[tmtranscripts] Machiventa 5/5/21 - Zoom Spiritual Contact Group

bdevinebob at gmail.com bdevinebob at gmail.com
Thu May 6 23:34:53 PDT 2021

(Zoom Spiritual Contact Group meets every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific
time. Go to www.all4light.org/meetings for info and link to attend.)


* Hello friends and seekers of wisdom and truth, I am Machiventa
Melchizedek, here to share with you this evening regarding the thoughts and
questions you may have. This current period of time, with its various
challenges, is a pivotal time for your world, for you are in the midst of
transition from the patterns and processes of a former era toward new
simmering hopes and dreams for the era to come. Naturally there is a
clashing as the struggle between maintaining and changing is at hand.

At this time, our efforts are focused on encouraging ideas and pursuits
that seek or envision broader views on the division of wealth and look
toward a more egalitarian emphasis, while at the same time not sacrificing
honest effort and ingenuity, individual achievement, and the exploration of
one’s personal relationship to both the community and their relationship to
their perceptions of a higher power. As you look at the world you might
recognize our influence in trying to achieve more social equality of
opportunity, but this is no easy fix, for mindsets are being challenged and
forcing some potential repercussions in various arenas, politically,
socially, and environmentally.

For you, the great challenge to modern man has not changed, for it is your
mission, if you choose to accept it, to achieve better communication
within, with the spirit of God resident in your mind. As you work to
understand the ministrations of God, these efforts will help to broaden
your views on how you can be of service to those around you, how you can
apply yourself for your own personal and spiritual growth, and perhaps
afford you a glimpse of eternity to motivate you toward those heights to

Those are my initial comments this evening. I am open to inquiries if you
have any.

Q1: So as to assist our understanding, would it not be of assistance for us
to hear your take or understanding of our efforts? As we look at humanity
as a whole or as a community, what do our mutual ministrations look like
from your perspective?

* Machiventa: Are you suggesting how we view your spiritual
efforts individually and collectively as they are made manifest?

Q1: Mostly I think collectively, as we look at society. How might we see
the general overall efforts of those around us contributing?

* Machiventa: Let me respond to this in a couple different ways,
my friend. Thank you for your question. In just this past year’s time
frame, there have been multiple unfortunate occurrences, both accidental
and purposeful tragedies that have produced a rallying of people throughout
your world to protest injustice, to lend their friends some empathy, and to
stand up and speak for change. While I avoid the politics of these
situations and any thoughts toward blame, what we witnessed was like
millions of points of light connecting, opening and creating circuits - the
circuits of a desire for justice, for change, for forgiveness and
compassion, and these are real connections among vast numbers of people who
resonate to those desires.

Now to apply this to spiritual pursuits and the desire to connect with the
highest source of all things, as groups and individuals seek to connect, a
similar circuitry is applied, bringing about potentials for broader
connection, as, for example, you here tonight connecting in the quiet, with
God, with each other. Then imagine as you leave from here and go on about
your business, as you apply those realizations toward others you both know
and don’t know, it allows an opportunity to extend the circuitry beyond
just the connections you made here to those you each interact with, and if
inspired by your grace, your love, your service, those connections will
extend from them to those they choose to provide service or connection
with, as well.

There is no guarantee that the circuitry stays complete or continues for
everyone, but every time there are efforts to reach within or upward for
higher spirituality, the opportunity exists to amplify and grow and this
provides a seeding of society, whether it be in small communities, handfuls
of people such as yourselves, or the city you live in, or the country you
live in. If you can envision this as a series of interconnected lights,
almost like a picture of our world lit up from space, except more vibrant
with less dark spots, I hope this provides you with some sense of what we
see when personalities are reaching for higher reality.

Q2: Machiventa, you said seeding. I think the circuit is made of love,
intelligence, goodwill, wellbeing-ness, positive forward momentum - the
Father’s will on earth as it is in heaven to be done. Sometimes when I’m
praying I just take a bunch of seeds in my mind that are like oval rainbows
and scatter them out. How can we help assist with that, to spread that to
strangers, as you have referred to spiritual pressure being applied? How
can we expand it and make it real?

* Machiventa: The other word I would add to your list of
expressions of values, is intention. Your intention matters. Intention is
a powerful force when applied toward actually doing something. As
creatures throughout the universes, not merely on Urantia, it is literally
true that the acts are ours, and the consequences God’s.

Sometimes we see your efforts being a little bit like “one step forward,
two steps back,” and sometimes two steps forward and two steps back, and
occasionally three steps forward and maybe one step back. What I mean by
this, of course, is that because you have such a legacy of doubt, of shame,
of feeling not worthy, isolated, in environments of hatred, turbulence, and
ridicule at times, it is very difficult to maintain your spirituality as a
consistent applied pressure forward. As humans, at varying degrees, you
make efforts as you are inspired, and then often recoil, doubt yourself,
question whether you should have done this or done that, and then maybe
you’ll take another step and follow some other inspiration, for which you
repeat the pattern to some degree, of stepping back and making sure it was
okay before moving forward again.

Q2: Timid. So that’s the Lucifer legacy thing where the important part
inside of us we would have known or felt more trust and more connection and
more spiritual guidance got retarded or twisted or broken somehow. A lot
of change to bring to the planet.

