Elyon 6/1/97

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at Prodigy.net
Mon Jun 2 19:13:20 PDT 1997

June 1, 1997
*       Evanson (Jonathan TR):  I am Evanson.  I would begin our
contact today by speaking on behalf of all personal teachers who
are present with you today to ask you to apply knowledge you al-
ready have, that you apply so well towards others, toward
yourself.  This is stated in the form of: treat yourself as the
master would treat you.  When you are attempting to discern what
is best for your wellbeing, it is good to mirror this
perspective.  The golden rule is as applicable to yourself as it
is to others by making the effort to perceive from the frame of
reference of the master.  If, in such dilemmas you face, you are
not certain as to how the master would treat you, you can observe
his treatment of his apostles, his closest associates.  Know that
you are as close to him as were the apostles.  When you are
tempted to call down thunder and lightning upon yourself, you
know how the master dealt with the Zebedees.  You know how he
understood Judas.  By so doing you can be assured of assistance
in your personal growth.  You will have the benefit of an objec-
tive reflection within your subjective quandary.  We who are
assigned to you individually are always keenly interested in
these personal struggles, your individual issues.  As we know so
well how you rate yourselves in your success in overcoming your
difficulties, we feel it is important to encourage you to let
yourself be treated as the master would so treat you. 
        I am done.  Thank you.  
*       Elyon (Mark):  Greetings.  This is your friend among you,
Elyon.  The request from Evanson and the others would be well
taken to heart by each of you.  Your own personal doubts and con-
cerns as to your abilities may represent some of your greatest
obstacles at this point.  As you are familiar with the saying,
"If you simply believe, you can",  this is a significant aspect
to embrace in your path forward.  The acceptance of your relative
position coupled with your willingness to grow in positive
directions will provide you with the direction to take in this
        I would ask of you all to take my hand, as it were, and step
with me upon the next rung of your ascension wherein your
awareness increases to include your awareness of your position in
the co-creative aspects of your destiny.  The awareness of this
co-creativity changes the very nature of this process.  By
accepting this relationship and desiring to pursue this avenue,
you are far more effective in the tasks you undertake.  Stop and
realize for a moment, as you become engaged with the
circumstances surrounding you, that each moment contains the
potential to be eternal in the sense that wisdom or beauty or
love is contacted.  These qualities go far beyond the moment and
indeed can be cultivated and nurtured to last an eternity. 
Attempt to view each circumstance of environment you find
yourself in as an opportunity to open an eternal door, to expose
another or perhaps yourself to an eternal aspect of the Father
and of the oneness of which we are all a part.  While this indeed
may be a serious matter, to be most effective it should also be a
lighthearted and joyous affair.  The difference in effectiveness
will largely depend on your ability to trust yourselves and
believe in yourselves, in the direction you perceive to be the
right one, and your ability to be aware of your position in the
unfolding of this wisdom or beauty or truth or goodness or love. 
It can be such a small, simple pearl when exposed that can have
such a long-reaching meaningful effect to those around you and
yourself, if that pearl when exposed is done so in awareness and
with sincere intentions.  One could easily overlook such a small
pearl of beauty when one does not think themselves worthy of
finding such a pearl or one is unaware that such a pearl exists. 
You have become aware of these pearls in your existence, and you
are in control of your response to yourself as to your worthiness
and ability to expose this pearl to others.  I encourage you in
the future to develop these aspects of your nature, to accept
that you are in every way qualified and able and, indeed, willing
to discover these pearls, to uncover them, to expose them to not
only yourself but to those around you.   When this occurs realize
that you are in awareness of this, that you are taking an active
role, a responsive role, in the exposing of these far-reaching
truths.  Realize your position within the scheme of this
        You have, each one, earned through your diligent efforts the
position you occupy at this time.  It is now to become aware of
what your position is and how it interacts with those above you
and those below you.  Your stillness and your searching will pro-
vide you with the answers you desire as to the details of this
unfolding, but you are aware that the process is unfolding, that
you are part of the process, and these are key aspects to the
functioning of this process.  
