Elyon Group 6/21/98

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Mon Jun 29 08:33:21 PDT 1998

Coeur D'Alene Teaching Mission Group
Topic:Relationship, Giving and Receiving
Teachers: Machiventa, Aaron

June 21, 1998
*	Machiventa  (Sarah TR): Please excuse me this morning for
avoiding the niceties, in a chatty sort of way.  I need to speak more
on spiritual seriousness, especially with the persons present today,
as you will understand. 
	Your time is important in so far as living this life.  You have
many chores to do. As I prophesize that you will graduate long before
other lives on Urantia, a lot of time should be spent improving your
spiritual being.  If you are to go on to be teachers, you need not
spend too much time resting.  As for God's will, He will show you the
way.  To become the soul, that energy, you need to hold that close
together and to go ahead and live on.
	You do need the experiences and all that you can lay your hands
on to guide you.   Intuition is very good.  You need to use intuition
a lot more.  Try it a lot, experience it, and you will soon find that
your intuition is very right most of the time.  The big answer is
love.  You will find that you can love many of your brothers, and
this forms a cosmic connection of the circle of oneness.
	You need not worry about the trifle problems of your ordinary
daily life; God will take care of those.  Even into the economic
struggle for survival, give all your trust to God and all your love
to everyone on Urantia.  This must be done to strengthen the soul
that will live on beyond your physical.  It is very simple, and you
have the great habit of trying to make everything difficult.
	I wish to step aside now.
	Evelyn:  I have a question about what you just said, something
about prophesying that we will graduate before other lives or
something like that.  I wonder what you meant.
*	Machiventa:  Yes.  I meant that you were on a higher plane of
existence as of now, that most people will die before they get onto
this plane where you are reaching out, that you realize is there. 
Most people haven't come to this point in their lives, and they
probably never will. You understand that?
	Evelyn:  Yes, I do.
*	Aaron  (Jonathan):  Hello to you all, this is Aaron filling in
for Elyon this morning.  I am here to present a lesson for your
reflection involving relationship, giving and receiving.
	Imagine, if you will, a bucket of water on a shelf with another
bucket below on another shelf, below that another bucket, each
connected by a hose.  You know of the principle of siphoning and how
the water will flow from the higher bucket into the lower, and on
down.  This illustrates the principle of giving and receiving.  It
does this well, for it points to the fact that it is one continual
process.  It is not merely two separate actions, giving as distinct
from receiving.  Spiritually speaking, every gift you receive is one
you give virtually simultaneously.  Involving relationship, this
scenario illustrates how integrated all of us are.  In spite of our
progress toward the Father, in spite of our lack of progress to the
Father, we are each interconnected, and continually the flow of love
and truth is reaching us.
	The search for truth and for the experience of love is one that
can be undertaken deep within yourself, for here is the water of
life, the very water of life that the master spoke of.  It is forever
true that he who has seen him has seen the Father.  Since he resides
in the Father and the Father and he reside in you, there is the
beginning and end of your search.
	This divine presence is brilliant in many ways.  The search
within always entails external expression, for it is impossible to
place a containment field around this brilliance to prevent it from
being observed beyond yourself.  You have been given the primary and
utmost gift of all that could be given to a human being.  Resident
within you is His own being, God at home within yourself.  Naturally
His love and might will flow into and out of you as does the effect
of a siphon.  In some ways you may rest assured that you will
naturally reveal the Father.  Set aside concern of your ability to be
representative of Him, for it is the law of love.  It is noteworthy
of you all that you are continually inquisitive and seeking for
better methods to express the truth experiences of your life, for
this ever stimulates the mind and inspires the heart.  But you can be
certain, as well, that in spite of your striving you are revealing
that very presence.  You may enlarge your siphon tube, you may
enlarge your holding bucket, but ever and always will the fluid flow.
	I hope this has given you some things to think about, to ponder
this week.  I trust you will not find me all wet.  If you will, I
will receive your comments and questions.
	Evelyn:  I was thinking about what Machiventa was saying,
there's all this spiritual work to be done; all you have to do is ask
God, and He will tell you what needs to be done specifically.  I know
that's true, but I still ask, "What should I do?"  I spend a lot of
time on trivial things; I realize that; they take time!  I don't
really have a question, I just want to ask, what should we do?
*	Aaron:  Much of mortal life entails grappling with these
constraints of living which require your attention and focus your
ability to choose and act as you acquire the spiritual maturity to
function in larger arenas and with greater freedom.  Attention to
these temporal details may appear to be spiritually insignificant as
you aspire to higher levels of personality manifestation.  However,
they are building blocks to your higher function.  While as yet they
appear mundane, they can be infused with spiritual fragrance; they
can be actively coordinated by you into a grander objective.
	As Machiventa has said today, few attain the levels that can be
attained, and many of you graduate prior to such attainments.  It is
a challenge to maintain a perspective regarding your activities and
in light of your ascension career.  But all of you will, as I have
done, find yourselves in your post-human lives still struggling with
many issues and activities that appear to be a hindrance to your
progress.  As the ages unfold, it will grow clearer in your mind how
vital these apparently insignificant events are.
	You are a threefold being: You are spiritual; you are mindal,
and you are spiritual.  When any level is engaged, whether it is
freely of your own choosing or of necessity because of the
circumstances of life, you can initiate activity in any of the other
remaining levels.  Here is where your creativity can express itself.
	I hope this has provided some inspiration as well as comfort.
	Evelyn:  I think of future generations.  Our generation is so
different from the previous.  I assume succeeding generations will be
different from ours.  If we want to leave some useful materials in
our wake, do you have any thoughts along that line?  What would be
appropriate beyond what we are accustomed to here now?
*	Aaron:  May I point out a fundamental that is expressed by you,
that is, that your human race, since its beginning, up to now, and
including the distant future, contains quite similar longings,
desires, and reactions.  However, civilization is continually
changing and, even on this planet, is progressing steadily towards
Light and Life, necessitating the translation and redefinition of
what is meaningful, yet continually fulfill these desires and
longings.  Therefore, what you can leave in your wake is this new
translation, a fresh statement which retells the essence that has
been present all through time.  What one generation would receive,
another would likewise.  However, the terminology, the analogies, are
constantly shifting as your environment and your civilization undergo
	I encourage you to maintain a focus upon the eternal essentials
that are satisfying to the human soul while you become clever in your
ability to re-present these truths in ways that appeal to the current
and subsequent generations.  In a sense it is no different than an
egg and the many forms in which it may be prepared.  Does this help?
	Evelyn:  Yes, thank you, that's good.   
*	Aaron:  I will now take my leave and scramble on back to my
associate, Simeon.

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