[tmtranscripts] NET PMG #10

James Travis upwardinward at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 08:17:52 PDT 2021

*2021-07-26, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #10, Machiventa*

Planetary Manager’s Group #10 – (Find this and previous PMG’s at:

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


*Change—victims or captains*

*Hardheaded and stubborn*

*Social adaptation*

*A holy place*

*Lessons from history*

*Time to look forward*

*The way of moving ahead is through faith*

*Extra-terrestrial visitors*

*Financial troubles*

*Fallout from the Lucifer rebellion*

*A feminine avatar*

*Expediting consciousness development*

*Be in the Light*

*You are the Light*

*Machiventa’s authority to act*

*Machiventa’s top priority*

*Protecting the world’s democracies*

*Human motivation—material to spiritual*

*The seven values and future generations*

*Let me repeat myself*

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


*Change—victims or captains *

*Machiventa: *Good morning. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. It's a pleasure
to be with you, and thank you for being here with us. You are now the
personal witness to a major weather cataclysm that is occurring around the
whole world. This was anticipated, as we have said, and it is giving much
thought to everyone around the world about their personal situation and so
on. This is an important time in the age and existence of your
civilization. If you look at the grand scale of change around the world,
you will notice immediately (or should notice immediately) that you are the
victims, we could say, of change—social change, political change, economic
change, and so on. You have not taken change into consideration as an
intentional development of conscious thought and decision making. We have
taught you about the seven values of your species and also the guidelines
for making those decisions so that they are ethical and moral. We have said
that you are morally responsible to make moral decisions—ethical decisions.
This continues, and there will be no cessation of *that*. Now you have
these seven values that are true to your species, are as ageless as your
species, and are as universal as all people are to your species. These
values are permanent to each of you, and you know that these values are now
reliable as they have sustained your species’ survival for over 200,000
years or roughly 8000 generations.

Now consider the real possibility that you can create social change that is
progressive, constructive, and helpful so that you become the captains of
your destiny—of your personal lives, your family, your communities, states,
nations, cities, and your world organization—simply by using these
tried-and-true values as the basis for your decisions. Rather than being
the victims of change, you would become the *captains *of change. You and
others could direct the course of your cultures for the betterment of
everyone. Think about that. Of course, in doing so you would make decisions
for the benefit of *everyone*. You would no longer be in competition. You
would no longer be in positions of power and control because you would want
to take other people's decisions and the welfare of their lives into
consideration. To create a sustainable future for your nations, societies,
and communities, you must give something up—your selfishness, your
self-centeredness, your acquisitiveness—and become humbly generous with
other people's concerns in your decisions.

*Hardheaded and stubborn*

Now these cataclysms are going to continue, and they are going to become
worse and more powerful. Just set that aside for a moment. We have spoken
to you before about the hardheadedness and stubbornness of your species.
You want it your way, and you will not change your minds and your will
until you are broken—when your spirit is broken. This is very similar to
the harsh method of making a horse or a dog obey your will. There are much
gentler ways of doing that, and with this metaphor we are saying this to
you: you can come along easily, and you can change your will and your
decisions, or you can stay the course, be stubborn, and your will, your
opinions, and your personal authority and control will be broken.

This is not a message you're used to hearing. This is a new rendition, a
new iteration of an old message we have given you many, many times. And so
that is the reality—you can begin using these values, this ethic and
morality for the betterment of yourself and for others, or you can go it
alone—with other hardheaded people—and suffer the consequences. Now, when I
use the second person pronoun of “you,” this is applicable to hardheaded
individuals, CEOs, executives, government officials (elected and appointed)
and to governments and to your whole world organization of nations. This is
very similar to the situation of global warming—no matter how much you
shout at the wind and the heat, you cannot change it. You must adapt to it.
And that is the secret of the success of Homo sapiens—they have learned to
adapt to changing conditions. In all of historic times, adapting to
changing conditions meant moving into new regions where it was cooler to
farm, where there was more plentiful water and good places to live. There
were huge migrations of your species over the course of tens of thousands
of years as the need to adapt to survive was taken into consideration, and
they moved.

