New Era Transition #33 – World of “Fragility”; Filling the Vacuum; The Look of the Future – Jan. 29, 2018


Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager



Waiting for massive implementation

Your own plan of implementation

Having a personal affirmation

A need for guidance

A world of “fragility”

Creating an interconnected system of systems

Beginning an era of intentional social evolution

Values and ideals

The era of rapid implementation on a global level

What is happening with material sustainability

Filling the vacuum of the socially unsustainable

A business plan from a team member

Reasons for not forming a foundation

Befriending directors or trustees of organizations

A web site for the 7 core values

What will the world look like two generations from now?

Everything now is monetized

What is transposed for money in the future

The decrease and elimination of crime

A hope for better days ahead


TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD


Members present:  Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Doug Dodge, Stéphane Labonte


Invocation:  Roxie


January 29, 2018


Waiting for massive implementation


MACHIVENTA:  Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager.  Myself and Sondjah have spoken to you in weeks past about your and our common situation that relates to the plans that have been made.  They have been implemented as far as we can go at this time, and now we are waiting for the opportunity for massive implementation.  I will draw you a parallel or analogy:  During WWII there were transport ships filled with troops on the West and East Coasts of the United States who were transported to the fronts in Europe and to the South Pacific.  Whole battalions and brigades were on these ships and had been trained before they boarded the ship.  Now they were ensconced on that ship for many weeks at a time, slowly traveling across many thousands of miles on their way to the islands in the Pacific.  And what were they to do during that time?  Were they to twiddle their fingers, look at the sky at night and count the stars and look at the horizon and sunrise during the daytime and watch the clouds?  No, surely they did not do that; they continued their training as best they could to maintain their discipline.  Discipline in this frame of reference is the will to do according to how they had been trained.  So they would continue their training within the limited confines of the decks and in other rooms and places.  In between times when they were not in training, they were cleaning the ship, preparing meals, checking on health, maintaining their weapons and so on.


During the time that we are on this “ship of implementation waiting to be off-loaded onto nearby shores”—hopefully for us and for you it is nearby—that we will be in training and we will maintain our discipline.  We will not succumb to cynicism, pessimistic, or become embittered by this delay.  Simply this is what has happened to us as we have prepared ahead of time for the large scale implementation that will be taking place.  You who read these transcripts, and you who listen to these transcripts eventually, will know what I am talking about.  You are anxious to get out there and do something, just as the troops who would put their lives on the line once the doors of the ship open onto the beach stepping forward, perhaps into the withering fire of their enemy.  There is no enemy here for us, however, except for time and the wait that seems so daunting.  It is time now for strengthening ourselves for this implementation, a time when we say we are ready and waiting for the gates to drop and for us to move forward aggressively into this new territory of implementation.


Your own plan of implementation


I do not have a plan of implementation for you—that is between yourself, your Thought Adjuster, and the plan of life that you brought with you.  Your Guardian Angel is there to assist you to bring you opportunities as well as the Midwayers to bring opportunities to you regarding this implementation.  You will be reading these words once again sometime in the future and you will see how true this is that you may step out of those gates onto the shore and say, “Now what?  What am I supposed to do?” and of course that is a time for personal reverie, for personal meditation, for going into the space of no thought, to be in stillness with no thought in your mind, but simply with the intention of receiving the guidance of your Guardian Angel, your Thought Adjuster, and the messages from the celestials.  This is as it is now.  This is a time of preparing yourselves for that time when you will be implementing Christ Michael’s work in your personal life and in your business life and your social life.  We invite you to open yourself to write out an affirmation stating that you are open and ready and willing to begin your life’s work now—not in the future, not at some future date, but now—and this will be the sign, the start button for you to receive these messages of guidance and inspiration and revelation to you about your life’s work, whether that is your personal life or whether it is working with Christ Michael’s Correcting Time programs.  Are there any questions concerning this so far?


Having a personal affirmation


Jeff:  Why is it so important to have this affirmation, to write it out as you say?


