,
tolerance and understanding is far easier to hold for oneself.  There is a great
beauty in the multiplicity of this very same principle that is being undertaken
by each of you and yet unfolding in such variety among all of you.
	I would now like to offer to you some thoughts that may help to strengthen
you when you are facing some difficulties.  Often times I have observed that the
human tends, when uncertain about the forward movement of events or steps to be
taken to accomplish a task to reach a goal, to use the expression "trial and
error".    It is to your credit that you are willing to experiment and even face
error in order to approach your goal, for it is true that in order to discover,
in order to traverse uncharted territory, a certain amount of error is
inevitable.  Let us redefine the expression.  Let us call it "trial and
adjustment", for error unfortunately implies a certain worthlessness,
inappropriateness, inapplicability.  But you know, as you have worked so
diligently on your spiritual growth, that these errors really, when they come
into existence, apply to the process.  They force adjustment.  They further
illuminate the steps desired.  Each error is a positive, progressive mistake
rather than a negative, prohibiting occurrence.
	Mark:  Is it correct to assume that these layers are not discarded but
absorbed, becoming part of us as opposed to used and discarded?
*	Darid:  I acknowledge the correctness of your observation and would point
out to you how, when a rosebud opens, each layer that has peeled back enhances
the beauty of the overall expression.  Each layer contributes to the
of its inner drive.  That is why it is good to accept ones past with all its
experiential bumps and dings, so to speak, for it is all contributing to the
ultimate expression of your being.
	Mark:  Another petal on our flower.
*	Darid:  Correct.  And if I may shift to another article, to consider our
element of truth in this lesson, you are aware of your plant form the artichoke
and know that the outer layers can be coarse and the inner layers tender.
As one
refines their spiritual dimension, this tenderness is revealed.  And so it is
true with the character of mankind.
*	Michael (Mark):  I would greet you today; this is your brother Michael.  I
desire to come here today to seize this opportunity in your discussion of the
exposing of your divine fruits.
	I wish to convey to you that I know each of your fruits.  I see them as
they are at this moment, and I see them as they are in completion, in infinity. 
I am so pleased to see your efforts to expose this love/light to yourselves and
to your world, and I delight to see your missions in states of completion.  I
assure you that you are well engaged in this process and that this effort on
part pleases me greatly, for when you apply your efforts in this direction, you
are surely and certainly proceeding in my direction and in our direction to the
Father.  It delights me to see the steps as they are taken and to realize the
glorious outcome of your endeavors.  I assure you, my children, they are
glorious.  It moves even me to witness this in you.  You have my
appreciation and
my love and my gratitude that you reach for me.  I also give you my assurance
that I, as well, reach for you.  Take this as my personal promise and look for
this to be a part of your daily existence.  I will reach out, and you will reach
out, and together we will make this contact.
	Thank you, my dear ones.  I leave you now in peace.
*	Nebadonia (Jonathan):  I too speak.  This is Spirit Mother and creator
associate of Michael.

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