*Social adaptation*

Now you have to contend with yourselves. The adaptation is social in
nature—meaning that all things of humans must now take into consideration
all other things of humans. The organizations must learn to adapt to the
needs of humanity in order to help humanity survive. Oh, humanity will
survive all right, but it is a matter of making good decisions so that many
millions of people survive along with you. Yes, there will be losses of 10s
of millions of people over the duration of the next 50 years. Those who
remain must learn how to adapt—how to adapt for the benefit of *everyone*.
Now you must think of yourselves as a species—that you are striving to
sustain the survival of your species and sustain the survival of your
nations and your societies. This requires much bigger thinking—broader
thinking, deeper thinking, and longitudinally as much as the breadth and
depth. You must make decisions with the consideration of how your decisions
will impact others. You've heard this before. You've heard this about
recycling, you've heard this about use of water in times when there were
droughts, and you've heard this concerning many things. Some of you may be
old enough to recall the OPEC oil embargo in the early 70s. There was a
need then for people to conserve so that those people who were in need,
such as ambulances, fire departments, police, emergency crews, and so on
would have the fuel to carry on their missions and that those who were in
desperate need for fuel for farms got it allotted to them. So, you are now
in a position where you as individuals and as groups of individuals must
come to the consideration of making decisions that benefit others as they
benefit you.

*A holy place*

Now, if you're a fundamentalist Christian you would say “Well, that's the
Christian thing to do, and I as Machiventa am here to tell you that that
*is* a good thing to do. That is a Christian thing to do, but it is part of
all God-centered religions. Whether it is Islam, the Jewish people, Baha’i,
or many other religions, you have a core by which you have allegiance and
centeredness. Whether you go to mosque, synagogue, temple, or not—you are
in a holy place. You have the power to destroy others, and you have the
power to destroy yourselves as well. As the cataclysms become more severe,
the noose around your lives will become tighter and tighter, and you will
have fewer choices. Will you help others, or just serve only yourself?

This is a reality on any world, whether it's a decimal world or not. Those
other 9/10ths of the planets went through early eras where they were guided
by celestial beings in making the right decisions so that they would have
right outcomes. Now, we are here to assist you as a decimal planet from the
rebellion—from the quarantine—to assist *you* in the same way to make good
decisions so that you contribute to the survival of those who come after
you. This guidance we give you is here for your survival, both as a mortal,
material being on a gravity-bound planet, and to you as a growing soul. The
wisdom of the few words that I share with you (though there are several
million we approximate that we have shared with you) could be compressed
and compiled into a very small book. We're not advocating that someone take
it in hand to create such a book, but the wisdom that is contained in these
many years of sessions with you through This One and through many other TRs
is essential for the survival of you as soul-growing individuals and as
mortal beings on this material planet.

*Lessons from history*

The parallel between your civilization, your race, and your species is that
of a teenager in that you are in the process of growing up, of growing
mature. Now, just as most teenagers who come from good families live among
wisdom from their elders and even some of their peers, this world, this
civilization is living among the same situation. You can disregard the
wisdom that we share, just as teenagers oftentimes disregard the wisdom
that their parents have shared, except in this case the falling down—the
failure of your civilization to survive intact—is reminiscent of the
hundreds and thousands of failures of past human empires, dynasties,
governments, monarchies, autocracies, and so on throughout all human
history. And yet, at this time, you—this generation—has the means by which
to garner the wisdom of all past ages and condense that into living wisdom.
We have striven to assist you to become conscious of your existence—that
you are living in the stream of consciousness of the maturation of your
civilization, and that if you examine the history of human, organizational
existence, there must be many lessons to be learned. And I again point out
to you that you could see many causes for the failure of all those
organizations, governments, cultures, and so on. That is looking at your
glass half empty.