MACHIVENTA:  You needn’t write it out if you do not want to, but we understand the imprinting of the human mind that when you speak, you have already formed the sentences and the words in your mind and when you speak it comes around to your ear and imprints your mind again.  And when you write it out, it is a kinesthetic process of learning.  Not everybody learns one way; some people learn through many ways and therefore it is essential for us that you understand your affirmation and that your mind is committed to this action.  There is no formula for this other than for imprinting your mind with the willingness to follow along.  It is a means of convincing that unconvinced part of your mind that this is the way to go, this is how the will-aspect of your mind, of your volition seeks to pursue and move ahead.


A need for guidance


Jeff:  I have two questions, not on the topic of affirmations, but related to the Honor’s College program that Liz and I are working on.  First, I am sure you know this, but I’m going to state that I really have no social science background and looking at the survey curriculum, I think we have that pretty much in hand for a short class, but if we are going to move further to make this a one year program next step, I think that we need to fill in a great deal more on the history and the philosophy of equality and love of humanity.  I do not have any resources historically for that.  Is there one who can kind of guide me, who to read or what to read, or why some things should be covered?  I’m flying blind here and I need help.


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, certainly.  We see that and we definitely do not want you to flounder.  There are three people who are available to assist you—I will use the word “assist” at this time.  There is one prominent individual with two other individuals who have lesser competence than the first, but who could definitely assist you.  What we ask you to do now is to seek a mentor, to solicit for a mentor to think about and to write and to design either a one semester, or one quarter class, or eventually a one year class.  You definitely need professional help in this, one who is an academician, one who is primarily an educator, and this need not be someone from the university, but could be someone from a community college or even a high school or private high school included.  You need to have your eyes opened.  This survey course…


[This is Daniel:  Are you on a quarter or a semester system?


Jeff: Quarter.]


MACHIVENTA:  So one quarter of classes runs very rapidly and as you have said, this is a “survey,” it is not an in-depth or detailed class that pinpoints on any one particular element of social sustainability, but is a survey of all of it.  It will be a challenge for you; it will be a challenge for students to maintain the pace as each class in the quarter, whether it is 10 or 12 working classes will provide you with barely enough time to cover the major topics of social sustainability, based on the 7 values.  Therefore, you will need the wisdom of one who has done this work before; one who has designed a class and who has some form of expertise about the design.  They may not necessarily know the content and context of what you want to teach, but that will come eventually after a few meetings with this individual.  Do you understand?


Jeff:  Yes, I think I do.


MACHIVENTA:  The challenge now is to figure out how to solicit for such an individual.  Second question?


A world of “fragility”


Jeff:  My second question is not about the class, but we are living in a world that is becoming what Nassim Nicholas Taleb calls “fragility,” where all of human systems are interacting and are spinning faster and faster, and yet the robustness of our society is declining and we are susceptible to what he calls “The Black Swans” or events that upset the fragility of the system.  Is there a mechanism by which we can use the 7 core values to take some of the fragility out of our economics system?  Is this something we should be looking at?


MACHIVENTA:  Are you solely thinking about economics?


Jeff:  Well, no; I think about economics because that is my training and I am not a social scientist, but clearly, it seems to me as an observer that the entire planet, the systems that run the entire planet from electronics all the way down to agriculture are getting more fragile.  It’s not more robust and when we have these travails that you have been telling us are coming, it seems that you indicate that change will come very rapidly when we reach a tipping point, which is near at hand from what I presume.  My question goes back to are there things in the 7 core values concept that can be used to take fragility out of not just our economics system, but our political system or the way we structure our small units of society?


Creating an interconnected system of systems


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, of course, the whole intent of the Correcting Time is to remove the fragility of your societies and to create a system of systems, whereas now you have many systems, but rarely are they interconnected and synergistic.  Yes, they are interdependent, but they are not mutually supportive.  They only work together when it is to their advantage as they see it.  As we have said, removing the fragility in Urantia’s social, political and economic systems will take at least two generations; it will take one generation to spread the word and to show people how to raise new generations who will understand their connectedness to everyone else.  The atomistic individualism that is so pandemic in the United States has spread to many other nations much to the detriment of everyone and all nations.


