[tmtranscripts] Monjoronson 9-11-11

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 17:00:31 PDT 2011

Conference Call with Monjoronson
Center for Christ Consciousness
 <http://www.ctrforchristcon.org> www.ctrforchristcon.org
September 11, 2011


Topic:  Dismantling Terrorism 

T/R Donna D'Ingillo


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we thank you for this opportunity to come
together,  to focus on the healing of our world under the expert direction
of our beloved Magisterial Son. As you know, this is a day of remembrance,
and we dedicate this call to the lives of those individuals who gave
themselves to save others because of the violent acts of a few individuals.
We lift ourselves up to you, we thank you for weaving us together in unity,
as one mind, one intention, one heart, one focusing beam of healing. We are
ready to receive our Magisterial Son's direction now and we are very
grateful for this opportunity to be of service to our brothers and sisters
and our world. May your will be done.


MONJORONSON:  Greetings one and all, my brethren. This is Monjoronson
welcoming you to this forum of planetary transformation and upliftment. Many
of you recall the events that transpired in your country on this day ten
years ago. It was the senseless act of violence designed to create fear, to
foster disharmony, spread the infection of terrorism. Today you are gathered
here, remembering what occurred on this day, and to focus your energies now
on the reparations necessary to remove and catalyze healing on this desire
for terrorism.


The act of terrorism operates, as you well know, out of alignment of the
Father's will. Terrorism, fostered by hate and fear, is still very much
rampant on Urantia. It is not necessarily confined to a group of individuals
for there is a type of terrorism, a type of sabotage that Urantian minds are
susceptible to, and this is not only affecting the victims of those
senseless acts of terrorism, it affects everyone, every human being, every
living creature on this world. 


Today, my mission and ministry is now being shared with you. Each of you has
been prompted to attend this call today, and I invite you now to come into
this energy configuration of the Magisterial Mission. Before we focus your
efforts on expunging your planet from the fields of terrorism, I invite you
to come to me, open your heart to me, and ask for the spiritual drawing
power of the Magisterial Mission echo more resoundingly in your heart: to
build in you that spiritual energy of what my mission is about to bring to
Urantia. Each of you will participate in your own unique way, based on your
desires, your abilities and your willingness. 


Focus now on this desire to be of service to me and to participate in this
momentous undertaking of MERCY on Urantia and I will move in you, share
myself with you.  Focus in your heart centers and draw in my presence.


Allow the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION to form over your heart centers. See
this in your mind's eye over your heart. Feel your desires for the energies
of the Magisterial Mission draw into your being, integrate into your
understanding, become a more viable and vibrant part of who you are.  Take a
few moments to focus on this now and receive what my staff and I wish to
share with you. (Pause)


Each one of you is uniquely ministered to by various personalities of
Michael and Mother Spirit.  Some of you will be prompted to gather in small
groups to work in the clearing of the grid. Some of you will be prompted to
collaborate in small groups to help one another clear your own energies and
blocks from the mindal currents of the rebellion energies still existent on
this planet. Some of you will be prompted to come together in larger groups
that are now forming to work for planetary transformation. Listen to your
internal cues, my children. Listen to how you are being prompted. The more
you desire this, the more you long to be of service, the more help and inner
prompting you will receive. 


The network of Light Workers is growing on Urantia. We ask you to shine your
light brightly so that others may be attracted to what you receive in spirit
in this invisible realm, which is nonetheless real. It is a powerful force
of change on Urantia. As these words settle in, feel your desire to be of
service now as we prepare you to focus where we will be directing your heart
and thought energies. (Pause)


Let us begin. In your mind's eye, see the world--the globe--in front of your
heart. As you see this, connect your heart to the globe--the world. Draw a
line of energy from your heart to encircle the world in front of you. From
that place in your heart, feel your desire for this tendency toward
terrorism, the desire for terrorism that exists on your world, be dismantled
in MERCY, FORGIVENESS, LOVE and PEACE. Allow those words to flow from your
heart into the world, focusing directly into those areas on the planet where
this desire for terrorism is firmly entrenched. It is not important that you
know or see where these entrenched energies are. That you are participating
in dismantling this through the conveyance of language and spirit contained
within the words MERCY, FORGIVENESS, LOVE and PEACE. Feel your desire for
these words to overtake these tendencies in the human will. Feel your desire
for LOYALTY TO THE FATHER'S WILL to penetrate deeply into these old codes.
Take your time and feel LOVE, MERCY, and FORGIVENESS generate from your
heart right into the globe and we will direct it to where it will do the
most good. You may begin. (Pause)


In these focusing exercises, you are doing more than helping to dismantle
these grids of fear and terrorism. You are training your mind to be
outwardly focused from an internal vantage point--from the spirit in you.
This is a much better use of your mindal energies--your thoughts, your
feelings--than by allowing planetary mindset to run your thoughts. You are
learning to extricate yourself from how most people use their minds--how
they think and feel--directing your thoughts more positively, more
constructively, more creatively. 