On the other hand, if you look at the empty part of your glass of history
to find the wisdom, you would want to ask only one or two questions that
are pertinent to your survival and that is this: What did those
civilizations, those cultures, nations, societies, and governments *not* do
to assure the continued existence and survival that would sustain them into
the future. Now, this is certainly an intuitive question, and we have also
shared with you the process of intuitive questions. I would again direct
you to the writings of one of our deceased friends, Mr. Kurt Wright, who
wrote his book *Breaking the Rules* which This One has shared with you
many, many times in the past. By asking right questions, you will end up
with getting right answers. If you ask meaningless questions, you will end
up with meaningless answers. You see, your questions form the future. If
you're looking backward at the causes, then all you get is history books.
Yes, you can learn not to do those things, but we see that your nations
today are continuing to replicate all the failures of the past
civilizations, cultures, societies, governments, and organizations of all

*Time to look forward*

So, it's time for you to look forward, ask right questions, good questions,
intuitive questions. And when you do, and you use those seven values plus
your ethical and moral *interpretations* of those values, you’ll end up
with right answers and right directions for your societies.

I am open for your questions if you have any.

*JT:* Liz has several questions submitted by readers, so I’ll start with

*Liz: *Good Morning Machiventa. It's good to be back with you again.

*MM:* Thank you for being here.

*Liz:* I recently made a presentation about social sustainability and the
design team process to the light and life community. And as a result of
Byron Belitsos’ work, they have submitted seven questions. I'm happy to
read all of them today.

*MM:* Please proceed.

*The way of moving ahead is through faith*

*Liz*: This is from the *Light and Life* community. SR asks: I understand
that the program for social sustainability offers a method for finding
solutions more than it provides the solutions themselves. My question is
how do we come up with the needed solutions when we may not be able to
access key individuals who have the necessary knowledge base? In other
words, how are we going to get such experts to participate in design teams
if they discover that we work with celestials and have an unusual
grassroots approach? It seems to me that advertising our design workshops
may not work as it will quickly be dismissed by such individuals. What
comments do you have on this dilemma? I thank you for considering my
question. I also thank you for your attention and concern for our dilemma
here on Urantia.

*MM:* I understand your question thoroughly. You have already stymied
yourself in proceeding by anticipating problems. The best way to proceed is
with the resources that you have. You would want to begin your process in
your design team with Sondjah Melchizedek as the consultant through your
T/R so that you can proceed. This is a challenge for the T/R as it is for
all the members in that the T/R will be conveying information that they may
not be familiar with. Nonetheless, good progress can be had. The way of
moving ahead is through faith. Your situation reminds me of the topic I
just spoke about to this group and to our audience in that it is very
similar to the people who left the Dust Bowl area of the United States in
the 30s. [They] packed up their belongings into their truck or their car
and proceeded, not knowing how far they would get but anticipating they
would have difficulties, and that they had the resources or hoped to have
the resources and the benefit of strangers to assist them along the way.
The way forward is to proceed in faith—you anticipate that you will have
challenges and that you will need to find the resources to meet those

We have asked you to work the process rather than providing the answers
that you need to your questions or solutions to your problems. The process
is a process of faith. It is a process of faith in your capability, your
capacity to invent. Through the collective mind of several people, you can
come to solutions. You would need to exhaust your own local team resources
before proceeding outward. If you invite someone into your team before your
team has even met and has even come to the challenge of not being able to
move forward, then who would want to join you? They wouldn't. So, you must
proceed in faith and work the process. The primary reason for that is that
*you* have to live with the results, not us. You must have the assurance
that you did the very best you could to come to solutions that you can live
with—not only you, but your children and your great-grandchildren. Thank

*Extra-terrestrial visitors*

*Liz:* Thank you. That was a good answer for me as well as this other
person. R.B. asks: Those of us who have researched the topic of UFOs and
extraterrestrials are well aware that a wide variety of off-planet humanoid
races are present on our world or come and go here as visitors. At a
teaching mission conference in 2004, an ET calling himself Captain Armando
of the First Strategic High Command stated that he and his group work
directly with the Correcting Time mission and even with Christ Michael
himself to assist our world. Can you update us regarding extraterrestrial
participation in the correcting time and the Magisterial mission? Are there
particular ET races that are especially involved with these celestial
missions? If so, would it make sense for us to reach out to them and engage
in collaboration of some sort just as we do with the celestials?