This is a process of enculturating and socialization of each new generation of children, beginning with their parents before they have children and teaching parents what to enculturate their children with and how to do that.  This is a process that will be one-on-one and in a classroom for millions and perhaps billions of people.  It is not a quick process.  The “black swan” that you see flying across the horizon, which will soon be staring you in the eyes is unavoidable.  Do you understand—it is unavoidable; it is inevitable; it is inherent in the structure of your societies as they exist now?  There has never been a framework of any society or nation that began its inception with a conscious intention to engage conscious social, political and economic evolution with an intention to become self-sustaining, and mutually sustaining with others. 


Beginning an era of intentional social evolution


The era that you and everyone will be entering soon will be most difficult: one is that you will have come away from the appearance of stability in your societies and politics and economics and into a phase of almost utter destruction and collapse of your existent systems.  And then as this current generation begins to establish the foundations of a conscious and intentional social evolution of their social institutions, there will be much displeasure that it is so slow and there will be much harkening back to the old era where there was so much enjoyment of material goods and a passion for living if you had the liberty to do so.  Those three phases will take time before the fourth phase becomes evident in the lives of individuals as they live their lives as individuals, families and communities and as a society with a deliberate intention to maintain and enhance their self-sufficiency and self-sustainability as individuals, families, communities and as societies, political institutions and economic institutions. 


This is not an easy way to proceed, my friends; this is most difficult!  No nation ever began with the intention of becoming socially self-sustaining.  It was all developmental, accidental, and by personal and group selections of processes that were self-satisfying.  The capacity for sacrifice in your societies across the board, throughout the world is almost nil: to sacrifice something for the benefit of someone else without self-return and self-benefit is almost unheard of.  You may look to philanthropic organizations, humanitarian organizations, but they are just as lost as your societies because they have not had a priority of decision-making structure to make decisions that develop the functions, purposes, and intentions of their programs to serve the social sustainability of individuals, families, communities, your civilization and ultimately your species.  This One has provided you with that illustration [below] in almost all of his documents that he has produced.  It is subtle and convoluted but a sure guide that shows how to make decisions with the intention of your communities and societies to become self-sufficient and socially self-sustaining. 








Priorities of Decision-Making in a Sustainable Society












Community / Society










© Copyright  Daniel  Raphael 2018 USA


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Doug:  It’s not a breakdown but it’s a breakthrough.  Is that a way to characterize what’s coming?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, and we present what I said a few minutes ago as the first three stages as “hope filled;” it is hope for the fourth stage to come into being, and only you can do that with us.  We will pull our weight if you will pull your weight.


Values and ideals


Stéphane:  I have a question about the values.  The values are an ideal and ideals can grow exponentially, as this is an exponential step-change over what we have now, but our ability to live up to those ideals as we all know, grows linearly; grows much slower and so when the rubber meets the road, we are going to need some examples.  We are designing courses, we are putting these in our lives and as we run through this process, we are going to come in having to do compromises with the people that we are engaging with, so compromises with people that perhaps are resisting that change and perhaps compromises with people who have a lesser ability to understand the values to a common ground.  Can you comment on this compromise we are going to be facing with implementation?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, you are so correct.  You who hold these values as the core of your new societies and as you begin to implement them you will be met with exactly that situation.  It is very similar to the third step that I mentioned earlier, as you will be looking back, harkening back to the “days of yore,” so to speak in Old English language, to the days when it was so much better and less difficult.  There are two aspects I want to address:  One is that moving from the ideal to the practical and pragmatic by instituting those values in founding documents and in governing documents that these become part of the institutionalized organism of a group of people, corporations, social institution, etc.  What we wish to do is to move from the ideal to the practical, where it is not held out as an ideal that you just simply look at and strive to achieve, but that you do apply in your everyday lives.  That is why the emphasis is on the family and the teaching and training of each new generation from the first days of the newborn through their life when they separate from the family. 


