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Sat Jul 11 05:07:11 PDT 2015

That the plan of love and light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let light and love and power restore the plan on earth."

(From the New Zealand Group, 1984.)

Leadership traits

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. It is a pleasur=
e to be in your company once again. (Group greetings.) Let us follow up t=
he discussion we had on leadership the last time. You-the three here-are w=
hat you might call "ordinary people." You do not rub shoulders with the gi=
ants of your societies, of the hierarchy of leadership and government, and =
society and economies, yet you have an awareness of leadership in your smal=
l repertoire of friends. Who would you like to be a leader? Who would you=
like to participate in leadership teams? Who has the skills that are need=
ed for authentic, genuine, transparent leadership? You might want to consi=
der the skills that these potential leaders may have. You may also want to=
list the traits of leadership, which you think are important. Some of you=
have a small list of friends, and a larger list of acquaintances, and an e=
ven larger list of individuals who you have seen or heard or read about thr=
ough your years. Consider these individuals, even those you have not met, =
who have the traits and characteristics of leadership that you would like t=
o see participate on a leadership team.

If you are thinking of participatory management skills, who would you like =
to have participate in the management teams that direct the course of your =
societies, for your governments and for your economies. Who would be amena=
ble and open to the six core values of social sustainability? Who would be=
willing to incorporate those into their thinking? What kind of mind does =
the leader have? Is it a dualistic mind? Do they think in terms of dualis=
tic orientations, or do they have a mind that is open and receptive to the =
variations of every topic? Those who are amenable to social sustainability=
would not be thinking in terms of either/or, positive or negative, black o=
r white, at work or no work. There are gradients among all those options, =
and not all leadership minds are open to those gradients. Who do you know =
personally, who has the capacity and capability to participate in a leaders=
hip team? You may want to begin there, and then expand your list. We know=
that some of you have a very small coterie of friends who you trust, who y=
ou feel comfortable with and who have the capacity for leadership.

Leadership at the local level

We are not necessarily talking about leadership of a nation, or of a whole =
society, but leadership within, let us say, a local social sustainability d=
esign team. Who would you nominate to be a facilitator, or a recorder, or =
an inquiring member, or the consultant? Who has the capacity to organize a=
nd lead, and initiate a design team in your community? Maybe that person i=
s you; maybe not. These are some of the questions and some of the options =
you should be thinking about in terms of leadership, for when the time come=
s and there is disarray in your city-or your state, or your local community=
or county-who could you count upon to be of assistance to help reorganize-=
or to organize-a design team and to begin thinking of sustainable options f=
or the future? Even if you do not form a team, the awareness in the minds =
of your local potential leaders, or assistant leaders, it would be useful f=
or them to have in mind the six core values of social sustainability as the=
options for making good decisions. In the very beginning, you may not hav=
e a design team at all, and you may not have one for a long time, but if le=
aders and followers are thinking in terms of those six decision-making mark=
ers as criteria for establishing harmony, balance and stability in their co=
mmunity, tremendous progress will develop; we can assure you of that.

We are open to questions concerning this topic, or others, if you wish.

Roxie: Machiventa, in the subdivision that I live in, we do have quite a f=
ew people that would just naturally step in and lead when the occasion aris=
es, but I am not sure that they would want to lead in the manner of a desig=
n team. I think they would have their own ideas of how to proceed.

Importing the six core values at the local level

MACHIVENTA: Yes, we would anticipate that in almost all communities, but t=
here needs to be someone in that community who raises their hand and gives =
them the format, or the values-the six core values of social sustainability=
as options, as criteria for making decisions. It is important that that p=
resentation fall upon the ears of most members of a community. We can imag=
ine as you could yourself, that after a community is isolated by some catas=
trophe or some other situation, that the community would rally together and=
have a common meeting. At that meeting, the many options will be discusse=
d. It is important that that community building and the six core values of=
social sustainability be brought forward as a topic or a means of making d=
ecisions that are in the welfare of all concerned. If you knew these thing=
s, and you were pessimistic about their leadership and the community of rec=
eiving that information, and you withheld that from them, then you have don=
e a tremendous disservice by omission to your community.

