Michael Bday Transcript 3 of 3

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Sun Sep 14 07:27:07 PDT 1997

Sunday morning 
August 24, 1997

*       Elyon (Mark):  My dear, devoted friends.  It is with
pleasure that I once again come amongst you.  This is your friend
and spirit guide Elyon.  
        We observe your faith in action.  It is absolutely
unmistakable.  You gather here together in faith.  You reach for
spiritual truth in faith.  You reach out to unseen celestial
helpers in faith.  You devote this time out of your busy lives to
pursue this spiritual path.  It is indeed inspiring to all of us
to witness this faith in action, this devotion in action.  
        Be not afraid to accept the many benefits of your efforts to
exercise your faith and devotion.  Each time you exercise this
devotion and faith they grow stronger.  It is as a muscle to be
toned and developed and strengthened.  If you do not use a
particular muscle group you witness that it diminishes in effec-
tiveness and strength.  Likewise when you intentionally and with
purpose concentrate on a particular muscle, it is quite easily
strengthened.  You are now engaged in the rigorous task of toning
and strengthening your faith muscles, your devotion muscles.  You
also seek to enhance your wisdom muscle.  All of these are
developed through their use.  
        It is entirely appropriate to exercise a given muscle for a
period of time and then to properly institute rest and recovery. 
One cannot simply exercise a muscle without pausing from time to
time to recover and to regain strength.  Your spiritual growth is
a series of toning, using, experiencing; then resting, assimilat-
ing, internalizing.  After one sits and rests for a time, one
becomes bored with the rest and desires the activity once again. 
This is the lure of spiritual progression before you, the steps
of exercise, rest, and gaining strength from the entire process. 

