[tmtranscripts] Re: TOMAS: 2/14/99

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Mon Mar 15 14:59:47 PST 1999

 Pittsburgh PA Teacher Base
 February 14, 1999
 Subject:  Valentine's Day - Lesson on Love
 Teacher:  Tomas
 T/R:  Gerdean
 GROUP:	Happy Anniversary, Tomas, and Happy Valentine's Day to all of our
 ones and those we are loved by.
 TOMAS:	I am Tomas, good afternoon.
 GROUP:	Good afternoon, Tomas.
 TOMAS:	Happy holiday to you all in recognition of love.
 I am myself celebrating an anniversary of sorts in your realm.  I have been
 ministering to you in  your time frame now for six years, and it is to me a
 joy, a privilege, and a constant challenge to address you in  your needs,
 encouraging you to advance in confidence and in reality of your true nature,
 your true purpose, while allowing for the wonders of your natural state of
 existence.  It is a delicate balance and one which I am eternally grateful
 the opportunity to apply myself in conjunction, overcontrol, the guidance of
 Machiventa and Michael, immaterial of our will and wishes.
 CELESTE:	Tomas, thank you so much for coming and for wanting to help us in
 that way, in every way.
 TOMAS:	Of course you are welcome.  It is an honor for me, and it is a part of
 my own education and evolution.  It is beneficial to us all, my dear Celeste.
 I assure you.  I gain as much as I give, and I take heart in that for I have
 gained much and I therefore trust that you have as well.
 CELESTE:	We have.
 TOMAS:	And now we meet the true criteria of our purpose and that is to become
 ever more actual in our reality-izing.  We have seen the potential and
 nurtured it into reality, thereby bringing our Creator into a greater
 realization of Himself as well.  
 Your Book sets forth a selection and sampling of prayers from various parts
 the local universe which give voice to the many supplications and psalms of
 thanksgiving that have been expressed and experienced by God's kids hither
 yon, asking that we be led beside the still waters, that we be raised up on
 high to be a glory to Him, and indeed all of our noble attempts, our purpose,
 is to shine forth acknowledgement upon He who has brought us into being.  
 In effect, children, this is, in large part, what the brotherhood is about.
 It is adoring that within you which is of the Father, and so I can turn to
 Rachel and be grateful for her gifts of God as she bestows them upon me,
 enabling me to see Our Father within her.  She has expanded The Father's
 universe by representing Him in her being, and you, Celeste, as you view your
 world through the eyes of a believer, you reflect to those you know and
 testify to by your belief the appreciation you have for Our Father and as it
 is perceived by those you meet, you have reflected His love into their life.
 This incredible networking, this connecting of the heart threads, is
 the spirit reality in and through the universe.  All that is necessary is to
 honor love, and today we honor love in your culture, in your understanding of
 what love is.  It is interesting to us to see that your essential
 comprehension of love is of a romantic nature, and it is typically childlike
 for you to opt for the sweetness of love and conveniently set aside its more
 sinewy aspects, that part of love which is enduring and tough, steadfast and
 firm.  Your understanding of love is much like puppy love in terms of how it
 will develop.
 I will not disdain your appreciation of love as you understand it, except to
 urge you to appreciate that love is far more than a romantic presentation
 as is depicted on Hallmark cards, and although the sentiment of romantic love
 is wonderful, as is the expression of parental love and sweetheart love, the
 love of God is able to be revealed in all manner of ways:  in work, in
 creation, in expression of wisdom and insight and all manner of things.  
 Indeed, when you begin to appreciate how it is that The Father and His love
 touches all things, in His world, in His universe, you will begin to look at
 even difficult situations as a manifestation of love, even situations that
 appear to be mortally painful, psychically difficult, emotionally
 financially catastrophic, politically unfortunate, geologically disastrous,
 you can begin to see the greater picture, the end of evolution and revelation
 working and thus I am asking you today, as perhaps a gift of love to Our
 Father, to Michael and Nebadonia, that you give the gift of expanding your
 appreciation for what love is.  
 We enjoyed your sharing this afternoon, and in the large, were mindful of
 of your life experiences which are of an order to provoke question or concern
 that leave you feeling insecure or insignificant, that would want you to
 or wonder about what will come about tomorrow or as a result of the peculiar
 vagaries of today's events.  Each of these situations is an expression of
 love, and an opportunity for you to revel in the love that Father provides
 you in your experiences, even when they are not according to your preferred
 All experience is fraught with learning, and learning is love.  All darkness
 that leads to the light is love.  And so it behooves you to learn to love the
 darkness.  It does not hurt to enjoy the rain, knowing that the rain is
 cleansing and that when the rain ends, the sun will come out and shine upon a
 clean soil.  There is purpose to the universe.  There is divine purpose and
 divine love throughout.  It is only your limited perspective on love that
 causes you to feel that love is not.
 Father in heaven says, "Be my valentine."  Be mine.  Be mine.  Be faithful
 unto Him and He will abundantly supply you with all you needs in the most
 efficient and effusive expression of love there is.  The life you live, the
 breath you take, the thoughts you think, the song you sing, the life you
 the love you love, all is of the Father above and within in love.
 I will prepare to take my leave.  You have all been wonderful this afternoon.
 I want to once again embrace you in the light of love and to bless your brow
 with my kisses of affection for being perfect students.  You are a joy to me
 and to Merium.  You are the delight of Michael of Nebadon, as well, of
 as his other children, and we all delight in being of service to you as you
 choose to be of service to him and to each other.  Carry on, boys and girls,
 until we meet again in the spirit and in the flesh.  Farewell.

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