[ Note: The 3 core values and 3 core value-emotions are: Life, Growth, Eq=
uality, Empathy, Compassion and Love.]

We know that there will be those individuals who are headstrong and who are=
egoistic enough to think that they can lead the community out of its diffi=
culties; this is a natural development. We expect that would come from som=
e dominant male in a community. It is upon the women that we know that wil=
l bring forward the values that will sustain families, and would help your =
community to grow into its fullness with transparency by following the effe=
ctive criteria of sustainability.

Student: All that you have just said has really has brought things down to=
my level. With social sustainability I have been thinking more on a world=
wide level and national level. But now that you are talking community I ca=
n relate so much more with it, and getting direction this way, with these i=
deas, I really appreciate it because exactly what you have said is that in =
these small communities, if anything ever happens, you are going to have pe=
ople come together to form plans, and it is going to be a few people all kn=
ow in their communities that are going to be more dominant than others. My=
thinking, like I said, has always been more on a national level, but when =
you bring it more into focus like this, I can really relate with it, that r=
eally helps; it makes more sense, and I know it affects everybody. It's wh=
en you talk like this on a more personal level, a community level, that it =
really helps. Thank you!

Social sustainability will develop at the grass roots level

MACHIVENTA: You are most welcome. We have always said that social sustain=
ability will develop at the grass roots level, and that it will not be hier=
archy that brings about social sustainability in organizations, and then in=
cities and states; it will begin first with local individuals who know the=
rightness of these criteria. You have seen this clearly. This is the rea=
son why the community building book, "Social Sustainability Handbook for Co=
mmunity-Builders" was given that title. This is a fundamental, simple and =
short book to describe social sustainability to local community people. It=
is available online as an e-book, so it will still be down loadable by mos=
t communities, even in times of crisis. Your comments give us an assurance=
from the mortal, local level that there is truth in what we have brought f=
orward to you.

Student: Yes, definitely. Everything that you have said resonates within =
me, and it is truth-and I know that-but just because you started really tal=
king on the local level, it brought it home, more so than thinking on the w=
orldwide level. If anything ever does happen, the local level is where the=
communication has to really come in. I know it does grow up from there and=
become spread to a national level, but the local level is the one I really=
agree with. Thank you.

The current political divide, both locally and nationally

Roxie: Machiventa, our whole country is divided almost exactly down the mi=
ddle in terms of the political parties, and we are having that same problem=
even at our local level of the City of Loveland. The school board, for ex=
ample, is split in half and all they do is argue. It is having a disastrou=
s effect on our school district because the school board is divided in half=
politically. Do you have any comments about how we can prevent that sort =
of thing from continuing on when we work through that in times of crisis?

MACHIVENTA: You will find that the superficial issues of community will be=
wiped away very quickly in times of crisis, as the cataclysms occur locall=
y, as you have mentioned. This will give new focus to the function of gove=
rnmental agencies and education. The "why" question of education will come=
up at that time: "What is it that education is meant to teach?" "What ar=
e the reasons for education's existence?" And those questions will be exam=
ined because people will not have the skills or knowledge, information and =
education, to help themselves survive, or make contributions to the surviva=
l of the community. This again, is where leadership comes in. It may be t=
hat you raise your hand and you present these options: That is leadership!=

Fix the old paradigm or create a new paradigm?

You may not become the leader, or the organizer, or be a participant on the=
team, but leadership begins by presenting ideas that work, ideas that are =
perennial, that are timeless-using criteria that are timeless. You will fi=
nd that when the weeks wear on, as the community is in crisis, they will st=
rive to reorganize themselves to become functional once again. The questio=
n then remains, "Do you fix the old paradigm, or do you create a new paradi=
gm?" What you will find, and what you could present, is that these six cri=
teria of social sustainability provide the timeless criteria for sustainabi=
lity, that they provide the criteria for all decision-making that gives uni=
formity to the present to assist and support and sustain the future and fut=
ure generations.