        You all are as beautiful beacons in the darkness.  We
visualize you, we see you as such.  You are to us potential
unfolding, the petals of a rose ever giving way, exposing them-
selves to the light.  Once you have exposed your luminosity it
does not leave you, it does not retreat, just as the petals of a
rose do not reform into a bud.  It is a natural progression that
unfolds into more unfoldment, more luminosity.  Your light once
released illuminates, not only your immediate presence and path,
it also provides those around you with luminosity as well.  It
enables them to see some of you and the path that you are
following.  Let your lights shine fully and brightly, albeit
there will be times when you desire to rest. 
        Realize that the light which you shine can be, not only of
yourself, but can be a channel for the Father's light as well. 
Your light will never fail on account of weak energy sources or
dead batteries, as the more you shine your light, the more energy
you receive.  It may be a human tendency to desire from time to
time to turn your light off, to save your energy.  It is for you
to discover that your energy is only enhanced, increased, by thus
shining your light.  It does not infringe upon your personal
energy stores to be a beacon of the Father's light.  Indeed, the
exact opposite is true; you are empowered by the giving away of
this love, of this light.  Love grows as it is given away; your
capacity grows as you give it away.  Others' ability to perceive
grows as you give it away.  Indeed, you end up with far more than
you started with, all the while giving it away.  
        I thank you, we all thank you for your efforts at coming
together, at taking this time out of your lives to reach for the
spiritual, to reach for the progressive.  There will be a time in
your futures when this will be, this ideal situation in this
world, this will be the common course of activity on a
progressive sphere, where the main task would be your spiritual
progression.  Not as now where you have to somehow chisel time
out of your normal, mundane life to attempt spiritual growth.  We
marvel that you do this under these conditions.  We are sure you
will be quite successful now and in the future as you take these
opportunities to grow spiritually.  
        Remember the feeling of brotherly love experienced over this
weekend of Michael's birthday, remember this feeling as you go
about your daily lives and perhaps reflect back upon this
unconditional feeling of love.  Send each other positive energy;
think of each other often.  You are each other's support group. 
You are who each other has to share your spiritual growth with. 
There is a special bond between individuals who were present at
any time of a significant occurrence.  This is true now between
all of you as well as between you and me, and you and the other
teachers.  We shared this moment, this growth together.  We can
look back and recall this together.
        My remarks have concluded.  On a personal note I would send
each of you my very fondest regards as well as my sincere
petition to the Father for the spiritual growth of each of you as
well as my commitment to be of assistance in this regard whenever
it may be helpful.  I desire that we share many more of these
growthful experiences together, as they are exhilarating for me
as well.  My love is with you all.  Thank you once again.  
*       unidentified  (Frosty):  Faith is much like a tree.  It
starts out a small sapling and grows into a large, strong tree. 
At times it appears that all the leaves fall off the tree, that
your faith has been lost.  However, the tree is still strong, the
trunk sturdy, and the roots deep in the ground.  The leaves will
come back and flourish with a green hue, and it will bear fruit. 
        As you go to each new level faith will come.  The more you
grow into new levels sometimes it will be lonely, and all you
have is faith to go on into what seems like darkness.  Your tree
seems to loose its lustre for awhile only to renew itself with
the watering of confidence that you gain as you go deeper into
your new level of growth, seeing the potential of new levels to
go to.  
        Faith is very important, and you are doing this work.  If
you lose your faith in yourself you can easily fall back to the
old levels.  Faith remains strong for those who are not afraid to
go forth into the darkness a little bit farther, a little bit
deeper, at a consistent pace, unwavering from the path which
becomes brightly lit.  Through the loss of faith it can seem
quite dark at times.  Faith can be the light which takes you on
your paths.
        It requires as much faith in yourself as it does in the
Father to guide you; the Father to guide you and yourself to
follow.  Feel confident that the faith in each of you has a
strong foundation.  If you feel you are losing faith, go back
into the roots to nurture and fertilize to allow your tree to
grow new leaves.  Renewal always takes place in nature; it is the
same in you, constant renewal.  As things start to get stagnant,
remember the renewal process.  Allow yourself to go down the path
a little farther, even though it may seem very dark and scary. 
It is just the opposite, taking you into realms of light.  
        Thank you.
*       Nebadonia  (Ginny):  Good morning.  I greet you with love.  
        You have spoken of parenting that is not necessarily always
in a loving manner.  I offer you this morning, as your loving
Mother, love that is never failing, love that is complete, love
that is always accessible.  We are here always to offer you this
unconditionally.  Michael and I are always available to you as
the complete realization of your highest ideals of parenting.  We
offer you complete accessibility to our assistance.   
        It is, as you all know, a wonderful experience to hear from
your children.  We, too, appreciate your contact with us, letting
us know how you are doing.  So continue to contact us, as we will
continue to offer unconditionally and completely the love that
you so desire.  I send you my love, my children.  Give it to your
*       Michael (Mark):  My dear little ones.  It is I.  You know
who I am.  You recognize my presence.  I desire to come among you
more fully today, as I am in appreciation of those of you who
observe the day in which I came to your world this long time ago. 
You are familiar  with the saying, "wherever two or more are
gathered in my name there am I."  This is forever true.  I desire
to make my presence more known to my children.  I am your
creator.  I invite you, each one, to be co-creator with me.  You
were created with freewill choice to form your own reality.  You
are indeed creators of your world, and in partnership together we
can create truth, beauty, and goodness.  
        I am your father.  I implore you to come to me as a child
comes to its father to seek my counsel, and I will share with you
the way, the truth, and the light.   I am your brother, and I
desire to share with you your common, everyday existence as a
brother would share your growthful experiences with you.  
        I am all of these things to you, and I desire that you be
aware of these relationships we share.  Come to me as a friend,
as a brother.  Come to me for counsel as a father.  Help me
create truth, beauty, and goodness for the glorification of our
Father.  I will never fail to be there for you, to assist you in
your endeavors, to hear your petitions.  You will never fail to 
show growth in your spiritual progression.  
        I have recently altered the mandate given to those many who
I send to be of assistance to you to include my desire to more
directly involve myself in your development.  There are many
volunteers who desire to be of assistance.  They are my good and
faithful servants.  I have complete trust in their abilities, but
I desire the experience of your experience.  I am still growing
myself, still learning, still experiencing.  You, each one, can
help me to experience every facet, every aspect of my creation. 
I need you for this, and you in turn need my counsel to be shown
the way.  Let us both be aware of this relationship.  Let us both
more frequently access these potentials, I with you and you with
        I leave you now, but my presence remains with you throughout
your days.  I am available to you, each one of my creatures.  As
you so desire in your heart, I will be there.  Trust in me,
extend your faith to encompass my words, and we will both see the
rewards.  My peace I leave with you today.

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