[tmtranscripts] Monjoronson 1-26-14

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 19:23:17 PST 2014

Monjoronson -Magisterial Mission Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org> www.ctrforchristcon.org

January 26, 2014

TOPIC: Focus on REHABILITATION in MICHAEL's MIND for personal and planetary
transformation; Lifting Urantia up to the Paradise Father

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to be here with
you again, and with one another, and to add our energies into this growing
fabric of consciousness to help the world in its transformation to the
higher realms of your will, your love and light, and to help prepare the way
for the Magisterial Mission. We take a few moments to focus in our hearts
that desire to be of service to you, to our planet, to one another. We open
ourselves up to our celestial helpers that they may combine our energies and
add them where they will do the most good in service of the Magesterial
Mission. We open our hearts in appreciation for the love you provide to us
for our healing and transformation. May your will be done. Thank you.

MONJORONSON: Greetings one and all! This is Monjoronson. I am delighted
to again join you in this forum where we collaborate in building these
circuits of transformation into the planet's fabric of consciousness. As
many of you are now experiencing, there is a great change that is underway.
People are responding to these enhanced circuits of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE,
and we anticipate that as time progresses that many more hearts will respond
favorably to what is being provided to you and this world to grow in these
energies that emanate from the Paradise Father and His WILL for creation.

I call upon you today to again join me and assist my staff and me in these
growing circuits of LIGHT. You have added your heart energies and we
respond to that-there it is growing into this fabric of consciousness and we
have augmented that. Today we invite you to focus on these plans that
Michael has created for the rehabilitation of the planet to be more keenly
perceived within this fabric of consciousness. We have focused on the
energies of REHABILITATION and we will continue to do so, but with the added
flavor of your emotions-your feelings of desire for Michael's plans to be
deeply seeded here for their manifestation in human thought, word and
action. Within Michael's mind are the plans that have far reaching
reverberations of how this will change your Urantian culture. It is not
meant to occur over one single generation, but over many generations. But
within his plans are developmental stages which you must attain in order for
subsequent upliftment change to unfold. His plans of correction far
outweigh any human comprehension, but yet and as we have encouraged you in
the past, you can desire this because you trust Michael and you know He
loves this world, you know He loves the children of this planet.

So today, as we again invite you to focus on this energy of REHABILITATION,
we invite you to feel your desire for Michael's plans to be imparted more
deeply, and for more hearts to be open to His plans. You do not need to
know or understand what those plans are, as we wish for you to be in that
place of trust-that the desire would outweigh the understanding; that your
need for his plans to unfold would be stronger than your need to know what
those plans are. So as we begin to focus, hold that attitude that simply
says, "Father, I do not know what your plans are for this world, but I trust
in them and I thank you for imparting more of the energies necessary for
these plans to manifest in human consciousness. I gladly provide that space
for you to use my energies to bring more of your WILL to our world." Let
your mind settle on these words, and your heart open to this desire, and let
us continue to construct these energies of REHABILITATION into this
co-creational field before we begin our outward focusing upon the planet.
Let us begin. (Pause)

The desire within your focus is providing you with an opportunity to receive
more of Michael's WILL for your own personal transformation, whereby you
then become more receptive to sharing your gifts of personality to this
growing outpouring of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE into the planet's consciousness.
So, in desiring Michael's plans of REHABILITATION to bathe the planet's
consciousness, you are essentially receiving it for your own lives, and you
are allowing His mind to provide that container within which you will grow
and share who you are and the desires in your heart to serve.

It is a matter of becoming familiar with the part having an effect on the
whole, and the whole as the container within which the part is able then to
participate at the higher levels of cosmic reality. Your personal healing
and transformation is vital. What you bring into this arena of collective
transformation is just as important as the person next to you, persons in
your lives. You here now are stepping up and being more responsible by
simply having that desire for more of Michael's plans of correction to

Continue to focus on this, and allow what is occurring to continue, to
expand, and to recalibrate these fields of consciousness to Michael's WILL.