The era of rapid implementation on a global level


The second aspect I wish to say is that we are going to enter an era of rapid implementation, and that is when these ideals, as you say they are—we wish to speak of them in more pragmatic terms, but for now, for many people they are ideals—where many compromises will have to be made to make them practical, is that we will be instituting a process of rapid implementation where these values will be put into living examples and operational analogies and parallels for individuals to grasp how they are used in their everyday life.  If you speak of these values as ideals, then you must associate them with the morality of social sustainability.  These ideals will be “in your face,” so to speak, when you deal with societal and personal moral issues that have not had the benefit of an integral set of values with the potential to provide an organized systematic process of moral examination. 


The connection between human behavior and humanitarianism are the values that are inherent in your DNA, your genetic code.  You are a living example of striving to fulfill these values according to your interpretations.  What we will be striving to do is to take back the territory of all those interpretations and get back to the original source of those interpretations — the 7 values.  What you have asked in your question, Stéphane, is fundamental to our work, and the key to it as you have so rightly mentioned is the practical understanding of these values in everyday life, that this is the fundamental aspect that is missing at this time.  This is key to all of the implementation that we are calling for.  We understand this key element and we are in process of making the means possible to fulfill the rapid implementation at a global level.  This may seem impossible to you, for you live in your house in a local community, you drive back and forth to your community for groceries and you live in a microcosm of your civilization.  Yet, there are many organizations throughout the world that have a global imprint, who are humanitarian, who are philanthropic and who may just see the value of these 7 ideal values as something that they can pragmatically implement in their granting processes.


We have yet to put all of those dots together so they make sense and that [it] is a deliverable process at the local level.  Thank you for your question.


What is happening with material sustainability


Stéphane:  I’d like to bring the analogy of what is happening on the material sustainability process a moment, where no one can argue that generating electricity through solar and wind turbines is more sustainable than hydrocarbons, and because of the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and the global warming, people can now make that connection, people now have this awareness and consciousness and hence a huge acceleration towards material sustainability.  I’m not sure that people have the awareness and consciousness of the need for a shift towards social sustainability, which I think will be required, and which I think will be provided with the cataclysms that are coming, which are needed to bring that awareness and consciousness to the masses.  I think that consciousness will help in providing—and will make it as black and white as the electricity case—that the 7 core values are an obvious alternative to our current ways of social interaction and systems.  Can you comment or agree or disagree that that consciousness is not in the masses today as it is with material systems?


Filling the vacuum of the socially unsustainable


MACHIVENTA:  Oh, you are exactly right.  You are so right, and we with the foresight of individuals on Uversa, as well as Salvington, foresee the need for what we are doing now, and that is developing the conceptual envelope to be inserted into the vacuum that will exist when people awaken to the fact that their societies are unsustainable.  It is vitally important that at that time, the vacuum be filled, rather than individuals and even wealthy individuals beginning to establish utopian societies and communities and lose their focus.  Our work is to maintain the focus for the social and spiritual evolution of Urantia and its civilization.  It is important that we have this available to you—you in the global collective—available to fill that vacuum, as I said. 


There is a very slow development of this consciousness now underway, as some of you already sense.  Yet, it is absent in a huge percentage of your global population.  The need for social consciousness of social evolution is absent in 99.9997% of your global population.  So you are speaking only of perhaps 50,000 – 150,000 people throughout the world who are aware of the need for social sustainability and conscious social evolution of your societies.  The mechanism for developing that social consciousness is a process we are currently involved in.  Of course it must come from social institutions, actual organizations, corporations, foundations and so on, that see this need much as a think tank or a future looking organization would see it.  And then there would be the need for sponsoring individuals of social eminence who recognize this need. 


There also must be a media mechanism which fosters this growing consciousness.  As you know, almost all of those elements that are needed are already present, but must develop as the consciousness of individuals evolves to accept this new thought, this new possibility of social sustainability.  On a more ethereal process, this consciousness is also connected to your personal consciousness [so] that you become a beacon of consciousness of the concepts and the need and awakening awareness in others of social sustainability, and the fragility of your social institutions as they exist now, that they are all almost capable of collapsing.  The family structure, as you know throughout many developed nations is collapsing and is deteriorating, though it will never totally disintegrate.  It is from these wonderful healthy, functional families that we will seek [for] these processes, the best practices of parenting and childrearing to assist the other millions who are unaware of those processes.  I thank you for your thought given to this question and the opportunity to make this statement.