*MM:* This is Machiventa. Yes, they do come, and they do go. And there are
restrictions on who can stay and contribute to the social evolution of this
planet. It is on a permit basis that they are allowed to do so. There are
some races that are indifferent to the plights of humans on Urantia, so
they are not permitted. This is much like having a hall monitor in a grade
school where you have to have a pass from your teacher to go to the
restroom or go to see another teacher and so on. Yes, they are helpful.
Yes, you may strive to contact them, but they are not overly concerned
about your willingness or your efforts to do so. They are here to work on a
much more material basis than midwayers, angels, and so on, without
interfering in the course of your world. They have taken their own solemn,
soul-based vows of non-interference as have all of the celestials here who
work with you and on this planet—there is no allowance for the abridgement
or the denial of human sovereign will expressions of decisions. Their work
here is helpful to us, and you might see it as an extension of their mortal
experience, helping other races and planets to become more mature. This is
much like an assignment of celestial teachers. Thank you for your question.

*Financial troubles*

*Liz:* Thank you for your answer. R.K. asks: I have given a great deal of
my time and resources to others and have really served people throughout my
life. However, today I find myself depleted and in financial trouble. I am
unable to pay bills and I'm facing a difficult situation that jeopardizes
my health. At this point, it seems like the service I've offered to others
has not worked in my favor over time given the way the world is currently
organized. People I have helped in the past have not reciprocated in many
cases, how can I turn this situation around and work my way out of this

*MM:* This is Machiventa. Your plight and your situation is one that is
frequent to our ears. We have seen sincere individuals give sincere service
to others and ignore their own needs as well. You must serve yourself so
you can ensure that you can assist and serve others later. This is not
being selfish. It is being a wise individual who doesn't hoard their
resources, but manages them, and husbands them in good order. It is
something that is all too often and too frequent an occurrence of
well-meaning individuals. How you work yourself out of that is most
difficult as you are, as you say, a captive on this planet and the material
ways of its lifestyles and living. You have a history of many years of
giving to others. Do not be afraid to step forward to those around you who
have withheld their help from you. You may even revisit those who you
helped, but the expectation that when you give you would receive from those
people is erroneous. You give to others as you give to the universe. You
receive from the universe as you give to others *without* limitation,
*without* condition, and *without* expectations. This is how we give to
you. Your history of giving (it sounds like) has been one which has been
filled with hopeful expectations of the return from the largesse of others
in your times of need. This is a bit naive we're sorry to say; however, you
can count on us to assist you whenever and wherever possible. You must see
yourself as being rained upon by the light of millions of people and by the
sun and by the celestial and angels and Melchizedeks shining down upon you.
You are receiving this wonderful gift of enlightenment, and it also has a
palpable aspect to it which may surprise you. You want to be able to
*feel *yourself
receiving the good of the universe from whatever source it comes from.
Thank you.

*Fallout from the Lucifer rebellion*

*Liz:* Thank you. L.J. asks: It appears to me that there is a high-level
agenda by powerful globalists who are using advanced technologies to
perpetrate acts of maliciousness that are causing harm to people through
all manner of possible crimes. In my opinion, the forces behind this global
technocracy are doing such heinous things that their whole agenda is pretty
clearly Luciferian. For example: the rapid promotion of 5G Wireless
technology ignores the high likelihood of adverse health effects for
vulnerable populations. We're also witnessing the implementation of total
surveillance of populations and the worldwide rollout of an experimental
vaccine that is far from being fully tested. These agendas are moving with
such force that I'm thinking there needs to be a concerted effort to
counter them through the promotion of spiritual wisdom and the mobilization
of new energies. What can be done at the level of the mind circuits or any
other frequencies to elevate the sensibilities and values of humanity so
that people could not be capable of such sadistic behavior? How can we
utilize these or other techniques to inspire them to commit to living by
standards of interpersonal harmony in line with the seven core values?