Allow the REHABILITATION energies to move deeper into you. Then in a few
moments, we will project that outward into the fabric of the planet's
consciousness as we have done in the past. Simply focus on this word and
your desire for Michael's plan to unfold. (Pause)

The container of consciousness aligned in the Father's WILL is taking form
and it is growing, and what a beautiful construct of co-creation it is to
behold. Some of you may have glimpses of this during your stillness time,
perceiving the spirit fibers of light that feed this pool of consciousness
with the Father's LOVE, seeding in divine values that translate into new
meanings as more facts of co-creation and creation are discovered. So, my
dear brethren, Michael's plans are working.

We now invite you to truly, deeply feel that desire for more of His plans to
envelope the world. Focus this desire from your heart as you hold the world
in that field of REHABILITATION language, and you may use that visualization
of wrapping the word REHABILITATION around the world in a counter clockwise
spiral from the North to the South Pole. But I encourage you to focus on
this desire and need for Michael's plans to soak in deeper into this
planet's consciousness, for this is what we use to support your efforts and
to build these circuits of spiritual vibrancy into what your world needs.

As we have done in the past, you may roam the world, settling your gaze upon
those places where you would wish to see more of Michael's plans of
correction take root and form the new construct of consciousness. There are
so many places and situations, so take your time as you settle your gaze
wherever your heart desires. We will meet you there and add what we can.
Take your time and enjoy seeding Michael's LOVE and WILL into these places
of great need. (Pause)

There are innumerable situations all across the globe just waiting to
receive Michael's plans of correction. Many people are being stimulated,
prepared to receive these energies. With great love within your hearts,
great devotion to Michael, great compassion for your brothers and sisters,
send these energies into these situations and circumstances. We will
continue to provide you the environment to settle you gaze into these ways
and means. Continue to desire Michael stepping in, as if He were personally
reaching in and healing every wound with His loving touch, for in reality
this is what you are providing. (Pause)


Feel your desire for this. Go deeper into the fields of consciousness to
bring in the new reality, to carve a new foundation of spirit, and be the
heart of human activity. Join me in affirming this spiritual language of:
FATHER. IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER. Let that be directed into
the focus you maintain. (Pause)

Now lift yourself up to the Father in Paradise and carry this world in your
mind's eye with you. Let us spend these final moments together thanking the
Father for His WILL and for Michael's plans of correction unfolding here
upon this world and within each one of you more deeply.

Father, we thank your Son for His plans of correction that have been
sanctioned by you, and are operating in your WILL upon this world, and for
these courageous children who have volunteered to be your hands, your hearts
and your mouths to speak the words of love and to minister healing to your
children. We thank and honor your presence in their lives, and we stand
with appreciation that your presence within them is becoming stronger.
Bless these little ones and strengthen them for the tasks at hand each and
every day. Thank you. (Pause)

Dear brethren, the hand of the Father is extended to you. This is a very
large hand you may imagine, yet it guides you gently but powerfully in His
WILL, in His plan. We invite you to feel more of that presence within your
beings, and as you sense this, envision yourself planting this energy into
the earth plane, patting it gently into the ground, projecting your heart
energies into it that the Father's WILL would become more operative, and
Michael's plans of correction contained within that will unfold more
securely within the circuits of consciousness. Let the REHABILITATION that
He wishes to seed in this planet gain strength and attract more people to
what is unfolding, and provide that mighty force for others to join in and
participate in the building of the circuits for Light and Life to blossom
here. This is your sacred work, my brethren, each one of you contributes
something to grow Michael's plan here upon this world. (Pause)

So the circuit is complete. The light is growing. The shadow is fading,
and Michael's plans are indeed providing the stage for a mighty
transformation in peoples' minds and hearts. Enjoy the unfolding of this
time of correction and ensure that you are doing your part each and every
day to make it an ever more present reality. We will be there to assist you
and provide you with many opportunities to continue to make it so. Good
day, my dear brethren.

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