TOMAS 10-29-98.Pgh Part 1

ZooidODell at ZooidODell at
Fri Oct 30 19:44:59 PST 1998

Posted:  October 30, 1998
From:  Karen O'Dell
Group:  Pittsburgh Pumpkins
Transmitted:  October 29, 1998
Subjects:  (1) Buddhism; (2) Meditation; (3) Reincarnation;
		 and (4) Being Angry at God
Teacher:  Tomas
T/R:  Gerdean

TOMAS:  Greetings, my friends.  I am Tomas.  How are you this evening?
LIANA:  Hello, Tomas.
ELYSSIA:  Just great.

TOMAS:  It is wonderful to be with you.  It has been a very gratifying evening
for us who watch you and await your coming of age in these concepts of
acquisition enabling you thus to be effective in your association with
yourself and in the subsequent enchanting exercise of association with others.
You are the workbook.  You are the exercise.  You are the test question
itself, and you, in your ability to accept the next lesson, the next rung on
the ladder, are then ale to formulate for yourself your own next adventure in
accomplishment of yet new truth.  You do this as a result of your reality in
and of and through divinity, that which you are and which you are becoming.

Your discourses this evening have provoked many curricula and yet, in keeping
with our recent promise, we are going to be subsiding in the lecture
department and allowing for more interaction.  It, therefore, has been most
gratifying, I repeat, to behold your intercourse on such delvings as you did
on Buddhism and The Course in Miracles and how that relates to dogma and
divine mind.

My friends it is funny that you feel you have been on vacation because we have
not had transcripts for several days, but what we have had is active
participation in the classroom of life.  There has been no vacation here,
inasmuch as all of you have been involved in ongoing processes of
enlightenment and increased awareness of your faith path and in the
observation of that faith path or lack thereof of others in your immediate
arena, those upon whom you most actively impact.

What will we follow up with, then, from your earlier discourses?  What would
you like to delve deeper into in terms of your own experience, in terms of
your own understanding of a reality which you perceive would be beneficial, if
only for its experiential qualities?

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