There has been no organizing criteria heretofore that could assist a commun=
ity to become focused in its efforts and energies to support itself and sus=
tain itself and generations into the future. When these six values are giv=
en examination by thinking leaders, they will find that this answers the "w=
hy of education?" because social sustainability is societal, it is civiliza=
tional, and it is individual and familial. Its orientation is to the futur=
e, but in order to fulfill that future, the present must be organized aroun=
d consistent criteria to answer the questions to the social issues and publ=
ic issues that come forward.

The question of devising an advanced nation with low taxation

MMc: Machiventa, last time we were together, you asked a question, a littl=
e teaser, and the question was: "How would you devise an advanced nation w=
ith low taxation?" I believe I have an answer for you: You would organize=
individuals into self-sustaining communities and organizations. Individua=
ls would then, within the communities, work for the organizations and the o=
rganizations would provide goods and services to the individuals for a fee.=
They would be mutually supportive within the communities. I wondered if =
you would. first of all, is that a reasonable answer to your question, and =
second of all, I wondered if you would speak to us about this a little bit =

MACHIVENTA: Your answer is not anything different than what you are doing =
now in your society by paying for your services and products that you need =
in your life, which does not address the aspect of taxation. One of the po=
tential scenarios for a low taxation in the future of your societies would =
be for corporations or businesses to become more socially responsible, whil=
e still making a profit. Those are two criteria that are essential for the=
continuance of commerce. Through some mechanism, companies and corporatio=
ns, even sole proprietorships that have employees, will be encouraged to pr=
ovide services to their employees that are in accordance or in alignment wi=
th the six core values of social sustainability. This would make it easier=
for government to reduce its services, and to make government smaller by c=
orporations or companies providing services to their employees and to their=
client base, or customer base, in ways that support the three core values,=
there would be less need for hierarchical control of social programs.

This is a far different scenario, or different paradigm of doing business t=
han exists in your society now. However, you have one political party that=
continues to espouse smaller government, but there is no means available t=
o that political party to think of how to reduce the dominance and particip=
ation and control of government in the personal lives of citizens. These t=
hree core values, qualified by the three core value-emotions would be able =
to provide the basis for reinventing social supports of your society at the=
local and regional basis by local companies and national and international=
companies. It would go a long way in assisting the investment of social s=
ustainability into your societies. How companies would be compensated woul=
d be through a tax credit, if they adhered to these local and regional prog=
rams that they initiate themselves with their employees, they would avoid h=
igher taxes during the transition period to a new tax structure. This is o=
ne very brief example. It seems nebulous, it seems fuzzy to you, but it us=
es the six core values to qualify the programs.

Obviously, in order to change the equation of commerce, the whole thought o=
f profitability and dividends and disbursement of income must change radica=
lly. The investment process must also come from the employees; it must com=
e from those who participate in the operation of the corporation. In other=
words, that for social sustainability to become operational on an ongoing =
basis, there must be the reciprocal or symbiotic relationship between respo=
nsibilities and income and privileges, that employees would become co-owner=
s of the organization of the corporation or company that they work for. Th=
ey would be in receipt of dividends much as the current dividend structures=
exist. You would be concerned about the divestiture of current dividend h=
olders, of stock holders; that is an issue that must be resolved and one th=
at is amenable to current investors. In other words, citizens become stock=
holders in the corporations where they work, and they become stockholders a=
s social assets in their own communities and society.

Living together co-creatively and co-responsibly

Attendant to that must be greater responsibility on the part of the individ=
ual to make wise decisions that support the social sustainability of everyo=
ne. This, of course, would require that your educational systems be reorga=
nized to also teach individuals at a very early age, how to live in a socia=
lly sustainable community. Enculturation obviously must begin in the famil=
y; it must begin with those individuals who are now pubescent and who are p=
re-procreational, before they have their own children, so that when they do=
come together and they have children, that they will enculturate those chi=
ldren with the values of personal responsibility for living in a shared soc=
iety. The gross individualism of your American society is a very detriment=
al aspect of your American history; it has served its purposes, now you mus=
t learn to live together co-creatively and co-responsibly.