Liz:  Is there value in sounding an alarm?


MACHIVENTA:  No, absolutely not!  No value in striking an alarm.



A business plan from a team member


Liz:  Several months ago you tasked us with writing out a—for lack of a better term, a business plan—if money were no object and there was something that we wanted to put our energies toward, writing out a complete plan of what we would do to serve the Correcting Time.  I have done this and I have a complete five year plan including budget and everything else, and of course money is an object.  It seems I am pushed to begin implementing it slowly, and it begins with creating a foundation.  And yet I am uncertain at this point as to the value of the foundation; creating a foundation is expensive and it takes a lot of time—personal time.  As Jeff and I are putting together this web site for 7 core values, it comes to me that that is part of this plan that I foresaw.  Creating a web site needs do something, or we need a way to bring people to the web site.  So, I am wondering if this is the time to create such a foundation and if I should be following this plan that I laid out months ago?


Reasons for not forming a foundation


MACHIVENTA:  Thank you.  First of all, do not sound the alarm; second of all, do not form a foundation.  We have no time for the evolution and development of a foundation into a viable working organization of magnitude.  If you do found one, it would only be a mechanism as a non-profit to receive benefits from other individuals to fund your work.  We are espousing that individuals who are in alignment with the Correcting Time to align themselves in one way or another with an existing organization to help them in their pursuit and to understand what they are doing.  We find that even this approach is unproductive as many have already attempted to do so, as This One has found many dozens of times of approaching organizations who have all followed the same course that they “have invented the wheel and they don’t need any spare tires, and that they know the way forward and yes, thank you for your ideas but we are going to continue doing what we are going to do.”  Rather it is a means of learning the internal culture of these organizations for there will be a time when they will be in quandary, when they will question their own purposes and their own existence; then at that point they will be open for suggestions.  That is when you will understand the internal culture of that organization, or generally of numerous similar organizations, and able to make a response to their appeal for direction and guidance.


Befriending directors or trustees of organizations


Second best is to befriend the directors and individuals who sit on the board of trustees and directors who you can be of influence indirectly with your own personal philosophies and these values and the concepts of social sustainability, and particularly that what organizations and foundations are doing now are almost futile to affect a positive outcome in this [with] such an uncertain future.  And the fragility that was mentioned a few minutes ago is endemic in all these organizations that they have faith in their existence, but they have no faith or no understanding of how to become self-sustaining, other than to solicit for money, which absorbs a huge amount of their time and their own internal organizational resources.  This way forward is difficult.  The consciousness which is so desperately needed in a broadening, echoing and resounding way is desperately needed in organizations, those that are particularly humanitarian and those that sponsor humanitarian efforts through philanthropy.  It is essential that this consciousness pervade those organizations. 


Why I introduce these two organizational cultures at this time is this:  They seek to do good as we seek to do good but for us our concern is for all of humanity, rather than one particular organization or culture or ethnic group or population in a particular geographic area.  Our work is philanthropic in the most generous means of universe energy to assist everyone without bias and prejudice; whether good or evil, we will benefit everyone equally and draw them into the light.  Our work is also humanitarian in the largest sense of the word that also includes the spirituality of each individual and the spiritual consciousness of Urantia.  This work of ours is much akin to those two types of cultures and that we have much in common with them and they with us.  Now it is to broaden their vision to include all of humanity for all time, for your cultures and your civilization to become socially self-sustaining into the eons ahead.  This is far more than many organizations and individuals are able to grasp, though this is the vision for Urantia that Christ Michael has set for the Correcting Time.


A web site for the 7 core values


Jeff:  Can I assume from your just now completed remarks that a reasonable objective for 7 core is to get this into the public domain as soon as possible?


