MERIUM: 11-10-98 Part 1

ZooidODell at ZooidODell at
Sat Nov 14 19:49:14 PST 1998

Posted 11-14-98
Transmitted 11-10-98
Group:  Butler PA
Subject:  Loyal Companions;
	Cosmic Internet
Teacher:  Merium
T/R:  Hunnah

Sharing:  Group:  Hunnah, Gerdean, Leah, Joniel and Rachel

TOMAS:	We are your loyal companions.  Think a moment what that means -- loyal

In the beginning, Our Father was the original I AM, the First Source and
Center of all things ... and beings.  And there was none ... beside him -- the
existential I AM of infinity.  That which is of the original I AM is
apportioned accordingly throughout the universes of time and space.  Therein,
you live and breathe and have your very being; thus, we may each say, "I AM of
the I AM".  Perfect and eternal.  And yet, in order to have relationship,
there needs to be another, and thus is born a loyal companion.  

You each here are the loyal companion of one another, in truth ... inasmuch as
you are all indwelt by a portion of the original I AM, thus connecting you ...
in the spirit ... and the extension of you, the material physicality of you,
the dense aspect, the actual physical part of you, -- you of animal origin --
are, even so, associated and related by the grace of Our Father and by the
fact of your physicality, your human experience, your mortality -- your life
in the flesh, your emotional composition, your frame of reference for your
origin also.  

Within that framework of the human and the divine, lay all the potential of
eternity, and so within you each is a seed which gives rise to infinity and an
infinity of infinities, in being and in creation.  

Loyal companions, indeed.  How we embrace you.  How we yearn for the greater
embrace.  It is good to be in your midst.  All of us who attend to you in your
growth ... in the spirit ... in the universe ... rejoice to recognize you in
our customary configuration in the berry patch of Butler, Pennsylvania,
America, Urantia, Satania, Norlatiadek, Nebadon, Orvonton, the Father's House.

I have enjoyed stretching myself ... into further realms of time and space by
and through your computer network.  It fascinates me to behold this
perspective through the mind of Gerdean and others who are beginning to
perceive this vast network with yet more vision.  Forward-thinking men and
women who will indeed lead us into the early age of light and life.  I am

MERIUM:  Good evening, everyone.  It is good to be with you again.  You had
your worldly lesson taken care of before we joined you, in "girl talk."
Hunnah told me this evening she came to pay honor to the teachers.  We
appreciate that.  A great deal is going on.  A solidifying of many lessons,
new awarenesses, less urgency.  You will go in and out of these experiences.

Once I asked you each without asking for a report:  "Why do you gather"  If I
ask that question in May, you will have one answer.   If I ask it again this
evening, perhaps your reasons would have changed.  You understand, of course,
that one of our guidelines was to get you all in contact with your appropriate
guidance.  There is guidance for so many levels of awareness.  Guidance for
your daily routine, guidance that will bring you into the deep mind that we
have discussed.   We want you to develop this -- not dependency -- this
awareness that  you have the capacity to check in with the rightness of the
moment.  The appropriate decision.  And many times when you are faced with a
decision, any one of your choices would be all right because you will carry
with your the ability to discern what is best in that particular scenario.

I heard you discussing "What doctor will I go to?"  If you go to a doctor and
you acknowledge the truth of his being, he will serve you in a way --
unconsciously -- that perhaps even surprised himself with his dialog of the
visit.  You will be tapping in on his refined awareness; it will be married to
his worldly knowledge and his decisions will come forth in a manner that will
be in your best interests, so you do not have to worry.  If you were to try to
make the decision at this point, in trying to go in the wrong direction, you
would be led away.  So therefore, allow yourself to say, "This is whom the
Father has sent."  We have to assist you in this business of the good guys and
the bad guys.  When you are serving the Christ and being guided through the
Christ, how can there be any choice except the right choice?  There are many
right ways to do something.  You tire yourselves and sap your strength with
your many decisions.  