Addressing the problem of debt of individuals and nations

Roxie: In looking for an answer to that question that Michael just brought=
up, I checked out the "Government on a Neighboring Planet" paper in the Ur=
antia Book, and in that paper on the section on taxation, they list: Impor=
t Duties, Royalties from patents, Inheritance Tax, Leasing Military Equipme=
nt, and Income from Natural Resources, and that one day's earnings per mont=
h from each employed person goes to the Old Age Insurance program. I find =
that with our huge debt that our government holds right now, that would be =
very difficult to use on our society until after the debt is paid off. You=
r comments, please?

MACHIVENTA: The debt structure of your nations on your world is something =
that will cause the next economic and global recession and depression. It =
is a man-made phenomena, it is not actually part of the socially sustainabl=
e economic structure. Borrowing money is an anticipation of success in the=
future. However, by using the Schematic for Validating Social Sustainabil=
ity you may find that in the last column, the criteria for performance, is =
that there is failure, that individuals are unable to pay their mortgages, =
or pay the interest on their debts. We are speaking of individuals; we are=
also speaking of nations. You have seen this same situation previously in=
Argentina, and you have now seen it in the nation of Greece. This situati=
on will continue as there are so many nations that are very deeply in debt,=
and do not have the commercial capacity to pay the interest, let alone pay=
down the principle.

The situation of nations is no different than that of an individual, and th=
at is that there is the expectation and planning for expansion of a busines=
s, or a nation's economy to increase income and standard of living, and so =
on. Going further to the left of this schematic, you will find that belief=
s-there is the belief that the economy is stable, assuming that it will con=
tinue so, that the economy is stable and the belief that by investing money=
, you can make more money to improve standards of living, and so on. The u=
nspoken assumption that underlies that belief is that this will continue on=
without failure. This is not realistic. The realistic understanding is t=
hat economies are always very fragile and very fickle, and can change radic=

Ten years of prosperity is not an indicator that there will be another hund=
red years of prosperity. In fact, your history of economics has demonstrat=
ed that ten years is almost the longest era by which economies can sustain =
their growth. The assumption is that human nature would not seek to hoard =
income or be greedy to skew the whole process. The values, of course, of e=
veryone are very similar: To have an improved quality of life, to experien=
ce growth, and to do so equally as those who are very wealthy and powerful =
and financially independent. As you can see, the assumptions are what bite=
s you in the end. Assumptions support the fallacious decision-making that =
eventually causes economies to collapse-or family incomes to collapse.

Who makes the decision to buy a house worth five times as much as the house=
you are living in? You do. Who makes the decision to buy a car that cost=
s five or ten times more than the used car that is now paid off that you no=
w own? You do. Your civilizations, your people, your populace does not en=
culturate children, or learn from the wisdom of history. One of the wonder=
ful elements of your species is that you are ebullient, you are expansive, =
and you are extremely assertive to move forward with the assumption that pr=
ogress will always be evident. You, as a species, have also forgotten the =
many hundreds of times you in your personal lives have made erroneous decis=
ions, small and large, that cause you great difficulty in the future.

Social sustainability is not about the lows and the highs; it is about the =
normal range that brings social stability and peace. Your nations would be=
hugely different if the military budgets were shrunk by 90%. Your governm=
ents do not know how to operate in such a positive cash-flow situation; the=
y would once again see that positive cash-flow as a means to expand, and so=
on, causing more difficulty. You are seeing once again, a repeat, a repea=
t, and another repeat of history of expansion and failure, and now they are=
coming more closely together.

Roxie: Do you think it is possible to make these changes that you are talk=
ing about if we don't have a calamity or catastrophe to be the impetus, and=
a reduced population to put it on an easier level of achievement?