*MM:* The short answer has been given to you already in the form of the
co-creative design team process. You as an individual must come to terms
with your powerlessness to change the course of large organizations. You
are here to learn how to grow your soul. You are here to overcome the
challenges of a mortal, material life, to make ethical and moral decisions,
and to face your problems in life as they have come to you, and then be a
service to others as you become more and more capable. Your concern for
others is so distant as to make your question almost irrelevant. Those are
harsh words I'm sure upon your ears and your eyes as you read these words,
but your question is basically a curiosity question which I am not very
tolerant of. Thank you.

*A feminine avatar*

*Liz:* Thank you. M. asks: You and other celestials have told us that there
is a plan for incarnations on our world as a key part of the Magisterial
Mission. When these visitations begin, will there be a female avatar
incarnating here to represent our divine mother or something along that

*Daniel:* This is Daniel. I stopped when I heard the word incarnations. Is
the question asker more specific about who and what these beings are?

*Liz:* I don’t know. That is the entirety of the question.

*Daniel:* Okay then, repeat it please. Let’s see what Machiventa has to

*Liz:* M. asks: You and other celestials have told us that there is a plan
for incarnations on our world as a key part of the Magisterial Mission.
When these visitations begin, will there be a female “avatar” incarnating
here to represent our divine mother or something similar along that line.

*MM:* This too is a curiosity question which has no benefit to your own
soul growth. I know that you do not like being chastised for your question
as you are very sincere, but our work here is to assist you to mature in
your *own* right so that *you* become the spiritual mother figure in your
own life for the good of others. This is something that diverts your
attention from the present to the future to an answer that will have no
immediate repercussions upon you for your benefit. Thank you.

*Expediting consciousness development*

*Liz:* Okay, thank you Machiventa. Here is a question from P.: If it is
true that our social reality (in other words our world with its present
“wicked problems”) is not just perceived “as is” independent of a person's
shaping perspective—in other words, if it is correct to say that our
reality is co-created in accord with our personal, developmental,
socio-cultural and economic-political-religious conditioning and/or by
virtue of one's “cosmic level of awareness,” where can I as a
scholar-practitioner type—or others like me who are keenly interested in
development and integration—best put forth my/our energies to serve the
whole? Or what is the best way to *expedite* “consciousness development”
toward a sustainable planet?

*MM:* Your question is certainly worthy. I ask that you make it more
succinct for the benefit of This One and for the benefit of our listeners
and readers. The question needs to be relevant to individuals who hear the
question clearly. As this is a long, drawn-out question, if you could
simplify it for our readers, you would be of great assistance to our
audience. I say this because your question is certainly worthy of being
answered. Please come back with a shorter question of the same substance.
Thank you.

*Liz:* I think maybe his question can be distilled into this last line,
which is: What is the best way to expedite consciousness development toward
a sustainable planet?

*MM:* This is Machiventa. I will attempt an answer on that basis then. This
summation, this question is most certainly worthy of having a good answer.
This is very similar to a Zen Buddhist type of meditation where you go into
stillness, and this would be the stillness of your life. And that you go
within, and you see the origins of your being that are common to all other
people. And that you raise yourself beyond your own personal consciousness
to envelope and engage the consciousness of all others. As you would find
(if you continue this for several lifetimes) you would come to the point
where you would come to the appreciation of consciousness wherever it is by
any individual on your planet. For the moment, however, you are one of the
chosen people. You are chosen because you have made the choice to be
chosen. You have given permission to yourself to choose to be a part of the
growing consciousness of your planet. This is perhaps part of the largest
act of largesse that you can fulfill in your lifetime and to become part of
the larger consciousness. And then to live your life—meaning your thoughts,
your words and your actions—in compliance and fulfillment *of* that
consciousness. This, my friend, will change your life immensely. The
journey within is of course in service throughout outside, and you serve
your soul a growth by coming to that still point in your consciousness
where you realize and appreciate the holism of the world you live in. You
are not focused on the problems that are around you in the world—those mega
problems that you will never be able to overcome—but you are there in the
moment with yourself intentionally growing yourself into a greater
consciousness at the service of Christ Michael your Thought Adjuster and
the Thought Adjusters and lives of all others. You, as an individual, have
given yourself a magnanimous gift to fulfill. Thank you.