        My remarks are fairly complete.  If you desire to discourse
on any subject, I will gladly entertain this. 
        Jonathan:  This topic of how being aware effects the outcome
causes me to reflect on rewiring our house, which I have been
working on.  I know what I want to accomplish, but I was unaware
of what the existing situation was.  Once aware of that, I was
much more clear on how to accomplish my goal.  
*       Elyon:  Much of your ascension is involved in awareness of
one aspect or another, be it the position you are, the position
you desire to be, the position you were.  These are all fun-
damental basics to be internalized before your progression can
come full circle.  It is most helpful to realize where you have
been and where you are so you can formulate a plan and procedure
for moving forward in any of your endeavors.  
        Evelyn:  I appreciate your saying to be more conscious of
our, well, duty, of how important it is to become aware of our
sharing truth, which can be a daunting prospect.  Yet the more we
are aware of that, the more you and Michael and others can help
us.  It makes the project more challenging than daunting.
*       Elyon:  I would interject that, as uncomfortable as the word
"duty" may present itself at times, it is helpful to embrace the
fact that, as a son or daughter of God at any position we occupy,
we do in fact have obligations, in a sense duties, to our
position.  We have obligations we must incur in order to complete
certain cycles, in order to fulfill certain requirements to gain
our merit badges, if you will, so that in time we may graduate
from one level to the next.  It is required of us that we put
forth effort in some regard.  That is not to say that there are
detailed mandates as to what you must do.  Much of these
requirements are tailored to the individual ability and desire. 
Nevertheless, no one climbs the ladder of ascension without
effort and without duties of a sort.  Is this acceptable? 
        Evelyn:  Oh, of course!  Citizenship responsibilities.
*       Elyon:  Precisely. 
        Mary:  When we meet our duties it's hard to acknowledge our
own talents.  In treating ourselves more lovingly and presenting
truths we know and acknowledging that is what we are doing, it's
hard to balance that with avoiding arrogance and the appearance
of building the ego.
*       Elyon:  I would like to take this opportunity to enlarge the
scope of awareness.  When you are engaged in pursuits I would ask
that you stop for a moment and observe the many workings of your
mind, particularly when you are to the limits of your comfort
zone, when you are approaching an avenue that is unfamiliar,
uncertain to you at all.  I would ask you at that time to stop
and become more aware of your emotional response to that situa-
tion.  If one stops at that crossroads when that opportunity
arises when you are considering putting your person on the line,
extending yourself beyond the comfort zone, you will notice that
many emotions spring to the forefront, the emotions of doubt, of
uncertainty, and chiefly and most importantly fear, of which
doubt and uncertainty are subservient; they are a subcategory of
this fear.  I would challenge each one of you to become aware
when this fear emotion rises to the surface and presents itself. 
It has the ability to change your course of action based upon the
intensity of this fear.  This fear gives rise to doubt that you
should or should not be engaged in a particular activity.  It
gives rise to uncertainty: the outcome of this activity is
uncertain; your particular part in this activity may be
uncertain; even the activity itself may come into question. 
These are all triggered by your fear response.  If in the
beginning you can recognize and become aware of this natural,
human fear response, then immediately you are in a position to
more easily grapple with this fear response and more determinedly
set it aside, remove it as an obstacle for you to proceed.  If
left unattended or, worse, encouraged this initial fear response
will dominate.  You will become intimidated; you will not become
involved in an activity that otherwise would be of great
spiritual value and benefit to you.  
        So, I would encourage each one of you, when considering what
role you should play in any given activity, to recognize that one
of the first initial responses you are likely to encounter is the
fear response.  Consciously and with awareness see your response
for what it is and remove it as an obstacle to your progression,
simply set it aside, disconnect it from your process.  At this
time it may be helpful for you to ask for assistance from
Michael, from the Father, from your personal teachers, from your
Indweller.  This is, indeed, a struggle, a challenge.  You need
to grapple and deal with your response.  But realize that it is a
simple emotional, physiological response which is triggered at
the crossroads of any unknown or new opportunity that is
presented to you.  It is not your higher self or your Adjuster
speaking to you.  It is not contact with any higher beings.  It
is simply an automatic response.  