Student: Roxanne and Michael have given their answers to the question you =
asked about lower taxation, I must admit that after you gave us the questio=
n, after the session was over, I thought about the question and the only th=
ing that came to my mind-and I didn't go any further than that-that it woul=
d only possibly work if everybody, the country, the communities, whatever, =
were really working on social sustainability as their goal, and eventually =
you would maybe see lower taxation. But unless that was implemented throug=
hout the country or community, it wouldn't happen. That was my thought. Y=
our comment?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, you are absolutely correct. However, in the beginning, l=
et us say that there is such a social and societal collapse in your nation =
that the function of government is almost nil. Then you would be able to i=
nvent what you wanted to. It will also be such that there will be an ackno=
wledgement that the old paradigm failed, once again, as prior nations and s=
ocieties and empires and dynasties have failed throughout all of human hist=
ory. There must be an appreciation by many, particularly at the grass root=
s level that the old paradigm is not working. Many citizens of democracy r=
ail against their government, but they do not have a better answer. Person=
al responsibility must become increased significantly for a stable society =
to work, let alone a socially sustainable society.

Fix the communication network first

There must be "a change of heart" for your nations to change the way they d=
o business. There must be a means by which millions of individuals at the =
local level can voice their opinions that they want to do something differe=
nt, that the old paradigm does not work. You wonder how that might be poss=
ible when there have been cataclysms, and so on: You will find that if the=
re is a will, there is a way to communicate, and mortals are always so comm=
unicative and want to improve the means and speed by which they can communi=
cate. You will find that even in times of disaster and difficulty that com=
munications will be one of the parts of the infrastructure that will be rep=
laced or repaired first. This is necessary to carry forward the old paradi=
gm as well as institute a new paradigm. Someone must come forward and say,=
"There is a better way. There is a new way. There is something that is s=

Meditate for guidance

You must, of course, leave many of the arrangements to the Most Highs, and =
to your Melchizedeks, and to your teachers to assist you in these times of =
need. It may seem odd that when there is chaos all around you, it is time =
to meditate; it is time to become still and enter the space of 'no thought'=
and contemplate what you can do, or just simply live in the open space of =
'no thought' and let spirit speak to you, and then you will awaken within h=
ours or days and realize that you have an idea that could be helpful to you=
r community. We say, once again, that the New Era of socially stable socie=
ties will begin at the local level. We will do what we can, and endeavor t=
o do as much as possible before then, to make the grass roots level of citi=
zens throughout the world aware of social sustainability. This is a challe=
nge for us; it is a challenge for you. It has never been done before in su=
ch a manner in all of Orvonton. This is the beginning of participatory soc=
ial evolution on a grand scale, beginning with the individual, the family, =
and the community. The challenges are mighty for us and the challenges are=
as great for you, as well.

Student: Thank you, Machiventa. Yes, absolutely, and thank you-it makes m=
uch more sense to me when you explain it that way. Thank you very much.

MMc: Are there any more questions for Machiventa today?

Roxie: No more questions from me.

Changes for our team in the near future

Student: Can I ask one more, please? It's regarding the fact of when you =
talked a while ago about the different cataclysms happening and what will h=
appen to communications when this comes about, and there is once again comm=
unication for our team, that we will go to weekly communications. My quest=
ion is: Would you be speaking more specifically as to the grass roots leve=
l of people who are going to be listening or reading these communications w=
hen they come out? Will you focus more on those things?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, most certainly. We anticipate that developments and unfo=
ldments concerning social sustainability and the needs of the public will a=
rise before then. Your societies, your world is in tremendous flux right n=
ow; there is much chaos in Europe and elsewhere due to many wrong decisions=
in the past. There is an ongoing cataclysm in your world now, concerning =
your nations, and particularly the people of nations. The established citi=
zens of Europe are highly concerned about their own welfare, and very conce=
rned about their welfare in the future, given the influx of these new migra=
nts that are entering their nations. The disintegration of the Middle East=
continues to go on. Yes, we will be much more involved with you at the lo=
cal level, but at that time, you will be assisted-particularly those of you=
who are TRs and who are clairaudient channels, to become aware of personal=
direction and guidance and direction for your local community. You will f=
ind that our teachers who are in huge abundance will become more as mentors=
to you in the co-responsibility of renewing the sustainable roots of your =
society and your community. These are eventual developments; there are som=
e things which even we cannot change, but certainly that we can affect for =
an outcome that benefits both Christ Michael's Correcting Time and you as i=

Student: Thank you, Machiventa. I have no more questions.