I heard it said this evening that you have been slack in going into the quiet.
Hunnah joins you in her agreement.  We will join you in this agreement.  This
is the way it IS here.  You know very well that the best day is the day when
you consult your inner pilot frequently.  You are never left begging,
stressed, and when you consult this quiet stillness, when you allow your house
to be put in order from within, everything you need is there:  humor, release
-- no need to go at your day like it had some sort of a finishing line.  Like
many people, Hunnah keeps a list of things she wants to do that day and often
sits and looks at it in dismay and thinks of how busy she was but the list is
scarcely touched; she is busy doing other things.  A list is allowed to be
elastic -- unless you know there is a deadline, but it is all right.  The most
important thing on your list should be that you have a joyous day, that you
really do, thoroughly, allow yourself to allow yourself to enjoy yourself.
You have heard that expression that usually comes from having applied
"effortless effort".

My chit chat is not new, but I hope I have woven a new design so that I might
keep your attention.  I have not asked for questions for some time.  Questions
are something humans like to have because they can procrastinate with them.
They keep them very busy asking questions and we know that many of these
questions are superficial.  They are dawdling.  I would rather have you come
and just be quiet.  Quiet and comfortable together, and then your whole being
would be like the thousand eyes that would be alert to show you what you need,
where you need it, when you need it and amusement and delight would also be
focused upon you.

Imagine yourselves this week as being tattooed invisibly with little eyes that
keep an eye on things for you.  Hunnah had an amusing experience today.  She
was to drop a paper off to a friend, and as she approached the door, her
friend said to her, "I just paged you!" and she called it The Angelic Service
that brought Hunnah to her door so promptly -- that serendipitous timing that
you deny yourselves too often.  It creates what you call "fun" == amusement at
t his wonderful Secret Service, you might call it.  SO if you have not been
having serendipity in your life, then say, "Tsc tsc, What can I do to bring my
friend, Serendipity, back into my day."  It is allowed.

I think I have hogged the floor, but it feels good to speak again, as I am the
bringer of good news.

RACHEL:	Yes, it is nice to have you back around.
MERIUM:	You fall asleep when we say, "We love you, we love  you, we love you."
You 			hear so much of that.
LEAH:		Not enough.
MERIUM:	But, what we bring when we come is the reality that you and we are
one.  Only we 		don't have traffic lights and hungry bellies.  Tomas?
TOMAS:	Yes, Merium.
MERIUM:	How's it going?
TOMAS:	Well.  Are there questions this evening?
RACHEL:	My mind's a blank.
MERIUM:	That is very good!
RACHEL:	(laughter)
TOMAS:	We will resolve that situation by taking a brief intermission.


MERIUM:	Happy birthday, Gerdean.
GERDEAN:	Well, thank you, Merium!
MERIUM:	I like the way your describe your earthly number.  I will not repeat
it on the tape 			because it's no one's business.
GERDEAN:	Oh, well, everybody knows!
RACHEL:	(laughter)
MERIUM:	Well, if you type it, everyone will know!
GERDEAN:	I've already told everybody.  For a week I've announced it.  I'm
going to be 			nifty-for.
MERIUM:	Years ago Hunnah said in a poem what it was like to be 50-something,
but it was a very nice report of what it was like to be that age.  Perhaps you
might try that yourself.  Write down the virtues of having been here this
long.  That will amuse you.

RACHEL:	That's a good one.
MERIUM:	You will say funny things like, "I still like peanut butter."  (If you
GERDEAN:	Of course!
MERIUM:	It is interesting how much of your appreciation will be ageless in the
human sense.
GERDEAN:	Well, as long as I'm still in the flesh and as long as I'm still a
child ...
MERIUM:	A girl.  A girl!  A girl, or if you say, "I am a girl," you become
GERDEAN:	I also become a gender!
MERIUM:	And if you say you are a boy, it means that you are youthful.  That's

MERIUM:	No.  No, no, no.  Youthful.  Youthful is an attitude.  It contains
GERDEAN:	Yes!  I am!  Childlike.
MERIUM:	Absolutely.  No, you are youthful.
MERIUM:	Unless you are ... Never mind.
RACHEL:	Aw, come on, Merium.
MERIUM:	A child has a bandage on its knee, hair has fallen lose out of the
braid or whatever, 			shirt is hanging out, and usually making a great deal of
noise.  Are you a child?
GERDEAN:	Sometimes.  Childlike.
MERIUM:	Childlike means that their mind is not contaminated with the weighty
distractions 			of programming.  They see and savor and delight.  That is the
child that is not 			hungry.  Your world is reeking with despair.
GERDEAN:	I know!
MERIUM:	Just pathetic!