*Be in the Light*

*Liz:* That was lovely. Thank you. B. asks: Most of us are aware of the
announcement that the Lucifer rebellion was adjudicated in the 1980s. We
also know, or at least many of us believe, that the vast majority but not
all of the rebels have been removed from Urantia. However, in this time of
great disclosure, it has become evident that human followers of Lucifer,
Satan, and Caligastia are still very much with us though a tiny minority.
Such people appear to be deeply entrenched in the elite centers of power on
our world. There is strong evidence that they are extremely well funded and
pursue covert criminal activities on a grand scale, such as human
trafficking, satanic pedophilia, and war profiteering. Is the news of the
adjudication, the Correcting Time and the removal of the fallen rebels
known to these Luciferic human groups or to their leaders? How would you
direct us to regard this factor in our world at this time?

*MM:* This is Machiventa. First of all, no, they are not aware that they
are extensions of the rebellion. They are selfish enough to think that they
are doing the right thing for the larger group of people—that the commerce
that they pursue is in the benefit of others. Those, however, who prey upon
the weak and the immature are certainly evil-invested Individuals. Their
course in life will be adjudicated in time as there is a new dispensation.
We caution you, as we have prior question askers, that [you] do not divert
your life looking at the darkness and the shadow rather than the light. Be
in the Light, live in the Light, act in the Light, choose good over wrong,
do well in your life, have good thoughts, good words, and good actions—the
service to your soul. Choose to do right for your benefit by doing good to
others. Your humble service is essential to the soul that you become. We
are not concerned about your progress, but we hope *you* are, and that you
do not sidetrack your growth and progress and spiritual evolution by
spending too many thoughts on the negative. Thank you.

*Liz:* Thank you. That's all the questions from the *Light and Life *team.
I have a question of my own. Donna D’Ingillo and I have been working
together to come up with very brief will-commands or concepts to put out to
her followers on a weekly basis so that we could work to the betterment of
the planet obviously. My intention is that these be very specific so that
the participants can actually see measurable, positive effects of our
energies and learn how powerful we each are, and we can be when coordinated
with the celestial energies as well as to help heal our world. But we're
struggling to define specific areas in which to put these energies as all
our suggestions seem to want to move to change someone's mind or influence
another person in a way which I don't like. Can you help us kick this off
by suggesting a situation or two and a way to go about bringing light to

*MM:* Say that last part again please.

*You are the Light*

*Liz:* We're struggling to define specific areas in which to put our
energies as all suggestions seem to want to move to change someone's mind
or influence another person. Could you help us kick this off this Weekly
will-command event by suggesting a situation or two and a way to go about
bringing light into it.

*MM:* I chuckle. You have said the answers already. *You* are the light, my
dear. *You* are the light for sure. [If] you want to bring light into it,
remember the affirmation: I'm a bright and shining beacon of the Christ
light that shines and flows through me.

*Liz:* Yes, indeed.