MACHIVENTA:  Correct.  The work of your web site is to develop social consciousness of the situation and of the values and of the fragility.  We see several components to your web site and it is one that you will have to work with in the design to encourage a person to hit the link, stay there 10 seconds and then hesitate and stay there another 30 seconds.  That is the secret to web site success.  Your site will appeal to those who understand the current situation in the world and that there are no viable options on the horizons for the masses of people who are negatively oriented toward the future, who do not see hope and so this is a means of broadening their awareness and consciousness with a solution in mind.


Jeff:  Are you suggesting that we incorporate actual living examples of this, or should we stay with the hypothetical?  I’m not sure what is going to draw people after they hit the link the second time and stay 30 seconds.  Do you have something specific in mind?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, you should definitely use specific examples of fragility and unsustainability and of eminent collapse, though you would not use those words.  Then you would ask the question and you would seek to develop in the reader, the viewer the question in their own mind, “Now what?”  Then answer their question.


Jeff:  Should we be soliciting the written work of other people who are not necessarily involved with us, but have specific examples of what they have written about?  Is this something you think is appropriate?


MACHIVENTA:  Most definitely.  You want to add credibility to your site and to what you are saying.  If you do your research, which I imagine that Liz has done a great deal already, is that you already know that many eminent individuals see the future as bleak and black, and that there is for many people no answer to it.  If you look at material sustainability, this gives people a ray of hope that there are solutions that are applicable to overcome the problem.  And even in the difficulty of material sustainability and the presence of global warming, rise of the oceans, etc., etc., that these problems will not be overcome even by these sustainable solutions, but eventually they will be overcome and it will take approximately two generations to make a significant difference in your atmosphere and in the geo-physical environment of your world. 


This parallel gives you—you in general collectively, all of us—a way of bridging the consciousness gap that exists for social issues, that there was a total lack of consciousness of material sustainability and now on the horizon there are very viable solutions that will generate positive outcomes.  And when people begin to see the fragility of their social environment and social institutions, and the disconnect of those systems, they will come to an awareness or consciousness of the social problems that exist at hand.  Rather than taking 25-30 years to develop consciousness of the necessity of social sustainability, you will be able to make that gap to begin that process easily within 5 years and to make significant inroads into the global population before the cataclysms begin—or become fully involved.


What will the world look like two generations from now?


Stéphane:  It seems so much of our societies in this generation are dedicated to making a living and engaging with financial and social and are driven by these people that own and govern these institutions which are not aligned with the 7 core values.  I assume that after a couple of generations of implementing the core values is that the world will have a vision in mind as to what the world will look like; what kind of world do we want to create?  We obviously will have a lot more time on our hands to think about other things than sustaining ourselves financially.  Can you give a picture, Machiventa, of what the world would look like if we started in earnest within two generations from now?  What could the world look like?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, most certainly.  Thank you for preparing this for what I have to say.  By the time two generations have passed there will be less than half of the existing world population remaining.  This population will be mostly young, and they will have seen the necessity of interconnected systems.  And so, when you see a community meeting, you will see maybe 100 people who will be guided to divide themselves into “communities.”  Not necessarily geographic communities, but communities of like-thinking, of like-systems and that they will meet among themselves and discuss how their one system is connected to another system and how they can improve that connectedness with the values in mind to guide the results of their system’s development.  This will develop within each community group or team, and then as is usual, [through] group dynamics and workshop dynamics they will be called to present their findings and what they have done, and then they will be called upon to seek partnership with other dissimilar systems to see how they might evolve their own interconnected systems. 


Everyone will have the fundamental understanding that there is no atomistic  independent, go it alone attitudes that will be self-sustaining, that there is a mutuality of connectedness that seeks to find the commonalities of all systems so that everyone becomes connected.  The interdependence will be accepted as inevitable and necessary and mutual, rather than a means for others to compete and prey upon their vulnerabilities.  What will be sought after is that individuals will see in these groups that they are vulnerable and they seek the wisdom of others to overcome their vulnerability which can become eventually fatal if it is not overcome.  And when a system becomes fatal, then it is no longer a part of the larger system and the system has lost a necessary partner in its mutuality. 


