Transcript: Andrea 04-01-98

Karri Hummel karrieh at
Mon Apr 13 20:29:00 PDT 1998

TRANSCRIPT OF: Teacher Andrea
Date of Transcript: April 1, 1998
Sent by: Don Roark (Jack & Gerry Baker)
Group: Bakersfield, CA
Date Rc’d: April 13, 1998

#5. Jack & Gerry Baker asked me to post the following message from
the Bakersfield TM - Don Roark (donroark at


Bakersfield, California
Wednesday, April 1, 1998 9:00 p.m.
T/R: Jack

Good evening friends. This is Andrea.

This subject that I wish to bring forth tonight is on your abilities
to absorb the words and love that is abundant to all of you. It is
there for you to partake of and to cherish those moments in your
Stillness of that love that is so abundant to all of you. This is
part of the Stillness that you create in your endeavors to talk to
your teachers and to our Father and His Son to increase your
abilities to absorb all of the truths that we bring and also all of
the love and understanding that are there for you to increase your
knowledge of knowing of the way that our Father and His Son wish for
you to know and take part in thereof.

You have crossed many bridges in the past. And each one of you has
had experiences from which you have learned many hard lessons. And
now you are at the point to where you cannot absorb all of the
things that are given to you so freely. I am speaking of the love
and devotion that our Savior and His Father have readily placed for
you to absorb. Sometimes it is impossible to absorb all that is
there because you wonder if your heart is big enough to absorb those
things that They have spoken to you, whether it be in your silent
communications with Them for orally as we are tonight. But yet you
have this devotion and determination to try and learn and remember
the words we bring of the affections that our Savior and His Father
give to everyone. This is free for you to take. But it is up to
you to guard this love that they give and not cast it aside. This
is one thing that they are keenly disappointed in, is when an
individual mortal will take this love so preciously given and cast
it aside. This not only hurts the individual mortal, but it also
hurts those that rest on high because of Their abilities to give
this love to you. It is not a mortal love as you might call it. It
is a spiritual love that is grown from your hearts and souls so that
you readily receive the words of affection that they give.

The love that we speak of is of the spiritual realm, but yet this
can be expressed in your mortal terms of speaking. When you have
your peace and quiet of communicating with us anytime of the night
or day that you have time to communicate with Them, They are there
for you to talk to because of this love that they have for you as an
individual mortal. This is love that is so great that there is no
way that you can describe it from your mortal perspective. This is
something that each individual mortal must feel for themselves, is
this love that they give to you. You can experience the ultimate in
receiving this because it is the thing you seek in your endeavors to
be of the righteous minds that They wish you to be. But it takes
effort on your part as a mortal to be at this point to where you can
readily receive and absorb the words and love that They give.

You often wonder "Am I capable of this?" and I must say that you are
capable as long as you will dwell in His house of righteousness and
longing for both He and His Father. It is given so freely that it
is available almost immediately upon your call or demand of being
able to receive this love and words. Not only of love, but of
encouragement in your endeavors to do as you wish to do. Their
guidance is there for you to take hold of and walk with them in the
path that They have given us all to walk and be a part of.

Your longings are always longings because of your mental abilities
that leave doubts in your minds that you are not capable of
absorbing what They give. But it is within your capabilities to
absorb this. And They ask that you do and be a part of the things
they wish for you to be a part of and in what you do. The longings
that They have for you as a mortal is no more than what you as a
mortal wish of them. But yet They are there, willing to help in any
way that They can to foster your abilities in your attempts to bring
brotherhood and sisterhood to this darkened planet that you now
exist in.

You, as I have mentioned before, are the pioneers of the truth and
love that they have brought to you to give to those others and know
that it is freely given without any restriction that They put on
this love that They have. They only ask that you take this feeling
of affection and guard it because it is of them that give it to you
that you are also guarding. But do not falter in your beliefs and
in your love and understanding because this will grow and grow and
the more it grows the more you will understand what the full impact
of this really is in your mortal terms. The terms that I speak of
are tremendous. It is endless because it can go from day to day,
year to year until you put your mortal bodies to rest and join us in
our world. This will be the time that your knowledge will increase
to the point that you will realize what it really meant to be able
to absorb those things that we have spoken of to you as a mortal.