*MM:* Certainly. Then what you do then is become the conduit of Christ
Michael's light, Nebadonia’s light through your crown chakra and you
radiate that through your whole being. You may want to stand in the middle
of the room and turn slowly, much like a searchlight, a beacon light on the
coast in the lighthouse as it traverses around showing people the way of
the shoals and reefs and the rocks below to avoid those. You, however, want
to be a beacon of light that fills each person with that light. You see
your light going to individuals who are open and willing to receive the
light, whether they are conscious of that light or not. There are
individuals who are not religious and not spiritual, but who are definitely
good people who are open to good. And so, you would want to fill them with
this light as well. You *are* the beacon, and the light comes through you,
through your Thought Adjuster, and through your guardian angel. They will
assist you and empower you to become a virtual billion lumen LED light to
serve others in their lives as they determine. Thank you for asking your
question and for your request for assistance. Thank you.

*Liz:* Thank you. I appreciate that. And now on kind of a personal note, I
have recently rediscovered the teachings of teacher Welmek from the
Correcting Time and I have a humble request of you to give him my regards
wherever he is and whatever he's doing. I have tremendous affection for him
that I have grown over reading his transcripts.

*MM:* You can consider it already done. Thank you.

*Liz:* Thank you. That's all for me.

*Machiventa’s authority to act*

*JT:* I have some reader questions as well. Walt asks: Is there a prayer or
statement we mortals can practice that will authorize or enable you and
your team to have increasingly greater control over this world for
implementing Christ’s will?

*MM:* Actually Walt, there isn't. We have been given the greatest amount of
latitude by Christ Michael, Gabriel, and the Most Highs to carry out this
work with their authority and their presence. You can be assured that we
are exercising that to the greatest amount. We thank you for your
willingness to contribute to our efforts and we appreciate the sincerity of
your request. Thank you.

*Machiventa’s top priority*

*JT:* He also asks: If you had carte blanche to do whatever you saw fit to
bring our world into alignment with the Father's will, what top priority
actions would you take?

*MM:* This is Machiventa. There would be no change from what we're doing.
We, of course, want to empower individuals to become good parents, to have
functional and operationally intact families, to become the generators of
functional societies and generations to come. This is our most important
work at the present time. We also would empower communities to begin their
process of design team work to begin solving at the local grassroots level
those social problems that they are capable of addressing. When you do
these two things you will have covered all future generations and the
healing of every democracy. Thank you.

*Protecting the world’s democracies*

*JT:* And he finishes by asking: To what extent are you and your team
authorized to prevent the unraveling of this world's major democracies?
Love and gratitude, Walt.

*MM:* We are authorized to do so to the greatest extent where we do not
impinge or abridge any mortal sovereign decisions. We can work with the
Most Highs, with groups of individuals who work as a body, and we can be a
tremendous influence on individuals in those venues. And in conclusion of
that, we are not averse to changing the decisions of those groups. We,
however, do not amend, deny, or abridge decisions made by individuals.
Thus, when you have individuals who are the dictators of an organization
who are mainly the will aspect of a group, their will becomes sovereign in
that degree. Do you understand?

*Daniel:* Ooops! Walt's not here.

*Human motivation—material to spiritual*

*JT:* All right. We have one more, a response from Godwin I got this
morning answering *your* question to *him* a couple of weeks ago—What
motivates him to be thirsty or to become hungry? He's got a lengthy
response here. I guess I'll just read the whole thing.

What motivates me to be thirsty or become hungry? It is the animal nature
associated with my body which has not given significant progress for
humanity and its qualitative motivation. Therefore, all my questions relate
to the possibility of exploring how in our evolution we are slowly shifting
from animal nature—a materialism that governs us to a much greater
extent—to a spiritual nature. There is a gradual shift in our core of
motivation from animal nature to spiritual nature. Now the general
population is governed by animal nature where money is the instrument of
this animal motivation. I am wondering if you can reveal something new to
us about the mechanisms of motivation to help us better manage it, not only
for believers through prayer, but also for the general population, which is
mostly non-believers.

