[tmtranscripts] Manotia 6-10-18

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 17:53:22 PDT 2018

Planetary Seraphim Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness


June 10, 2018

Topic: Angels of Industry and Progress and the Restoration of the Divine
Plan upon Urantia

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we join once again together in this circuit of
your LOVE as we are connected heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to
Spirit. As we settle into this state of mediation, we ask for our Planetary
Seraphim to collaborate with us now in our focused efforts to build more
spiritual energy into our planet's circuit of consciousness. As we join
with them may the love that we emit from our hearts be put to good use for
the furtherance of this planet's healing and transformation as your WILL is
done. Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve.

MANOTIA: Greetings, one and all! This is Manotia, and I am pleased, as we
all are, to join you in this circuit of conscious collaboration in our
Creator Parents' LOVE. In our last time together we invited you to
participate with us and the Angels of Industry to build the circuits for
more of the divine plans for Urantia to prevail. We will again engage with
this group as well as the Angels of Progress.

As you settle into your state of meditation, let your gaze settle into your
heart centers. Take some deep breaths, allowing your bodies to become more
fully relaxed. In your mind's eye invite the words and energies of
visualization. Let that energy stream from your hearts as you envision the
globe in front of you and we will engage with you with these two particular
Seraphic groups, the Angels of Industry and the Angels of Progress. We
begin. (Pause)

The stage is being set for a new era in the economic structure and
development of your planet's collective consciousness. Much of the
turbulence you are witnessing in the field of industry is because of this
change energy now imparting new information into these circuits wherein a
mindset has prevailed for many generations. This mindset is beginning to
yield, and by your holding this desire for the divine plans to become
further integrated into this arena will more change occur-positive change
and change that will truly mean a better and brighter future for all

This will take time for this to accomplish as you well know, but in holding
this particular focus today you are engaging with these two very important
Seraphic groups of Industry and Progress to help these energies become
stronger throughout the whole construct of your planet's system of
consciousness. All we require of you is to maintain that focus of desire
for this to prevail and trust that there are mighty forces now converging in
your intentional focus to bring about more good to move into these circuits.

Most of the humans of this world have relegated the wealth of their lives
and their nations based on the economic interests and on how much material
wealth and money has been accumulated. But I say to you, that this is part
of the change that is occurring. True wealth from a spiritual perspective
is measured in how well the citizens of this planet treat one another and
how well human life is valued, not with dollars and cents, but with the
energies of the heart-compassion, tolerance, patience, which are all
attributes of divine LOVE. Truly, when a culture operates on these
spiritual qualities you begin to develop true wealth, and the economic
system that progresses from this heightened sense of morality and spiritual
values you become a great planetary culture. This is one of the ways that
your world will truly progress to its ultimate destiny of heaven on earth,
that which you have come to understand as the era of Light and Life.

But first the divine plans must be more fully established, and in your
holding of this desire today, you are helping to grow this mindset of
spiritual value and wealth upon the planet. This is a very important
turnaround in the perception in how your industry is conducted, and there
are many avenues that are opening and ready to receive this higher
information that people may participate and collaborate with these ideals
and ideologies more closely. And the angels are here to help this world to
open up to these higher ideals that are so health-producing and
life-affirming for every individual. Continue to hold this focus as we
continue to collaborate with what you are sending into the planet at this
time. (Pause)

We invite you now to also add the focus of the SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF
CHRIST MICHAEL to once again conjoin in this circuit of the RESTORATION OF
THE DIVINE PLANS. We also invite you to feel your desire for this conjoined
circuit to move into those attitudes prevalent upon the planet of greed and
conflict. Feel your desire for these two attitudes to receive more
spiritual vibrancy and information and that Michael's presence may go deeper
into this place where these attitudes are still very much ingrained in your
world's consciousness structures. (Pause)

These two attitudes have fostered much deception foisted on the human mind,
and we invite you to look at this through the lens of Michael's LOVE,
COMPASSION, and MERCY. Let these attitudes lose their stranglehold upon
human consciousness, and that the human heart which has been attached to
these attitudes be liberated from them, perceive the true path of righteous
living. Feel the need for Michael's SOVEREIGNTY and FATHERHOOD to prevail
here as we move into these circuits and bring more spiritual energy to bear
on some places where this darkness still resides within the human heart.

Once again we invite you to shift the focus slightly. Let your heart
energies engage with our Divine Mother Nebadonia. Ask for Her Holy Spirit
move in these circuits wherein the divine plan is being restored that Her
presence may pervade into those energies of greed and conflict. (Pause)

May the collective circuit of the human heart be purified and cleansed in
Her Holy Spirit, expunging the energies of greed and conflict for more of
Michael's presence will prevail through His Spirit of Truth and His love for
the children of this world. (Pause)

There is what you might call a Holy Fire now blazing through these circuits
of consciousness all around the planet. This is the action of our Mother to
to take more space in the constructs of the human mind. It is a time of
change-a time of outworking, and many of your brothers and sisters are now
feeling the effects of this, but are highly unstable because of the pain in
their own hearts. Be merciful with these children. Ask to see their
actions from the divine perspective and pray for them. Hold them up to our
Mother and Father and ask for their spiritual presence and authority to
embrace them. In doing so you are asking for a new environment to grow
within their minds that they may eventually pick up on the signals of love
and compassion and the forgiveness that is awaiting them should they chose
to repent of their actions and ask for the higher path to guide them along.

Your prayer efforts are very much needed now because you are now invoking
human will for spiritual change and transformation. Human will is a
fundamental ingredient of conscious collaboration and co-creation with
Spirit. We cannot underscore the importance of this now as your world
undergoes more change. So ensure that you are doing your part each day by
collaborating with us during a portion of your stillness time and also
praying for your brothers and sisters who are feeling this pain and do not
know where to turn. Lift them up to our Parents because they know these
children. They know how to reach them. All you are doing is providing an
environment for higher reality to imprint upon their mindal systems that
they may open to a better way of life: a better way of perception, a better
way of thinking, and to have better attitudes in their hearts.

So take a few moments in your own way, your own words to pray for these
children, and we will conjoin with you and add to where you focus. You may
pray for as many individuals and situations that you like, any areas around
the globe where there is conflict and greed. Simply place your gaze where
your heart is calling you and we will meet you in that place. (Pause)

My brethren, thank you for your focused efforts today. Know that you have
much spiritual power to wield especially when you come to your Spirit
Parents in prayer for the upliftment for the world circuits of consciousness
as well as for those individuals still beholden to the ways of the
rebellion. Take your power in hand with the authority that Michael gives to
you to pray for these individuals. This is an important activity that you
undertake each day. And we hope that you will continue to include this as
part of your spiritual practice each day to support these circuits to
integrate into this world's consciousness system to create a better future
for all life here and to help the planet on her ascension to the higher ways
of universe living.

We have completed our objectives for today, and we thank you once again for
your sincere devotion and love and service to this world. We will join you
again in two weeks in this manner but truly you can call upon us at any
time, at any moment, during the day to collaborate with us, to pray for your
brethren, to uplift this world in the circuits of love, harmony, peace, and
life. With that being said, I take my leave and I wish you a most blessed
and peaceful and joyful good day.

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