        You have engaged in exercises of isolating and determining
various aspects of your mind.  I encourage you to now seek and
become aware of this fear aspect and how it may become a stum-
bling block for you or may prevent you from going in a given
direction which is your greatest spiritual good.  
        Has this been stated clearly?
        Evelyn:  So, in Mary's example it might be fear of rejection
by your fellows for seeming arrogant?
*       Elyon:  Indeed, it may take many faces all of which are
under the fear umbrella.  But fear is the overwhelming innate
response which gives rise to doubt, uncertainty, jealousy,
hatred, and many other unpleasant characteristics.  
        Mary:  The complications of fear pan wide across a spectrum. 
You can be afraid of failing, succeeding, of being rejected for
being good or for being bad.  When I look at fear I see how wide-
ranging and pervasive an element it is.  I've recently tried, in
terms of fear of ego, to offer any talent I may have to
glorifying God or Michael.  Any talent we have is a gift. 
*       Elyon:  Your points are well taken, the fact that the main
facets of fear are numerous and also your mention of intent and
sincerity; these are two aspects to increase your awareness of
the scope of fear.  
        I would now ask you all what is your greatest tool in your
tool box to negotiate fear?
        Tom:  Love, the desire to do good to others.  
        Mary:  The desire to do good to yourself, too.
        Evelyn:  The Swiss army knife of faith.  
*       Elyon:  Faith is perhaps your greatest lever to dislodge the
obstacle of fear which comes in your path from time to time. 
Love is also a key aspect, but in this scenario love may be
broader and more all-encompassing than the particular aspect of
faith for dealing with fear itself.  Fear challenges you to be
strong, to have certain strength of character.  Strength of
character often comes from deep rooted faith, faith in yourself,
faith in the process, faith in the Father, faith in the entire
plan.  If one truly has deep taproots into this faith then when
the winds of fear blow and threaten to knock you down or knock
you off course, the taproot of faith will keep you strong and
held fast to your position.  So remember when fear presents
itself that, if you retreat to your domain of security, your
faith, the storehouse that you have within you of faith, you will
hold strong no matter how strong the winds of doubt and fear
        Jonathan:  The tool I use is from the attempt to not be
afraid of fear, to turn away fear, avoid it, so I take out the
tool of alarm.  Fear triggers the alarm of, "wait a minute; we
need to deal with this."  Then faith and love can rally to the
cause of the recognized fear.  I see it as a signal. 
*       Elyon:  Excellent if you now expand that alarm scenario to
include the fact that a fire alarm serves the purpose to make the
firefighters aware that there is a fire.  The alarm is simply a
means to the awareness.  The awareness is the goal of the alarm. 
You have correctly spoken that awareness is another significant
tool to the disarming of the force of fear.  
        Mary:  My problem with fear is not recognizing it.  So I
think my tool would be focus, to stay conscious of what is going
on so I can head to the tool box knowing what I have to work on. 

*       Elyon:  The focus, the magnifying glass in your tool box is
but another means to enhance your total awareness of the
situation.  One may use the magnifying glass or the retrospecto-
scope (laughter) but the intent is to increase the overall
awareness of your relation to the feeling.  
        Ginny:  I'm dealing with the habit of fear rather than a
particular moment.  I try to do it anyhow, to test it if it is a
reality or just a habit that keeps cropping up.  Or, like in this
conference, try a little bit of something.  It doesn't have to be
a big project.   