*MM:* Certainly, I’d be glad to answer your question, and this goes into
the workings of the Life Carriers. The answers will take you back many
hundreds of thousands of years. The necessity of a mind mechanism and a
brain mechanism that work in concert is primary. It’s primary to learning.
The long, thousands-of-years process of learning by epigenetic response is
primary to the growth of the individual even to the extent where the four
core values are responses to inward needs is primary, on to empathy,
compassion, and to a generalized love of humanity. The first two of the
three primary values are also learned in a similar way where the individual
has come into a relationship whether it is mother and child, father and
child, father and partner, and such that they have suffered wounds of
physical nature, eventually have suffered wounds of being ostracized or
rejected by the inner group that they had belonged to in the past, and that
they have empathy for those individuals who are in like, similar
situations. We are not talking about a rapid process of the inner evolution
of a personality and the workings of the human motivation. This is a very
slow process. It is gained bit by bit by human experience. It is shared by
the epigenetic process and the auras of individuals who suffer with those
who are observing the suffering and so on. It is a very slow process that
must have innate, inherent sources upon which to build. And this is the
gift that the Life Carriers have given.

*The seven values and future generations*

Now, the development of a generalized love for humanity involves the answer
to the consciousness question you just heard. It is a matter of a person
extending themselves out into the world and empathy that they are on the
receiving end of thousands of energetic emanations from people who are in
pain—whether that is in physical pain, social pain, emotional pain, and so
on. The complexity of the human mind that I am speaking of is the product
of many hundreds of thousands of years of experience that was lived out by
hundreds of millions and billions of individuals throughout human history.
You, as a species, are on the cusp of growing into your next humanoid
expression of an evolved nature. This is now occurring much more rapidly
than it has in the past simply because there are more people in the world.
The more people who are of the Light and of an enlightened vibration are
greater contributors to this evolutionary change than those who are bereft
of empathy, compassion, and so on. You are a living example of that
possibility. You, through your thoughts, make contributions to the
spontaneous emanation of the next humanoid evolutionary being. This will be
similar in many ways to the twins who were born so long ago who knew that
they were different and that they must go apart from their parents and that
group in order for them to evolve socially and emotionally as a new pair to
beget a new family, a new community, and a new species.

This is the work of higher-minded individuals. This is a subtle—I would not
say mission or task—but it is a subtle part of your growing consciousness
to be aware that you are making a meaningful contribution to next
generations. You who asked the last question about how to receive and
project the light would receive this as a good direction to *your* work.
This is one of the highest minded—I would not say sacrifices—but services
of your consciousness to next generations and to the enlightenment of this
world. You are in many ways making direct contributions to the spiritual
process which presage the days of Light and Life. We hope this is helpful.
Thank you.

*JT:* Godwin finishes up with more of a comment than a question he says:
Although I recently found Abraham Maslow’s excellent book *Motivation and
Personality*, nevertheless, it cannot reveal the other side of motivation,
which I mentioned above since this question relates to the superhuman mind.
I just hope that you will lead on this topic in the form of lessons or some
kind of hints. This is a topic that can be a hub where you can come out,
for example, on the themes of the soul, gravity of the Father and the
Trinity, moral issues, but on the practical side of this issue. Thank you,

*MM:* This is Machiventa. I will address this statement in that he could
not, and we could not expand further upon the statement by the answers I
have given in the last question. It is a matter of encompassing
consciousness and radiating consciousness. In the process of those two,
your personal consciousness grows. Thank you.

*JT: *That's all we have today. If you have a closing, now's the time.

*Let me repeat myself*

*MM:* This is Machiventa. I ask you to somehow separate my last statement
on Walt’s statement so that it stands alone as my benediction for the day.
I could not assign greater work to each of you than what was shared in
those words. Thank you, and good day.

*MM:** [Repeat of MM’s response to Walt’s question above.] There would be
no change from what we're doing. We of course, want to empower individuals
to become good parents, to have functional and operationally intact
families, to become the generators of functional societies and generations
to come. This is our most important work at the present time. We also would
empower communities to begin their process of design team work to begin
solving at the local grassroots level those social problems that they are
capable of addressing. When you do these two things you will have covered
all future generations and the healing of every democracy. Thank you. *

*JT:* Thank you Daniel and thank you Machiventa.

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