Can you imagine if all the humans on this world were thus focused today? Can
you imagine the amount of light that would be generated to dismantle all
these mindsets that have been perpetuated by those who have rejected the
Father's LOVE and MERCY? So continue to focus, know that you are doing much
good, not only for your planet, but for yourselves. Send this light, send
this desire to the world and we will continue to move it about, dismantling
those places where great terrorism and destruction have been waged. (Pause)


Now see your heart full of FORGIVENESS, full of MERCY and COMPASSION for
those individuals who have perpetuated those acts of terrorism. These souls,
their hearts and minds have been corrupted, and yet beyond that behavior
there is a spark of light within these individuals. It may be buried deep,
it may be very faint. Focus on FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION and MERCY. Penetrate
into those parts that have held the desire for terrorism within them. We
will help these individuals. You will help these individuals become less
susceptible to these imprisoning thought forms and constructs. It is not
important that you know who they are; we know who they are. We will direct
these energies so they will receive something very beneficial to help them
to see into their own behavior, to lay down these weapons of mass
destruction that they hold in their hearts and minds.  (Pause)


The grid of fear is being dismantled, is being slowly dismantled so as not
to cause overmuch destruction in the fabric of your planetary consciousness.
The more you turn within and spend time with your Father Fragment, spend
time in being encircuited in loving parental energies of Michael and
Nebadonia, will you help this world remove itself from the forces of fear.


Each human has a part to play in this great awakening and liberation. We ask
you to do your part each and every day. Take a few moments and go within and
spend a few moments with your indwelling Father Fragments, communing with
them, to help you find more encouragement, desire, and drive to participate
in this great time of correction upon Urantia. (Pause)


Now in your mind's eye, envision your world and let us lift it up to the
Paradise Trinity on the Isle of Paradise. In your mind's eye, see your world
held in the embrace of the Paradise Trinity on the Isle of Paradise. Focus
on these worlds, PARADISE TRINITY and ISLE OF PARADISE and let the words and
the energy contained in these words embrace Urantia. (Pause)


Feel your desire for the will of the Paradise Trinity and the laws of the
Isle of Paradise to rain down upon Urantia now. 


Father, it is our will that your will be made manifest on this earth,
enlivening your love in the hearts of your children, claiming your glory in
the current of thoughts, consciousness here. Thank you for the outpouring of
your WILL and LOVE, LIFE and CREATIVE POWER and presence on Urantia. We
thank you for the gift of your Creator Son and Creative Daughter holding
this world in their love, shining your glory to the hearts and minds of all
living creatures here. 


And now feel your desire for those individuals, many, many around the globe
who are still beholden to the energies of terrorism. Whether they are
victims or perpetrators, it matters not. Feel in your heart your desire for
the LOVE LIGHT of Paradise and the Paradise Trinity to move into them. We
will add new circuits, new life force where it is most needed. (Pause)


My dear brethren, this is a day to remember, a day to celebrate that you
have participated in birthing something new upon Urantia, this time, on this
day, when the chains of terrorism are being broken and that a new reality is
dawning within the human heart. I encourage you to spend some time in your
stillness each day, seeding the energies of MERCY, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION
and LOVE to the planet as a whole. Ask for it to continue to break up the
energies of terrorism. Focus only on spiritual qualities that you are adding
into the planet. Simply set your intention that this is where you want your
energies to be directed and we will do the rest.


Circuits are open and receptive to your thought energies. We ask that you
continue to focus on this today as you remember the events that occurred
here ten years ago. On behalf of my staff, myriads of angels, seraphim and
unrevealed orders who witness and participate with you, we thank you. Even
though you are in human form, you are one of us, and we are in you. We
delight in your dedication, your perseverance, your faith, we honor your
status as Agondonters and we ask the Father's love to embrace you fully and
bringing you into that peace that surpasses all human understanding. May you
rest easy in this day and derive great joy. Good afternoon.


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