*       Elyon:  Every opportunity which you indulge yourself in to
spread your wings a little bit more, to increase your scope of
understanding, helps to propel you forward to the knowledge that
fear only contains the reality which you bestow upon it.  Fear
itself is not a reality.  The emotion of fear is a force which
may drive you to have certain effects, but it, itself, is not a
quantitative reality.  You choose at what point you give reality
to fear.  It may dictate to you what you do, but you choose to
accept those dictates.  You choose, in a sense, to follow your
        My encouragement to you would be to step in front of the
train, to not take the leadings and directions of the fear but
choose another.  Choose to not lend reality to the fear.  Yes,
every time you prove to yourself that it is merely non-reality
you increase your awareness of the aspects of fear.  You can
prove it to yourself by seeing that it doesn't come to pass as
reality, and you can prove it to yourself by never letting it
come to pass from the start, not accepting it as your way from
the very beginning.  Either way you will come to find out that it
is a rather benign force, one that simply has to be identified
and dealt with accordingly.                        Ginny:  We were talking about that
since Lucifer is dead will some of the rampant fear dissipate? 
But I thought that there we go blaming Lucifer for fear, too.  
        Mary:  Fear is part of our animal origin.
*       Elyon:  As you just said, much of what we think is involved
in old patterns is habitual ways of thinking that need to be
reexamined, reevaluated, and need to be altered so that we no
longer just function as we have in the past.  There are
constantly new and better ways to be challenged and to grow.  We
need not fall continually into this same approach to a given
situation that we have always taken.  We should never be afraid
to try something new, to break an old existing mold, especially
if the old mold contains with it the unpleasantry of fear and
doubt and uncertainty.  If you sense these characteristics in an
old pattern, that is the time to search for a new pattern, one
that does not contain so many of these unpleasant characteristics
that we have discussed today.  
        Jonathan:  I'm reminded of a "Church Within" service that
talked about animal origins.  If you take a bird, it may retreat
in fear when something approaches but then return when the danger
has passed.  Yet we humans inflate fear beyond the initial res-
ponse and avoid things altogether, real danger or not.  
*       Elyon:  I would also offer the comparison that an animal is
never and can never be assured of survival.  They operate with
fear as a survival mechanism from day to day, hour to hour.  You
as a human have the ability to gain the wisdom and the
realization and the awareness that you do have survival
potential.  You in fact will survive.  Many of the fear responses
are simply obstacles remaining from an animalistic past or an
unpleasant previous experience.  You also contain the ability to
form the wisdom to remove these obstacles, unlike the animal
kingdom.  Therefore one should exercise these capacities that our
animal brothers do not have.  
        Jonathan:  Just as we have the ability to over-inflate fear
we also have the ability to dispel it entirely.
*       Elyon:  Precisely.  We alone in the animal kingdom enjoy
        Tom:  When fear cropped up recently I remembered from a
transmission to petition the guides and Michael and the Father as
to what should I think, what should I do, and how can I perceive
this differently.  It actually seems to work.  It supports my
faith in this process.  
*       Elyon:  Precisely, my friend.  No more could be asked of a
developing human than to do as you say, return for guidance, for
acceptance, as you have been doing so well.  
        Ginny:  I have a stillness question.  Because of my cold, I
haven't felt like it; the more I sat the worse I felt.  What
happens when the body isn't functioning full tilt?  Is there no
difference in how you teach us; it's just that we don't feel it?
*       Elyon:  There are a great many physical distractions that
occur, any one of which can become, to the mortal physiology,
overwhelming.  Again I would return to the idea of being kind to
yourselves, being generous, forgiving with yourselves.  You may
experience negative vicissitudes of life from time to time.  This
is no particular strike against you or detraction from your
overall ascension.  It is merely a physical fact that you become
overwhelmed or distracted by the physical state.  This is
normally a temporary condition and must simply be endured.
        Ginny:  There's no difference in your ability to connect
with me?  Does it interfere with our reception, or is it that we
just feel lousy?
*       Elyon:  On the whole it is safe to say that the problem is
usually not on our end.  (laughter)  Much has to do with your
individual receptivity at any given time, very much.  Therefore,
we keep trying, and you keep trying, and when conditions on this
extremely delicate procedure are just right then it happens.  We
never volitionally choose to give up on anyone or turn aside from
anyone; this is not consistent with our objectives or our
mandate.  We do realize that from time to time conditions for
favorable contact simply do not exist.  
        Group:  Thank you, and Evanson.

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