MERIUM: 11-10-98, Part 2

ZooidODell at ZooidODell at
Sat Nov 14 20:39:26 PST 1998

(Continued from Part 1)

GERDEAN:	Who is "he" you're talking about?
GERDEAN:	 Could you spell that?
HUNNAH:	A-d-i  D-a, the Da being God, the Father.  Yeah.  Adi Da.  And when I
first heard the name I was amused.  In my humanness it sound....
LEAH:		Like "la-de-DA"
HUNNAH	Like la-de-DA, that's right.  And I would look at the picture and I
would not want to be sitting with a sheet around me in a lotus position al the
time, but ...
LEAH:		Different strokes for different folks!
HUNNAH:	That's exactly right, and he's following his star, and .... Oh!  One
other thing I found was interesting -- and Tomas might want to comment on this
-- is that when you get a human teacher, a guru, you are going to be allowed
to release yourself from that teacher because you've got to get out and become
a teacher!

We were talking about teachers tonight.  You gotta get out and live it.  You
don't .... They don't ....  What's the point of this? ....
RACHEL:	It's right here, isn't it!
HUNNAH:	But a good teacher also knows when you're ready to go and it's
individual for everyone.

TOMAS:	It is a universal law that you must pass on what you have learned, and
if you are learning every day, then you are passing on your truth, beauty and
goodness every day, thus keeping your spiritual experience alive.

HUNNAH:	Oh!  I'm going to contaminate the message, but this is one of the
things that -- You know, we are all so individual, and he had returned to the
east to see the Indian guru, his teacher, and there he was in the ashram
having a most profound and shocking encounter with Mary!  She appeared before
him in the ashram.  He is in this ashram with   his guru.  The guru was not
present, but they seem to know what all is going on.  But anyway, she
manifests before him and speaks to him and just as we would be blown over if
we were in our private area and she -- because we are not practicing ...  I
see her as Divine Mother now -- but he said something that I thought was so
interesting and we could relate to this that it's in your consciousness that
you need the symbols.  It iwll appear to you.   And he had been in the

RACHEL:	What symbols?
HUNNAH:	Anything that speaks to you and lets you know that you are -- "I am
with you."  And it can be any one of the precious experiences.  It can be when
you're out with your journal and you are describing a breeze.  He is saying
that God is all.  All-all-all.  But when this happened to him, she taught him
about Mary.  He was just dumbfounded that t his could be happening to him
because he had been into these explosions of awareness and bliss like the
eastern teachings can deliver, then to have this total turnaround and find out
that he is speaking to Jesus and he is speaking to Mary and he is filled with
love of Jesus and he said later,....  And I'm looking forward to reviewing
some of this because he said, "this was dormant" the need for this was dormant
in his heart and in his spiritual development, and he had cut it off when he
was -- through a Lutheran school, he was going into the ministry -- and
something happened there and he thought, "This is not it," and he left.  

So here was all this development of beliefs for him on hold and it popped up,
just like a flower popping up out of a vine, and said "It's time!"  Boom!  And
there it was.  Dynamically!  And probably more effectively than it might have
been -- who can say?

SO there are so many things down the pike for all of us that we cannot even
fathom and we have brought these teachers in to help us and they are hindered
by our sense of -- absence of knowing what to ask.  Absence of our willingness
to meditate, so that they can really get us, because they can really use our
circuitry and fill our mailbox, you might say.  Tomas, how was that?  Got
something you want to add to that? or have I stimulated you?

TOMAS:	I think we had better add you to the roster of members of the teaching
corps, Hunnah, for you have become quite fluid in your exposing truths in your
discourses of the many mortal beings who tech divine truth.  Many of you
living men and women are the torchbearers of truth for the Evolving Supreme.
Many of you are sufficiently open to the promptings of your Adjusters such
that you allow yourselves to be led and as you are led you are constrained to
deliver your saving truths to those you would reach for the sublime I AM

HUNNAH:	Oh, Tomas.  I've just had a flash, if I'm not interrupting.  I got
this flash about the Internet, the computer.  It's such a popular diversion
and teaching tool and even to the point that a title of a new movie is called
"You've Got Mail!" and I was thinking about our computer, our body, our mind,
and how we have mail, but we don't read it!  And when we go into the quiet,
all of a sudden one of these messages that are in our mailbox will download
like a bluebird and we'll go, "Oh, eureka!"

I had this joyous revelation.  Something has popped like a light bulb for you.
So there's this new awareness, this new interpretation and if we allow
ourselves to go to the celestial Internet, we will always have mail and we
will never be lonely or without a companion.  And our world will come into new
focus and a new purpose for us, so I was sort of pleased that "You've Got
Mail".  Someone will see that title in a movie and on their spiritual journey
and they'll see that title and a light bulb will go off..