MACHIVENTA: Michael, do you have any more questions?

MMc: No, I have no more today for you, sir.

Roxie: I would like to say one thing, Machiventa. We felt very badly the =
last time we met on the 7th, because we didn't sign off properly and allow =
you a chance to say any closing words that you may have had. We are sorry =
that we neglected to do that.

MACHIVENTA: We realize that your enthusiasm sometimes may overwhelm the pr=
ocedures of our meetings. This is something that we have anticipated, and =
something that you should anticipate in your own design teams. This is som=
ething where the recorder would take note of the diversion from the course =
of discussion to an adjacent topic of discussion, and having noted that wou=
ld bring the team back on course after that secondary discussion has been c=
ompleted. You are finding yourselves now to be acting in many ways as a lo=
cal design team, with similar behaviors. Thank you, and your apologies are=
certainly accepted. You must know that this is part of the team process, =
and that it will happen, and that you will strive to improve your behavior,=
but nonetheless, when great ideas come forward, they need to be discussed =
and recorded and developed eventually, and then the team brought back to th=
e original line of discussion. Your comments are very timely and very much=
appreciated. Thank you.

Roxie: Thank you for your understanding.

Closing words of wisdom

MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your presence here today, and as you can see fro=
m our discussion, that we are entering into new phases of your planetary de=
velopment and its social, political and economic evolution. We are seeing =
outwardly in your world the necessity of change, the positive change that i=
s guided by underlying, consistent criteria that will bring about positive =
results. You are beginning to see that the values of social sustainability=
are the values of all of humanity, not of just a few people, and that when=
you begin using these, the results benefit everyone, not just a few people=
=2E This is the benefit of using values that have sustained your species, =
and which are part of your whole being. When people begin to understand ho=
w they are intrinsically and innately wired with these values, they will be=
gin to see that they make tremendous sense for a more positive future.

Yes, you will have continued difficulties with debts that you made during e=
xuberant, prosperous times that are unsustainable, and you will see this at=
the national level, international level and at a personal and family level=
=2E You must bring forward in your thoughts the necessity of understanding=
the wisdom of stable, consistent, and positive growth and development in y=
our life, without those spikes of enthusiasm both up into the positive real=
m and deeply in the negative realm where there is so much destruction that =
occurs. Your Master told you many times to live a life that is modest of m=
eans, and is consistent and rewarding. Good day.

Roxie: Thank you very much for coming today, we appreciate your words of w=

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<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
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<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Social sustainability will develop at the grass roots=

<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">The current political divide, both locally and
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Fix the old paradigm or create a new
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">The question of devising an advanced nation with low =

<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Living together co-creatively and
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Addressing the problem of debt of individuals and
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Fix the communication network first<o:p></o:p></SPAN>=
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Meditate for guidance<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Changes for our team in the near
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
style=3D"COLOR: blue">Closing words of wisdom</SPAN></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=3DMsoNormal>TR:<S=
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Daniel Raphael</P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=3DMsoNormal>Team =

members:<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Roxanne Andrews, Mi=
McCray, and a student</P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"
<H2 style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3>Septemb=
er 21,
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=3DMsoNormal><I>Th=
e Great
Invocation</I>:<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN></P>
<H1 style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in"><EM><FONT size=
the point of light within the mind of God</FONT></EM></H1>
<H1 style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in"><EM><FONT size=
light stream forth into the minds of men</FONT></EM></H1>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
light descend on earth.<o:p></o:p></EM></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
the point of love within the heart of God<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
love stream forth into the hearts of men<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
Christ return to earth.<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
the centre where the Will of God is known<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
purpose guide the little wills of men<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
purpose which the Masters knew and serve.<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
the centre which we call the race of men<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
the plan of love and light work out<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
may it seal the door where evil dwells.<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=3DMsoNormal=
light and love and power restore the plan on earth.=94<o:p></o:p></I></P>
<P style=3D"LINE-HEIGHT: 105%; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 1in" class=3DMsoNormal>(=

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