But you have this eternal longing for the truths that They bring and
what we can speak of to help you absorb these truths. This truth is
given to you for your abilities to right the wrongs that have been
done. Now, we are in this Correcting Time to correct those wrongs,
and it will be up to you to help with this. This is why are Savior
has brought about this Mission of us talking to mortals, is to guide
each one in their attempts to clarify those mistakes and
misunderstandings that do exist. But this is given to you through
the love that They have for you and that trust that They have in you
as a mortal. So you see, the trust the They have in you is not one
way, it is also from you to them. Of course, as a mortal, your
faith and trust and love and devotion is far greater then you
realize. But it is because of Them that speak to you silently or
sometimes orally as we are talking tonight.

Your longings also are of your physical beings and what you must
deal with in this materialistic and animalistic world that you live
in. So it is one thing to accomplish and another to set aside these
things to be able to reach the loving and enduring care that they
have for all of you. The abilities that you long for are there for
you to partake of. And this is because of Their feelings toward you
as a mortal and the attempts that are being made in Their efforts to
bring about the brotherhood and sisterhood of all the mortals of
this planet.

As has been spoken before, your numbers are increasing, but not as
fast as we would like. Nevertheless, they are increasing. And we
measure our progress by those individuals that partake of this
method of learning and being a part of the mission, one student at a
time. This gives us encouragement in the abilities that we are
conquering those mistakes and misunderstandings that were brought
about so many years ago. The problem is that your planet still
lingers in this time of confusion and misunderstanding. Now it is
(up to) us, and you, to correct these mistakes and bring about the
truths that They offer to all of us. And again, this is Their love
that They give to each one, to give you courage and knowledge in
what must be done to correct all those mistakes that were made. And
this is a battle that you, as mortals, are readily taking part in to
correct those mistakes. But again, it is the love that you try to
express for our Father and His Son in your physical attempts to do
away with all the mistakes that were brought about so long ago. It
shows us your love and determination to be a part of these worldly
thoughts of purity that we are trying to bring to your universe.
Your universe was darkened by those long gone. But now, the light
is beginning to shine and it is because of you mortals carrying the
load that we have placed on your shoulders. And those love that is
given to you by our Father and His Son are the forces that keep you
mortals continually trying to bring forth the news of a better world
and the light that goes with it.

Your light grows brighter day after day after day. And each day
that you awake in the morning and you start your daily routines you
will have in the backs of your minds, "What can I do today that will
enhance those things that our Father and our Savior wishes?" And
this takes a lot of thought for you mortals to achieve this because
of those efforts and forces that are surrounding you and all the
other mortals of this planet. But yet you are determined to conquer
those things that are objectionable to the way that you feel is the
right way. And you do this with a soft, gentle voice to those who
do not know the way things really are in the way they believe. You
are the light that will shine for those that will come forth and
their efforts to seek the truth as each one of you have sought those
truths and the love and devotion that They bring to you in Their
efforts to help guide and teach you of these truths.

We, the teachers are the messengers of those words of encouragement
and devotion that They give for us to give you. So, with this
attempt of trying to express the love that They give for all, I wish
to convey to you that my love for you is also of this same thought.
We, that are teachers of each one, and those that are teachers other
than myself for this group, are of the same frame of mind in our
attempts to bring the words of love and encouragement and devotion
that we have for each one of the pupils that are of this unit.

With the thought that I have just expressed of acquiring more and
more of the love that is given to you is there for you, as I've
stated before, to partake of. But be very careful of how you handle
this love because it is very fragile and can be cast aside very
easily. But if I know my pupils, this will never be because of your
devotion to do and be a part of those commands that are given each
one of you to bring about and master as you walk the road of life.

So, with this thought, I leave with you your attempts to master the
love that is given to you. I, as I am your teacher, will be here at
any time that I can to help you in your endeavors to maintain the
level of your thoughts and your love for our Master and His Father.

And with this, my students, I will wish you a restful night for
tomorrow when you arise and try to develop your minds in the way
that They wish for you to do to be a part of and understand what it
is They wish for all of you. With the love that They give for you,
I will close this meeting and wish each one love you a restful,
peaceful night for the morrow and what it brings. And with this, I
will say farewell. This is Andrea.

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