This is about as pragmatic as I can present it today, that I speak in terms of systems, but it can also occur within small geographic communities that individuals will see that they have certain skills, others have different skills and so on, and so they seek to help each other’s sustainability, their survivability, their ease of existence.  If someone is without electricity in a particular room, then the quality of their life is less than it could be if someone who had electrical experience could assist them in doing so.  The only obligation would be to pay for the materials necessary to make that improvement.  Other individuals may not know how to cook, and so there would be a community cooking school for very basic things—we are not talking about cuisine, we are talking about fundamentals of how to feed your children a viable breakfast to last them until lunch or even into the afternoon.  So your question is vital to the future and to the process of “becoming.”  It is one thing “to be” but it is another thing “to become,” and it is necessary for your societies now to engage in this new consciousness to become something different, something that is sustainable.


Craig:  I was thinking probably approaching the same thing from a different point of view.  Machiventa, you said that today most people are not engaged in any meaningful way in reaching out and improving the world.  I’m sure that people are always mostly well meaning, but I guess we are really centered as everyone is saying on making a living and personal things.  In the future we will be much more able to spend time going to those sorts of meetings where things are talked about and developed.  I guess it’s hard to proceed along those lines while most people are engaged in self-sustaining and self-maintenance.  Any comments on that?


Everything now is monetized


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, you overlooked one aspect in your comment about scenarios and that is as you now see your world everything has become monetized, that everything has been equated to a financial value.  And even individuals who work for a non-profit their services are monetized and they are seen as expenses as [they] are in commercial companies and to decrease expenses and increase profits.  This and people’s whole lives have been monetized and have been focused on money, making money, earning money.  In the future when the cataclysms become more and more fully involved, much as a house fire becomes involved, the focus will not be on money, but it will simply be on survival; survival in this moment, survival tomorrow and continued survival into the future which is existence, and then continued existence.  Money will take its rightful backseat to other imperatives in individuals and families lives. 


What is transposed for money in the future


What is transposed for money is another issue and it will become something that will be a combination of money, barter, exchange, services and so on.  Most of all what will happen is the decrease in the highly elevated expectations for monetary existence.  A modest home now is less than 1,000 sq. ft.; a reasonable home for a family is less than 3,000 sq. ft. and often between 2,000 – 2,500 sq. ft.  If this was the modicum or the standard for housing, with houses in excess of 5,000 sq. ft. becoming almost uninhabitable then this would change dramatically.  And rather than buying a $100,000 car, or a $150,000 car as your family sedan, you would be willing to accept a $35,000 family sedan; your lives would change dramatically—even today, particularly today. 


It is not necessarily a standard of living that is based on more, or bigger, or many, but rather on what is necessary to live reasonably with a good quality of life.  A good quality of life is not associated with larger houses; it is not associated with expensive automobiles or clothes, or vacations, etc.  With the huge shift in your societal value systems and what is important through the cataclysms, these elevated standards of living will become unrecognizable and unnecessary, and some people will be despised as they are by some who are very poor.  All that is necessary to evolve socially as an individual and as a civilization is a reasonable quality of life in your personal living situation, your family situation and in your community. 


The decrease and elimination of crime


With the decrease in money, crime will decrease and crime will become much more pinpointed and your resolve to eliminate crime will be a major factor in the shift of culture and in your scenarios.  The abuse of individuals through loss of life and physical assault, and through financial machinations will be gone and necessarily so because they not only do not maintain quality of life, but they are in fact, detrimental to the quality of life of individuals and to your society as a whole. 


A hope for better days ahead


Thank you for today’s opportunity to speak with you.  I leave you with these thoughtful messages; they are not necessarily comforting, but we do offer you the hope that there will be better days ahead after you go through this difficult time.  This is Machiventa saying, “We love you, we care for you and we support you and we engage you as often as you can in our co-creative efforts.  Good day.”


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