Elyon Group 1/4/98

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Mon Jan 19 08:06:20 PST 1998

-------------- next part --------------
January 4, 1998
*       (Mark TR):  Welcome once again, my faithful students.  I am
always deeply impressed by your devotion to scheduled encounters. 
I, too, look forward to these with great anticipation and ex-
        This time of year has, indeed, been full of obstacles to
taking personal time and filled with the trappings of materialism
and time and space.  It is always good to remember at these times
that all things run in cycles and that you give to each one of
your demands as your time allows and your interest dictates. 
There are many times when your interest may dictate, but the time
may not allow.  However, I would point out that the juggling of
priorities which can be scheduled into a limited time, even when
you are in the height of busyness, are your own priorities.  One
may come to learn over the course of experience that the things
which you sometimes feel to be self-indulgent and slide to the
bottom of your priority list are also sometimes the very things
which provide you the strength and stamina to rise to the cha-
llenge of the busy, material aspects of your life.  As you go to
seek more solace and more comfort in your contact with the
Father, you will continually reprioritize your agendas to more
and more include what you learned to become an essential, as
opposed to an extracurricular, activity.  However, at this stage
in your mortal existence you are entirely and understandably
overwhelmed with the material aspects of your life which seem to
overshadow the minor spiritual aspects of your life.  
        This having been said, I still reaffirm my sense of how im-
pressed I am with you, that you are many times engaged in spiri-
tual thought, that you in many ways seek to spiritualize your
dealings with your fellows, and that whenever you deem it appro-
priate, you give yourself most wholeheartedly to your spiritual
        Perhaps we can look forward to a phase immediately upon us
which will allow for much more personal indulgence in spiritual
aspects as the other demands on your time are now waning.  I look
forward to this potential in you and offer my assistance however
it may come to be helpful to you.  We have much to traverse in
the spiritual ways, and as your time allows us to indulge
ourselves, we will come to great benefit for having done so. 
Waste no energy on any regrets that you have not up until this
time taken more advantage of the offers in front of you, as this
is counter-productive.  Rather, if you feel that energy well up
within you, decide to redirect that energy to do now what you
desire to do. 
        The Melchizedek schools are constantly in session.  You re-
main on the student roll, and the classes are structured so as to
accommodate short sabbaticals from time to time.  Should you
desire to attend school more often, you would find it there ready
and available to you.  I do not desire to overstate the
importance of your progression, but I will state that there is
much work to be done for which you have not only been selected,
but you have volunteered.  You are aware that your time in this
space is limited, and this may serve to alter your perspective
regarding your priorities.  You are well aware from the teachings
that even Michael, our master and sovereign, was fully and
completely devoted to his duties as a mortal of the realm, his
duties of family, of society.  We certainly would ask no less of
you.  There also came a time for our sovereign when he declared
that his hour had come, and his priorities thus shifted.  You
must, of course, make every effort and provision for your
material wellbeing and that of your family, but you will soon
discover that your time has been freed some, your obligations
lessened some, and your priorities shifted some so that you may
begin to say that your hours have come and find yourselves
devoting more of your time to spiritual pursuits as a matter of
choice, as a matter of joy, as the desire of your heart.  
        Again I suggest that you look back only with fondness and
contentment and that you look forward with expectation, excit-
ement, and peace.  
        There are others than myself who have volunteered to work
with you individually and as a team.  They await your bidding. 
It is your call to summon the forces that be to your assistance. 
We certainly would not circumvent your experience or your
freewill choice, but we are enablers on the sidelines who allow,
indeed, encourage the steps you choose to take.  We are the
spotters, as in gymnastics, the ones ready to safely see you
through your next endeavor, to safeguard your moves so that the
outcome is certainly assured.  
        I hope that you take my request today in the spirit in which
it was delivered to you, the spirit of love, the spirit of peace,
the spirit of seeking nothing more than the will of our Father in
heaven, and desiring to walk the path thereto.  You are indeed
right to feel that your lives are very blessed, that you have
around you all that most could ever desire in their lives.  Yet I
tell you plainly that this is but the beginning.  This is but the
first glimpse at awakening to the goodness that the Father has in
store for you.  As good as it is now, forget not that you are in
an ascent towards the better, indeed the best.  Even your lives'
interruptions are a joy; they are a gift.  They are an example of
the grace in your lives.  They are only a fore-taste of all that
is yours for the taking in your spiritual life.  I look forward
to seeing you access more that is yours. 
        I choose to be with you during your path, and the joy that
it brings me is beyond words.  I see that you are on the cusp,
the very edge, of so much to be showered upon you.  I am excited
for you; I can't wait to be there with you as you open up these
new boundaries, as you take in - as you have so faithfully - what
you discern to be the true right, the Father's will.  I entertain
no doubt that this will not happen to you, as you have proven
yourselves time and again as willing to put all that really
matters on the line when you perceive it to be the right thing. 
This is all that is required for you to gain all the benefits the
Father has in store for you.  That is how I am sure of the
outcome as well as I suspect you are sure of the outcome.  You
just are unaware of the magnitude and the glory that are yours in
the process.  We can go now or we can go later; it is only a
modest consequence.  As you wish, as you desire, so it shall be. 
You have before you my commitment, the Father's commitment, and
the commitment of so many others who labor on your behalf.  We
only desire to be engaged by you, to realize all that is destined
to be for you.  (Brief interruption while a video tape is
identified as "Barney, Live in New York")
        In conclusion, I would simply send you my love, my respect
and admiration, and I would offer you in closing remarks that as
you so desire, let the games continue.  We will play together and
work together and succeed together.  You have my love.  Your
friend, Elyon.

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