TOMAS:	You can analogize in describing the precept of this film, the very
fundamental aspect of broadcasting.  Remember the universal broadcasts.  Your
Thought Adjusters broadcast to each other and to others throughout the vast
inter workings of the universes of time and space. It is only natural that you
sold have an abundance of mail for you are connected to the great Post Office
in the sky.  The Postmaster himself is sending you postcards on a regular
basis and love notes and interoffice memoranda and party announcements and
oral exams and any number of communications, for in fact there is a
relationship that goes on between the Father and his creations.  A
relationship is in existence and I now return to my original premise that we
are loyal companions.  The Father himself is the Father of loyal companionship
for he has created you to be his companions on this infinite adventure/journey
into extended perfection.

Are there questions?

RACHEL:	No questions, but I have a comment concerning Internet and reading
other people's posts on the Internet in the Teaching Mission and how there
seems to be an agreeance that we are all being urged to get it together, so to
speak, to go out to tech and preach.  There seems to be an underlying current
of excitement, readiness, important messages, if you will.  It's sort of
interesting.  Poised for the moment.

TOMAS:	Kind of interesting, yes.

HUNNAH:	It's nice if you're where receptive people are because you can have
teachers teaching at a particular level but frequently when you want to teach,
you're not ready to teach.

RACHEL:	True, but I find it interesting that, there is incredible moral
support on the team list to support everybody, to say, "Yeah, you can do it."
There's an incredible interchanging of faith there.   It's like a web support
system for all these people w ho want to be teachers and preachers.  Which is
what is so nice about it, it supports itself, so we can all go out one day and
go about our business.

HUNNAH:	And when you're together in your chat room in your Urantia mode, you
become weavers and you all have teacher ability and as it comes in
appropriately, you make a fabric that has a message just like our gathering,
they told us they are our loyal companions.  "I will never leave you."  That
perfection, that one life, is constantly allowing you to see itself in a
chalice of constant support.  A support system that's always coming around
you, whether its a new person, a new statement, whether it's the way a flower
looks, the proper timing, a serendipitous day that you have received because
you are connected in on that frequency, so when you get on the Internet you're
all bringing your energies in and you're creating this visible fabric of
enlightenment on the screen.

RACHEL:	It's wonderful!

HUNNAH:	But!  You've got to be careful you don't become a junky!  Is this
conversation -- because you're allowed fellowship like you are in a church --
we joke about them being social clubs ... but when you're on track, you're
going to have both ... You're going to have the lesson and he companionship,
just like we do with the celestials here.

RACHEL:	That's about what happens on the Internet.  There's badger and humor
and it extends this living room far far out.  Sort of gets you connected with
what other people are doing within the teaching mission and what they are
learning what their lessons are, how they are being prepared.  It's nice.

TOMAS:	The Morontia Companions are very pleased with the communal visitations

HUNNAH:	On the Internet?

TOMAS:	And throughout the larger Net of the Kingdom-at-large.

RACHEL:	I can see this as advancing army of ... weaving the fabric ...
HUNNAH:	Well, it's wake-up call.
RACHEL:	Yeah.  But, it's so lovely, really.

TOMAS:	There is nothing quite like a loyal companion, even if it is
occasionally Our Father alone.  Indeed, from that primary relationship, all
others are possible.  But what joy to extend the fatherhood of God into the
brotherhood of man, the sisterhood of women, and the family of humankind.

RACHEL:	It would be nice if it got a little bolder.

HUNNAH:	This is sitting next to me:  "Oneness has been a favorite theme with
every teacher of spiritual wisdom.  It is the key that unlocks the door to a
satisfactory life in a world of many-ness."  And then it goes on, on the back
of the book called "The Realization of Oneness."

TOMAS:	Yes, daughter.  This is because you have not cluttered up your
association with divinity by socialization, cultures, genders, or religious
tenets.    You have allowed your souls the freedom to be.  This is existential
and eternal, unencumbered by the separation of individuality.

We have discussed the difficulties inherent in individuality and yet the
individual is as important in its own right and in its own realm as is pure
divinity in its divine realm.  And so it is necessary that we all learn to be
our own manifestation of personality by and through the gift of the Father.
But if we remember that the I AM is what joins us in our organic association,
it is possible for us then to transcend even vast chasms of difference in
order to have that coveted condition of spiritual unity in individual

It is indeed a challenge and a worthy goal and it is also of great value when
each of you can stop and appreciate that you are in and through the great I AM
the all is One aspect in order that you may rest in the arms of the spirit as
siblings together.  (Long Pause)

RACHEL:	Did everybody fall asleep?
TOMAS:	Let us go have a party and eat lots of sugar.  Have fun.  Happy
birthday, Gerdean.  		Good night everybody.  Amen and farewell.
RACHEL:	We should have  a prayer before we sign off tonight.
HUNNAH:	A celebration prayer!

RACHEL:	Father, Mother, Brother Michael, thank you for a lovely T/R session
and our sisters in the spirit here once again.  Thank you for leading us
through another day, for teaching us things we never knew before, for being
with us, for holding our hand and showing us the glory of life.  Thank you for
being here to celebrate our sister Gerdean's nifty-forth birthday today.  May
you be here with her to help her celebrate it and show her the joy in the
years to come.  We thank you for all your blessings  Amen.

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