* Machiventa: Indeed, it is, but you are nonetheless inspiring to
us, for you are making efforts. You have found ways to express your
spirituality so hopefully someone else can be inspired, and then someone
else can be inspired by that, and so forth. You would have it quite a bit
differently on a normal world, for you would likely not have a realization
of emptiness, of going it alone, or feeling alone. There would be support
on multiple levels. The family unit would generally be more connected to
the extended family, to the community, and the community would be connected
to nearby communities and all would be connected to the Planetary
administration who serves all. So yes, it would be quite different.

You must know that the level of mercy and care being applied to Urantia at
this time is immense. People you might think are lost and worthless based
on their actions may rise again from their humanness to a spiritual destiny
because of the difficult environment they come from. So we would like you
to focus less on judgment of others and yourselves, and more on, "what can
I do today to be connected to God," to act within that connection to do
whatever you are inspired to do, and to reach out when you see someone
hurting or lashing out, if it is possible, to provide some sort of
connection so that they feel they can be connected as well.

Q3: Melchizedek, do you have any further illuminations about our cravings
for connectedness we might draw from for inspiration? I wonder if we can’t
stay on the subject for a while.

* Machiventa: I understand. Feeling connected feels good. It
makes you feel like you are part of the plan. Everyone wants to feel like
they are part of the plan, and indeed it is true, everyone is part of the
plan, if they choose to be, regardless of what they’ve done before. No
matter who they are, their station in life, all have the opportunity to be
a part of the movement toward dawning spiritual realization and support and
seeking connection.

Giving others a feeling that they are cared about, even if in a small
instant, or by allowing them to go before you, can provide an insight that
can bring a feeling of connectedness as you pass by. Regardless of all the
projects and plans that you come up with, which all have varying levels of
value which we find to be immensely satisfying to witness, it is imperative
that if you only take a few things out of your recognition of the fifth
epochal revelation, that emulating Jesus as he passed by would be one of
them. To be genuine, loving, interested in, and curious about those you
meet, and to be of service when it is called for, this will not only bring
a sense of connection to those you touch, but as you each know and have
experienced in your life, it brings as much of a feeling of connection to
those who serve as those who are served.

Q3: Thank you for your abundant response.

Q4: Speaking about the reserve corps of destiny, which I hope we are a part
of, is anything being done in the way of assisting and helping the survival
of mortals? …because we’re losing a lot of people lately. The reserve
corps will continue on, but is anything being done to assist us mortals who
need that assistance at this time on our planet?

* Machiventa: Thank you for your inquiry, my friend. Yes, indeed,
the efforts are broad in various areas. Regarding the reserve corps, while
it might be folly to overly contemplate one’s own role in that regard, it
never hurts to live as though you are one, and sometimes those who do this
become one anyway. So far be it for me to discourage you from living as a

Q4: I think anyone who wants to be can be. I remember speaking to a lady
named (withheld) and asking this question and she said, “We’re all
reservists. All you have to do is ask.” But for sure all readers of the
Urantia book who are dedicated to the teachings of the Urantia book I would
say are reservists.

* Machiventa: I would say it is not quite that simple, but I would
also say there are different levels of mobilization of personalities on our
world. It is true that those who have an awareness on the level you speak
are part of a corps of people who can implement that awareness in a
different way than those who do not, and yet, the specific reserve corps
might be a little more complex in membership. But again, without telling
you one way or the other, you can live within the realm of what you can do
each day to make a difference and to be open to spiritual insight that can
help you to see other ways you might be of service.

Q4: At the time of the publishing of the book there were less than a score
who knew they were and that was many years ago. I was wondering how that
was developing now.

* Machiventa: The numbers are far greater at this time than at the
time of the implementation of the fifth epochal revelation, and yet, there
is room for improvement to put it in a simplistic way.

Q4: Thank you.

* Machiventa: As to your reference to the people who are hurting
and dying on your world at this time, recognize that progress is
manifold. Simply
put, as your scientists seek answers to problems, the opportunity for
spiritual insight to aid their efforts has happened. As people have cried
out for justice, spiritual forces resident here on our world have answered
the call. While we cannot simply circumvent free will choice and fix
everything without human involvement, please know that there is much
happening to help in all of these areas to respond to any who are seeking
truth, whether from a spiritual perspective, a scientific perspective, a
philosophic perspective, or otherwise.

Q5: The Urantia book tells us that diseases have been hard on us because we
don’t have enough of the Adamic plasma. India and Brazil are hurting. I
don’t know what can be done in a physical way to help the mortals of the
planet. We know that we all graduate and go to the mansion worlds, but
these are trying times right now. It isn’t Armageddon like some have
suggested, but what else could be done to help as so many are dying now on
the planet?

* Machiventa: It is true. These are challenges you face. While
we are not commissioned to intervene to directly fix material problems, no
doubt you must realize there are agencies working here to aid on all
levels. The numbers of people dying do concern us, and yet we are most
concerned with the spiritual life and eternal potential, even while there
are efforts to aid and provide solace. Some of the breakthroughs in
science, to help alleviate the effects of various diseases, certainly have
had a spiritual component at times. So just know that you are not alone in
this. Even an atheist scientist who seeks the truth can be inspired,
whether they know it or not.

My friends, it is time to withdraw. I appreciate the opportunity to
communicate with you and look forward to engaging at another time. Continue
to spend time in quiet contemplation, seeking better connection with your
Indwelling Spirit, looking for those opportunities to serve, and remember
to take the small opportunities as well as the big opportunities to touch
another, even if it is with merely a smile as you pass by. Good evening.
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