MERIUM:	If you live in a valley, your chances of getting wet are great.
GERDEAN:	Damp.  Dense.
MERIUM:	You can be washed away.
GERDEAN:	If you're not careful.
MERIUM:	If you do not ... Oh!  The story of the "Three Little Pigs"!  It is
true, if you build a house of sticks or hay that it will take very little to
level it.  Materially, mentally.  If you are poorly constructed, you will not
weather.  You will be rebuilding again and again until wisdom has its way and
you make better choices.

RACHEL:	That's a very good analogy.
MERIUM:	Your societies, your generations of societies, have been storytellers.
The truth has been woven into them repeatedly.   The human has to  hear it
constantly to retain it, and to profit from it.  It is too easily distracted
by its senses and its senses are indeed a taskmaster, a possessive taskmaster.
And here we have a message that the Christ would be glad to accept the use of
your senses and show you how beautiful your life can be.  Fragrant.  Tactile.
A lovely life.

GERDEAN:	I like it.
RACHEL:	Um-hum.
MERIUM:	That is enough from me for now.  Unless, of course, I have to be


HUNNAH:	I had a question while I was away.  Something came to my attention.  I
thought I'd ask Tomas about that.  I don't have any argument about the
hierarchy, and deep mind.  If I had an argument it would come from my
humanness.  I have felt as if I -- Tomas might use this as part of a lesson,
but -- I feel as if I am incomplete and I guess I'm going through a period
that's called, "the absence of striving".  Striving makes my humanness feel
like it has something to do.  It wants to be involved with the act.  And I
have been reading some things by a teacher called Adi Da and I've finally
gotten to the part of the book where he condenses, sort of, what he has
discovered.  I've been enjoying his company.

LEAH:		What did he discover?
HUNNAH:	Reality.  And understanding.  He refers to the cosmic creator as All
That Is.  And he has different words and what it helped me realize was that we
absolutely have to individually discover what he has done.  He has been to the
teachers.  They can only take you so far.  And that you have to bring it all
together and let it be known in yourself, and that we spend a lot of our time
reading about the other fellow's experience because we like to be entertained.

RACHEL:	Instead of doing it.
HUNNAH:	And in reality, we are hooked on the experience and what happens is
we're allowed to -- it will remain an experience because you are conscious,
but -- we will realize that we have to take whatever it is that we've been
taught and just go ahead and watch it work in ourselves.  It's interesting,
though, whenever you meet someone else's writing, how it makes you ponder and
you start seeing the c commonality of all these teachings.

LEAH:		Oh, yeah.
HUNNAH:	Because when you're into the truth, there's nothing But It.
RACHEL:	In every way, shape and form.
HUNNAH:	Yeah, so we can use up one whole day if we want to be taught but we
need long 			recesses because we're not used to it.
LEAH:		But even you were inferring that we read because we are lazy or we
don't want to 			do it, but my feeling is that we read so that we can find the
drummer that we want 			to march with.
HUNNAH:	Or to remind us that there is -- It's like a coach, it gets you going.
RACHEL:	Somewhere along the same thinking lines, you are not alone.
LEAH:		Sometimes in the beginning you think -- This stuff is really crazy!
It's all nuts!  			And then you read something and you say, Oh, yeah!

HUNNAH:	That's okay.
LEAH:		Yeah, and you say I know somebody else who had that experience and this
seems 			similar to something I have felt within myself and I think it just
helps you 				continue.
HUNNAH:	There are so many experiences that are not written.
LEAH:		Well, we're not reading those!  Are we?
HUNNAH:	No, you can't.  There are just some things you feel are so sacred you
don't want to			share them?
LEAH:		Oh, yeah.  Yeah.
HUNNAH:	And sometimes when you talk about these inner experiences, you don't
want to make somebody feel like they're not "with it" when they need to be
enjoying where they're at, because, like he said, the good here is to be
living vibrantly in Reality.  Big R.  And there isn't any work involved when
that love starts to -- Oh! and we talked about Jesus.  We talked about the
heart.  And when this heart starts to release love and the Christ-
consciousness through the heart, it's just all that you want and that's all
that is.  All that matters.

I almost lost it in the beginning of his book.  I thought, "I am SICK of this
intellectual --- Ugh! -- endless ...!  But, the drive in it, with his search,
and then he talked about No. More. Search.  It isn't necessary to go dig-dig-
dig-dig-digging.  It's allowing the truth of our being to express itself.


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