Transcript: Andrea 03-18-98

Karri Hummel karrieh at
Mon Apr 13 20:26:31 PDT 1998

TRANSCRIPT OF: Teacher Andrea
Date of Transcript: March 18, 1998
Sent by: Don Roark (Jack & Gerry Baker)
Group: Bakersfield, CA
Date Rc’d: April 13, 1998

#4. Jack & Gerry Baker asked me to post the following message from
the Bakersfield TM - Don Roark (donroark at


Bakersfield, California
Wednesday, March 18, 1998 9:10 p.m.
T/R: Jack

Good evening friends: this is Andrea. You have had many thoughts
in the past of what was to be and what was not to be. Now, as you
have fought down this road of life and in your search for answers,
and in your search for answers, each one of you have come up with
the answers you were seeking, not only in the blue book, but also in
your community and with us, your teachers and the faith and trust
that you have in our Father and our Savior. Each one has fought the
battle for you to gain your confidence of your knowledge and
strength in your faith and love to be a soldier under Him that leads
the Army that fights for Him. We are all His soldiers, along with
you mortals that believe him those truths that they have brought
forth. Now He has called upon each one to help bring about the
corrections of the mistakes that were made many years ago. So now
it is you that will stand there and fight your mortal battles of
untruth and uncertainty.

You can only use the information that is given to you by us, your
teachers, and Those that rest on High. There are many ways that
this can be brought about, and each one of view as your own
particular way of receiving and doing those things. Yet you are
willing and able and you do not falter in your determination to do
what is requested of you. This is great for us to know that we are
the teachers of individuals that have this attitude of life to not
hesitate in the wants of those that bring you the messages of our
Savior and our Father.

We long to pass along these messages to you because we know that
you, as a mortal, will receive and grow with the thoughts that are
planted in your minds to direct you down this road we trod. This
road we trod is no easy road and I have mentioned this many times.
But we cannot encourage you enough not to falter in your beliefs and
faith and love that you have for Those that rest on High, but also
will walk with you step by step with our hand on your shoulder,
whispering encouraging words in your ears. And you stop and think
of those words we whispered and it gives you the motivation to go on
with what you have attempted to do in the first place because you
had more than just your own faith and trust to help along with this
project that each one has on their minds and in their efforts to do
and be those things that are directed of them.

But as the years come and go, you often question your abilities, and
I know this to be a fact, because this one (TR has doubted himself
more than words can never express. But yet he has struggled and
fought the battle that all of us have fought, and now he knows where
he wants to be and where to go. And this I say is for all of you
because each one of you, in your own particular ways, have suffered
the same dilemmas. But that is in the past. Now let's look to the
future and learn from those things that you learned were wrong and
you learned the right way from those mistakes, because as I said
before there is no better teacher than experience.

Being that tonight is our regular meeting night, there has been a
problem arise that does not particularly concern this group. But a
minor statement was made about what has been directed for the
transcripts of other people. This was just a minor statement, but
we do believe it holds water, as you say, is that the sheer amount
of transcripts that would be put out would overwhelmed your
communications. We enjoy having this done, but we recommend that
those transcriptions and that all are of a personal type not be put
out on the communications network. We were referring to the
teachers of groups and the messages that they bring to the groups at
their regular meetings when they gather together. This is what we
meant by having the transmissions so all could see and read the
messages of the teachers that are of the groups that do exist as of
this present date.

And if things work out as we wish, you will not only be reading
those of your own country, but those from across the great waters
that separate your two (American?) continents because there are
others that wish to read your transcriptions and those of other
groups of this continent. They, too, can see why it is so important
to believe and trust and love in our Father and our Master. This is
what we intended. It was not to overwhelm you with the
transmissions of personal teachers. But personal teachers may, at
times, have transmissions that would be worthy of wider
distribution. And we readily agree that these transcriptions be
shared so others will know of your attempts because their messages
too, are as important as those of us, your group teachers. But
these messages are mostly directed to an individual when it is from
a personal teacher. But Langford, in his messages many times, has
the authority to express himself in the words he has spoken. And
these kinds of messages are meant, not only for you and the group,
but for all the groups. Because you all are under the banner of our
Savior. And I hope and pray this is where you intend to stay from
this day on. Not only this day, but also in the future.

With this thought in mind, I will close for tonight, wishing each
and every one of you a restful night to rest your mortal bodies to
restore the energy that you must have for the toils that you will
have on the morrow and the days after. I say farewell until we meet
again on your regular meeting night, which is not too far in the
distance. And with this I will say farewell. This is Andrea.

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